393 research outputs found

    Performance Evaluation and Analysis of Effective Range and Data Throughput for Unmodified Bluetooth Communication Devices

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    The DoD and the Air Force continually seek to incorporate new technology in an effort to improve communication, work effectiveness, and efficiency. Office devices utilizing Bluetooth technology simplify device configuration and communication. They provide a means to communicate wirelessly over short distances thereby eliminating the need for different vendor specific cables and interfaces. One of the key concerns involved in incorporating new communication technology is security; the fundamental security concern of wireless communication is interception. Studies focusing on IEEE 802.11b have shown vulnerability zones around many DoD installations that reflect the ranges at which wireless communications using the 802.11b standard can be intercepted

    Advanced signal processing techniques for WiFi-based Passive Radar for short-range surveillance

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    In this work, advanced signal processing techniques for a Passive Radar (PR) based on WiFi transmissions are considered. The possibility to exploit such a ubiquitous and accessible source is shown to be an appropriate choice for the detection, localization and imaging of vehicles, people and aircrafts within short ranges in both outdoor and indoor environments

    ICTs, Climate Change and Development: Themes and Strategic Actions

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    Future of Wireless Data Communication

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    This thesis develops four scenarios, illustrating the future of wireless data communication

    Exploring Computing Continuum in IoT Systems: Sensing, Communicating and Processing at the Network Edge

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    As Internet of Things (IoT), originally comprising of only a few simple sensing devices, reaches 34 billion units by the end of 2020, they cannot be defined as merely monitoring sensors anymore. IoT capabilities have been improved in recent years as relatively large internal computation and storage capacity are becoming a commodity. In the early days of IoT, processing and storage were typically performed in cloud. New IoT architectures are able to perform complex tasks directly on-device, thus enabling the concept of an extended computational continuum. Real-time critical scenarios e.g. autonomous vehicles sensing, area surveying or disaster rescue and recovery require all the actors involved to be coordinated and collaborate without human interaction to a common goal, sharing data and resources, even in intermittent networks covered areas. This poses new problems in distributed systems, resource management, device orchestration,as well as data processing. This work proposes a new orchestration and communication framework, namely CContinuum, designed to manage resources in heterogeneous IoT architectures across multiple application scenarios. This work focuses on two key sustainability macroscenarios: (a) environmental sensing and awareness, and (b) electric mobility support. In the first case a mechanism to measure air quality over a long period of time for different applications at global scale (3 continents 4 countries) is introduced. The system has been developed in-house from the sensor design to the mist-computing operations performed by the nodes. In the second scenario, a technique to transmit large amounts of fine-time granularity battery data from a moving vehicle to a control center is proposed jointly with the ability of allocating tasks on demand within the computing continuum

    Engaging Diverse Audiences: The Role of Community Radio in Rural Climate Change Knowledge Translation

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    Community radio is an important form of knowledge dissemination, especially in rural areas where it can create opportunities for a geographically spread-out audience to engage in local debates. Through this article, we reflect on the community-building function of radio and consider how it can be mobilized to support climate change knowledge transfer in rural communities. Our reflections draw on the use of community radio during the Gros Morne Climate Change Symposium, an event that brought together researchers, practitioners, and community members to discuss coastal climate change adaptation in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. We consider the history of radio in Canada, its role in rural communities, and review experiences with radio-focused knowledge dissemination in other locations to frame our own discussion of the topic. Through reflection, each of the co-authors highlights their understanding of the role of community radio at the symposium and argue for the continuing relevance of radio in an era when digital communications are more common. We conclude by arguing that community radio can strengthen place-based identities by creating a distinct forum for engagement and is therefore an important tool for climate change knowledge transfer

    Methodologies for the assessment of industrial and energy assets, based on data analysis and BI

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    In July 2020, post pandemic onset, Europe launched the Next Generation EU (NGEU) program. The amount of resources deployed to revitalize Europe has reached 750 billion. The NGEU initiative directs significant resources to Italy. These funds can enable our country to boost investment and increase employment. The missions of Italian Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) include digitization, innovation and sustainable mobility (rail network investments, etc.). In this context, this doctorate thesis discusses the importance of infrastructure for society with a special focus on energy, railway and motorway infrastructure. The central theme of sustainability, defined by the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCDE) as ''development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs’’, is also highlighted. Through their activities and relationships, organizations contribute positively or negatively to the goal of sustainable development. Sustainability becomes an integrated part of corporate culture. First research in this thesis describes how Artificial Intelligence techniques can play a supporting role for both maintenance operators in tunnel monitoring and those responsible for safety in operation. Relevant information can be extracted from large volumes of data from sensor equipment in an efficient, fast, dynamic and adaptive manner and made immediately usable by those operating machinery and services to support rapid decisions. Performing sensor-based analysis in motorway tunnels represents a major technological breakthrough that would simplify tunnel management activities and thus the detection of possible deterioration, while keeping risk within tolerance limits. The idea involves the creation of an algorithm for detecting faults, acquiring real-time data from tunnel subsystem sensors and using it to help identify the tunnel's state of service. Artificial intelligence models were trained over a sixmonth period with a granularity of one-hour time series measured on a road tunnel forming part of the Italian motorway systems. The verification was carried out with 3 reference to a series of failures recorded by the sensors. The second research argument is relates to the transfer capacities of high-voltage overhead lines (HVOHL), which are often limited by the critical temperature of the power line, which depends on the magnitude of the current transferred and the environmental conditions, i.e. ambient temperature, wind, etc. In order to use existing power lines more effectively (with a view to progressive decarbonization) and more safely with respect to critical power line temperatures, this work proposes a Dynamic Thermal Rating (DTR) approach using IoT sensors installed on a number of HV OHL located in different geographical locations in Italy. The objective is to estimate the temperature and ampacity of the OHL conductor, using a data-driven thermomechanical model with a bayesian probabilistic approach, in order to improve the confidence interval of the results. This work shows that it might be possible to estimate a spatio-temporal temperature distribution for each OHL and an increase in the threshold values of the effective current to optimize the OHL ampacity. The proposed model was validated using the Monte Carlo method. Finally, in this thesis is presented study on KPIs as indispensable allies of top management in the asset control phase. They are often overwhelmed by the availability of a huge amount of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Most managers struggle In understanding and identifying the few vital management metrics and instead collect and report a vast amount of everything that is easy to measure. As a result, they end up drowning in data, thirsty for information. This condition does not allow good systems management. The aim of this research is help the Asset Management System (AMS) of a railway infrastructure manager using business intelligence (BI) to equip itself with a KPI management system in line with the AM presented by the normative ISO 55000 - 55001 - 55002 and UIC (International Union of Railways) guideline, for the specific case of a railway infrastructure. This work starts from the study of these regulations, continues with the exploration, definition and use of KPIs. Subsequently KPIs of a generic infrastructure are identified and analyzed, 4 especially for the specific case of a railway infrastructure manager. These KPIs are fitted in the internal elements of the AM frameworks (ISO-UIC) for systematization. Moreover, an analysis of the KPIs now used in the company is made, compared with the KPIs that an infrastructure manager should have. Starting from here a gap analysis is done for the optimization of AMS

    New forms of radio in Europe and in Finland

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    The aim of this Master's Thesis is to map out, what new and emerging technological advances are made in radio in Europe, what options are there, whether and how it is going to evolve and if this evolution may affect the listening experience and if it will, how. In addition to the technology itself, the technological process is an issue of both politics and economics. From the technological point of view, the study focuses in a limited set of the main new forms of radio in Europe: the digital radios, radio on the Internet and the hybrid radio formats. The predominant debate related to radio's technological process in Europe concerns the radio digitalisation project and whether digital radio format DAB (Digital audio broadcasting) will replace the analogue FM radio network. The theoretical framework of this study lies in the historical context of new mass media technologies and their diffusion to the society. The future of the radio as a broadcasting technology can be mirrored to its own history but also to several other broadcasting technologies and the socio-economical and political impacts of their introduction and diffusion to the mass media consumption. Also, recent studies and news articles concerning the current state of radio's technological process are an important part of creating a thorough image of how radio is evolving in each of the focus countries. The methodology of this study is a simplified version of the Delphi method commonly associated to the future studies: The study includes interviews with six experts from different European countries from specific different areas in order to cover all the necessary aspects radio's current state and possible futures. The focus countries represented in the study are the Czech Republic, Finland, France, Norway, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, all with very different paths when it comes to the evolution of the radio. The findings of the study suggest that out of the six focus countries, five are all on their path to radio digitalisation. Norway is the first one to complete the shutdown of its FM network by the end of 2017. The Norwegian process is observed with anticipation by the countries still in earlier stages of the digitalisation. Finland is the only country within the group that has no plans when it comes to digital radio. The future of the radio in Europe is believed to be digital but also hybrid as internet- related services and features are introduced in various forms to the radio audiences. The Internet offers an additional service platform but, according to the experts interviewed, is not going to replace the traditional forms of radio. Whether the analogue radio will be completely replaced by the digital radio is still uncertain. It will however not happen before the 2030s

    A feasibility study of wireless network technologies for rural broadband connectivity

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    The adoption of wireless broadband technologies to provide network and Internet connectivity in rural communities has conveyed the possibility to overcome the challenges caused by marginalization and many other characteristics possessed by these rural communities. With their different capabilities, these technologies enable communication for rural communities internally within the community and externally on a global scale. Deployment of these technologies in rural areas requires consideration of different factors - these are in contrast, to those considered when deploying these technologies in non-rural, urban areas. Numerous research show consideration of facts for deployment of broadband technologies in urban/ non-rural environments and a little has been done in considering facts for deployment in rural environments. Hence this research aims to define guidelines for selection of broadband technologies and make recommendations on which technologies are suitable for deployment in rural communities, thereby considering facts that are true only within these rural communities. To achieve this, the research determines the metrics that are relevant and important to consider when deploying wireless broadband technology in rural communities of South Africa. It further undertakes a survey of wireless broadband technologies that are suitable for deployment in such areas. The study first profiles a list of wireless communication technologies, determines and documents characteristics of rural communities in Africa, determines metrics used to declare technologies feasible in rural areas. The metrics and rural characteristics are then used to identify technologies that are better suited than others. Informed by this initial profiling, one technology: mobile WiMAX is then selected for deployment and further evaluation. A technical review of mobile WiMAX is then carried out by deploying it at our research site in the rural, marginalized community of Dwesa (Eastern Cape, South Africa). The final section of this research provides recommendations that mobile WiMAX, LTE and Wi-Fi are the best suitable technologies for deployment in rural marginalized environments. This has been supported by extensive research and real life deployment of both Wi-Fi and mobile WiMAX. This research also recommends consideration of the following facts when seeking deployment of these technologies in rural communities: the geographical setting of the target terrain, the distances between sources and target customers and distances between target communities, weather conditions of the area, applications to be deployed over the network, social well-being of the community and their financial freedom as well
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