8,703 research outputs found

    Assessing regional digital competence: Digital futures and strategic planning implications

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    Understanding strategic decisions aimed at addressing regional economic issues is of increasing interest among scholars and policy makers today. Thus, studies that proffer effective strategies to address digital futures concerns from social and policy perspectives are timely. In light of this, this research uses strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) analysis tool to frame a regional strategy for digital futures to enhance place-specific digital connectivity and socio-economic progress. Focus group discussions and a structured questionnaire were conducted to examine a SWOT for a digital economy strategy in the Southern Downs Region in Queensland, Australia. The findings show that while the proposed regional strategies for digital futures are susceptible to internal and external forces, strategic planning makes them manageable. The study’s findings also reveal that adaptive strategic planning can help regulate the effects of internal and external factors that shape individual and organisational responses to digital transformation, and that these factors promote regional competitiveness

    A Case Study Of E-Supply Chain & Business Process Reengineering Of A Semiconductor Company In Malaysia

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    Penglibatan e-perniagaan dalam rantaian bekalan telah mewujudkan e-rantaian bekalan yang baru (e-SC) di firma-firma tempatan dan global. Due to globalization and advancement in information technology (IT), companies adopt best practices in e-business and supply chain management to be globally competitive as both are realities and prospects in 21st century

    Formation of complex model of analytical support of deposit bank management

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    The effectiveness of the deposit bank management, as individual decision making in the management process involving the deposit resources islargely determined by the efficiency, completeness, timeliness and adequacy of methods and analysis techniques used in its implementation. Perfection analysis, in turn, depends on the existing methodological framework, information analysis. It does not require evidence of the fact that the development of any economic system can not be effective and successful without a detailed analysis of the achieved level, determining the future prospects and goals and finding appropriate ways to achieve this goal, and the realization of each of these challenges requires an appropriate analytical support. Implementation of all functions of the deposit bank management should include: analysis of macro functioning of the bank using SLEPT, STEP and PEST analysis; comprehensive analysis of the external and internal environments using bank SNW, SPASE and SWOT analysis; using micro-bank financial, statistical, mathematical economic analysis and should be accompanied by a risk analysis via expert methods, GAP-analysis, duration analysis, VAR-analysis, stress testing and back

    Strategists in an uncertain world

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    Referring to the conceptual framework for strategy-as-practice (Whittington 2006, Jarzabkowski et al. 2007), this paper aims at investigating the practioners-practices couple, by analysing the main and recurrent individual characteristics of practitioners and the way they interact with their troubled environment and the strategy formation process of the organization (formalization, intuition, market or organization-focused, communication mode, ...). Hence, we focus on strategists and their strategizing practices.strategizing; strategists

    Effectiveness evaluation of the ICE (Italian institute of foreing trade) promotional programme: case study

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    Evaluation and monitoring approaches and methodologies are spreading within the national and regional administrations directly involved in the management of the programmes co-financed by Structural Funds as well as within other institutional contexts where public policies are planned and implemented. The purpose of the present paper is to illustrate some results from a still ongoing training and consultancy project, on behalf of the ICE (Foreign Trade Institute), aiming at integrating ICE programming with evaluation and monitoring practices. Indeed, during the last year the ICE Programming Unit has been engaged in training and consultancy activities involving the application of evaluation and monitoring methodologies to the activities promoting ICE. The recipients of such initiative belong to the ICE Programming and Control Unit and they already gained experience in the evaluation area in the past within ad hoc working groups. More specifically, the purpose of this activity is to provide the opportunity to develop the means for a more effective management of the projects and start a broader process leading to organizational change and improvement.programme evaluation, effectiveness measure, customer satisfaction

    Дослідження системи операційного менеджменту організації, на прикладі Apple Computer, Inc

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    The object of investigation is the process of managing of operating activities of Apple, Inc. The aim of the work is to formulate theoretical approaches and to develop practical recommendations on directions of improvement of operating management at the organization. Research methods cover methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, detailing, system approach. This master’s research paper analyzes the operational management of Apple, Inc. and provides recommendations for it’s improvement. In particular, the main directions of solving the problems of operational management of the company have been outlined, the proposals on improvement of expansion distribution network and organization of innovative activity of the Apple Inc. have been made.Об'єкт дослідження ‒ процес управління операційною діяльністю компанії Apple, Inc. Мета дослідження - формування теоретичних підходів та розробка практичних рекомендацій щодо напрямів вдосконалення системи операційного менеджменту компанії Apple, Inc. Методи дослідження: методи аналізу, синтезу, порівняння, деталізації, системний підхід. У роботі проведено аналіз операційного менеджменту Apple, Inc., а також викладені рекомендації щодо його вдосконалення. Зокрема, окреслено основні напрями вирішення проблем операційного менеджменту компанії, внесено пропозиції щодо розширення дистриб’юторської мережі, а також вдосконалення організації інноваційної діяльності Apple Inc.Introduction 6 CHAPTER 1 THE THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK OF OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT 8 1.1 Meanings and definition of operational management 8 1.2 Principles and methods of operations management 12 1.3 Factors affecting the Operations activity of Apple Inc. company 21 CHAPTER 2 RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS 31 2.1 Сompany introduction 31 2.2 SWOT - analysis of Apple Inc. Company 46 2.3 Analysis of operation management at Apple Inc 50 CHAPTER 3 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR IMPROVING OF OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT AT THE APPLE INC 63 3.1 The main directions of solving operational management problems of the company 63 3.2 Recommendations concerning improvements of Distribution in the organization 65 3.3 Recommendations concerning improvements of innovative activity at the organization 67 CHAPTER 4 SPECIAL PART 73 4.1 Current trends in the field 73 4.2 Company policy in the market 75 CHAPTER 5 RATIONALE FOR RECOMMENDATIONS 77 5.1 Statement for recommendations at Company 77 CHAPTER 6 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY AT THE ENTERPRISE 79 6.1 The aim of occupational health 79 6.2 Organization of occupational health and safety at the enterprise 86 CHAPTER 7 ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES 92 7.1 Environmental issues in the field 92 7.2 Еnvironmental factors 94 Conclusions 96 References 98 Appendices 10

    The need of standardization and the potential role of voluntary approaches: Issues and trends in Italian GCHP market

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    Despite the lack of specific incentives, Ground Coupled Heat Pumps (GCHP) installations are booming in Italy both in private and public sectors of the market. Such rapid growth entails an increasing concern for environmental and technical performances since no comprehensive regulation and reliable standards exist yet. By means of an investigation of sectoral opinion leaders and SWOT-based technique for building scenarios, this paper discusses potential schemes for balancing mandatory and voluntary requirements. The analysis suggests that standardization and voluntary schemes are perceived as effective tools to encourage the greening of Italian GCHP-SMEs in short-run while laying the foundations for evolving sustainable policies in the longer run. A potential scheme that has been simulated by reflecting the supply-side orientations of the market and that involves of process and product standards is discussed.

    Strategic Management of Climate Change Challenges to Crop and Livestock Productions in Southern Nigeria

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    The study investigated strategic management of climate change challenges to crop and livestock production in Southern Nigeria which is currently being threatened by climate change effects/challenges. Crop and livestock production in this area include economic farm products that are currently facing serious climate change threats /challenges. Climate change and agricultural production literature show that the havoc caused by climate change in Nigeria suggests more frightening future threats on agriculture in Africa. This makes it imperative to evolve sustainable strategic management techniques for managing climate change challenges to crop and livestock productions that constitute major farm products in Southern Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. A total of 610 respondents comprising of 266 registered crop farmers, 266 livestock farmers and 78 agricultural extension agents were used as study sample.  A questionnaire and focus group discussion guide were the instruments used for data collection. Data were analyzed using the means, standard deviation and t-test statistics. The study revealed the Weaknesses & Threats; Strengths & Opportunities (SWOT analysis) of climate change challenges to crop and livestock productions. It was found among others that: death and low yield of crops and livestock due to drought; heat stress are Weaknesses and Threats while the Strengths and Opportunities include, adoption of species or varieties of crops and breeds of animals that are resistant to drought and heat stress as well as government intervention. It was recommended among others that agricultural scientists and researchers should focus more on developing crops and livestock species that are climate change tolerant. Key Words: Strategic Management, SWOT Analysis, Climate Change, Crop & Livestock production

    Implementing a Nursing Professional Model to Improve Staff Nurse Engagement and Teamwork

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    Problem: Several studies have examined the role of the nurse and reveal that job-related stress, defined as an overload of high acuity patients, physical and emotional demands of the job, and lack of autonomy, may impact engagement and teamwork (Garrosa et al., 2010). Evidence suggests a direct correlation between high levels of staff engagement and teamwork improves quality outcomes for the organization. Therefore, it is imperative that we measure staff engagement and teamwork on our nursing units to ensure that quality indicators are met and that as an organization we provide safe patient care. Context: The purpose of this Doctor of Nursing Program (DNP) evidence-based change of practice project was to apply the elements of a professional practice model on a 48-bed medical-surgical-telemetry unit at a medium sized (225 licensed beds) tertiary medical center to measure the effect on nurse engagement and teamwork. The main stakeholders in this project were nursing administration, the unit management team, and staff nurses working on the interventional unit. The unit was chosen due to several indicators: decline in staff morale, lack of perceived teamwork amongst the staff, and the exodus of key staff members due to the demands of the role. Interventions: Using a pre-test, post-test design, nursing staff on the telemetry unit were enculturated with a professional practice model (known as the Voice of Nursing [VON]) along with its six core values and defined lean principles. Interventions consisted of a workshop, post workshop meetings, development of a visual board, and enhancement of an existing unit-based team known as Creating Lasting Change (CLC) to drive change on the unit. Measures: Measures chosen to study the intervention’s processes and outcomes targeted: a) nurse knowledge regarding the VON professional practice model, b) staff engagement, c) intent to stay with the organization, d) culture of teamwork, and e) improvement in the quality metric of patient falls. Results:The findings after implementing a professional practice model compared to pre-study findings are as follows: Nurses had a clearer understanding of the professional practice model (increased by 33%) Improved engagement on the interventional unit (improved by 4%) Intent to stay within the organization (increased by 11%) An improved culture of teamwork (improved by 9%) Decreased falls from a total of 4 to zero during the last three months of the project (June-August 2018) Conclusion: The purpose of implementing and enculturating the elements of a professional practice model demonstrated the intent to get to the hearts and minds of nurses and create an environment in which nurses are engaged, and a culture of teamwork exists. An engaged work force helps encapsulate a safe, efficient, and effective environment for not only the nurse but for their patients