8 research outputs found

    On in-situ visualization for strongly coupled partitioned fluid-structure interaction

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    We present an integrated in-situ visualization approach for partitioned multi-physics simulation of fluid-structure interaction. The simulation itself is treated as a black box and only the information at the fluid-structure interface is considered, and communicated between the fluid and solid solvers with a separate coupling tool. The visualization of the interface data is performed in conjunction with the fluid solver. Furthermore, we present new visualization techniques for the analysis of the interrelation of the two solvers , with emphasis on the involved error due to discretization in space and time and the reconstruction. Our visualization approach also enables the investigation of these errors with respect of their mutual influence on the two simulation codes and their space-time discretization. For efficient interactive visualization, we employ the concept of explorable spatiotemporal images, which also enables finite-time temporal navigation in an in-situ context. We demonstrate our overall approach and its utility by means of a fluid-structure simulation using OpenFOAM that is coupled by the preCICE software layer

    Smart Surrogate Widgets for Direct Volume Manipulation

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    Interaction is an essential aspect in volume visualization, yet common manipulation tools such as bounding boxes or clipping plane widgets provide rather crude tools as they neglect the complex structure of the underlying data. In this paper, we introduce a novel volume interaction approach based on smart widgets that are automatically placed directly into the data in a visibility-driven manner. By adapting to what the user actually sees, they act as proxies that allow for goal-oriented modifications while still providing an intuitive set of simple operations that is easy to control. In particular, our method is well-suited for direct manipulation scenarios such as touch screens, where traditional user interface elements commonly exhibit limited utility. To evaluate out approach we conducted a qualitative user study with nine participants with various backgrounds.acceptedVersio

    Explorable images for visualizing volume data

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    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationVisualization and exploration of volumetric datasets has been an active area of research for over two decades. During this period, volumetric datasets used by domain users have evolved from univariate to multivariate. The volume datasets are typically explored and classified via transfer function design and visualized using direct volume rendering. To improve classification results and to enable the exploration of multivariate volume datasets, multivariate transfer functions emerge. In this dissertation, we describe our research on multivariate transfer function design. To improve the classification of univariate volumes, various one-dimensional (1D) or two-dimensional (2D) transfer function spaces have been proposed; however, these methods work on only some datasets. We propose a novel transfer function method that provides better classifications by combining different transfer function spaces. Methods have been proposed for exploring multivariate simulations; however, these approaches are not suitable for complex real-world datasets and may be unintuitive for domain users. To this end, we propose a method based on user-selected samples in the spatial domain to make complex multivariate volume data visualization more accessible for domain users. However, this method still requires users to fine-tune transfer functions in parameter space transfer function widgets, which may not be familiar to them. We therefore propose GuideME, a novel slice-guided semiautomatic multivariate volume exploration approach. GuideME provides the user, an easy-to-use, slice-based user interface that suggests the feature boundaries and allows the user to select features via click and drag, and then an optimal transfer function is automatically generated by optimizing a response function. Throughout the exploration process, the user does not need to interact with the parameter views at all. Finally, real-world multivariate volume datasets are also usually of large size, which is larger than the GPU memory and even the main memory of standard work stations. We propose a ray-guided out-of-core, interactive volume rendering and efficient query method to support large and complex multivariate volumes on standard work stations

    Feature-driven Volume Visualization of Medical Imaging Data

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    Direct volume rendering (DVR) is a volume visualization technique that has been proved to be a very powerful tool in many scientific visualization domains. Diagnostic medical imaging is one such domain in which DVR provides new capabilities for the analysis of complex cases and improves the efficiency of image interpretation workflows. However, the full potential of DVR in the medical domain has not yet been realized. A major obstacle for a better integration of DVR in the medical domain is the time-consuming process to optimize the rendering parameters that are needed to generate diagnostically relevant visualizations in which the important features that are hidden in image volumes are clearly displayed, such as shape and spatial localization of tumors, its relationship with adjacent structures, and temporal changes in the tumors. In current workflows, clinicians must manually specify the transfer function (TF), view-point (camera), clipping planes, and other visual parameters. Another obstacle for the adoption of DVR to the medical domain is the ever increasing volume of imaging data. The advancement of imaging acquisition techniques has led to a rapid expansion in the size of the data, in the forms of higher resolutions, temporal imaging acquisition to track treatment responses over time, and an increase in the number of imaging modalities that are used for a single procedure. The manual specification of the rendering parameters under these circumstances is very challenging. This thesis proposes a set of innovative methods that visualize important features in multi-dimensional and multi-modality medical images by automatically or semi-automatically optimizing the rendering parameters. Our methods enable visualizations necessary for the diagnostic procedure in which 2D slice of interest (SOI) can be augmented with 3D anatomical contextual information to provide accurate spatial localization of 2D features in the SOI; the rendering parameters are automatically computed to guarantee the visibility of 3D features; and changes in 3D features can be tracked in temporal data under the constraint of consistent contextual information. We also present a method for the efficient computation of visibility histograms (VHs) using adaptive binning, which allows our optimal DVR to be automated and visualized in real-time. We evaluated our methods by producing visualizations for a variety of clinically relevant scenarios and imaging data sets. We also examined the computational performance of our methods for these scenarios

    Feature-driven Volume Visualization of Medical Imaging Data

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    Direct volume rendering (DVR) is a volume visualization technique that has been proved to be a very powerful tool in many scientific visualization domains. Diagnostic medical imaging is one such domain in which DVR provides new capabilities for the analysis of complex cases and improves the efficiency of image interpretation workflows. However, the full potential of DVR in the medical domain has not yet been realized. A major obstacle for a better integration of DVR in the medical domain is the time-consuming process to optimize the rendering parameters that are needed to generate diagnostically relevant visualizations in which the important features that are hidden in image volumes are clearly displayed, such as shape and spatial localization of tumors, its relationship with adjacent structures, and temporal changes in the tumors. In current workflows, clinicians must manually specify the transfer function (TF), view-point (camera), clipping planes, and other visual parameters. Another obstacle for the adoption of DVR to the medical domain is the ever increasing volume of imaging data. The advancement of imaging acquisition techniques has led to a rapid expansion in the size of the data, in the forms of higher resolutions, temporal imaging acquisition to track treatment responses over time, and an increase in the number of imaging modalities that are used for a single procedure. The manual specification of the rendering parameters under these circumstances is very challenging. This thesis proposes a set of innovative methods that visualize important features in multi-dimensional and multi-modality medical images by automatically or semi-automatically optimizing the rendering parameters. Our methods enable visualizations necessary for the diagnostic procedure in which 2D slice of interest (SOI) can be augmented with 3D anatomical contextual information to provide accurate spatial localization of 2D features in the SOI; the rendering parameters are automatically computed to guarantee the visibility of 3D features; and changes in 3D features can be tracked in temporal data under the constraint of consistent contextual information. We also present a method for the efficient computation of visibility histograms (VHs) using adaptive binning, which allows our optimal DVR to be automated and visualized in real-time. We evaluated our methods by producing visualizations for a variety of clinically relevant scenarios and imaging data sets. We also examined the computational performance of our methods for these scenarios