29 research outputs found

    Analysis and Design of a Linear Tubular Electric Machine for Free-piston Stirling Micro-cogeneration Systems

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    The UE investments for the renewable source development, in order to achieve the set goals (Kyoto protocol and “20-20-20” targets), push to investigate in new technologies and to develop the existing. In this context, the cogeneration (CHP) plays a fundamental role, and in particular, the micro-CHP has wide development margins. Among the different cogeneration process, the systems driven by a free-piston Stirling engine are one of the most significant challenges in the research area. In such systems, the thermal energy, coming from primary energy source (for example renewable energy), is converted into mechanical energy through a Stirling engine, and then a linear generator converts the mechanical energy into electrical energy, finally, the generator is connected to the electric grid or to the load by means of an electric converter. The use of the linear generator, instead of the traditional systems of linear to alternating motion conversion (rod-crank system), allows achieving several advantages, including: improving the system reliability, noise and cost reduction. Finally, this kind of system, if well-designed, allows improving the system efficiency. In this thesis a linear generator, directly coupled to a free-piston Stirling engine in a CHP system, was developed and analysed. It was found, after a first phase of the study and literature review, that the most convenient choice, from the technical and economic point of view, is a single-phase tubular permanent magnet linear generator. In particular, the magnets are made of plasto-neodymium, while, for the realization of the stator magnetic circuit, due to the geometrical complexity, soft magnetic composites (SMC) materials have been considered. In order to determine the generator performance, an analysis method based on FEAs was developed. This simplified method (HFEA) allows the study and the comparison of different magnetization patterns and current supply strategies. The proposed methodology exploits the representation of the magnetization spatial harmonics through an analytical processing that allows taking into account different magnetization profile of the permanent magnets. Thus, it was possible to reconstruct the most important quantities, such as the flux density and the flux linkage, superposing the effect of each harmonic obtained through the Fourier analysis. Furthermore, a procedure, able to reproduce the effects of magnetic saturation of the mover, generally not negligible in such kind of machines, was developed. For this purpose, an appropriate surface current distribution on the yoke of the mover was introduced, in order to reproduce the demagnetizing effect due to the saturation. By means of the air gap flux density, the force provided by linear generator was calculated, while, by means of the flux density sampled on suitable points on the stator and mover yokes, the iron losses were estimated and then the machine efficiency. By means of the flux linkage the emf provided by linear generator was determined. The results show a very good agreement with corresponding FEAs. The proposed analysis method allows carrying out a parametric analysis with a lower computational effort. Thanks to this feature, different magnetization patterns, supply strategies and SMC materials can be compared in order to optimize the machine design. A prototype based on the design guidelines was built; then, a procedure based on experimental measurement was developed to characterize the electromagnetic parameters. To determine the magnetization profile of the magnets, the flux density on the mover surface was carried out by means of a Gaussmeter. As regards the SMC materials that compose the stator core, a calculation method was developed from suitable experimental elaborations, in order to determine the most important magnetic properties, such as the BH curve and core loss coefficients. From experimental results, it can be noted that the actual characteristics are poorer than those provided by the manufactured datasheets, likely due to the manufacturing processes and spurious air gaps between the SMC modules. The update electromagnetic parameters are used to determine the actual performance of the machine, particularly to estimate the efficiency, the emf and the force. Finally, a simplified model of the cogeneration system was developed in order to predict the dynamic behaviour and particularly, the actual values of the speed, output power and efficiency. This model allows developing the control strategy of the linear generator acting on the electric converter

    Modelling and Analysis of Multi-Three-Phase Drives for Radial Force Control

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    In the field of electrical machines for radial force control, several solutions have been proposed, all of which are able to simultaneously generate a magnetic flux distribution at the airgap required to produce torque and radial force. It is possible to divide the solutions into two main categories based on the arrangement of the windings. The first makes use of two separate sets of windings: one to generate the torque and the other to produce the radial force. The second is based on a combined winding, typically multiphase, that contributes simultaneously to the production of torque and radial force. The study presented in this thesis focuses on multiphase solutions. Multiphase electrical machines have a better fault-tolerance capability and the utilization of the entire winding for both torque and force production is considered potentially more efficient, due to the higher exploitation of the copper in the slots. The radial force control is proposed in order to reduce bearing stress since bearings are one of the most critical parts of an electric machine in terms of the probability of failure. Therefore, improving the fault-tolerance capability through radial force control is a promising research topic in the field of multiphase electrical machines. The purpose of the thesis activity is to obtain a mechanical model of the electric motor and incorporate it with the electromagnetic model of a multiphase electric machine, simulate the behavior of the motor through a numerical model (in Matlab/Simulink environment) and evaluate a control algorithm that allows improving the motor's performance by active compensation of rotor vibration. The multiphysics model of the multiphase drive and the control are based on a prototype and available in the laboratory of the PEMC (Power Electronics, Machines and Control) group at the University of Nottingham, UK. Preliminary experimental tests have been carried out to validate the models

    Permanent magnet Vernier machines for direct-drive offshore wind power: benefits and challenges

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    Permanent magnet Vernier (PM-V) machines, at low power levels (few kWs), have shown a great potential to improve the torque density of existing direct-drive PM machines without much compromising on efficiency or making the machine structure more complicated. An improved torque density is very desirable for offshore wind power applications where the size of the direct-drive machine is an increasing concern. However, the relatively poor power factors of the PM-V machines will increase the power converter rating and hence cost. The objective of this paper is to review the benefits and challenges of PM-V machines for direct-drive offshore wind power applications. The review has been presented considering the system-level (direct-drive generator + converter) performance comparison between the surface-mounted permanent magnet Vernier (SPM-V) machines and the conventional SPM machines. It includes the indepth discussion on the challenges facing the PM-V machines when they are scaled up for multi-MW offshore wind power application. Other PM-V topologies discussed in literature have also been reviewed to asses their suitability for offshore wind power application

    Investigation of novel multi-layer spoke-type ferrite interior permanent magnet machines

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    The permanent magnet synchronous machines have been attracting more and more attention due to the advantages of high torque density, outstanding efficiency and maturing technologies. Under the urges of mandatory energy efficiency requirements, they are considered as the most potential candidates to replace the comparatively low-efficient induction machines which dominate the industrial market. However, most of the high performance permanent magnet machines are based on high cost rare-earth materials. Thus, there will be huge demands for low-cost high-performance permanent magnet machines. Ferrite magnet is inexpensive and abundant in supply, and is considered as the most promising alternative to achieve the goal of low cost and high performance. In consideration of the low magnetic energy, this thesis explored the recent developments and possible ideas of ferrite machines, and proposed a novel multi-layer spoke-type interior permanent magnet configuration combining the advantages of flux focusing technique and multi-layer structure. With comparable material cost to induction machines, the proposed ferrite magnet design could deliver 27% higher power with 2-4% higher efficiency with exactly the same frame size. Based on the data base of International Energy Agency (IEA), electricity consumed by electric machines reached 7.1PWh in 2006 [1]. Considering that induction machines take up 90% of the overall industrial installation, the potential energy savings is enormous. This thesis contributes in five key aspects towards the investigation and design of low-cost high-performance ferrite permanent magnet machines. Firstly, accurate analytical models for the multi-layer configurations were developed with the consideration of spatial harmonics, and provided effective yet simple way for preliminary design. Secondly, the influence of key design parameters on performance of the multi-layer ferrite machines were comprehensively investigated, and optimal design could be carried out based on the insightful knowledge revealed. Thirdly, systematic investigation of the demagnetization mechanism was carried out, focusing on the three key factors: armature MMF, intrinsic coercivity and working temperature. Anti-demagnetization designs were presented accordingly to reduce the risk of performance degradation and guarantee the safe operation under various loading conditions. Then, comparative study was carried out with a commercial induction machine for verification of the superior performance of the proposed ferrite machine. Without loss of generality, the two machines had identical stator cores, same rotor diameter and stacking length. Under the operating condition of same stator copper loss, the results confirmed the superior performance of the ferrite machine in terms of torque density, power factor and efficiency. Lastly, mechanical design was discussed to reduce the cost of mass production, and the experimental effort on the prototype machine validates the advantageous performance as well as the analytical and FEA predictions

    Magnetic gears numerical modelling and optimization

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    The main focus of this thesis is to provide efficient modelling and optimization strategies for a certain electro-magnetic device known as magnetic gear. In particular, magnetic, thermal and mechanical models are discussed and the non-linear material models are examined, including permanent magnets demagnetization algorithms and hysteresis models in laminated sheets. From the magnetic modelling point of view, an analytic approach for the initial simplified gear design is presented. A special focus is given to the computational burden of the method that is especially tailored for stochastic optimization procedures. For the detailed analysis of magnetic gears, an algorithm based on Finite Element / Boundary Element coupling is proposed, including ferromagnetic non-linearities, mechanical ordinary differential equations, eddy currents and circuit equations. Detailed models are introduced and discussed to analyze the effects of soft material hysteresis and permanent magnets magnetization, demagnetization and recoil. Loss mechanisms in magnetic gears are also investigated, and the transmission losses at varying rotational speeds and load angles are analyzed. A simplified mechanical model of the magnetic gear is presented and formulated as a set of inequality constraints, thus giving a direct link to optimization strategies. The mechanical constraints include the iron poles displacements and stresses and the limitations on the rotational speed due to excessive stresses, resonances and vibrations. A simplified analysis based on an equivalent thermal network is also presented, where the axial cooling flux is also considered. Stochastic optimization techniques are discussed for a multi-physic optimized machine design, and the analytic model is embedded in a Differential Evolution scheme. Finally, the optimized results are discussed and compared to commercial mechanical gearboxes. A solution based on the stiffness rods connection is also proposed and analyzed to provide a damping effect when the gear operation becomes asynchronous. During the PhD, there has been a constant effort aimed at building a prototype for the validation of the numerical models but, for different reasons, none of the manufacturers finalized the project. Thus, all the algorithms have been validated by comparing their output with commercial codes or, when possible, with data from experiments retrieved from literature. Because of this reasons and since the major objective of this thesis regards the numerical techniques for magnetic gears simulation, different magnetic transmissions have been adopted as numerical test cases for the validation of the algorithms

    Magnetic Material Modelling of Electrical Machines

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    The need for electromechanical energy conversion that takes place in electric motors, generators, and actuators is an important aspect associated with current development. The efficiency and effectiveness of the conversion process depends on both the design of the devices and the materials used in those devices. In this context, this book addresses important aspects of electrical machines, namely their materials, design, and optimization. It is essential for the design process of electrical machines to be carried out through extensive numerical field computations. Thus, the reprint also focuses on the accuracy of these computations, as well as the quality of the material models that are adopted. Another aspect of interest is the modeling of properties such as hysteresis, alternating and rotating losses and demagnetization. In addition, the characterization of materials and their dependence on mechanical quantities such as stresses and temperature are also considered. The reprint also addresses another aspect that needs to be considered for the development of the optimal global system in some applications, which is the case of drives that are associated with electrical machines

    Recyclable Electrical Machine Designs with 3D Flux and Non-Traditional Materials

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    Magnetically Geared Electrical Machines

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    Considerable research efforts are being carried out worldwide to develop technologies which meet the increasing demand for the efficient utilisation of energy resources. Modern applications, such as renewable energy and electrical vehicles, place a premium on electro-mechanical energy conversion in a power dense and high efficiency manner. Magnetic gears (MG) and magnetically geared machines, offer an attractive alternative to existing systems which may favour the combination of a high speed electrical machine with a mechanical gearbox. This has led to the opportunity to use Pseudo Direct Drives (PDDs) and MGs to be developed for use on an industrial scale. Therefore, in this thesis techniques for facilitating the manufacture and robustness of PDDs are presented, for both radial and axial field topologies. This includes use of alternative windings and soft magnetic composites. PDDs and MGs has so far mainly been developed in the radial topology and little attention has been given to axial topologies. The pole piece (PP) rotor required for MG operation, represents the main difference between PDD/MG and a conventional electrical machine. As such the PP shape and supporting structures have been investigated both in terms of electromagnetic and mechanical performance. Furthermore, detailed electromagnetic and thermal design and analysis of an axial field PDD (AFPDD) with improved robustness was undertaken, and a prototype was manufactured to demonstrate the operation of the AFPDD and validate the predictions