7 research outputs found

    The Art of Fault Injection

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    Classical greek philosopher considered the foremost virtues to be temperance, justice, courage, and prudence. In this paper we relate these cardinal virtues to the correct methodological approaches that researchers should follow when setting up a fault injection experiment. With this work we try to understand where the "straightforward pathway" lies, in order to highlight those common methodological errors that deeply influence the coherency and the meaningfulness of fault injection experiments. Fault injection is like an art, where the success of the experiments depends on a very delicate balance between modeling, creativity, statistics, and patience

    Designing Fault-Injection Experiments for the Reliability of Embedded Systems

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    This paper considers the long-standing problem of conducting fault-injections experiments to establish the ultra-reliability of embedded systems. There have been extensive efforts in fault injection, and this paper offers a partial summary of the efforts, but these previous efforts have focused on realism and efficiency. Fault injections have been used to examine diagnostics and to test algorithms, but the literature does not contain any framework that says how to conduct fault-injection experiments to establish ultra-reliability. A solution to this problem integrates field-data, arguments-from-design, and fault-injection into a seamless whole. The solution in this paper is to derive a model reduction theorem for a class of semi-Markov models suitable for describing ultra-reliable embedded systems. The derivation shows that a tight upper bound on the probability of system failure can be obtained using only the means of system-recovery times, thus reducing the experimental effort to estimating a reasonable number of easily-observed parameters. The paper includes an example of a system subject to both permanent and transient faults. There is a discussion of integrating fault-injection with field-data and arguments-from-design

    Data-driven Mutation Analysis for Cyber-Physical Systems

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    Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) typically consist of a wide set of integrated, heterogeneous components; consequently, most of their critical failures relate to the interoperability of such components. Unfortunately, most CPS test automation techniques are preliminary and industry still heavily relies on manual testing. With potentially incomplete, manually-generated test suites, it is of paramount importance to assess their quality. Though mutation analysis has demonstrated to be an effective means to assess test suite quality in some specific contexts, we lack approaches for CPSs. Indeed, existing approaches do not target interoperability problems and cannot be executed in the presence of black-box or simulated components, a typical situation with CPSs. In this paper, we introduce data-driven mutation analysis, an approach that consists in assessing test suite quality by verifying if it detects interoperability faults simulated by mutating the data exchanged by software components. To this end, we describe a data-driven mutation analysis technique (DaMAT) that automatically alters the data exchanged through data buffers. Our technique is driven by fault models in tabular form where engineers specify how to mutate data items by selecting and configuring a set of mutation operators. We have evaluated DaMAT with CPSs in the space domain; specifically, the test suites for the software systems of a microsatellite and nanosatellites launched on orbit last year. Our results show that the approach effectively detects test suite shortcomings, is not affected by equivalent and redundant mutants, and entails acceptable costs

    A framework for adaptive monitoring and performance management of component-based enterprise applications

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    Most large-scale enterprise applications are currently built using component-based middleware platforms such as J2EE or .NET. Developers leverage enterprise services provided by such platforms to speed up development and increase the robustness of their applications. In addition, using a component-oriented development model brings benefits such as increased reusability and flexibility in integrating with third-party systems. In order to provide the required services, the application servers implementing the corresponding middleware specifications employ a complex run-time infrastructure that integrates with developer-written business logic. The resulting complexity of the execution environment in such systems makes it difficult for architects and developers to understand completely the implications of alternative design options over the resulting performance of the running system. They often make incorrect assumptions about the behaviour of the middleware, which may lead to design decisions that cause severe performance problems after the system has been deployed. This situation is aggravated by the fact that although application servers vary greatly in performance and capabilities, many advertise a similar set of features, making it difficult to choose the one that is the most appropriate for their task. The thesis presents a methodology and tool for approaching performance management in enterprise component-based systems. By leveraging the component platform infrastructure, the described solution can nonintrusively instrument running applications and extract performance statistics. The use of component meta-data for target analysis, together with standards-based implementation strategies, ensures the complete portability of the instrumentation solution across different application servers. Based on this instrumentation infrastructure, a complete performance management framework including modelling and performance prediction is proposed. Most instrumentation solutions exhibit static behaviour by targeting a specified set of components. For long running applications, a constant overhead profile is undesirable and typically, such a solution would only be used for the duration of a performance audit, sacrificing the benefits of constantly observing a production system in favour of a reduced performance impact. This is addressed in this thesis by proposing an adaptive approach to monitoring which uses execution models to target profiling operations dynamically on components that exhibit performance degradation; this ensures a negligible overhead when the target application performs as expected and a minimum impact when certain components under-perform. Experimental results obtained with the prototype tool demonstrate the feasibility of the approach in terms of induced overhead. The portable and extensible architecture yields a versatile and adaptive basic instrumentation facility for a variety of potential applications that need a flexible solution for monitoring long running enterprise applications

    On the Efficient Design and Testing of Dependable Systems Software

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    Modern computing systems that enable increasingly smart and complex applications permeate our daily lives. We strive for a fully connected and automated world to simplify our lives and increase comfort by offloading tasks to smart devices and systems. We have become dependent on the complex and ever growing ecosystem of software that drives the innovations of our smart technologies. With this dependence on complex software systems arises the question whether these systems are dependable, i.e., whether we can actually trust them to perform their intended functions. As software is developed by human beings, it must be expected to contain faults, and we need strategies and techniques to minimize both their number and the severity of their impact that scale with the increase in software complexity. Common approaches to achieve dependable operation include fault acceptance and fault avoidance strategies. The former gracefully handle faults when they occur during operation, e.g., by isolating and restarting faulty components, whereas the latter try to remove faults before system deployment, e.g., by applying correctness testing and software fault injection (SFI) techniques. On this background, this thesis aims at improving the efficiency of fault isolation for operating system kernel components, which are especially critical for dependable operation, as well as at improving the efficiency of dynamic testing activities to cope with the increasing complexity of software. Using the widely used Linux kernel, we demonstrate that partial fault isolation techniques for kernel software components can be enhanced with dynamic runtime profiles to strike a balance between the expected overheads imposed by the isolation mechanism and the achieved degree of isolation according to user requirements. With the increase in software complexity, comprehensive correctness and robustness assessments using testing and SFI require a substantially increasing number of individual tests whose execution requires a considerable amount of time. We study, considering different levels of the software stack, if modern parallel hardware can be employed to mitigate this increase. In particular, we demonstrate that SFI tests can benefit from parallel execution if such tests are carefully designed and conducted. We furthermore introduce a novel SFI framework to efficiently conduct such experiments. Moreover, we investigate if existing test suites for correctness testing can already benefit from parallel execution and provide an approach that offers a migration path for test suites that have not originally been designed for parallel execution

    Resilience-Building Technologies: State of Knowledge -- ReSIST NoE Deliverable D12

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    This document is the first product of work package WP2, "Resilience-building and -scaling technologies", in the programme of jointly executed research (JER) of the ReSIST Network of Excellenc

    Safe and automatic live update

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    Tanenbaum, A.S. [Promotor