1,104 research outputs found

    Higher-Order Operator Precedence Languages

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    Floyd's Operator Precedence (OP) languages are a deterministic context-free family having many desirable properties. They are locally and parallely parsable, and languages having a compatible structure are closed under Boolean operations, concatenation and star; they properly include the family of Visibly Pushdown (or Input Driven) languages. OP languages are based on three relations between any two consecutive terminal symbols, which assign syntax structure to words. We extend such relations to k-tuples of consecutive terminal symbols, by using the model of strictly locally testable regular languages of order k at least 3. The new corresponding class of Higher-order Operator Precedence languages (HOP) properly includes the OP languages, and it is still included in the deterministic (also in reverse) context free family. We prove Boolean closure for each subfamily of structurally compatible HOP languages. In each subfamily, the top language is called max-language. We show that such languages are defined by a simple cancellation rule and we prove several properties, in particular that max-languages make an infinite hierarchy ordered by parameter k. HOP languages are a candidate for replacing OP languages in the various applications where they have have been successful though sometimes too restrictive.Comment: In Proceedings AFL 2017, arXiv:1708.0622

    On the Hierarchy of Block Deterministic Languages

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    A regular language is kk-lookahead deterministic (resp. kk-block deterministic) if it is specified by a kk-lookahead deterministic (resp. kk-block deterministic) regular expression. These two subclasses of regular languages have been respectively introduced by Han and Wood (kk-lookahead determinism) and by Giammarresi et al. (kk-block determinism) as a possible extension of one-unambiguous languages defined and characterized by Br\"uggemann-Klein and Wood. In this paper, we study the hierarchy and the inclusion links of these families. We first show that each kk-block deterministic language is the alphabetic image of some one-unambiguous language. Moreover, we show that the conversion from a minimal DFA of a kk-block deterministic regular language to a kk-block deterministic automaton not only requires state elimination, and that the proof given by Han and Wood of a proper hierarchy in kk-block deterministic languages based on this result is erroneous. Despite these results, we show by giving a parameterized family that there is a proper hierarchy in kk-block deterministic regular languages. We also prove that there is a proper hierarchy in kk-lookahead deterministic regular languages by studying particular properties of unary regular expressions. Finally, using our valid results, we confirm that the family of kk-block deterministic regular languages is strictly included into the one of kk-lookahead deterministic regular languages by showing that any kk-block deterministic unary language is one-unambiguous

    Continuity of Functional Transducers: A Profinite Study of Rational Functions

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    A word-to-word function is continuous for a class of languages~V\mathcal{V} if its inverse maps V\mathcal{V}_languages to~V\mathcal{V}. This notion provides a basis for an algebraic study of transducers, and was integral to the characterization of the sequential transducers computable in some circuit complexity classes. Here, we report on the decidability of continuity for functional transducers and some standard classes of regular languages. To this end, we develop a robust theory rooted in the standard profinite analysis of regular languages. Since previous algebraic studies of transducers have focused on the sole structure of the underlying input automaton, we also compare the two algebraic approaches. We focus on two questions: When are the automaton structure and the continuity properties related, and when does continuity propagate to superclasses

    Learning of Structurally Unambiguous Probabilistic Grammars

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    The problem of identifying a probabilistic context free grammar has two aspects: the first is determining the grammar's topology (the rules of the grammar) and the second is estimating probabilistic weights for each rule. Given the hardness results for learning context-free grammars in general, and probabilistic grammars in particular, most of the literature has concentrated on the second problem. In this work we address the first problem. We restrict attention to structurally unambiguous weighted context-free grammars (SUWCFG) and provide a query learning algorithm for structurally unambiguous probabilistic context-free grammars (SUPCFG). We show that SUWCFG can be represented using co-linear multiplicity tree automata (CMTA), and provide a polynomial learning algorithm that learns CMTAs. We show that the learned CMTA can be converted into a probabilistic grammar, thus providing a complete algorithm for learning a structurally unambiguous probabilistic context free grammar (both the grammar topology and the probabilistic weights) using structured membership queries and structured equivalence queries. We demonstrate the usefulness of our algorithm in learning PCFGs over genomic data

    Toward a theory of input-driven locally parsable languages

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    If a context-free language enjoys the local parsability property then, no matter how the source string is segmented, each segment can be parsed independently, and an efficient parallel parsing algorithm becomes possible. The new class of locally chain parsable languages (LCPLs), included in the deterministic context-free language family, is here defined by means of the chain-driven automaton and characterized by decidable properties of grammar derivations. Such automaton decides whether to reduce or not a substring in a way purely driven by the terminal characters, thus extending the well-known concept of input-driven (ID) alias visibly pushdown machines. The LCPL family extends and improves the practically relevant Floyd's operator-precedence (OP) languages which are known to strictly include the ID languages, and for which a parallel-parser generator exists

    Locally Chain-Parsable Languages

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    If a context-free language enjoys the local parsability property then, no matter how the source string is segmented, each segment can be parsed in- dependently, and an efficient parallel parsing algorithm becomes possible. The new class of locally chain-parsable languages (LCPL), included in deterministic context-free languages, is here defined by means of the chain-driven automa- ton and characterized by decidable properties of grammar derivations. Such au- tomaton decides to reduce or not a factor in a way purely driven by the terminal characters, thus extending the well-known concept of Input-Driven (ID) (visibly) pushdown machines. LCPL extend and improve the practically relevant operator- precedence languages (Floyd), which are known to strictly include the ID lan- guages, and for which a parallel-parser generator exists. Consistently with the classical results for ID, chain-compatible LCPL are closed under reversal and Boolean operations, and language inclusion is decidable
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