95,374 research outputs found

    Technology: Servant or Master of the Online Teacher?

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    Engaging the Digitally Engaged Student: Comparing Technology-Mediated Communication Use and Effects on Student Learning

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    The role of communication technologies in the learning process is both a dynamic and complex issue. Yet, we know surprisingly little about how the use of specific communication technologies may influence classroom performance, key learning outcomes, and other measures of course satisfaction. The research reported here attempts to add to our knowledge about the role of communication in the technology enhanced classroom (TEC) education and in technology-enhanced online (TEO) education through a direct comparison of two courses. Our findings indicate additional support for “The No Significant Difference Phenomenon.” Furthermore, we found that prior experiences lead students to gravitate towards their preferred learning environments, and that basic website elements are required in any learning environment to enhance student outcomes. Finally, we found that when used appropriately, the benefits of communication technology use in education outweigh many of the drawbacks

    When the Course Management System Isn\u27t Enough

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    Many articles have been written extoling the need for interactivity in the online classroom. Zundel (2006) states that not only should interactivity be effectively integrated, but that it is essential for enhancing the learning in online courses just as interactivity is essential for on-campus learners. Mabrito (2004) contends that success is enhanced in online courses by engaging students as active learners rather than passive participants. Mabrito goes on to state that this engagement should include ample opportunities for students to interact with not only the course content, but also with the instructor and fellow classmates

    The practice of web conferencing: where are we now?

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    The use of web conferencing tools to support learning and teaching and facilitate interaction and collaboration is common in many higher education environments as is the replacement of face-to-face meetings with virtual collaboration tools. This paper reports on Phase 3 of a trial of web conferencing conducted at a regional Australian university and further explores the use of web conferencing to support and enhance learning and teaching. Preliminary findings from Phases 1 and 2 of the trial have been reported on in a previous paper. The action research method which framed the initial trial has again been applied to Phase 3. In Phase 1, collaborative mathematical problem-solving in an undergraduate course was carried out using web conferencing and tablet PCs. In addition, students in postgraduate Education courses were linked across the globe to participate in interactive and collaborative web conference activity. In Phase 2, a university-wide trial across disciplines was conducted. Phase 3 represents an analysis of feedback received from teachers who were involved in Phases 1 and 2 and who have had some time to reflect on the impact web conferencing has had on their teaching practice. From this, and their own experience, the authors make further observations regarding the use of web conferencing to support learning and teaching and raise a number of questions and issues to guide future research


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    This research evaluates the use of online examinations in college courses from both instructor and student perspectives. Instructional software was developed at Kansas State University to administer online homework assignments and examinations. Survey data were collected from two classes to measure and evaluate the level of student preferences for online examinations. The statistical determinants of student preferences for online testing were identfied and quantified using logistic regression analysis. Strategies for the effective use of online examinations are summarized for potential adopters of online examinations.online examinations, student learning, teaching technology, undergraduate teaching, Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession, A22,

    Student Perceptions of Online Courses for School Administrators

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    Online courses are the fastest growing student enrollment at the university level during the last decade. Between the time period 2003-2009, the number of students who had taken online courses doubled to 3.9 million which outpaced the growth in traditional college settings by a 12% margin (Mashable/Tech,2010). However, this online programming movement still remains in its early stages of development. Thus, faculty members and designers of online education need to know more about online courses. Momin (2003) stated that this growth, in online education, has been accompanied by increased questions about the effectiveness of online courses. More research needs to be conducted regarding how student experiences differ in online course environments and how outcomes are developed and measured. Specifically, faculty members and administrators need to understand how students perceive online education and courses because these perceptions and attitudes can be a direct link to student motivation and learning. Koohang and Durante (2003) further suggest that elements of e-learning and student motivation are critical

    Marketing education, distance learning and hypermedia: teaching current issues in marketing in a virtual campus

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    This article reports on a project at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC: The Open University of Catalonia, Barcelona) to develop an innovative package of hypermedia-based learning materials for a new course entitled 'Current Issues in Marketing'. The UOC is a distance university entirely based on a virtual campus. The learning materials project was undertaken in order to benefit from the advantages which new communication technologies offer to the teaching of marketing in distance education. The article reviews the main issues involved in incorporating new technologies in learning materials, the development of the learning materials, and their functioning within the hypermedia based virtual campus of the UOC. An empirical study is then carried out in order to evaluate the attitudes of students to the project. Finally, suggestions for improving similar projects in the future are put forward.Aquest article informa sobre un projecte de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya per a desenvolupar un paquet innovador de materials didàctics hipermèdia basat en un nou curs titulat "Qüestions Actuals de Màrqueting". La UOC és una universitat a distància es basa íntegrament en un campus virtual. El projecte es va dur a terme els materials d'aprenentatge per tal de beneficiar-se dels avantatges que ofereixen les noves tecnologies de comunicació a l'ensenyament del màrqueting en l'educació a distància. L'article repassa els principals temes implicats en la incorporació de noves tecnologies en materials d'aprenentatge, el desenvolupament dels materials d'aprenentatge, i el seu funcionament dins del hipermèdia basat en el campus virtual de la UOC. Després s'ha portat a terme un estudi empíric per a avaluar les actituds dels estudiants del projecte. Finalment, es presenten suggeriments per a la millora de projectes similars en el futur.Este artículo informa sobre un proyecto de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya para desarrollar un paquete innovador de materiales didácticos hipermedia basado en un nuevo curso titulado "Cuestiones Actuales de Marketing". La UOC es una universidad a distancia se basa íntegramente en un campus virtual. El proyecto de materiales didácticos se llevó a cabo con el fin de beneficiarse de las ventajas que ofrecen las nuevas tecnologías de la comunicación para la enseñanza del marketing en la educación a distancia. El artículo repasa los principales temas implicados en la incorporación de nuevas tecnologías en materiales docentes, el desarrollo de los materiales didácticos, y su funcionamiento dentro del hipermedia basado en el campus virtual de la UOC. Entonces se ha llevado a cabo un estudio empírico para evaluar las actitudes de los estudiantes al proyecto. Por último, se presentan sugerencias para la mejora de proyectos similares en el futuro


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    This research evaluates the use of online examinations in college courses from both instructor and student perspectives. Instructional software was developed at Kansas State University to administer online homework assignments and examinations. Survey data were collected from two classes to measure the level of student support for online examinations. The determinants of the level of student support for online testing were identified and quantified using logistic regression analysis.Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession,

    Pragmatic meta analytic studies: learning the lessons from naturalistic evaluations of multiple cases

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    This paper explores the concept of pragmatic meta‐analytic studies in eLearning. Much educational technology literature focuses on developers and teachers describing and reflecting on their experiences. Few connections are made between these experiential ‘stories’. The data set is fragmented and offers few generalisable lessons. The field needs guidelines about what can be learnt from such single‐case reports. The pragmatic meta‐analytic studies described in this paper have two common aspects: (1) the cases are related in some way, and (2) the data are authentic, that is, the evaluations have followed a naturalistic approach. We suggest that examining a number of such cases is best done by a mixed‐methods approach with an emphasis on qualitative strategies. In the paper, we overview 63 eLearning cases. Three main meta‐analytic strategies were used: (1) meta‐analysis of the perception of usefulness across all cases, (2) meta‐analysis of recorded benefits and challenges across all cases, and (3) meta‐analysis of smaller groups of cases where the learning design and/or use of technology are similar. This study indicated that in Hong Kong the basic and non‐interactive eLearning strategies are often valued by students, while their perceptions of interactive strategies that are potentially more beneficial fluctuate. One possible explanation relates to the level of risk that teachers and students are willing to take in venturing into more innovative teaching and learning strategies

    Faculty and Student Perceptions of Technology Integration in Teaching

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    This journal article discusses a study examining the perceptions of faculty and students on the topic of technology integration in the teaching of courses at a Midwestern College of Education. The purposes of this study are to collect baseline data to identify the current extent of technology integration, to inform the strategic planning process, and for accreditation purposes. The article from "The Journal of Interactive Online Learning," describes faculty comfort levels and proficiency with technology, faculty perceptions and frequency with which they use technology, and student perceptions of technology use and impact on their learning. Educational levels: Graduate or professional