8 research outputs found

    The Effect of Mini Drama towards Students’ Speaking Skill for Senior High School

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    Abstrak Keterampilan berbicara, sebagai salah satu keterampilan dasar bahasa Inggris, memiliki peran penting dalam proses pembelajaran bahasa. Ini adalah keterampilan produktif dalam pembelajaran bahasa. Untuk menguasai keterampilan berbicara, peserta didik harus menerapkan penggunaan bahasa Inggris dalam komunikasi secara lisan. Para siswa yang ingin menguasai keterampilan berbicara harus menerapkan penggunaan bahasa Inggris dalam komunikasi secara lisan. Dalam beberapa kasus, siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam praktik berbahasa Inggris. Siswa takut melakukan kesalahan, terutama di depan kelas. Penelitian ini di desain dengan penelitian kuantitatif eksperimental. Murid kelas sepuluh SMAN 2 Bangkalan sebagai populasi, dan sampel dari kedua kelas adalah 34 siswa. Instrumen penelitian adalah rubrik penilaian tes dan berbicara. Data diperoleh dalam bentuk skor pre-test dan post-test. Data pada journal ini di analisis dengan menggunakan Uji Mann-Whitney U supaya menemukan tingkat signifikansinya dikarenakan data skor tidak terdistribusi secara normal. Berdasarkan hasil output pada penelitian dari Uji Mann-Whitney U, tingkat signifikansi (p) dari skor post-test adalah 0,000. Ini lebih rendah dari 0,05 yang berarti ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara kedua kelompok setelah diberi perawatan. Selain itu, ada perbedaan yang signifikan dalam penggunaan drama mini pada keterampilan berbicara siswa kelas sepuluh. Kemudian, ukuran efek yang diberikan milik efek besar yaitu .48.18. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada efek menggunakan drama mini pada keterampilan berbicara siswa kelas sepuluh di SMAN 2 Bangkalan. Kata Kunci: mini drama, keterampilan berbicara Abstract The fundamental of English is speaking skill. It is because the learning process of speaking has some role. It is a productive skill in language learning. To master a speaking skill, learners must implement the use of English in communication orally. The students who want to master a speaking skill should implement the use of English in communication orally. In some cases, students have difficulty in English speaking practice. The students afraid to do the mistakes, especially in front of the class. The research of this design is quantitative research by using experimental class. The students’ of ten-grade as a population in SMAN 2 Bangkalan, and 34 students of both classes as a sample. Speaking assessment rubric and test as the instrument of this research. The post-test and pre-test score was the data that were analyzed by the Mann-Whitney U Test. In this research, the data was not normally distributed, thus the researcher uses Mann-Whitney to know the significance of the data. the result has shown that the data was significant. It is because the post-test scores are .000. It means that the score was lower than .05. also, the use of mini-drama can bring a good effect to make the students are talk active. However, .48.18 was the result of effect size, which means that the research brings a large effect of using mini-drama in SMAN 2 Bangkalan. Keywords: mini-drama, speaking skil

    Effect of the practice of assessment in augmenting creativity: perspective of the TESL, educational management and leadership, and visual art learners / Jacqueline Susan Rijeng and Imelia Laura Daneil

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    The emphasis on developing creativity in Malaysian institutions of higher education has brought significant changes to assessment practices in higher education today. A study was conducted to explore postgraduate students’ perceptions of assessment and the influence of classroom assessment practices on students’ creativity. A conceptual framework was built, based on the integration of convergent and divergent thinking coined by Guilford (1950) as well as Bloom’s taxonomy (1956) which underpins the assessment approaches. The study employed a mixed method research design and involved a group of final year full-time postgraduate students (n=40) from three different programmes in the Faculty of Education, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Shah Alam. Findings revealed that students had a positive attitude to assessment as an integral aspect in the classroom, particularly in relation to the transparency of assessment (M = 4.114, SD = 0.648). Interestingly, oral presentation was perceived to be one of the best assessment methods as it could develop creative ability, suggesting that presentations could be conducted creatively. The findings have implications for curriculum development across different programmes in order to develop creativity in higher education

    A project based learning approach for production planning and control : analysis of 45 projects developed by students

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    The project-based learning (PBL) approach has been a part of the University of Brasilia's programme from the inception of its Industrial Engineering syllabus. Production Systems Project 4 course is one among eight courses that drive the utilization of PBL approach at the curriculum, the subject of this study, in which we present a set of analyses of the projects developed between 2013 and 2016. The projects involved real-world problems, related to public and private sector enterprises in Brazil’s Federal District. The conducted analyses aimed to identify the organizations’ profiles and the PPC (Production Planning and Control) techniques which were used to achieve project objectives. Therefore, statistical analyses were performed, such as Correlation Analysis, Cluster Analysis, as well as qualitative documental analysis. The results of this study indicate the profile of external partners that have the highest probability of achieving satisfactory results, as well as the main planning elements which impact the final grades of the projects

    A case study of instructors’ cultivation of creative thinking in an adult learning environment

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    Doctor of PhilosophyDepartment of Educational LeadershipRoyce Ann CollinsThe world is changing at a frenetic pace. Current creativity research and literature reveals how important it is for adults to live and work in environments conducive to creative learning and thinking. In education, we know that instructors influence the learning environment significantly, but we do not have a clear understanding of how instructors cultivate a climate for creative learning and thinking for adult learners. The purpose of this research was to understand how instructors cultivate a climate for creative learning and thinking for adult learners. This qualitative case study explored the experiences of a small group of instructors qualified to teach the Red Team Member Course, a unique four-week course that is part of the Red Teaming Education Program conducted by the Department of the Army. Three instructors volunteered from this group using convenient sampling. Four semi-structured interviews and three classroom observations were conducted with each instructor. Data from interviews, observations, course documents, and instructor artifacts were analyzed for emerging concepts, patterns, and themes using the theoretical framework of the investment theory of creativity. Results emerging from the findings confirm evidence of the six creativity constructs of the investment theory of creativity exists in the learning environments of the Red Team Member Course instructors. The convergence of the six creativity constructs, personality, motivation, knowledge, intellectual abilities, environment, and thinking skills, provides evidence of how instructors cultivate a climate for creative learning and thinking for adult learners in this unique learning environment. These findings have implications for professional development and training for adult educators and the learning experiences for adult learners

    International student projects in a blended setting:How to facilitate problem based project work

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