13 research outputs found

    Structural Operational Semantics for Stochastic Process Calculi

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    A syntactic framework called SGSOS, for defining well-behaved Markovian stochastic transition systems, is introduced by analogy to the GSOS congruence format for nondeterministic processes. Stochastic bisimilarity is guaranteed a congruence for systems defined by SGSOS rules. Associativity of parallel composition in stochastic process algebras is also studied within the SGSOS framework

    A Definition Scheme for Quantitative Bisimulation

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    FuTS, state-to-function transition systems are generalizations of labeled transition systems and of familiar notions of quantitative semantical models as continuous-time Markov chains, interactive Markov chains, and Markov automata. A general scheme for the definition of a notion of strong bisimulation associated with a FuTS is proposed. It is shown that this notion of bisimulation for a FuTS coincides with the coalgebraic notion of behavioral equivalence associated to the functor on Set given by the type of the FuTS. For a series of concrete quantitative semantical models the notion of bisimulation as reported in the literature is proven to coincide with the notion of quantitative bisimulation obtained from the scheme. The comparison includes models with orthogonal behaviour, like interactive Markov chains, and with multiple levels of behavior, like Markov automata. As a consequence of the general result relating FuTS bisimulation and behavioral equivalence we obtain, in a systematic way, a coalgebraic underpinning of all quantitative bisimulations discussed.Comment: In Proceedings QAPL 2015, arXiv:1509.0816

    Bisimulation of Labeled State-to-Function Transition Systems of Stochastic Process Languages

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    Labeled state-to-function transition systems, FuTS for short, admit multiple transition schemes from states to functions of finite support over general semirings. As such they constitute a convenient modeling instrument to deal with stochastic process languages. In this paper, the notion of bisimulation induced by a FuTS is proposed and a correspondence result is proven stating that FuTS-bisimulation coincides with the behavioral equivalence of the associated functor. As generic examples, the concrete existing equivalences for the core of the process algebras ACP, PEPA and IMC are related to the bisimulation of specific FuTS, providing via the correspondence result coalgebraic justification of the equivalences of these calculi.Comment: In Proceedings ACCAT 2012, arXiv:1208.430

    Tree rules in probabilistic transition system specifications with negative and quantitative premises

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    Probabilistic transition system specifications (PTSSs) in the ntmufnu/ntmuxnu format provide structural operational semantics for Segala-type systems that exhibit both probabilistic and nondeterministic behavior and guarantee that isimilarity is a congruence.Similar to the nondeterministic case of rule format tyft/tyxt, we show that the well-foundedness requirement is unnecessary in the probabilistic setting. To achieve this, we first define an extended version of the ntmufnu/ntmuxnu format in which quantitative premises and conclusions include nested convex combinations of distributions. This format also guarantees that bisimilarity is a congruence. Then, for a given (possibly non-well-founded) PTSS in the new format, we construct an equivalent well-founded transition system consisting of only rules of the simpler (well-founded) probabilistic ntree format. Furthermore, we develop a proof-theoretic notion for these PTSSs that coincides with the existing stratification-based meaning in case the PTSS is stratifiable. This continues the line of research lifting structural operational semantic results from the nondeterministic setting to systems with both probabilistic and nondeterministic behavior.Comment: In Proceedings EXPRESS/SOS 2012, arXiv:1208.244

    MarCaSPiS: a Markovian Extension of a Calculus for Services

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    Service Oriented Computing (SOC) is a design paradigm that has evolved from earlier paradigms including object-orientation and component-based software engineering. Important features of services are compositionality, context-independence, encapsulation and re-usability. To support the formal design and analysis of SOC applications recently a number of Service Oriented Calculi have been proposed. Most of them are based on process algebras enriched with primitives specific of service orientation such as operators for manipulating semi-structured data, mechanisms for describing safe client-service interactions, constructors for composing possibly unreliable services and techniques for services query and discovery. In this paper we show a versatile technique for the definition of Structural Operational Semantics of MarCaSPiS, a Markovian extension of one of such calculi, namely the Calculus of Sessions and Pipelines, CaSPiS. The semantics deals in an elegant way with a stochastic version of two-party synchronisation, typical of a service-oriented approach, and with the problem of transition multiplicity while preserving highly desirable mathematical properties such as associativity and commutativity of parallel composition. We also show how the proposed semantics can be naturally used for defining a bisimulation-based behavioural equivalence for MarCaSPiS terms that induces the same equalities as those obtained via Strong Markovian Equivalence

    On CSP and the Algebraic Theory of Effects

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    We consider CSP from the point of view of the algebraic theory of effects, which classifies operations as effect constructors or effect deconstructors; it also provides a link with functional programming, being a refinement of Moggi's seminal monadic point of view. There is a natural algebraic theory of the constructors whose free algebra functor is Moggi's monad; we illustrate this by characterising free and initial algebras in terms of two versions of the stable failures model of CSP, one more general than the other. Deconstructors are dealt with as homomorphisms to (possibly non-free) algebras. One can view CSP's action and choice operators as constructors and the rest, such as concealment and concurrency, as deconstructors. Carrying this programme out results in taking deterministic external choice as constructor rather than general external choice. However, binary deconstructors, such as the CSP concurrency operator, provide unresolved difficulties. We conclude by presenting a combination of CSP with Moggi's computational {\lambda}-calculus, in which the operators, including concurrency, are polymorphic. While the paper mainly concerns CSP, it ought to be possible to carry over similar ideas to other process calculi

    Categories of Timed Stochastic Relations

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    AbstractStochastic behavior—the probabilistic evolution of a system in time—is essential to modeling the complexity of real-world systems. It enables realistic performance modeling, quality-of-service guarantees, and especially simulations for biological systems. Languages like the stochastic pi calculus have emerged as effective tools to describe and reason about systems exhibiting stochastic behavior. These languages essentially denote continuous-time stochastic processes, obtained through an operational semantics in a probabilistic transition system. In this paper we seek a more descriptive foundation for the semantics of stochastic behavior using categories and monads. We model a first-order imperative language with stochastic delay by identifying probabilistic choice and delay as separate effects, modeling each with a monad, and combining the monads to build a model for the stochastic language

    Bisimulation of Labelled State-to-Function Transition Systems Coalgebraically

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    Labeled state-to-function transition systems, FuTS for short, are characterized by transitions which relate states to functions of states over general semirings, equipped with a rich set of higher-order operators. As such, FuTS constitute a convenient modeling instrument to deal with process languages and their quantitative extensions in particular. In this paper, the notion of bisimulation induced by a FuTS is addressed from a coalgebraic point of view. A correspondence result is established stating that FuTS-bisimilarity coincides with behavioural equivalence of the associated functor. As generic examples, the equivalences underlying substantial fragments of major examples of quantitative process algebras are related to the bisimilarity of specific FuTS. The examples range from a stochastic process language, PEPA, to a language for Interactive Markov Chains, IML, a (discrete) timed process language, TPC, and a language for Markov Automata, MAL. The equivalences underlying these languages are related to the bisimilarity of their specific FuTS. By the correspondence result coalgebraic justification of the equivalences of these calculi is obtained. The specific selection of languages, besides covering a large variety of process interaction models and modelling choices involving quantities, allows us to show different classes of FuTS, namely so-called simple FuTS, combined FuTS, nested FuTS, and general FuTS

    A uniform definition of stochastic process calculi

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    We introduce a unifying framework to provide the semantics of process algebras, including their quantitative variants useful for modeling quantitative aspects of behaviors. The unifying framework is then used to describe some of the most representative stochastic process algebras. This provides a general and clear support for an understanding of their similarities and differences. The framework is based on State to Function Labeled Transition Systems, FuTSs for short, that are state-transition structures where each transition is a triple of the form (s; α;P). The first andthe second components are the source state, s, and the label, α, of the transition, while the third component is the continuation function, P, associating a value of a suitable type to each state s0. For example, in the case of stochastic process algebras the value of the continuation function on s0 represents the rate of the negative exponential distribution characterizing the duration/delay of the action performed to reach state s0 from s. We first provide the semantics of a simple formalism used to describe Continuous-Time Markov Chains, then we model a number of process algebras that permit parallel composition of models according to the two main interaction paradigms (multiparty and one-to-one synchronization). Finally, we deal with formalisms where actions and rates are kept separate and address the issues related to the coexistence of stochastic, probabilistic, and non-deterministic behaviors. For each formalism, we establish the formal correspondence between the FuTSs semantics and its original semantics