480 research outputs found

    Exploring Multi-Agent Systems for Intermodal Freight Fleets: Literature-based Justification of a New Concept

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    Freight transportation is increasingly connected with the automation of fleet assets by intelligent systems. This study emerges from the consortium research project Gaia-X 4 ROMS, which aims to develop a comprehensive approach for smart freight fleets in the field of parcel deliveries. Within this project, a novel type of multi-agent system (MAS) applied to freight fleet management is being developed. To determine the state of prior research and recent developments in this field, a systematic literature review was conducted and presented herein. The findings of the review demonstrate a significant lack of applied solutions in this topic, highlighting the need for a novel approach. Accordingly, a first framework for the envisioned multi-agent system, as conceptualized within the consortium research project, is presented in this work, serving as a basis for subsequent design phases


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    The authors’ research is interconnected with the socio-economic policy of the Republic of Belarus. Structural components and metrics of economic efficiency in the scientific work are studied based on government demand, which is reflected in the National Strategies for Sustainable Socio-Economic Development of the Republic of Belarus until 2020 and 2030. In addition, statistical data on the activities in economic sectors allows us to identify the most vulnerable areas of business, where telematics solutions can be used as drivers of growth and development. Considering that in the Republic of Belarus there are no fundamental studies on the application of business solutions based on the telematics tools for socio-economic development, the relevance, and reasonableness of the study is subsequently substantiated by economic results obtained from the analysis of the implementation of telematics solutions in foreign practice and in Belarusian business, that’s reflecting significant savings and cost reduction.

    Standard Selection Modes in Dynamic, Complex Industries: Creating Hybrids between Market Selection and Negotiated Selection of Standards

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    Several sectors within Information and Communication Technology demonstrate a shift from purely market-based selection of standards or purely negotiated selection of standards to hybrid selection processes, where both market competition and negotiation play a role. Negotiated standard setting processes (such as those organised by the ITU) assure interoperability of technical components and services. Private firms, however, increasingly tend to undercut these collective actions. Their innovations jump-start new developments, but also create incompatibilities, lock-in effects, and pockets of market power. Internet telephony is an example, where firms, standard setting alliances, and political institutions create a hybrid market-based / negotiated standard setting environment. The paper explores the development of this hybrid networking environment. It posits propositions which are illustrated by means of case studies of the DVD and Internet telephony.industrial organization ;

    Modern Information Systems

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    The development of modern information systems is a demanding task. New technologies and tools are designed, implemented and presented in the market on a daily bases. User needs change dramatically fast and the IT industry copes to reach the level of efficiency and adaptability for its systems in order to be competitive and up-to-date. Thus, the realization of modern information systems with great characteristics and functionalities implemented for specific areas of interest is a fact of our modern and demanding digital society and this is the main scope of this book. Therefore, this book aims to present a number of innovative and recently developed information systems. It is titled "Modern Information Systems" and includes 8 chapters. This book may assist researchers on studying the innovative functions of modern systems in various areas like health, telematics, knowledge management, etc. It can also assist young students in capturing the new research tendencies of the information systems' development

    Scenarios of Electromobility. Cross ferilisation and Dissemination of Best Practices and Researches within EU Policies Webinar proceedings

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    La pubblicazione riporta gli esiti del webinar incentrato sull'user center design dei veicoli elettrici, delle loro infrastrutture di ricarica e sulle sperimentazioni dei veicoli elettrici leggeri nei sistemi di trasporto urbano di Torino e Venaria Reale (IT), Villach (Austria) e Calvià (Spagna). La pubblicazione e il seminario sono parte del progetto STEVE, finanziato dal programma europeo Horizon2020, e incentrato sulla sperimentazione di modelli di mobilità elettrica leggera nelle aree urbane. Il progetto ha coinvolto città, piccole e medie imprese e università di sette paesi europei. Urban Lab ha collaborato con la Città di Torino a delineare le raccomandazioni rivolte ai decision makers in materia di pianificazione della mobilità urbana, emerse dai risultati dei tre anni di progetto

    XIII Magazine News Review, n°11 - Issue Number 2/1993

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    A Model for the Implementation of Lean Improvements in Healthcare Environments as Applied in a Primary Care Center

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    [EN] Companies operate in a competitive and changing environment requiring increasingly effective and efficient management strategies. Lean is a proven philosophy in the industrial sector having helped companies to adapt to rapid market changes; to economic, technical, and social complexities; and to customer needs. For this reason, companies in the service sector are adopting Lean to improve their service management and to achieve economic, social, and environmental sustainability. This paper presents a model which uses Lean tools to facilitate the introduction of Lean in the management of primary care centers. The results show the implementation of Lean improved primary care center management, achieved stated objectives, and demonstrated faster adaptation to environmental needs and changes. The Lean philosophy developed and applied in the primary care center proved useful at a professional level facilitating developmental changes and prompting lasting improvements by developing a sustainable work culture.Morell-Santandreu, O.; Santandreu Mascarell, C.; García Sabater, JJ. (2021). A Model for the Implementation of Lean Improvements in Healthcare Environments as Applied in a Primary Care Center. International Journal of Environmental research and Public Health (Online). 18(6):1-33. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18062876S13318

    Standard selection modes in dynamic, complex industries:creating hybrids between market selection and negotiated selection of standards

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