12 research outputs found

    Asymptotic distribution of fixed points of pattern-avoiding involutions

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    For a variety of pattern-avoiding classes, we describe the limiting distribution for the number of fixed points for involutions chosen uniformly at random from that class. In particular we consider monotone patterns of arbitrary length as well as all patterns of length 3. For monotone patterns we utilize the connection with standard Young tableaux with at most kk rows and involutions avoiding a monotone pattern of length kk. For every pattern of length 3 we give the bivariate generating function with respect to fixed points for the involutions that avoid that pattern, and where applicable apply tools from analytic combinatorics to extract information about the limiting distribution from the generating function. Many well-known distributions appear.Comment: 16 page

    Sorting probability of Catalan posets

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    We show that the sorting probability of the Catalan poset} PnP_n satisfies ή(Pn)=O(n−5/4)\delta(P_n)= O \bigl(n^{-5/4}\bigr).Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    The Brownian limit of separable permutations

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    We study random uniform permutations in an important class of pattern-avoiding permutations: the separable permutations. We describe the asymptotics of the number of occurrences of any fixed given pattern in such a random permutation in terms of the Brownian excursion. In the recent terminology of permutons, our work can be interpreted as the convergence of uniform random separable permutations towards a "Brownian separable permuton".Comment: 45 pages, 14 figures, incorporating referee's suggestion