3 research outputs found

    3rd Many-core Applications Research Community (MARC) Symposium. (KIT Scientific Reports ; 7598)

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    This manuscript includes recent scientific work regarding the Intel Single Chip Cloud computer and describes approaches for novel approaches for programming and run-time organization

    DVFS-control techniques for dense linear algebra operations on multi-core processors

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    [EN] This paper analyzes the impact on power con- sumption of two DVFS-control strategies when applied to the execution of dense linear algebra operations on multi- core processors. The strategies considered here, prototyped as the Slack Reduction Algorithm (SRA) and the Race-to- Idle Algorithm (RIA), adjust the operation frequency of the cores during execution of a collection of tasks (in which many dense linear algebra algorithms can be decomposed) with a very different approach to save energy. A power- aware simulator, in charge of scheduling the execution of tasks to processor cores, is employed to evaluate the perfor- mance benefits of these power-control policies for two ref- erence algorithms for the LU factorization, a key operation for the solution of linear systems of equations.The authors from Univ. Jaume I were supported by project CICYT TIN2008-06570-C04 and FEDER.Alonso-Jordá, P.; Dolz Zaragozá, MF.; Igual, FD.; Mayo, R.; Quintana Ortí, ES. (2012). DVFS-control techniques for dense linear algebra operations on multi-core processors. Computer Science - Research and Development. 27(4):289-298. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00450-011-0188-7S289298274Albers S (2010) Energy-efficient algorithms. Commun ACM 53:86–96Dongarra J et al. (2011) The international ExaScale software project roadmap. Int J High Perform Comput Appl, 25(1):3–60Duranton M et al. (2010) The HiPEAC vision. Available from http://www.hipeac.net/roadmapFeng W, Feng X, Ce R (2008) Green supercomputing comes of age. IT Prof 10(1):17–23Gruber R, Keller V (2010) One joule per GFlop for BLAS2 now! In: Simos TE, Psihoyios G, Tsitouras C (eds) AIP conf proceedings, vol 1281. American Institute of Physics, College Park, pp 1321–1324Ludwig T (2010) Editorial for the first international conference on energy-aware high performance computing. Comput Sci Res Dev 25(3):123–124Golub GH, Van Loan CF (1996) Matrix computations, 3rd edn. The Johns Hopkins University Press, BaltimoreVan Zee FG (2009) libflame: the complete reference. www.lulu.comAnderson E, Bai Z, Bischof C, Blackford LS, Demmel J, Dongarra JJ, Croz Du J, Hammarling S, Greenbaum A, McKenney A, Sorensen D (1999) LAPACK users’ guide, 3rd edn. SIAM, PhiladelphiaHsu C, Feng W (2005) A feasibility analysis of power awareness in commodity-based high-performance clusters. In: Cluster 2005Quintana-Ortí ES, van de Geijn RA (2008) Updating an LU factorization with pivoting. ACM Trans Math Softw 35(2):11:1–11:16Quintana-Ortí G, Quintana-Ortí ES, van de Geijn RA, Van Zee FG, Chan E (2009) Programming matrix algorithms-by-blocks for thread-level parallelism. ACM Trans Math Softw 36(3):14:1–14:26Freeh VW, Lowenthal DK, Pan F, Kappiah N, Springer R, Rountree BL, Femal ME (2007) Analyzing the energy-time trade-off in high-performance computing applications. IEEE Trans Parallel Distrib Syst 18:835–848King D, Ahmad I, Sheikh HF (2010) Stretch and compress based re-scheduling techniques for minimizing the execution times of DAGs on multi-core processors under energy constraints. In: International conference on green computing. IEEE Press, New York, pp 49–60Palli K (2005) Scheduling dags for minimum finish time and power consumption on heterogeneous processors. Master’s thesis, Albers University, Albers, ALShaffer LR, Ritter JB, Meyer WL (1965) The critical-path method. McGraw-Hill, New YorkAlonso P, Dolz MF, Mayo R, Quintana-Ortí ES (2011) Improving power efficiency of dense linear algorithms on multi-core processors via slack control. Proceedings of the 2011 international conference on high performance computing & simulation (HPCS 2011). IEE Catzlog Number. CFP1178H-CDR, pp. 463–470Alonso P, Dolz MF, Mayo R, Quintana-Ortí ES (2011) Energy-aware scheduling of dense linear algebra operations on multi-core processors. Technical report 2011-04-01, Depto. de Ingeniería y Ciencia de los Computadores, Universitat Jaume I, April 2011Li R, Huang HC (2007) List scheduling for jobs with arbitrary release times and similar lengths. J Sched 10(6):365–373Mtibaa A, Ouni B, Abid M (2007) An efficient list scheduling algorithm for time placement problem. Comput Electr Eng 33(4):285–29

    Energy-efficient execution of dense linear algebra algorithms on multi-core processors

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    This paper addresses the efficient exploitation of task-level parallelism, present in many dense linear alge- bra operations, from the point of view of both computa- tional performance and energy consumption. The strategies considered here, referred to as the Slack Reduction Algo- rithm (SRA) and the Race-to-Idle Algorithm (RIA), adjust the operation frequency of the cores during the execution of a collection of tasks (in which many dense linear alge- bra algorithms can be decomposed) with very different ap- proaches to save energy. The procedures are evaluated using an energy-aware simulator, which is in charge of schedul- ing/mapping the execution of these tasks to the cores, lever- aging dynamic frequency voltage scaling featured by current technology. Experiments with this tool and the practical in- tegration of the RIA strategy into a runtime show the energy gains for two versions of the QR factorization.This work was supported by project CICYT TIN2011-23283 and FEDER.Alonso-Jordá, P.; Dolz Zaragozá, MF.; Mayo, R.; Quintana-Ortí, ES. (2013). Energy-efficient execution of dense linear algebra algorithms on multi-core processors. Cluster Computing. 16(3):497-509. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10586-012-0215-xS497509163Borkar, S., Chien, A.: The future of microprocessors. Commun. ACM 54, 67–77 (2011)Esmaeilzadeh, H., Blem, E., Amant, R.St., Sankaralingam, K., Burger, D.: Dark silicon and the end of multicore scaling. In: Proceeding of the 38th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture, ISCA’11, New York, NY, USA, pp. 365–376. 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