7 research outputs found

    Using e-portfolio as an online tool for L2 assessment

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    L2 assessment is a key moment in the process of teaching and learning of foreign languages. There are new challenges that recently have become relevant for the assessment of the online teaching and learning process. It is necessary not only to track the progress of students, but also to identify problematic aspects of the educational process and to see its subsequent adjustments. The article discusses the use of an e-portfolio as a tool for assessing the knowledge of L2 and some other relevant soft skills. The article discusses that formative e-assessment as the most reliable way to control the process of language acquisition and brings examples how e-portfolios can be used for these purposes

    Optimization of the e-portfolio of multidisciplinary university students

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    Рассматривается проблема создания электронного портфолио, интегрированного в образовательную деятельность современного многопрофильного вуза и обеспечивающего стратегическую коммуникацию между обучающимися, выпускниками, преподавателями и работодателями. Разработан новый принцип формирования электронного портфолио в виде иерархии достижений за выполнение заданий по разным видам учебно-познавательной деятельности. Представлена многоуровневая модель электронного портфолио. Предложены механизмы повышения эффективности работы с портфолио в образовательной деятельности многопрофильного вуза


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    Using portfolio assessment to enhance students’ science process skills was potentially impactful in the STEM learning activities. Its benefits to navigate students gaining comprehensive experiences is necessary. The objective of this study was to examine portfolio assessment in enhancing students' science process skills in STEM learning activities. A quantitative research approach was implemented, with a sample of 33 students between the ages of 14 and 16, drawn from Indonesian public senior high schools. The instrument used to collect the data was a test. It consisted of multiple-choice and open-ended questions. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics. The findings reveal key indicators of science process skills in STEM learning activities, identifying portfolios that influence students' engagement and understanding within the STEM learning activities. Importantly, this study highlights the critical role of encouraging students to ask questions, as it can significantly enhance their science process skills

    Blended learning model based on portfolio and HOTS: How is it developed in LPTKs?

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    During the covid-19 pandemic, learning can no longer be done directly. LPTKs are given the option to organize blended learning, a mixture of offline and online. The main problem is how to develop blended learning, which includes portfolio focus and HOTS? This is development research. The aim is to find, develop and validate a product produced during 2020/2021, even the semester lecture process. The resulting learning products can be in the form of lecture handouts, final assignments, and lecture textbooks resulting from the application of portfolio-based and HOTS-based blended learning models. The process to be carried out in the development of learning products includes 1) planning (preliminary studies, proposal making), 2) product development, 3) product trials and revisions, and 4) dissemination and utilization. The results of the discussion on the acquisition of existing data can be concluded that the blended, portfolio, and HOTS-based learning activities have been carried out smoothly and comprehensively. The implementation of blended learning can be seen in the discussion of online and offline lectures and offline lecture exams. The student activity portfolio is contained in lecture activities, individual and group assignments, and individual exams. HOTS content is contained in assignments individually and in groups


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    Since the spread of Covid 19 pandemic around the world, the utilization of internet as online media is a must. The use of internet in the education field stresses on students to hugely adapt their learning process. Therefore, this study aimed at finding to explore of students’ perception and belief toward the internet usage in terms of what their perception and belief toward the internet usage, how correlation between  their perception and belief toward the internet usage and what differences between male and female students on the perception and belief toward the internet usage. This study recruited 25 junior high school students. The data was gathered via questionnaire. The findings highlighted three points. The first point was that students gained positive perception and belief toward the internet usage in learning. The second point was that the existence of correlations between the perception and belief (significance two tailed at .044). However, the correlation was at the moderate level (r-value at .551). The third point was that there were no differences between male and female students in their perception (significance two tailed at .623) and belief (significance two tailed at .891) toward the internet usage. The suggestions are offered pedagogics and future researches AbstrakSejak merebaknya pandemi Covid 19 di seluruh dunia, penggunaan internet sebagai media daring adalah suatu keharusan. Penggunaan internet di dunia pendidikan menekankan kepada para siswa secara massif untuk beradaptasi selama proses pembelajaran. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi persepsi para siswa dan juga keyakinan mereka terhadap penggunaan internet dalam hal bagaiamana persepsi para siswa dan keyakinan mereka terhadap penggunaan internet untuk media pembelajaran, bagaiamana korelasi antara persepsi dan keyakinan mereka terhadap penggunaan internet, dan apa perbedaan antara persepsi dan keyakinan siswa laki – laki dan perempuan terhadap penggunaan internet. Penelitian ini merekrut 25 siswa sekolah menengah pertama. Data dikumpulkan melalui angket. Hasil penelitian ini teridir dari tiga poin. Poin pertama bahwa para siswa mempunyai perspei dan keyakinan yang baik terhadap penggunaan internet untuk media pembelajran mereka. Poin kedua bahwa adanya korelasi antara persepsi dengan keyakinan terkait penggunaan internet untuk media pembelajaran (nilai signifikan pada 0.044). Tetapi, korelasi tersebut ada pada level menengah (nilai R pada 0.551). poin ketiga bahwa tidak ada perbedaan antara para sisqa laki laki dan perempuan terkait persepsi (nilai signifikan 0.623) dan keyakinan (nilai signifikan 0.891) mereka di dalam penggunaan internet. Saran – saran diberikan dalam kontek pedagogik and penelitain kedepannya.

    Students’ Beliefs Regarding the Use of E-portfolio to Enhance Cognitive Skills in a Blended Learning Environment

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    This paper reports on a quantitative study on ICT readiness among undergraduate students in Thailand, students’ beliefs about use of e-portfolios in the Blended Learning Environment (BLE), and students’ beliefs about using e-portfolios to enhance their cognitive skills in the BLE. The sample group comprised 360 undergraduate students, divided by study fields. The data collection tool was a questionnaire of students’ beliefs. The reliability value of the questionnaire was 0.889. Data was analyzed using statistical analysis and f-test. The beliefs and needs were ranked by PNI modified. The research found that every student had a computer connected to the Internet. The analysis results of students’ beliefs about the use of e-portfolios in the BLE were positive and the top five results were: (1) learning by creating work, (2) enhancing creativity, (3) enhancing the problem solving skill, (4) enhancing critical thinking, and (5) enhancing authentic assessment. The current state of using e-portfolios to enhance cognitive skills in the BLE was at average level, while the needs were at the high level

    Portafolio digital para el aprendizaje colaborativo en estudiantes del décimo ciclo en facultad de Comunicación-Empresa y Negocio de una Universidad-Chiclayo

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    El objetivo principal fue proponer un modelo didáctico basado en el portafolio digital para fortalecer el aprendizaje colaborativo en los estudiantes del décimo ciclo de la de la Facultad de Comunicación, Empresa y Negocio, de una universidad de Chiclayo 2021. Fue una iinvestigación básica, enfoque cuantitativo, descriptivo, proyectivo, diseño de investigación no experimental – transversal; con población de estudio conformada por 43 estudiantes. Se utilizó la técnica encuesta y el instrumento cuestionario con 18 ítems en el portafolio digital y 21 para el aprendizaje colaborativo; la confiabilidad del instrumento fue 0.93 y 0.96 respectivamente; fue validado mediante cinco juicios de expertos. Se tuvo como resultados que, el 55.81% hacen uso regular del portafolio digital; el 83.72% considera que el aprendizaje colaborativo es regular; se propone el uso de diferentes estrategias como: talleres virtuales, foros académicos, creación de videos académicos, diseño de organizadores visuales y aprendizaje basado en problemas, para mejorar el aprendizaje colaborativo, siendo evaluada por tres expertos en pedagogía y didáctica, quienes aprobaron la propuesta. Se concluye que el uso del Portafolio digital y el aprendizaje colaborativo es regular, debido que, no tienen mucho conocimiento e interés por mejorar el uso de dichas variables