122 research outputs found

    SWOT Analizi ve AHP Yöntemi Kullanılarak Fotovoltaik Sistemlerin Konaklama İşletmelerinde Uygulanalabilirliğine Yönelik Strateji Geliştirme: Sinop İli Örneği

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    Strateji, amaca ya da hedefe ulaşmak için izlenen yoldur. Bu bağlamda her işletmede ya da sektörde birtakım amaçlara ya da hedeflere ulaşmak için stratejiler geliştirilmekte ve bunlar uygulanmaya çalışılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada SWOT analizi ile AHP yöntemi bütünleştirilerek fotovoltaik sistemlerin konaklama işletmelerinde kullanılabilirliğine yönelik strateji geliştirilmeye çalışılmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda çalışmada ilgili literatürden hareketle Sinop ilindeki konaklama işletmelerinde fotovoltaik sistemlerin uygulanabilirliğine yönelik bir araştırma yapılmıştır. Araştırmada fotovoltaik sistemlerin güçlü-zayıf yönleri ve bu sistemlere yönelik fırsatları ve tehditleri belirlemek için yöneticiler, uzmanlar ve ilgili akademisyenlere SWOT analizi gerçekleştirilmiştir. SWOT analizi sonucu elde edilen veriler kullanılarak 4 adet strateji geliştirilmiş, sonrasında bu stratejilerden en uygun olanı AHP yöntemi ile belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda Sinop ilindeki konaklama işletmeleri için fotovoltaik sistemlerin uygulanabilirliğine yönelik en uygun stratejinin, fotovoltaik sistemlerin, turizm sektöründe alternatif enerji kaynağı olmasına yönelik çalışmaların yapılması “olduğu tespit edilmiştir

    A step to clean energy - Sustainability in energy system management in an emerging economy context

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    Due to high consumption of energy, its associated concerns such as energy security and demand, wastage of resources, and material-energy recovery are leading to the importance of sustainable energy system development. This is a high time to assess the sustainability in energy systems for meeting the requirements of energy with an enhanced economic, ecological, and social performance from a nation context. The energy system plays a significant role in deciding the economic progress of emerging economies such as India, China, Brazil, and Africa. In this paper, an original attempt has been made to list and evaluate important indicators for sustainability assessment of energy systems development and management in an emerging economy especially India. Firstly, based on the analysis of the extant literature and then followed by expert opinion, potential key sustainability assessment indicators for energy systems development and management were identified. Further, grey based Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory technique to understand the causal interactions amongst indicators and segregate them into cause and effect groups, is used. This work can provide useful aids to decision making bodies, sustainability practitioners and business organisations in selective implementation, monitoring and control of sustainable strategies in energy systems development and management and meeting sustainable development goals of clean energy in a nation context.N

    A nanotechnology strategic key research areas foresight model for improved innovation and technology transfer

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    Abstracts in English, Afrikaans and ZuluNanotechnology revolutionised industrialisation and economic development and is predicted to drive the next Schumpeterian wave of economic growth. Most countries are strategically positioning themselves to benefit from nanotechnology, being a general-purpose technology. Hence, to ensure prudent use of limited resources, countries must select and focus on key strategic nanotechnology research areas that have the potential to generate competitiveness and return on investment. However, no model currently exists on critical success factors for nanotechnology innovation management. Also, there is a lack of effective nanotechnology-specific foresight models. Furthermore, although nanotechnology foresight relates to the Multi-criteria Decision Making (MCDM) analysis, the use of MCDM methods in a foresight context has not been thoroughly explored yet. This research developed the Nanotechnology Innovation Diamond, a model for successful nanoscience research and development. The model was validated using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) from a survey of 167 nanotechnology experts from South Africa. The results indicated that, at a 95% confidence level, the model satisfied the minimum CFA model fit requirements. The research further developed a nanotechnology-specific foresight model that integrates the Nanotechnology Innovation Diamond, technology mining, scientometrics, and the Analytical Hierarchical Process Multi-criteria Decision Making (AHP-MCDM) model. The AHP-MCDM foresight model was empirically tested in South Africa. The results showed that South Africa’s nanotechnology publications grew exponentially from 68 papers in 2000 to 1 672 in 2019, representing an increase of 2 459%. Compared to the other BRICS countries, namely, Brazil, Russia, India, and China, South Africa has the lowest nanotechnology productivity, scoring an activity index of 0.68. Universities are the most prominent publishers on nanotechnology, while the private sector has produced few publications. Only 48 patents were identified compared to 11 265 publications, and a meagre 3.5% of papers were found to report on nano-enabled products. This lack of reporting on nano-enabled products can negatively impact the commercialisation of nanotechnology. The top collaborating countries, top researchers, top institutions, and nanotechnology economic hubs are reported in this study. The key strategic research areas identified for South Africa include nanomaterials, nano-photoluminescence and optics, nanomedicine, nanocatalysis, nanoelectronics, nanobiotechnology, and energy. The results were benchmarked using an expert-survey foresight method, which gave 70% similar priority fields of research. The research contributes to the discourse on nanotechnology innovation management, technology-specific foresight methods, nanotechnology-specific foresight methods, and the utilisation of quantitative tools in foresight.Nanotegnologie het ’n omwenteling in industrialisering en ekonomiese ontwikkeling teweeggebring en daar word voorspel dat dit die volgende Schumpeterse golf van ekonomiese groei sal aandryf. Die meeste lande is besig om hulself strategies te posisioneer om uit nanotegnologie voordeel te trek, aangesien dit ’n meerdoelige tegnologie is. Om dus verstandige gebruik van beperkte hulpbronne te verseker, moet lande strategiese sleutelnavorsingsareas in nanotegnologie wat die potensiaal het om mededingendheid en opbrengs op belegging te genereer, kies en daarop fokus. Daar bestaan egter nie op die oomblik ’n model ten opsigte van kritiese suksesfaktore vir nanotegnologie-innovering-bestuur nie. Boonop is daar ’n tekort aan doeltreffende nanotegnologie-spesifieke toekomsbeplanningsmodelle. Hoewel toekomsbeplanning vir nanotegnologie verband hou met die Multi-criteria Decision Making (MCDM)-ontleding, is die gebruik van MCDM-metodes in ’n toekomsbeplanning-konteks nog nie behoorlik ondersoek nie. In hierdie navorsing is die Nanotechnology Innovation Diamond ontwikkel – ’n model vir suksesvolle nanowetenskap-navorsing en -ontwikkeling. Om die geldigheid van die model te bepaal, is bevestigende faktorontleding (CFA) van ’n opname onder 167 nanotegnologiekundiges van Suid-Afrika gebruik. Die resultate het aangetoon dat die model aan die minimum CFA-modelgeskiktheidvereistes voldoen het, met ’n 95%-vertroubaarheidsvlak. Verder het die navorsing ’n nanotegnologie-spesifieke toekomsbeplanningsmodel ontwikkel wat die Nanotechnology Innovation Diamond, tegnologie-ontginning, scientometrie, en die Analytical Hierarchical Process Multi-criteria Decision Making (AHP-MCDM) -model integreer. Die AHP-MCDM-toekomsbeplanningsmodel is empiries getoets in Suid-Afrika. Die resultate het getoon dat Suid-Afrika se nanotegnologie-publikasies eksponensieel gegroei het van 68 artikels in 2000 tot 1 672 in 2019 – dit verteenwoordig ’n toename van 2 459%. In vergelyking met die ander BRICS-lande, naamlik Brasilië, Rusland, Indië, en China, het Suid-Afrika die laagste syfer ten opsigte van nanotegnologie- produktiwiteit, met ’n bedrywigheidsindekssyfer van 0.68. Universiteite is die mees prominente uitgewers wanneer dit by nanotegnologie kom, terwyl die private sektor ’n paar publikasies opgelewer het. Slegs 48 patente is geïdentifiseer in vergelyking met 11 265 publikasies, en daar is bevind dat ’n skamele 3.5% van die artikels oor nano-geaktiveerde produkte verslag doen. Hierdie gebrek aan verslagdoening oor nano-geaktiveerde produkte kan ’n negatiewe uitwerking op die kommersialisering van nanotegnologie hê. In hierdie studie word verslag gedoen oor die lande, navorsers, instansies, en nanotegnologie- ekonomiese middelpunte wat die voortou neem. Die strategiese sleutelnavorsingsareas wat vir Suid-Afrika geïdentifiseer is, sluit nanomateriale, nano-fotoluminessensie en optika, nanomedisyne, nanokatalise, nano-elektronika, nanobiotegnologie, en energie in. Die resultate is genormeer met behulp van ’n kundige-opname-toekomsbeplanningsmetode, wat 70% soortgelyke-prioriteit-navorsingsvelde gelewer het. Die navorsing dra by tot die gesprekvoering oor nanotegnologie-innoveringsbestuur, tegnologie-spesifieke toekoms beplannings metodes, nanotegnologiespesifieke toekomsbeplanningsmetodes, en die benutting van kwantitatiewe middele in toekomsbeplanning.Igatsha lobuchwepheshe elibhekene nobukhulu nokubekezelelana liguqule ukuthuthukiswa kwezimboni nokuthuthukiswa komnotho futhi kubikezelwa ukuthi liza ngomkhulu umfutho olandelayo le-Schumpeterian lokukhula komnotho. Amazwe amaningi azibeka esimweni esifanele ukuze ahlomule egatsheni lobuchwepheshe elibhekene nobukhulu kanye nokubekezelelana kuhlobene nokuhlaziywa kocwaningo Lokwenziwa Kwezinqumo Ngemibandela eminingi (LKNE), ukusetshenziswa kwezindlela ze-LKNE esimweni elibhekene nobukhulu kanye nokubekezelelana, okuwubuchwepheshe benjongo evamile. Ngakho-ke, ukuze kuqinisekiswe ukusetshenziswa okuhlakaniphile kwezinsizakusebenza ezilinganiselwe, amazwe kufanele akhethe futhi agxile ezindaweni ezibalulekile zocwaningo lwegatsha lobuchwepheshe elibhekene nobukhulu kanye nokubekezelelana ezinamandla okukhiqiza ukuncintisana kanye nembuyiselo ekutshalweni kwezimali. Kodwa-ke, ayikho imodeli ekhona njengamanje ezicini zempumelelo ezibalulekile zokuphathwa kokusungulwa kwegatsha lobuchwepheshe elibhekene nobukhulu kanye nokubekezelelana. Futhi, kukhona ukuntuleka kwamamodeli okubona into engakenzeki aqondene negatsha lobuchwepheshe elibhekene nobukhulu kanye nokubekezelelana. Ngaphezu kwalokho, nakuba ukubona into ingakenzeki kwegatsha lobuchwepheshe sokubona izinto zingakenzeki akukahlolisiswa ngokugcwele okwamanje. Lolu cwaningo lwenze igatsha lobuchwepheshe elibhekene nobukhulu kanye nokubekezelelana kuhlobene Nokwenziwa Kwezinqumo Ngemibandela Eminingi, imodeli yocwaningo nokuthuthukiswa kwesifundo sezinto, izenzakalo esikalini senanomitha. Imodeli yaqinisekiswa kusetshenziswa ukuhlaziya isici sokuqinisekisa (UIS) ocwaningweni lochwepheshe abayi-167 beGatsha lobuchwepheshe elibhekene nobukhulu kanye nokubekezelelana baseNingizimu Afrika. Imiphumela ibonise ukuthi, ngezinga lokuzethemba elingama-95%, imodeli yanelisa ubuncane bezidingo zemodeli ye-UIS. Ucwaningo luqhubekile nokuthuthukisa imodeli yokubona okungakenzeki okuqondene neGatsha lobuchwepheshe elibhekene nobukhulu kanye nokubekezelelana ehlanganisa iGatsha lobuchwepheshe elibhekene nobukhulu kanye nokubekezelelana Kokuqamba kabusha kweDayimane , izimayini zobuchwepheshe, isayensi yamametrikhi, kanye nemodeli ye-Analytical Hierarchical Process Multi-criteria Decision Making (AHP-MCDM). Imodeli ye-AHP-MCDM yokubona okungakenzeki kwahlolwa ngokunamandla eNingizimu Afrika. Imiphumela ikhombise ukuthi izincwadi zaseNingizimu Afrika zeGatsha lobuchwepheshe elibhekene nobukhulu kanye nokubekezelelana - likhule kakhulu lisuka kumaphepha angama-68 ngonyaka wezi-2000 zaya kuyi-1 672 ngowezi-2019, nokumele ukukhula nge-2 459%. Uma kuqhathaniswa namanye amazwe e-BRICS, okuyiBrazil, Russia, India, neChina, iNingizimu Afrika inokukhiqiza okuphansi kweGatsha lobuchwepheshe elibhekene nobukhulu kanye nokubekezelelana , ithole inkomba yemisebenzi engu-0.68. Amanyuvesi abashicileli abagqama kakhulu ku-egatsheni lobuchwepheshe elibhekene nobukhulu kanye nokubekezelelana, kuyilapho imboni ezimele ikhiqize izincwadi ezimbalwa. Amalungelo obunikazi angama-48 kuphela ahlonziwe uma kuqhathaniswa nokushicilelwe okuyi-11 265, futhi kwatholakala ama-3.5% omncane wamaphepha ukubika ngemikhiqizo enikwe amandla yinano. Lokhu kuntuleka kokubika ngemikhiqizo enikwe amandla enano kungaba nomthelela omubi ekuhwebeni kwegatsha lobuchwpheshe elibhekene nobukhulu kanye nokubekezelelana. Amazwe aphezulu asebenzisanayo, abacwaningi abaphezulu, izikhungo eziphezulu, nezizinda zezomnotho zegatsha lobuchwepheshe elibhekene nobukhulu kanye nokubekezelelana kuyabikwa kulolu cwaningo. Izindawo zocwaningo zamasu ezibalulekile ezihlonzwe eNingizimu Afrika zihlanganisa izinto zenano, inano yephotholuminensi kanye ne-opthikhi, igatsha lemithi yenano, ikhathalysisi yenano, i-elektronikhi yenano, ubuchwepheshe bebhayiloji, namandla. Imiphumela yalinganiswa kusetshenziswa indlela yokuhlola kungakenzeki into yochwepheshe, enikeze ama-70% izinkambu zocwaningo ezibalulekile ezifanayo. Ucwaningo lunikela enkulumweni emayelana nokuphathwa kokusungulwa kwegatsha lobochwepheshe benano, izindlela zokubona izinto kusengaphambili eziqondene nobuchwepheshe obuthile, izindlela zokubikezela kusengaphambili eziqondene netheknoloji yenano, kanye nokusetshenziswa kwamathuluzi obuningi ekuboneni kusengaphambili.Business ManagementD. B. L

    Green Technologies for Production Processes

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    This book focuses on original research works about Green Technologies for Production Processes, including discrete production processes and process production processes, from various aspects that tackle product, process, and system issues in production. The aim is to report the state-of-the-art on relevant research topics and highlight the barriers, challenges, and opportunities we are facing. This book includes 22 research papers and involves energy-saving and waste reduction in production processes, design and manufacturing of green products, low carbon manufacturing and remanufacturing, management and policy for sustainable production, technologies of mitigating CO2 emissions, and other green technologies

    Développement de l'approche conséquentielle pour l'analyse de la durabilité du cycle de vie: cas d’un bâtiment hybride multiétages

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    Il est indéniable que l'industrie du bâtiment doit évoluer vers des bâtiments plus durables à l'avenir. Les décideurs dans le secteur du bâtiment doivent prendre en compte les aspects sociaux et économiques dans leur prise de décision, en plus de l'aspect environnemental. Ces évaluations doivent également inclure la perspective du cycle de vie. L’approche conséquentielle est nécessaire pour évaluer les conséquences à long terme par rapport à l’approche attributionnelle qui se concentre sur l’évaluation d’un profil donné. Ce projet de recherche montre comment l'approche conséquentielle est intégrée dans l'analyse du cycle de vie (ACV), l’analyse du coût du cycle de vie (ACCV) et l'analyse sociale du cycle de vie (AsCV) dans le cadre de l'analyse de la durabilité du cycle de vie (ADCV). Ce mémoire de thèse contient huit chapitres pour atteindre les objectifs de recherche susmentionnés. Le chapitre 1 décrit le contexte de l'étude et l'organisation de la thèse. Le chapitre 2 présente les défis et les opportunités actuels de l'évaluation de la durabilité du cycle de vie qui a été publié et auquel il est fait référence comme premier article de cette thèse. Le premier article présentait les lacunes identifiées dans l'harmonisation des trois méthodes discutées (ACV, ACCV et AsCV). Dans l'intégration de l'ACV et du ACCV, la question de la temporalité est toujours absente dans l'ACV, en plus de la perspective conséquentielle dans l'ACV et l’ACCV. Dans l'intégration de ACCV et AsCV, deux lacunes de recherche sont également trouvées : la différence de perspective lors de l'utilisation à la fois de la méthode, en plus du manque de la perspective conséquentielle. Dans l'intégration de l’AsCV et de l'ACV, les problèmes qui se posent sont : la présence d'impact négatif et positif dans l’ AsCV, par rapport à l'ACV (dont les impacts sont presque toujours négatifs), sans oublier l'absence de l’approche conséquentielle dans l’AsCV. Lors de l'application de l’ADCV dans un contexte politique, nous avons suggéré que le cadre a besoin d'une perspective conséquentielle pour faciliter la capture non seulement des impacts directs, mais aussi des conséquences indirectes. Le chapitre 4 présente l'énoncé du problème et les questions de recherche, le but et les objectifs de la recherche, ainsi que la définition du projet. Le chapitre 5 décrit l'ACV et le CCV d'un bâtiment hybride à plusieurs étages avec une étude de cas au Québec, Canada. Il a également été publié et fait référence au deuxième article de cette thèse. Le deuxième article a démontré la pertinence de l'utilisation complémentaire d'approches attributionnelle et conséquentielle avec l'étude de cas d'un bâtiment hybride à plusieurs étages, et ce du point de vue environnemental et économique. Les résultats de l'ensemble du cycle de vie indiquent des différences potentielles entre les deux approches de modélisation sous-jacentes. Par exemple, la production de matériaux est l'étape la plus impactante sur le plan environnemental (avec une contribution de 86 à 98 %) et économique (72 %) dans l'approche attributionnelle. Cependant, dans l'approche conséquentielle, la production de matériaux est moins responsable sur le plan environnemental (46 à 94 %) et pourtant plus responsable sur le plan économique (59 %). Cela démontre que l'ACV et l’ACCV conséquentielle peuvent révéler des informations complémentaires (non disponible d’un point de vue attributionnelle). Même si l'étude est soumise à des limitations et des incertitudes notables, telle que la disponibilité et la qualité des données, la réalisation d'une ACV-ACCV attributionnelle et conséquentielle d'un produit pourrait donner plus d’informations pertinentes pour une prise de décision plus robuste. Le chapitre 6 présente l'ACVS du même bâtiment en utilisant l'analyse multiniveau et constitue le troisième article publié dans cette thèse. Dans le troisième article, l'analyse sociale du cycle de vie (ASCV) a été réalisée en évaluant l'impact social potentiel et les bénéfices du cycle de vie du bâtiment. L'utilisation d'une analyse à plusieurs niveaux (résolutions), qui est appliquée à l'ACV sociale conséquentielle et attributionnelle, pourrait aider à combler les lacunes dans les données. Bien que davantage de données ne soient pas toujours meilleures, cela peut aider à comprendre les points chauds possibles de l'impact/bénéfice social et le champ d'influence de l'impact/bénéfice social pour les parties prenantes. Combler les lacunes dans les données est important de deux manières : 1) combler les lacunes des données sur les indicateurs et 2) combler les lacunes des données sur le cycle de vie du système de produits (du berceau à la tombe). En utilisant une analyse à plusieurs niveaux dans une ACV sociale conséquentielle, il a été observé que l'importation d'acier et/ou d'aluminium de Chine est potentiellement associée à certains impacts sociaux négatifs (restrictions à l'association des travailleurs, risque pour la santé et la sécurité et travail des enfants), mais aussi des contributions bénéfiques (emploi). En fin de compte, révéler ces types d'indicateurs peut aider les décideurs politiques à prévoir et à planifier les conséquences négatives avant qu'elles ne surviennent, et vice versa à promouvoir des avantages positifs. Plus important encore, comme pour l'ACV, la nécessité d'inclure une perspective du cycle de vie complet existe, car l'impact tout au long de la phase du cycle de vie du produit est souvent négligé en raison de données manquantes. Enfin, le chapitre 7 présente la discussion de la recherche tandis que le chapitre 8 montre les conclusions, les contributions, les limites et fournit des recommandations pour les recherches futures. En conclusion, l'utilisation de trois outils ADCV (ACV, CCV et AsCV) dans l'approche conséquente signifie que le LCSA conséquent a également été réalisé. L'optique prospective de l'approche conséquentielle permet d'améliorer les performances de durabilité de manière causale. Les impacts du processus, de l'activité ou de la technologie évalués sont ceux du processus, de l'activité ou de la technologie qui vont répondre à la demande accrue. Ainsi, l'évaluation a pour logique de répondre aux conséquences futures. Cela inclut éventuellement l'implication des fournisseurs de matériaux mondiaux de l'étranger, comme observé dans cette étude, où les conséquences sociales peuvent avoir différents résultats possibles. La situation sociale et les conditions de travail dans d'autres pays (en particulier dans les pays en développement) peuvent présenter de mauvaises pratiques. L'approche conséquentielle aide les décideurs politiques à anticiper l'impact des différents résultats possibles et à identifier les faiblesses. Par exemple, les décideurs peuvent découvrir qu'il faut réduire l'acier et les importations de l'étranger et se concentrer davantage sur l'utilisation de produits locaux. Un plan de transformation peut être élaboré à l'avance pour faire face à d'éventuels problèmes techniques et opérationnels liés au passage de l'étranger au local et offrir une valeur future plus mesurable.Abstract: It is undeniable that building industry needs to move to more sustainable buildings in the future. Building policy-makers need to include social and economic aspect into consideration, beside environmental one. These assessments also need to include a life cycle perspective. Consequential life cycle approach is suitable for assessing long-term consequences ,as compared to attributional approach that only focus on the impact accounting itself. This research project aims to demonstrate how the consequential approach when applied to life cycle assessment (LCA), life cycle costing (LCC) and social life cycle assessment (S-LCA) (under the life cycle sustainability assessment umbrella) can shed light on important insights that can’t be identified when using the attributional one. This thesis dissertation contains eight chapters to achieve the aforementioned research objectives. Chapter 1 describes the context of the study and dissertation organization. Chapter 2 presents the current challenges and opportunities of life cycle sustainability assessment that has been published and referred as first paper in this thesis. The first paper presented the identified gaps shown in the harmonization of the three presented methods (LCA, LCC, and SLCA). In the integration of LCA and LCC, temporality issue is still missing in LCA (issue, here it is called research gap [RG 1]), in addition to the missing consequential perspective in LCA and LCC (RG 2). In the integration of LCC and S-LCA, two research gaps are also found: the difference in stakeholder perspective when using both method (RG 3), in addition to the missing consequential perspective (RG 4). In the integration of S-LCA and LCA, the identified issues are (not extensive list): the presence of negative and positive impact in S-LCA, as compared to LCA (RG 5), the scales of assessment applied in each method differs (RG 6), in addition to the absence of a consequential approach in S-LCA. When applying LCSA in a policy context, it is suggested that the framework needs a consequential perspective to facilitate capturing not only direct impacts but also indirect consequences. Chapter 3 presents the updated and recent literature review with the same topic as in Chapter 2. Chapter 4 shows the problem statement and research questions, research goal and objectives, and project definition. Chapter 5 describes the LCA and LCC of hybrid multistory building with case study in Quebec, Canada. It is also has been published and referred as second paper in this thesis. The second paper showed the added value of using attributional and consequential approaches with the case study of hybrid multistory building, from environmental and economic perspectives. For example, material production is the most impactful stage environmentally (with 86–98% contribution) and economically (72%) in the attributional approach. However, in the consequential approach, material production is less environmentally responsible (46–94%), while from an economic perspective the contribution reached 59%. By implementing consequential LCA-LCC, additional insights are gained from the consequential impacts of constructing hybrid wood multistory buildings. Even though the study is a subject to notable limitations and uncertainties, such as data availability and quality, conducting attributional and consequential LCA-LCC of a building can give a broader/more comprehensive spectrum of possible results for a robust decision-making. Chapter 6 provides S-LCA of the same building using multilevel analysis and referred as third published paper in this thesis. In the third paper, the social life cycle assessment was carried out by evaluating the potential social impact and benefit from the product's life cycle. Using a multilevel analysis, applied to consequential and attributional social LCA, helped in filling data gaps, particularly for the consequential perspective. While more data is not always better, it can help to understand the possible hotspots of social impact/benefit. Filling data gaps is important in two ways: 1) filling data gaps on indicators and 2) filling data gaps on the product system's life cycle (cradle to grave). As a matter of fact, when using multilevel analysis in consequential social LCA, it was noticed that importing steel and/or aluminum from China is potentially associated with negative social impacts (restrictions on worker association, risk on health and safety, and child labor) but also some beneficial contributions (employment). Ultimately, revealing these types of trade-offs may help policymakers predict and plan for negative consequences before they occur, and vice versa promote positive benefit. More importantly, as with LCA, the need to include a full life cycle perspective exists because the impact throughout the product's life cycle phase is frequently overlooked due to missing data. Finally, Chapter 7 presents the research discussion while Chapter 8 shows conclusions, contributions, limitations, and provides recommendations for future research. In conclusion, having three tools of LCSA (LCA, LCC and S-LCA) performed in consequential approach mean that consequential LCSA also have been carried out. The forward-looking lens of consequential approach helps to improve sustainability performance in causal-effect manner. The impacts of the process or activity or technology assessed are the ones from process or activity or technology that are going to supply the increased demand. Thus, the assessment has logic on answering the future consequences. This possibly includes the involvement of global material suppliers from abroad such observed in this study where the social consequences can have different possible outcomes. The social working situation and labor condition in other countries (especially in developing countries) may have poor practices. Having consequential approach helps the policy makers anticipate the impact of different possible outcomes and identify weaknesses. For example, policy makers may discover that it needs to reduce the steel and import from abroad and more focus on using local products. A transformation plan can be made in advance to cope with possible technical and operational problems from shifting from abroad to local and deliver more measurable future value

    Renewable and Sustainable Energy: Current State and Prospects

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    The renewable energy sector is one of the fastest growing branches of the economy in the world, including in Poland. Extensive investigation in research centers results in the increased efficiency of obtaining energy from renewable sources, as well as a decrease in the prices of renewable energy installations. The development of renewable energy motivates further research and the development of new technologies. Investments in renewable energy may also benefit the local community by increasing the attractiveness of the region to tourists, creating opportunities for professional activation (especially in areas with high unemployment), increasing the competitiveness of the local economy and its energy efficiency and obtaining raw materials from local producers, mainly farmers, which are an additional source of income for them. Another possible economic advantage is charging lease fees, for instance, for land under wind turbines or fees for ground easement, in order to ensure access to the construction of power lines, e.g., connecting turbines to the grid; lowering heat prices for residents of a given town; building investment plots in or near heat plants and biogas plants, with the provision of heat and electricity at competitive prices directly from these plants; investors covering the costs of modernizing local roads; and creating new transmission, power lines and supply points

    Assessment of Socio-Economic Sustainability and Resilience after COVID-19

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    The pandemic period has caused severe socio-economic damage, but it is accompanied by environmental deterioration that can also affect economic opportunities and social equity. In the face of this double risk, future generations are ready to be resilient and make their contribution not only on the consumption side, but also through their inclusion in all companies by bringing green and circular principles with them. Policy makers can also favor this choice