4 research outputs found

    Audiovisual particles: parameter mapping as a framework for audiovisual composition

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    This thesis investigates the role of cross-modal correspondence within audiovisual composition, presenting both a conceptual model and a methodological framework for the creation of abstract audiovisual art. While this research is specifically aimed at the field of abstract digital animation it is also intended to act as a platform for the future development of concurrent audiovisual synthesis techniques within the general field of audiovisual art. Referencing literature regarding the psychophysiological bases for audiovisual integration, it is argued that temporal congruence offers a mechanism for the manipulation of cross-modal correspondence within audiovisual media. Further to this, electroacoustic and formalist theory is discussed with specific reference to the interrelationship of medium structures to enable the identification of a conceptual model for audiovisual composition. Referencing theory from the fields of musical instrument design and algorithmic composition, parameter mapping is identified as a mechanism for the modulation of temporal congruence. Its implementation within audiovisual composition is then discussed. Derived from both this and a conceptual parallel between the organisational structures of audio grains and visual particles, the audiovisual particles framework is presented as a methodological basis for the creation of abstract audiovisual art. The presented theory is supported by a series of demonstrative studies exploring both the practical application of the audiovisual particles framework and the role of parameter mapping within the process of audiovisual media generation. Experiential observations are discussed for each to inform future praxis. In addition, two audiovisual compositions are presented as both implementations of developed theory and as artworks in their own right

    Proceedings of the 7th Sound and Music Computing Conference

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    Proceedings of the SMC2010 - 7th Sound and Music Computing Conference, July 21st - July 24th 2010

    Strategies for the Control of Microsound Synthesis Within the ā€œGMUā€ Project

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    Trois perspectives sur le timbre de la fluĢ‚te traversieĢ€re : instrumentale, perceptive et computationnelle

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    Fichiers sonores complĆ©mentairesLe but de cette theĢ€se est de deĢcrire le timbre de la fluĢ‚te traversieĢ€re de manieĢ€re preĢcise et deĢtailleĢe aĢ€ partir dā€™approches qui se regroupent en trois axes principaux : lā€™expertise instrumentale, la perception, et lā€™informatique musicale. Des disciplines telles que lā€™organologie, la peĢdagogie instrumentale, lā€™analyse musicale perceptive, lā€™acoustique, la psychoacoustique, les sciences de lā€™information et la composition musicale seront mises aĢ€ contribution afin de cerner ce qui caracteĢrise le timbre de la fluĢ‚te. Plusieurs aspects relatifs au point de vue instrumental seront investigueĢs. Dā€™abord, il sera question de lā€™histoire du deĢveloppement organologique de la fluĢ‚te et des consideĢrations pratiques et estheĢtiques qui ont contribueĢ aĢ€ faire eĢvoluer lā€™instrument jusquā€™aĢ€ sa forme actuelle. On fera un survol de la peĢdagogie instrumentale associeĢe aĢ€ la fluĢ‚te, puis on abordera la notion de technique de jeu eĢtendue. Un inventaire des diffeĢrentes techniques de jeu sera ensuite proposeĢ aĢ€ travers une revue des principaux traiteĢs, puis ces techniques seront classifieĢes selon diffeĢrents systeĢ€mes. Ensuite, lā€™utilisation dā€™outils dā€™analyse musicale perceptive concĢ§us pour les musiques eĢlec- troacoustiques sera exploreĢe pour son potentiel quant aĢ€ la description du timbre instrumental. Les approches typomorphologique et spectromorphologique, respectivement proposeĢes par Pierre Schaeffer et Denis Smalley, seront investigueĢes. AĢ€ travers deux approches distinctes de lā€™eĢcoute musicale et de la description dā€™eĢveĢnements sonores, on verra dans quelle mesure les outils pro- poseĢs peuvent sā€™inscrire dans cette deĢmarche de caracteĢrisation du timbre. Puis, apreĢ€s avoir fait la distinction entre les manieĢ€res dā€™appreĢhender le timbre propres aux sciences de lā€™information et aux sciences cognitives, une revue de litteĢrature relative aux expeĢriences sur la perception du timbre en psychoacoustique sera preĢsenteĢe. Enfin, on fera un tour dā€™horizon des librairies informatiques dā€™analyse du timbre, qui sera suivi de la deĢfinition des principaux descripteurs acoustiques du timbre qui seront utiliseĢs dans cette theĢ€se. Les trois derniers chapitres porteront sur des analyses acoustiques effectueĢes sur des eĢchantillons de sons de fluĢ‚te repreĢsentatifs de la plupart des modes de jeu et des nuances de timbre de lā€™instrument. Dans un premier cas, une analyse par composantes principales effectueĢe sur une seĢrie de descripteurs du timbre permettra de deĢterminer de quelles manieĢ€res les groupes de sons se distinguent, ainsi que les principaux descripteurs qui rendent cette distinction possible. Une deuxieĢ€me expeĢrience visera aĢ€ mettre en relation des descripteurs de timbre particuliers afin de valider ou preĢciser certains reĢsultats obtenus aĢ€ lā€™expeĢrience preĢceĢdente. Finalement, le dernier chapitre portera sur une troisieĢ€me expeĢrience ouĢ€ des sons moduleĢs par diffeĢrents types de vibrato et des changements continus (de voyelle, de brillance, de hauteur) seront analyseĢs graĢ‚ce aĢ€ un suivi en temps reĢel dā€™une seĢrie de descripteurs acoustiques, graĢ‚ce aĢ€ la librairie zsa.descriptors dans lā€™environnement Max. Lā€™objectif est double : premieĢ€rement, on voudra observer ce qui caracteĢrise les modulations et les changements de timbre analyseĢs. DeuxieĢ€mement, il sā€™agira de mieux comprendre le comportement des descripteurs en preĢsence de timbres changeants, de manieĢ€re aĢ€ pouvoir les inteĢgrer efficacement aĢ€ une strateĢgie de mappage musical ou audiovisuel.The aim of this thesis is to describe transverse flute timbre in a detailed and precise way, based on approaches that can be grouped in three main axes : instrumental, perceptual, and computational. Research disciplines such as organology, instrumental pedagogy, perceptual musical analysis, acoustics, psychoacoustics, information science and musical composition will contribute to determine which are the elements that characterize flute timbre. Many aspects related to the instrumental axis will be investigated. First, a historical view of the instrumentā€™s organology is presented, with a special focus on practical and aesthetical aspects that influenced its evolution until nowadays. After an overview of instrumental pedagogy from the 19th Century onwards, the notion of extended technique is explained. Then, flute extended techniques are presented through a review of the main treatises on the subject, and a classification based on various systems is proposed. For the perceptual axis, perceptual musical analysis tools conceived for electroacoustic music are explored for their descriptive potential in regard of instrumental timbre. Typomorphological and spectromorphological approaches, as developed respectively by Pierre Schaeffer and Denis Smalley, are investigated. The aim is to see in what extent these two musical event description tools and distinct conceptions of musical listening can be useful in characterizing flute timbre. Furthermore, after distinctions between approaches such as those of music information retrieval and cognitive sciences have been made, a literature review of the major experiments on timbre perception in psychoacoustics is presented. Then, for the computational axis, the main libraries for timbre analysis are presented, after which a definition of the temporal, spectral, spectro-temporal, and harmonic timbre descriptors that will be used later on is given. The last three chapters are dedicated to acoustical analysis made on flute samples that are representative of most of the instrumentā€™s playing techniques and timbre changes. A first experiment consists of a principal component analysis made on 34 timbre descriptors, in order to determine how groups of sounds are distinguishable from one another, and to find out which are the main descriptors that make this differentiation possible. A second experiment combines particular descriptors as an attempt to confirm and/or to precise the results v of the first experiment. Finally, a third experiment consists of a real-time analysis of sounds modulated by different kinds of vibrato, fluttertongue, and of some continuous timbre changes (such as vowel, brightness and pitch variations), made with zsa.descriptors objects in Max. This investigation has a twofold goal : first, to observe what characterizes the sound modulations and changes. And second, to better understand how descriptors vary over the course of time when applied to timbre changes, in order to be able to conceive effective mapping strategies in the context of electroacoustic mixed music and audiovisual interaction