6,419 research outputs found

    RISAS: A novel rotation, illumination, scale invariant appearance and shape feature

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    © 2017 IEEE. This paper presents a novel appearance and shape feature, RISAS, which is robust to viewpoint, illumination, scale and rotation variations. RISAS consists of a keypoint detector and a feature descriptor both of which utilise texture and geometric information present in the appearance and shape channels. A novel response function based on the surface normals is used in combination with the Harris corner detector for selecting keypoints in the scene. A strategy that uses the depth information for scale estimation and background elimination is proposed to select the neighbourhood around the keypoints in order to build precise invariant descriptors. Proposed descriptor relies on the ordering of both grayscale intensity and shape information in the neighbourhood. Comprehensive experiments which confirm the effectiveness of the proposed RGB-D feature when compared with CSHOT [1] and LOIND[2] are presented. Furthermore, we highlight the utility of incorporating texture and shape information in the design of both the detector and the descriptor by demonstrating the enhanced performance of CSHOT and LOIND when combined with RISAS detector

    Multi-scale and multi-spectral shape analysis: from 2d to 3d

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    Shape analysis is a fundamental aspect of many problems in computer graphics and computer vision, including shape matching, shape registration, object recognition and classification. Since the SIFT achieves excellent matching results in 2D image domain, it inspires us to convert the 3D shape analysis to 2D image analysis using geometric maps. However, the major disadvantage of geometric maps is that it introduces inevitable, large distortions when mapping large, complex and topologically complicated surfaces to a canonical domain. It is demanded for the researchers to construct the scale space directly on the 3D shape. To address these research issues, in this dissertation, in order to find the multiscale processing for the 3D shape, we start with shape vector image diffusion framework using the geometric mapping. Subsequently, we investigate the shape spectrum field by introducing the implementation and application of Laplacian shape spectrum. In order to construct the scale space on 3D shape directly, we present a novel idea to solve the diffusion equation using the manifold harmonics in the spectral point of view. Not only confined on the mesh, by using the point-based manifold harmonics, we rigorously derive our solution from the diffusion equation which is the essential of the scale space processing on the manifold. Built upon the point-based manifold harmonics transform, we generalize the diffusion function directly on the point clouds to create the scale space. In virtue of the multiscale structure from the scale space, we can detect the feature points and construct the descriptor based on the local neighborhood. As a result, multiscale shape analysis directly on the 3D shape can be achieved

    Automatic Video-based Analysis of Human Motion

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    Vision-Based 2D and 3D Human Activity Recognition

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    Computer vision, archaeological classification and China's terracotta warriors

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    Structure-from-motion and multiview-stereo together offer a computer vision technique for reconstructing detailed 3D models from overlapping images of anything from large landscapes to microscopic features. Because such models can be generated from ordinary photographs taken with standard cameras in ordinary lighting conditions, these techniques are revolutionising digital recording and analysis in archaeology and related subjects such as palaeontology, museum studies and art history. However, most published treatments so far have focused merely on this technique's ability to produce low-cost, high quality representations, with one or two also suggesting new opportunities for citizen science. However, perhaps the major artefact scale advantage comes from significantly enhanced possibilities for 3D morphometric analysis and comparative taxonomy. We wish to stimulate further discussion of this new research domain by considering a case study using a famous and contentious set of archaeological objects: the terracotta warriors of China's first emperor. © 2014 The Authors

    Algorithms for people re-identification from RGB-D videos exploiting skeletal information

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    In this thesis a novel methodology to face people re-identification problem is proposed. Re-identification is a complex research topic representing a fundamental issue especially for intelligent video surveillance applications. Its goal is to determine the occurrences of the same person in different video sequences or images, usually by choosing from a high number of candidates within a datasetope