66 research outputs found

    Streaming Property Testing of Visibly Pushdown Languages

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    In the context of language recognition, we demonstrate the superiority of streaming property testers against streaming algorithms and property testers, when they are not combined. Initiated by Feigenbaum et al., a streaming property tester is a streaming algorithm recognizing a language under the property testing approximation: it must distinguish inputs of the language from those that are Δ\varepsilon-far from it, while using the smallest possible memory (rather than limiting its number of input queries). Our main result is a streaming Δ\varepsilon-property tester for visibly pushdown languages (VPL) with one-sided error using memory space poly((log⁥n)/Δ)\mathrm{poly}((\log n) / \varepsilon). This constructions relies on a (non-streaming) property tester for weighted regular languages based on a previous tester by Alon et al. We provide a simple application of this tester for streaming testing special cases of instances of VPL that are already hard for both streaming algorithms and property testers. Our main algorithm is a combination of an original simulation of visibly pushdown automata using a stack with small height but possible items of linear size. In a second step, those items are replaced by small sketches. Those sketches relies on a notion of suffix-sampling we introduce. This sampling is the key idea connecting our streaming tester algorithm to property testers.Comment: 23 pages. Major modifications in the presentatio

    Streaming Property Testing of Visibly Pushdown Languages

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    In the context of formal language recognition, we demonstrate the superiority of streaming property testers against streaming algorithms and property testers, when they are not combined. Initiated by Feigenbaum et al., a streaming property tester is a streaming algorithm recognizing a language under the property testing approximation: it must distinguish inputs of the language from those that are eps-far from it, while using the smallest possible memory (rather than limiting its number of input queries). Our main result is a streaming eps-property tester for visibly pushdown languages (V_{PL}) with memory space poly(log n /epsilon). Our construction is done in three steps. First, we simulate a visibly pushdown automaton in one pass using a stack of small height but whose items can be of linear size. In a second step, those items are replaced by small sketches. Those sketches rely on a notion of suffix-sampling we introduce. This sampling is the key idea for taking benefit of both streaming algorithms and property testers in the third step. Indeed, the last step relies on a (non-streaming) property tester for weighted regular languages based on a previous tester by Alon et al. This tester can directly be used for streaming testing special cases of instances of V_{PL} that are already hard for both streaming algorithms and property testers. We then use it to decide the correctness of completed items, given their sketches, before removing them from the stack

    Property Testing of Regular Languages with Applications to Streaming Property Testing of Visibly Pushdown Languages

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    In this work, we revisit the problem of testing membership in regular languages, first studied by Alon et al. [Alon et al., 2001]. We develop a one-sided error property tester for regular languages under weighted edit distance that makes ?(?^{-1} log(1/?)) non-adaptive queries, assuming that the language is described by an automaton of constant size. Moreover, we show a matching lower bound, essentially closing the problem for the edit distance. As an application, we improve the space bound of the current best streaming property testing algorithm for visibly pushdown languages from ?(?^{-4} log? n) to ?(?^{-3} log? n log log n), where n is the size of the input. Finally, we provide a ?(max(?^{-1}, log n)) lower bound on the memory necessary to test visibly pushdown languages in the streaming model, significantly narrowing the gap between the known bounds

    Streamability of nested word transductions

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    We consider the problem of evaluating in streaming (i.e., in a single left-to-right pass) a nested word transduction with a limited amount of memory. A transduction T is said to be height bounded memory (HBM) if it can be evaluated with a memory that depends only on the size of T and on the height of the input word. We show that it is decidable in coNPTime for a nested word transduction defined by a visibly pushdown transducer (VPT), if it is HBM. In this case, the required amount of memory may depend exponentially on the height of the word. We exhibit a sufficient, decidable condition for a VPT to be evaluated with a memory that depends quadratically on the height of the word. This condition defines a class of transductions that strictly contains all determinizable VPTs

    A Grammatical Inference Approach to Language-Based Anomaly Detection in XML

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    False-positives are a problem in anomaly-based intrusion detection systems. To counter this issue, we discuss anomaly detection for the eXtensible Markup Language (XML) in a language-theoretic view. We argue that many XML-based attacks target the syntactic level, i.e. the tree structure or element content, and syntax validation of XML documents reduces the attack surface. XML offers so-called schemas for validation, but in real world, schemas are often unavailable, ignored or too general. In this work-in-progress paper we describe a grammatical inference approach to learn an automaton from example XML documents for detecting documents with anomalous syntax. We discuss properties and expressiveness of XML to understand limits of learnability. Our contributions are an XML Schema compatible lexical datatype system to abstract content in XML and an algorithm to learn visibly pushdown automata (VPA) directly from a set of examples. The proposed algorithm does not require the tree representation of XML, so it can process large documents or streams. The resulting deterministic VPA then allows stream validation of documents to recognize deviations in the underlying tree structure or datatypes.Comment: Paper accepted at First Int. Workshop on Emerging Cyberthreats and Countermeasures ECTCM 201

    Two-Way Visibly Pushdown Automata and Transducers

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    Automata-logic connections are pillars of the theory of regular languages. Such connections are harder to obtain for transducers, but important results have been obtained recently for word-to-word transformations, showing that the three following models are equivalent: deterministic two-way transducers, monadic second-order (MSO) transducers, and deterministic one-way automata equipped with a finite number of registers. Nested words are words with a nesting structure, allowing to model unranked trees as their depth-first-search linearisations. In this paper, we consider transformations from nested words to words, allowing in particular to produce unranked trees if output words have a nesting structure. The model of visibly pushdown transducers allows to describe such transformations, and we propose a simple deterministic extension of this model with two-way moves that has the following properties: i) it is a simple computational model, that naturally has a good evaluation complexity; ii) it is expressive: it subsumes nested word-to-word MSO transducers, and the exact expressiveness of MSO transducers is recovered using a simple syntactic restriction; iii) it has good algorithmic/closure properties: the model is closed under composition with a unambiguous one-way letter-to-letter transducer which gives closure under regular look-around, and has a decidable equivalence problem

    Streaming Tree Transducers

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    Theory of tree transducers provides a foundation for understanding expressiveness and complexity of analysis problems for specification languages for transforming hierarchically structured data such as XML documents. We introduce streaming tree transducers as an analyzable, executable, and expressive model for transforming unranked ordered trees in a single pass. Given a linear encoding of the input tree, the transducer makes a single left-to-right pass through the input, and computes the output in linear time using a finite-state control, a visibly pushdown stack, and a finite number of variables that store output chunks that can be combined using the operations of string-concatenation and tree-insertion. We prove that the expressiveness of the model coincides with transductions definable using monadic second-order logic (MSO). Existing models of tree transducers either cannot implement all MSO-definable transformations, or require regular look ahead that prohibits single-pass implementation. We show a variety of analysis problems such as type-checking and checking functional equivalence are solvable for our model.Comment: 40 page

    A Tighter Bound for the Determinization of Visibly Pushdown Automata

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    Visibly pushdown automata (VPA), introduced by Alur and Madhusuan in 2004, is a subclass of pushdown automata whose stack behavior is completely determined by the input symbol according to a fixed partition of the input alphabet. Since its introduce, VPAs have been shown to be useful in various context, e.g., as specification formalism for verification and as automaton model for processing XML streams. Due to high complexity, however, implementation of formal verification based on VPA framework is a challenge. In this paper we consider the problem of implementing VPA-based model checking algorithms. For doing so, we first present an improvement on upper bound for determinization of VPA. Next, we propose simple on-the-fly algorithms to check universality and inclusion problems of this automata class. Then, we implement the proposed algorithms in a prototype tool. Finally, we conduct experiments on randomly generated VPAs. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithms are considerably faster than the standard ones

    Visibly Pushdown Languages over Sliding Windows

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    We investigate the class of visibly pushdown languages in the sliding window model. A sliding window algorithm for a language L receives a stream of symbols and has to decide at each time step whether the suffix of length n belongs to L or not. The window size n is either a fixed number (in the fixed-size model) or can be controlled by an adversary in a limited way (in the variable-size model). The main result of this paper states that for every visibly pushdown language the space complexity in the variable-size sliding window model is either constant, logarithmic or linear in the window size. This extends previous results for regular languages

    Sliding Window Property Testing for Regular Languages

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    We study the problem of recognizing regular languages in a variant of the streaming model of computation, called the sliding window model. In this model, we are given a size of the sliding window n and a stream of symbols. At each time instant, we must decide whether the suffix of length n of the current stream ("the active window") belongs to a given regular language. Recent works [Moses Ganardi et al., 2018; Moses Ganardi et al., 2016] showed that the space complexity of an optimal deterministic sliding window algorithm for this problem is either constant, logarithmic or linear in the window size n and provided natural language theoretic characterizations of the space complexity classes. Subsequently, [Moses Ganardi et al., 2018] extended this result to randomized algorithms to show that any such algorithm admits either constant, double logarithmic, logarithmic or linear space complexity. In this work, we make an important step forward and combine the sliding window model with the property testing setting, which results in ultra-efficient algorithms for all regular languages. Informally, a sliding window property tester must accept the active window if it belongs to the language and reject it if it is far from the language. We show that for every regular language, there is a deterministic sliding window property tester that uses logarithmic space and a randomized sliding window property tester with two-sided error that uses constant space
