1,206 research outputs found

    Perceived Absorptive Capacity Of Individual Users In Performance Of Enterprise Resource Planning (Erp) Usage: The Case For Penang Manufacturing Firms

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    Penyelidikan ini memeriksa kesan keupayaan menyerap pengguna Perancangan Sumber Perusahaan (ERP) di kilang-kilang pembuatan Pulau Pinang. The research examines the effect of absorptive capacity of users on their use of ERP in Penang manufacturing firms

    User Adoption of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems in the Public Sector

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    The importance of aligning information technology and business strategies to exploit capabilities and change business practices has increased as firms strive for competitive advantage in a diverse and changing marketplace. Nevertheless, over 50% of firms implementing enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems ranked expected process and value enhancements as inadequate, whereas only 13% indicated that implementations met their needs. The unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) model formed the conceptual framework of this single case study. The study comprised a purposeful sampling of 8 business managers in Southeast Alabama working in related job roles and based on established eligibility criteria. Data collection involved semistructured interviews, casual observations, and document analysis. Through method triangulation and predetermined themes directly related to the UTAUT conceptual framework, 5 themes emerged: management endorsement, change management, training and education, dedicated resources, and governance. Results of this research may influence the elimination of key barriers central in the deployment and adoption of ERP systems by the public sector. The study\u27s implications for positive social change include the potential to enhance social and intellectual capital formation through recognizing strategies that mitigate employees\u27 gender and age variances during an ERP implementation

    Business Intelligence & Analytics (BI&A) Systems:Measuring End-User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS)

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    Business intelligence and analytics (BI&A) have become part of almost every com- pany/organisation nowadays, as the benefits of a successful adoption are many. However, the failure scenarios are many as well, with companies/organisations facing dissatisfied employ- ees who do not use the BI&A tools because they find them difficult to use -despite the train- ings-, and others who start using them and then stop this usage. In an effort to help compa- nies/organisations who want to adopt or have adopted a BI&A solution to understand their employees, as well as BI&A vendors to understand their end-users, we conducted this study where we examined the relationships among training, system usage, EUCS and UCI. What is more, we decided to focus only to descriptive BI&A as it is the type of BI&A that is mostly adopted by companies/organisations. The data needed for the study was collected with the help of a questionnaire-based survey and four hypotheses were developed for our literature- based proposed model. Data analysis was conducted with Excel, SPSS and AMOS and all of our hypotheses were confirmed. This is a sign that companies/organisations should keep in- vesting on training in order to achieve higher levels of BI&A usage and eventually higher levels of EUCS and UCI

    Cognitive, Affective and Behavioural Responses to an ERP Implementation: A Dual Perspective of Technology Acceptance and Organisational Change

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    Past studies have drawn on the technology acceptance literature in an attempt to predict users’ behavioural intentions to use a new ERP system. However, few researchers have considered the connections between technology acceptance and organisational change research; and very little ERP research has focused on explanations of user readiness, openness to change and resistance intentions from an organizational change perspective. This paper proposes a model that integrates the perspectives of the organisational change and technology acceptance literatures to define the cognitive, affective, individual and workplace related factors that underpin various behavioural intentions of users during an ERP implementation. The effects of the change management process on cognitions, affects and behavioural intentions are also explored. The context for the study is a South African university undergoing an ERP re-implementation

    The Determinants of Student Effort at Learning ERP: A Cultural Perspective

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    This paper develops a research model based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology model (UTAUT) and Hofstede’s cultural dimensions to explore factors that influence student effort at learning Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. A Structural Equation Model (SEM) using LISREL was utilized to validate the proposed research model using a convenience sample of students at two universities in the USA. The results showed that while subjective norm and career relevance were positively associated with performance expectancy (PE), course structure and self-efficacy were positively associated with effort expectancy (EE). Performance expectancy and effort expectancy were positively associated with student attitude toward ERP. Student attitude toward ERP was positively associated with student effort at learning ERP. The results also revealed that power distance, uncertainty avoidance, and masculinity moderate the relationships between EE and PE on one side and attitude on the other side, between EE and PE, and between attitude and effort at learning ERP, respectively. Implications for educators and researchers are reported

    The role of users in a continuous development ERP strategy: An analysis on the impact of end-users in the creation of an ERP continuous development strategy

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Marketing IntelligenceERP are organizations best allies and, potentially, their worst enemies. There are fine margins between a successful implementation that enables and fosters technological innovation and an ineffective implementation that delays organizational progress and has a detrimental financial impact. To enhance the likelihood for a successful implementation, organizations must establish a long-term continuous development plan that creates a technological environment that prioritizes users as positive agents of change. There is a paradox between the length and importance of an ERP project phase and the time and resources most organizations allocate for each of them. Pre-implementation and implementation phases gather key stakeholders and system experts while the post-implementation phase is traditionally neglected in an ERP project framework, which leads to inefficient long-term strategies. System users are key pieces when defining an ERP long-term strategic plan. This research was focused on understanding the role that end-users must play in the continuous development of an ERP project. The study identified and tested the relationship between end-user dimensions and ERP critical success factors and their impact on the promotion of ERP efficiency

    Cloud computing (SaaS) adoption as a strategic technology: results of an empirical study

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    El presente estudio analiza empíricamente los factores que determinan la adopción de cloud computing (modelo SaaS) en empresas donde esta estrategia se considera estratégica para ejecutar su actividad. Se ha desarrollado un modelo de investigación para evaluar los factores que influyen en la intención de usar la computación en la nube que combina las variables encontradas en el modelo de aceptación de tecnología (TAM) con otras variables externas, como el apoyo de la alta gerencia, la capacitación, la comunicación, el tamaño de la organización y la complejidad tecnológica. Los datos compilados de 150 empresas en Andalucía (España) se utilizan para probar las hipótesis formuladas. Los resultados de este estudio reflejan qué factores críticos deben considerarse y cómo están interrelacionados. También muestran las demandas organizacionales que deben ser consideradas por aquellas compañías que desean implementar un modelo de gestión real adoptado para la economía digital, especialmente aquellos relacionados con la computación en la nube.The present study empirically analyzes the factors that determine the adoption of cloud computing (SaaS model) in firms where this strategy is considered strategic for executing their activity. A research model has been developed to evaluate the factors that influence the intention of using cloud computing that combines the variables found in the technology acceptance model (TAM) with other external variables such as top management support, training, communication, organization size, and technological complexity. Data compiled from 150 companies in Andalusia (Spain) are used to test the formulated hypotheses. The results of this study reflect what critical factors should be considered and how they are interrelated. They also show the organizational demands that must be considered by those companies wishing to implement a real management model adopted to the digital economy, especially those related to cloud computing.peerReviewe

    How Team Cohesion Leads to Attitude Change in the Context of ERP Learning

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    Universities and corporate training programs have realized the importance of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems in the business world and have incorporated such systems into their curricula and training. Although there is a rich body of literature on ERP, extant research remains relatively scant in examining team-based ERP learning. Drawing upon attitude change literature and expectation-confirmation theory, this study presents an Attitude Change Model of Team-Based ERP Learning. In particular, this study focuses on how team cohesion influences satisfaction and attitude change in ERP learning. The results of structural equation modeling support all but one hypothesis. The study concludes with discussions and implications for researchers, educators, and practitioners

    Investigating information systems infusion from the user empowerment perspective

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