16 research outputs found

    Strong Forward Security in Identity-Based Signcryption

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    Due to the possibility of key exposure, forward security in encryption and signing has been well studied, especially in the identity-based setting where an entity\u27s public key is that entity\u27s name. From an efficiency point of view, one would like to use the signcryption primitive and have the best of both worlds. However, strong forward security, where the adversary cannot signcrypt in sender\u27s name nor designcrypt in receiver\u27s name for past time periods even if it has the secrets of both, requires periodic updating of the secret keys of the users. This is an improvement over signcryption schemes that only protect against designcrypting in the past. In this paper, we propose the first ever strong forward secure identity-based signcryption scheme which has public ciphertext verifiability and a third-party verification protocol

    Puncturable Key Wrapping and Its Applications

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    We introduce puncturable key wrapping (PKW), a new cryptographic primitive that supports fine-grained forward security properties in symmetric key hierarchies. We develop syntax and security definitions, along with provably secure constructions for PKW from simpler components (AEAD schemes and puncturable PRFs). We show how PKW can be applied in two distinct scenarios. First, we show how to use PKW to achieve forward security for TLS 1.3 0-RTT session resumption, even when the server\u27s long-term key for generating session tickets gets compromised. This extends and corrects a recent work of Aviram, Gellert, and Jager (Journal of Cryptology, 2021). Second, we show how to use PKW to build a protected file storage system with file shredding, wherein a client can outsource encrypted files to a potentially malicious or corrupted cloud server whilst achieving strong forward-security guarantees, relying only on local key updates

    Practical forward secure group signature schemes

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    Treasure Island Security framework : A Generic Security Framework for public clouds

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    In this thesis we introduce a generic security framework for public clouds called Treasure Island Security framework that is designed to address the issues related to cloud computing security and specifically key-management in untrusted domains. Nowadays many cloud structure and services are provided but as an inevitable concomitant to these new products, security issues increase rapidly. Availability, integrity of data, lack of trust, confidentiality as well as security issues are also of great importance to cloud computing users; they may be more skeptical of the cloud services when they feel that they might lose the control over their data or the structures that the cloud provided for them.   Because of deferred control of data from customers to cloud providers and unknown number of third parties in between, it is almost impossible to apply traditional security methods. We present our security framework, with distributed key and sequential addressing in a simple abstract mode with a master server and adequate number of chunk servers. We assume a fixed chunk size model for large files and sequentially distribution file system with 4 separated key to decrypt/encrypt file. After reviewing the process, we analyze the Distributed Key and Sequentially Addressing Distributed file system and it's Security Risk Model. The focus of this thesis is on increasing security in untrusted domain especially in the cloud key management in public cloud. We discuss cryptographic approaches in key-management and suggest a novel cryptographic method for public cloud's key-management system based on forward-secure public key encryption, which supports a non-interactive publicly verifiable secret sharing scheme through a tree access structure. We believe that Treasure Island Security Framework can provide an increased secure environment in untrusted domains, like public cloud, in which users can securely reconstruct their secret-keys (e.g. lost passphrases). Finally, we discuss the advantages and benefits of Cloud Computing Security Framework with Distributed Key and Sequentially Addressing Distributed file system and cryptographic approaches and how it helps to improve the security levels in cloud systems.  M.S

    Forward Secure Fuzzy Extractors

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    Cryptographic Analysis of Secure Messaging Protocols

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    Instant messaging applications promise their users a secure and private way to communicate. The validity of these promises rests on the design of the underlying protocol, the cryptographic primitives used and the quality of the implementation. Though secure messaging designs exist in the literature, for various reasons developers of messaging applications often opt to design their own protocols, creating a gap between cryptography as understood by academic research and cryptography as implemented in practice. This thesis contributes to bridging this gap by approaching it from both sides: by looking for flaws in the protocols underlying real-world messaging applications, as well as by performing a rigorous analysis of their security guarantees in a provable security model.Secure messaging can provide a host of different, sometimes conflicting, security and privacy guarantees. It is thus important to judge applications based on the concrete security expectations of their users. This is particularly significant for higher-risk users such as activists or civil rights protesters. To position our work, we first studied the security practices of protesters in the context of the 2019 Anti-ELAB protests in Hong Kong using in-depth, semi-structured interviews with participants of these protests. We report how they organised on different chat platforms based on their perceived security, and how they developed tactics and strategies to enable pseudonymity and detect compromise.Then, we analysed two messaging applications relevant in the protest context: Bridgefy and Telegram. Bridgefy is a mobile mesh messaging application, allowing users in relative proximity to communicate without the Internet. It was being promoted as a secure communication tool for use in areas experiencing large-scale protests. We showed that Bridgefy permitted its users to be tracked, offered no authenticity, no effective confidentiality protections and lacked resilience against adversarially crafted messages. We verified these vulnerabilities by demonstrating a series of practical attacks.Telegram is a messaging platform with over 500 million users, yet prior to this work its bespoke protocol, MTProto, had received little attention from the cryptographic community. We provided the first comprehensive study of the MTProto symmetric channel as implemented in cloud chats. We gave both positive and negative results. First, we found two attacks on the existing protocol, and two attacks on its implementation in official clients which exploit timing side channels and uncover a vulnerability in the key exchange protocol. Second, we proved that a fixed version of the symmetric MTProto protocol achieves security in a suitable bidirectional secure channel model, albeit under unstudied assumptions. Our model itself advances the state-of-the-art for secure channels

    Succinct Garbled RAM

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    We construct the first fully succinct garbling scheme for RAM programs, assuming the existence of indistinguishability obfuscation for circuits and one-way functions. That is, the size, space requirements, and runtime of the garbled program are the same as those of the input program, up to poly-logarithmic factors and a polynomial in the security parameter. The scheme can be used to construct indistinguishability obfuscators for RAM programs with comparable efficiency, at the price of requiring sub-exponential security of the underlying primitives. In particular, this opens the door to obfuscated computations that are sublinear in the length of their inputs. The scheme builds on the recent schemes of Koppula-Lewko-Waters and Canetti-Holmgren-Jain-Vaikuntanathan [STOC 15]. A key technical challenge here is how to combine the fixed-prefix technique of KLW, which was developed for deterministic programs, with randomized Oblivious RAM techniques. To overcome that, we develop a method for arguing about the indistinguishability of two obfuscated randomized programs that use correlated randomness. Along the way, we also define and construct garbling schemes that offer only partial protection. These may be of independent interest

    Cryptography with Updates

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    Starting with the work of Bellare, Goldreich and Goldwasser [CRYPTO\u2794], a rich line of work has studied the design of updatable cryptographic primitives. For example, in an updatable signature scheme, it is possible to efficiently transform a signature over a message into a signature over a related message without recomputing a fresh signature. In this work, we continue this line of research, and perform a systematic study of updatable cryptography. We take a unified approach towards adding updatability features to recently studied cryptographic objects such as attribute-based encryption, functional encryption, witness encryption, indistinguishability obfuscation, and many others that support non-interactive computation over inputs. We, in fact, go further and extend our approach to classical protocols such as zero-knowledge proofs and secure multiparty computation. To accomplish this goal, we introduce a new notion of updatable randomized encodings that extends the standard notion of randomized encodings to incorporate updatability features. We show that updatable randomized encodings can be used to generically transform cryptographic primitives to their updatable counterparts. We provide various definitions and constructions of updatable randomized encodings based on varying assumptions, ranging from one-way functions to compact functional encryption