10 research outputs found

    Mobile Signal Path Losses in Microcells behind Buildings

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    The paper presents measurement results of the GSM (900 MHz band), UMTS (2100 MHz band), and LTE (1800 MHz band) propagation path loss (PL) in the urban area behind the buildings of ten different heights. The results were compared with the 7 most popular models. It was found that the existing models approximate the experimental results with relatively large errors. The new model, which evaluates the path loss variation nature behind the buildings, is proposed. This new model shows good agreement with measurements for all three mobile technologies. The average relative error is less than 6.5 %

    Utjecaj LTE sustava zasnovanog na kognitivnoj radio tehnologiji na DVB-T2 sustav zasnovan na metodi diverzifikacije

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    In recent years, the development of advanced wireless communication systems has been rapidly progressing. In Europe, the 2nd Generation Terrestrial Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB-T2) and Long-Term Evolution (LTE) are the most promising techniques to provide multimedia services efficiently (in flexible quality and with high spectrum efficiency). The purpose of this work is to explore possible influences of the LTE {uplink services}, using cognitive radio (CR) technology, on the area which is covered by DVB-T2 services. In the case of DVB-T2, both single-input single-output (SISO) and multiple-input single-output (MISO) transmission techniques are considered. The defined coexistence scenarios are measured with an appropriate measurement testbed. The performance of the received TV signal is evaluated on its physical layer (PHY) level. The obtained results allow better understand the influence of LTE system on DVB-T2 which is using diversity technique in the same RF channel (co-channel coexistence). One of the main results is that there are the same requirements on the Forward Error Correction (FEC) decoding process in the DVB-T2 receiver, when power imbalances between TV transmitters (an both SISO and MISO modes) are considered at the interfering LTE signal. This finding was also proved by analysis of variance (ANOVA).U posljednje vrijeme se znatno ubrzao razvoj naprednih bežičnih komunikacijskih sustava. U Europi metode prijenosa signala zasnovane na DVB-T2 (eng. 2nd Generation Terrestrial Digital Video Broadcasting) i LTE (eng. Long-Term Evolution) metodama najviše obećavaju u području učinkovitog pružanja multimedijalnih usluga (s prilagodivom kvalitetom i s visokom učinkovitosti spektra). U ovom radu je razmotrena mogućnost korištenja LTE signala uzlazne veze, uz korištenje kognitivne radio tehnologije, u području pokrivenom DVB-T2 signalom. Razmotrene su metode prijenosa DVB-T2 signala s jednim ulazom i jednim izlazom (eng. Single-Input Single-Output, SISO) te više ulaza i jednim izlazom (eng. Multiple-Input Single-Output, MISO). Definirani su scenariji koegzistencije i isti su izmjereni korištenjem prikladnog mjernog ispitnog stola. Kvaliteta primljenog TV signala je evaluirana na fizičkom sloju. Prikupljeni rezultati omogućuju bolje razumijevanje utjecaja LTE sustava na DVB-T2 koji koristi metodu diverzifikacije u istom radio-frekvencijskom kanalu (koegzistencija susjednog kanala). Jedan od glavnih rezultata je postojanje istih zahtjeva na proces dekodiranja s ispravljanjem pogrešaka u prijemniku (eng. Forward Error Correction) DVB-T2 prijemnika kada se neravnoteža snaga između TV predajnika (MISO i SISO režimi rada) uzima u obzir na interferirajućem LTE signalu. Navedeni rezultat potvrđen je analizom varijance

    Spectrum Sharing for LTE-A and DTT: Field Trials of an Indoor LTE-A Femtocell in DVB-T2 Service Area

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    (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.In this paper, we study a particular case which goes a step beyond the previous ones, as it aims at sharing the same frequency band in the same area between long term evolution-advance (LTE-A) and digital video broadcasting-terrestrial second generation (DVB-T2) technologies. Those geographical areas that are not covered because the useful DTT signal is obstructed by the environment or it has a limited coverage by the network design can be called micro-TVWS. We assume that a DVB-T2 transmitter provides coverage for fixed rooftop reception as a primary service, to a building in which a LTE-A femtocell is installed indoors for local coverage, as a secondary service. The results have been obtained by laboratory emulation and validated through field measurements using professional equipment. Our results provide the technical restrictions of the LTE-A femtocell, mainly on the maximum allowable effective isotropic radiated power that could transmit on the DTT band in terms of carrier separation, from co-channel to adjacent band. These results meet the need of spectrum for IMT-Advanced technologies, so spectrum sharing is proposed in this paper as a new solution to make an efficient use of this resource.This work was supported in part by the Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia, Spain, under Grant "DEFINE5G" TEC2014-60258-C2-1-R and Grant "ARCO5G" TEC2014-56469-REDT, and in part by the European FEDER Funds.Martínez Pinzón, G.; Cardona Marcet, N.; García Pardo, C.; Fornés Leal, A.; Ribadeneira-Ramírez, JA. (2016). Spectrum Sharing for LTE-A and DTT: Field Trials of an Indoor LTE-A Femtocell in DVB-T2 Service Area. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting. 62(3):552-561. https://doi.org/10.1109/TBC.2016.2582338S55256162

    Interference Analysis Between Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) and 4G LTE Mobile Networks in the Digital Dividend Bands

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    With the introduction of digital terrestrial television (DTT) and the analogue television switch-off, terrestrial broadcast spectrum in the UHF band is being released for mobile communications, in particular for fourth generation (4G) long term evolution (LTE) mobile services. This spectrum is known as digital dividend. An impending problem when deploying 4G LTE mobile networks in the digital dividend bands is that interferences may appear in the adjacent radio frequency channels used for DTT. In this paper, we analyze the adjacent coexistence of DTT and 4G LTE networks in the digital dividend bands at 700 MHz and 800 MHz. A generic framework is adopted such that results can be easily extrapolated to different scenarios and bands. Results are presented as a function of the guard band between technologies, for both LTE uplink and downlink adjacent to the DTT signals, and for fixed outdoor and portable indoor DTT reception. Also, the effect of using anti-LTE filters is studied.This work was supported by the Spectrum Regulator of Colombia ANE (Agencia Nacional del Espectro).Ribadeneira Ramírez, JA.; Martínez, G.; Gómez Barquero, D.; Cardona, N. (2016). Interference Analysis Between Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) and 4G LTE Mobile Networks in the Digital Dividend Bands. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting. 62(1):24-34. doi:10.1109/TBC.2015.2492465S243462

    Interference Analysis between Mobile Radio and Digital Terrestrial Television in the Digital Dividend Spectrum

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    This paper is concerned with the analysis of adjacent channel interference of the Long Term Evolution (LTE) mobile system operating in the Digital Dividend into Digital Video Broadcasting – Terrestrial (DVB–T) system. Field measurements in the real LTE network have been conducted in order to define the most significant scenarios and for each of these, Protection Ratios have been quantified. Variable load on the LTE base station has been taken into consideration. Therefore, Protection Ratios for the LTE base station in idle state, and fully dedicated mode have been calculated. Interference mitigation techniques have been reviewed, and an effective deployment method has been proposed

    Study of Coexistence between Indoor LTE Femtocell and Outdoor-to-Indoor DVB-T2-Lite Reception in a Shared Frequency Band

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    Nowadays, the demand for high-quality multimedia services (video, audio, image, and data) is rapidly increasing. The Digital Video Broadcasting - terrestrial (DVB-T) standard, its second-generation version (DVB-T2), and the Long-Term Evolution (LTE) standard are the most promising systems to fulfill the demand for advanced multimedia services (e.g., high-definition image and video quality), especially in Europe. However, LTE mobile services can operate in a part of the UHF band allocated to DVB-T/T2 TV services previously. The main purpose of this work is to explore the possible coexistences of DVB-T2-Lite and LTE systems in the same shared frequency band (co-channel coexistence) under outdoor-to-indoor and indoor reception conditions. Furthermore, an applicable method for evaluating coexistence scenarios between both systems is shown with a particular example. These coexistence scenarios can be noncritical and critical. In the first case, both systems can coexist without significant performance degradation. In the second one, a partial or full loss of DVB-T2-Lite and/or LTE signals can occur. We consider an indoor LTE femtocell and outdoor-to-indoor DVB-T2-Lite signal reception in a frequency band from 791 up to 821 MHz. Simulations of combined indoor and outdoor signal propagation are performed in MATLAB using 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) channel models, separately for both DVB-T2-Lite and LTE systems. Correctness of path loss simulation results is verified by measurements. Afterwards, an appropriate linear model is proposed which enables to evaluate the impact of coexistence on performance of both systems in outdoor-to-indoor and indoor-to-indoor reception scenarios. The results are related to an actual location in the building and are presented in floor plans. The floor plans include different coexistence conditions (different power imbalance and different amount of overlay of the radio channels). Service availability of both systems is verified again by measurements. The resulting maps help better understand the effect of coexistence on achievable system performance under different indoor/outdoor reception situations considering real transmission conditions

    Coexistencia entre los sistemas LTE y DTV en la banda de 800 MHz

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    La televisión analógica utilizó, para su emisión, parte de la banda de frecuencia VHF (47 MHz- 230 MHz) y parte de la banda de UHF (470 MHz - 862 MHz). Con la llegada de la tecnología digital, se empleó de forma más eficiente el espectro radioeléctrico, y esto causó la liberación del mismo. A esta parte sobrante se le denominó Dividendo Digital (DD) y se destinó al uso de la telefonía móvil de última generación (4G), ya que en ese momento la prestación de servicios de banda ancha móvil era uno de los fines más demandados. Para que los ciudadanos pudiesen disfrutar de los nuevos servicios del 4G era necesario disponer de un conjunto de frecuencias contiguas. Por esta razón, y porque tenía mejores propiedades de propagación y penetración en el interior de edificios que las bandas con frecuencias más altas, Europa impuso que el DD ocupara la banda de 800 MHz (790 MHz – 862 MHz). Una vez que se asignaron las nuevas bandas de frecuencia, se observó que el primer canal del sistema LTE comenzaba en 791 MHz, mientras que el último canal del sistema TDT acababa en 790 MHz, existiendo una separación entre ambos sistemas de 1 MHz. Debido a esta distancia, resulta necesario desarrollar un estudio para concluir qué efecto producen las interferencias entre ambas tecnologías sobre los usuarios que se encuentran en la zona de cobertura de la estación base LTE y si es posible la convivencia entre ambos sistemas. Para ello, se distinguen dos escenarios: el primer escenario consiste en estudiar el efecto que la señal TDT produce sobre la señal LTE, y el segundo examina las interferencias que causa el sistema LTE sobre el sistema TDT. Una vez realizadas las simulaciones, en el escenario 1 se ha concluido que a mayor distancia entre las estaciones base transmisoras TDT y LTE menores son las interferencias y mayor es la zona de cobertura, y en el escenario 2 se ha deducido que a menor distancia menor es el efecto entre ambos sistemas. Para evitar el problema en este segundo caso sería necesario aumentar la banda de guarda.Analogic TV used for its emission part of the VHF frequency band (47 MHz- 230 MHz) and part of the UHF frequency band (470 MHz - 862 MHz). Since the digital technology arrival, the radioelectric spectrum has been used in a very efficient way, so that, caused the liberalization of a part of the radioelectric spectrum. This part was known as Digital Dividend(DD), and it was assigned to the fourth generation mobile pone system (4G), because the broadband mobile communication was one of the most demanded services in that moment. In order that the new 4G services could be enjoyed by the citizens, it was necessary have an adjacent set of frequencies. For that reason, and because it had better propagation and penetration properties inside the buildings than higher frequencies, Europe imposed the 800 MHz band (790 MHz – 862 MHz) for the DD. Once the new frequencies bands were assigned, it was realized that first cannel of the LTE system started in 791 MHz, and the last channel of the TDT system finished in 790 MHz, so that it had a narrow separation between both systems of just 1 MHz. Because of that, it’s necessary to develop a study for concluding the effect of the interferences between both technologies over the users found in LTE base station coverage zone and if the coexistence between both systems is possible. For that, two scenarios are distinguished: the first scenario consists on studying the effect that TDT signal produces on the LTE signal, and the second scenario examines the interferences that LTE system causes on TDT system. Once simulations have been made, in the first scenario it has been concluded that a greater distance between TDT and LTE transmission base station less interferences and greater zone coverage, and in the scenario 2, it has been deduced that less distance less is the effect between both systems. For avoiding the problem in the second case would be necessary increase the band of guard

    Coexistencia entre TDT y LTE

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    La llegada de las tecnologías digitales y de nuevos sistemas de compresión de información ha favorecido, a la hora de transmitir televisión, a disminuir el número de frecuencias necesarias para ello, permitiendo una mejor gestión del espectro radioeléctrico y posibilitando la obtención de un dividendo en forma de nuevas frecuencias disponibles, conocido como Dividendo Digital (DD). Ya que en el momento actual la prestación de servicios de banda ancha móvil es uno de los fines más demandados, el DD se destinó a ello. Debido a la determinación por parte de Europa de que los nuevos servicios de banda ancha inalámbrica ocuparían la banda de 800 MHz, en España hubo que activar un plan para la liberación del Dividendo Digital que tenía que ser realizado en el plazo establecido, minimizando las molestias a los ciudadanos y reduciendo el impacto en las televisiones. Esto fue necesario pues la banda estaba ocupada por algunos canales de la Televisión Digital Terrestre (TDT). Tras la reorganización del espectro, la banda de frecuencia más alta destinada a la TDT termina en 790 MHz y la banda de frecuencia más baja de LTE empieza en 791 MHz, existiendo solamente un espacio de 1 MHz sin utilización. Por lo tanto, en este Trabajo de Fin de Máster se propone el estudio de la coexistencia entre estos dos sistemas en la banda de 800 MHz para comprobar si es posible la convivencia entre ambos, así como determinar si la banda de guarda asignada es suficiente o debería ser mayor. En otras partes del mundo, la red inalámbrica se encuentra asignada en la banda de 700 MHz. Además, algunos países de Europa tienen intenciones de establecer en esta misma los servicios móviles, dando lugar a un segundo Dividendo Digital (DD2) sobre 2017. Por tanto, también se realizará un estudio de la coexistencia entre TDT y LTE en esta banda. En particular, se simularán y se analizarán dos escenarios. El primero consistirá en el efecto que produce la señal de un transmisor TDT sobre la señal LTE y el segundo, el efecto de la señal de un transmisor LTE que interfiere sobre la señal TDT.The arrival of digital technologies and new systems of data compression has permitted, when transmitting television, to decrease the number of frequencies required for that purpose, allowing a better management of the radio-electric spectrum and obtaining a dividend in a way of new available frequencies, known as Digital Dividend (DD). At present provision of mobile broadband is one of the most popular purposes, therefore the DD was allocated to it. Due to the order from Europe that the new mobile broadband services need to occupy the 800 MHz band, Spain had to activate a plan to release the Digital Dividend. It needed to be done in a given time, minimizing discomfort of citizens and decreasing the impact on televisions. That was necessary because that band was occupied by some Digital Terrestrial Television channels. After the relocation of the spectrum, the higher frequency band intended to DTT finishes in 790 MHz and the lowest frequency band to LTE starts in 791 MHz, so it exists only 1 MHz between them without usage. Because of that, this project proposes the study of coexistence between these two systems on this 800 MHz band, to check if it is possible to have it and to determine if the guard band assigned is enough or should be greater. Elsewhere in the world, the wireless network is assigned in the 700 MHz band. Also, some European countries intend to establish mobile services in that band, creating a second Digital Dividend (DD2) around 2017. That is the reason why it will be analyzed the coexistence between DTT and LTE on this band, too. In particular, it will be simulated and analyzed two scenarios. The first one will consist on the effect that a signal from a DTT transmitter produces on a LTE signal and the second one, the effect that a signal from a LTE transmitter causes on a DTT signal

    Compartición del Espectro Radioeléctrico entre Tecnologías Inalámbricas de Última Generación en la Banda de la Televisión Digital Terrestre

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    La presente tesis aborda la problemática de la convivencia entre las redes de la televisión digital terrestre y móvil de cuarta generación en la banda del primer dividendo digital (banda de 700 MHz), en Sudamérica. Además, se proponen dos potenciales casos de uso de compartición de espectro para el uso futuro de la banda de televisión después de los dividendos digitales, como modo de acceso eficiente y flexible para el uso del espectro radioeléctrico. Para garantizar la convivencia entre las tecnologías de televisión y móviles en la banda del primer dividendo digital en Sudamérica, se evalúa tanto el impacto de las redes móviles sobre las de televisión, así como el caso contrario, las redes de televisión sobre las móviles, teniendo en cuenta los parámetros técnicos de operación de cada una de las redes implicadas, los cuales son definidos por organismos de estandarización o parámetros reales de redes implementadas por cada país. Dentro de los parámetros técnicos de operación que se definieron para las redes podemos citar: márgenes de protección entre las señales de televisión y móviles; distancias de protección entre el transmisor interferente y el receptor víctima; banda de guarda requeridas entre las dos tecnologías; límites de emisiones interferentes fuera de banda; niveles de atenuación adicionales en las máscaras espectrales; evaluación de técnicas de mitigación de interferencias, entre otros. Es importe resaltar, que las principales diferencias entre los estudios de convivencia en Sudamérica respecto a Europa son: la banda de guarda en Sudamérica son 5 MHz mientras en Europa son 9 MHz; el ancho de banda de un canal de televisión en Sudamérica es 6 MHz respecto a 8 MHz en Europa; el estándar de televisión adoptados en casi toda Sudamérica es ISDB-Tb, a excepción de Colombia que adopto DVB-T2. Asimismo, en el ámbito de esta tesis, se proponen dos potenciales casos de estudio para el uso futuro de la banda de TV, promoviendo la compartición de espectro como un modo de acceso eficiente: El primer caso de estudio, propone un nuevo concepto de espacios en blanco llamado µ-TV-White-Space, los cuales son aquellas zonas geográficas en los interiores de una vivienda y/o oficina que no son cubiertas por el servicio de televisión digital terrestre, ya sea por la ausencia de cobertura o por obstáculos. El escenario propuesto es una red DVB-T2 ofreciendo cobertura en recepción fija sobre tejado, como servicio primario, y, femtoceldas LTE-A en interiores de un hogar u oficina, como servicio secundario. Los resultados obtenidos proporcionan restricciones técnicas para que las femtoceldas LTE-A puedan operar correctamente en espectro compartido con los servicios de televisión. Específicamente, se define la Potencia Isotrópica Radiada Equivalente (PIRE) máxima que podrían transmitir las femtoceldas, en función de la separación en frecuencia con los servicios de televisión. El segundo caso de estudio, propone el uso de los espacios en blanco para la compartición de espectro entre los servicios de internet de las cosas bajo el estándar NB-LTE-IoT, como servicio secundario, y servicios de televisión digital terrestre bajo el estándar DVB-T2, como servicio primario. Se define la máxima potencia transmisible por los nodos y dispositivos IoT sin interferir al servicio primario. Además, se evalúa el impacto del ciclo de trabajo de los dispositivos considerando que existirá diversidad de aplicaciones. La importancia de esta propuesta se fundamenta en dos contribuciones: por un lado, se optimiza el uso de la banda de televisión mediante el acceso secundario de dispositivos de baja potencia en los espacios en blanco, siempre garantizando los servicios de televisión, como servicio primario, por otro lado, se contribuye con nuevas frecuencias para las tecnologías móviles de última generación, con el objetivo de aumentar la capacidad de las redes que soportarán tantoThis thesis deals with the issue about coexistence between television and fourth generation mobile networks within the band of the first digital dividend (700 MHz band), in South America. Moreover, two potential cases of sharing spectrum for future use of the television band after the digital dividends are suggested as an efficient and flexible way for usage of the radio spectrum. In order to ensure the coexistence between the television and mobile technologies within the band of the first digital dividend in South America, the impact of the mobile networks as well as the opposite case are assessed. The technical operation parameters for each of the involved networks defined by standardizing organisms or real parameters from implemented networks in each country are considered. Among the technical parameters that were defined for the networks, we can mention: protection ratio between television and mobile signals; protection distances between the interfering transmitter and the victim receiver; required guard bands between both technologies; maximum power of the interfering out-of-band emissions in adjacent channels; additional attenuation levels in the spectrum emission mask in transmission and reception; assessing of interference mitigation techniques, among others. It is important to highlight that the main differences between the coexistence studies for South America and Europe are: the guard bands in South America are 5 MHz whereas in Europe are 9 MHz; bandwidth for a channel in South America is 6 MHz in contrast with the 8 MHz of Europe; the television standard adopted in almost all South America is ISDB-Tb, except Colombia and the French Guiana, which adopted DVB-T2. Additionally, within the scope of this thesis, two potential study cases for future usage of the TV band are proposed, promoting sharing spectrum as an efficient access way: The first study we go a step beyond coexistence, since the aim is to exploit the unused radio spectrum in those geographical zones that are not covered because the useful signal is obstructed by the environment or it has a limited coverage by the network design. Those areas can be called "micro-TVWS" (µ-TV-White-Space). The most representative cases of our definition of µ-TV-White-Space are those indoor environments in areas where DTT received power is below the required sensitivity because a TV channel is broadcasted to rooftop reception. The proposed scenario considers a DTT network offering fixed rooftop reception as a primary service, and a LTE-A femtocell giving coverage within the interior of a home or office as a secondary service. Our results provide the technical restrictions of the LTE-A Femtocell, mainly on the maximum allowable Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP) that could transmit on the DTT band in terms of carrier separation, from co-channel to adjacent band. The second study case, suggests the use of white spaces for spectrum sharing among the Internet of Things (IoT) services, under the NB-LTE-IoT standard, as secondary service, and digital terrestrial television services under the DVB-T2 standard, as primary service. The maximum transmissible power by the nodes and IoT devices without interfering the primary service is defined. Besides, the impact of the duty cycle of the devices is assessed considering that there will be a great diversity of applications, and thus, a great diversity of operation requirements. The significance of this proposal is due to two contributions: on the aone hand, the usage of the television band is optimized through secondary access of low power devices within the white spaces, always ensuring television services as primary service. On the other hand, new frequencies for last generation mobile technologies are given, with the aim at increasing the network capacity, which will bear mobile services as well as IoT, regarding the high challenge of offering connectivity to millions of devices during the next decade.La present tesi aborda la problemàtica de la convivència entres les xarxes de la televisió digital terrestre i mòbil de quarta generació en la banda del primer dividend digital (banda de 700 MHz), en Sud-Amèrica. A més, es proposen dos potencials casos d'ús compartit d'espectre per a l'ús futur de la banda de televisió després dels dividends digitals, com a mode d'accés eficient i flexible per a l'ús de l'espectre radioelèctric. Per tal de garantir la convivència entre les tecnologies de televisió i mòbils en la banda del primer dividend digital en Sud-Amèrica, s'avalua tant l'impacte de les xarxes mòbils sobre les de televisió, com el cas contrari, les xarxes de televisió sobre les mòbils, tenint en compte els paràmetres tècnics d'operació de cadascuna de les xarxes implicades, els quals són definits per organismes d'estandardització o paràmetres reals de xarxes implementades per cada país. Dins dels paràmetres tècnics d'operació que es van definir per a les xarxes podem citar: marges de protecció entre els senyals de televisió i mòbils; distàncies de protecció entre el transistor interferent i el receptor víctima; banda de guarda entre ambdós tecnologies; límits de les emissions interferents fora de banda; nivells d'atenuació addicionals en les màscares espectrals; avaluació de tècniques de mitigació d'interferències, entre d'altres. És important destacar, que les principals diferències entre els estudis de convivència en Sud-Amèrica respecte d'Europa són: la banda de guarda en Sud-Amèrica són 5 MHz mentre que a Europa són 9 MHz; l'amplària de banda d'un canal de televisió en Sud-Amèrica és de 6 MHz respecte dels 8 MHz a Europa; l'estàndard de televisió adoptat en quasi tota Sud-Amèrica és ISDB-Tb, excepte Colòmbia i la Guaiana Francesa que van adoptar DVB-T2. A Europa quasi tots els països tenen adoptats els estàndards DVB-T de primera i segona generació. Així mateix, en l'àmbit de la tesi, es proposen dos potencials casos d'estudi per a l'ús futur de la banda de TV, de manera que es promoga la compartició d'espectre com un mode d'accés eficient: El primer cas d'estudi, proposa un nou concepte d'espais en blanc anomenat µ-TV-White-Space, els quals són aquelles zones geogràfiques que no són cobertes pel servei de televisió digital terrestre, ja siga per l'absència de cobertura o per obstacles. L'escenari proposat és una xarxa DVB-T2 que ofereix cobertura en recepció fixa sobre terrat, com a servei primari, i femtocel·les LTE-A en interiors d'una llar o oficina, com a servei secundari. Els resultats obtinguts proporcionen restriccions tècniques per tal que les femtocel·les LTE-A puguen operar correctament en espectre compartit amb els serveis de televisió. Específicament, es defineix la Potència Isotròpica Radiada Equivalent (PIRE) màxima que podrien transmetre les femtocel·les, en funció de la separació en freqüència amb els serveis de televisió. El segon cas d'estudi, proposa l'ús d'espais en blanc per a la compartició d'espectre entre els serveis d'internet de les coses (Internet of Things o IOT, en anglès), sota l'estàndard NB-LTE-IoT, com a servei secundari, i serveis de televisió digital terrestre sota l'estàndard DVB-T2, com a servei primari. Es defineix la màxima potència transmissible pels nodes i dispositius IoT sense interferir al servei primari. A més, s'avalua l'impacte del cicle de treball dels dispositius considerant que existirà diversitat d'aplicacions, i, per tant, diversitat de requeriments d'operació. La importància d'aquesta proposta es fonamenta en dues contribucions: per una banda, s'optimitza l'ús de la banda de televisió mitjançant l'accés secundari de dispositius de baixa potència als espais en blanc, sempre garantint els serveis de televisió, com a servei primari. Per altra banda, es contribueix amb noves freqüències per a les tecnologies mòbils d'última generació, amb l'objectiu d'aMartínez Pinzón, G. (2018). Compartición del Espectro Radioeléctrico entre Tecnologías Inalámbricas de Última Generación en la Banda de la Televisión Digital Terrestre [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/102644TESI