26 research outputs found

    Organizational Control Systems and Software Quality: A Cross-National Study.

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    This study explores the relationship between organizational control modes (behavior, outcome, and clan) andsoftware quality. Much of the previous work on organizational control has examined the choice of modes giventask characteristics. This research extends work in control theory by considering the impact of control modeson the increasingly critical organizational outcome of software quality. The research is set in the context ofsoftware development organizations in three of the largest software developing countries: India, Ireland, andIsrael (the 3Is). A cross sectional survey of 400 software development organizations across the 3Is will be usedto test the developed model. In addition to the theoretical contributions, the study will provide practicalimplications to support software project managers in making better organizational control choices

    Towards an unified experimentation framework for protocol engineering

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    The design and development process of complex systems require an adequate methodology and efficient instrumental support in order to early detect and correct anomalies in the functional and non-functional properties of the solution. In this article, an Unified Experimentation Framework (UEF) providing experimentation facilities at both design and development stages is introduced. This UEF provides a mean to achieve experiment in both simulation mode with UML2 models of the designed protocol and emulation mode using real protocol implementation. A practical use case of the experimentation framework is illustrated in the context of satellite environment

    The precursor to an industrial software metrics program

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    A common reason for why software metric programs dasiafailpsila is through lack of participant support and commitment. In this paper, we describe the results of a study which examined the knowledge that subjects had and the opinions they had formed of previous metrics initiatives in the same organization. The research was undertaken by one of the authors as a precursor to a planned metrics initiative in the same large, UK-based company. The study attempted to understand the likely issues that would have to be addressed by that planned metrics program. A key theme to emerge from the analysis was the importance of all participants being aware of the program objectives, and the purpose and use of the data being collected. As part of the analysis, the study also draws on the role that "timely" involvement plays within a metrics program and how that can influence its associated practicalities

    Security Verification and Validation by Software SMEs: Theory versus Practice

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    To improve software engineering practice it is essential to observe the socio-technical realities that surround software development within an industrial context. There is a lack of empirical knowledge of security verification and validation practice within an SME context. When coupled with the recognised importance, and inherent complexities, of such practice, it appears fundamentally sound to understand the faced socio-technical realities to ensure continued process improvement and improved technology adoption and research guidance. Within this research-in-progress paper we highlight the importance of obtaining such an understanding

    Simulation Techniques for Determining Numbers of Programmers in the Process of Software Testing

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    One of the existing problems in the body knowledge of software engineering is inappropriate numbers of programmers working through the software-development life cycle, particularly in the process of coding, testing, and maintenance. If the numbers are large, then the cost of development software will increase. However, the small teams cause another problem, especially in the process of deployment. Therefore, this article presents the simulation techniques for the development team in order to determine the appropriate numbers of programmer, specifically in the process of software testing, including the percent errors that can be occurred during maintenance. Firstly, the relationship among programmers, codes, and testing time are constructed and studied. Secondly, it is the application based simulation techniques for determining the suitable numbers of programmers whereas twenty experiments are organized. Lastly, the percent errors from seeded bugs are generated by 50 experiments. The contribution of this paper is not only managing the whole phases of software-development life cycle, but it also guarantees the accuracy of testing software by improving the percent errors

    Traceability approach for managing changes involving software testing artefacts

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    Software change is inevitable for software product to remain relevant and reusable. As software evolves over time due to specific changes at any point in time during software development and maintenance, the managing aspect of changes may get more complicated and risky. The outdated links would cause the affected artefacts to be not updated timely and effectively. Most of the existing traceability approaches and tools are dedicated and limited to high level artefacts such as requirements and fewer capability made available to address the lower level artefacts such as classes and codes. Most maintainers limit their links to begin at the requirement perspective but there is no valid traceability link being made to support the fine grained level involving testing components. This thesis proposes a new traceability approach to manage changes with the emphasis on the integration of the development artefacts and testing artefacts. The working artefacts cover requirements, packages, classes, methods, test case, and codes. The proposed approach provides a know-how solution to the IEEE 829:2010 standards associated to testing that demands for the support at testing perspective. This approach has the capability to horizontally and vertically manage artefacts from requirement down to code and vice versa. The proposed traceability approach was applied to a case study of a software development project called On- Board Automobile (OBA) with a complete set of documentation including test cases. The evaluation results prove that the proposed traceability approach is significant and useful in managing software changes involving testing artefacts

    Influencia de los factores de implementación en la calidad de los sistemas de información para la satisfacción del usuario

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    This research studies the influence range of the organizational, planning and technical factors within the information quality, system quality and information systems services quality, in the user satisfaction, based on the designed model research for this purpose. The empirical study takes place in six Higher Education Institutes (94 questionnaires) by the Partial Least Square statistic tool. The results has shown that Organizational Factor (information needs, management support, institutional objectives satisfaction) is which has the most impact because its high correlation value (R=0.624; R=0.435 yR=0.428) and signifi cance (pEsta investigación estudia el nivel de influencia de los factores organizacional, planificación y técnico con la calidad de la Información, del sistema y de los servicios en la satisfacción del usuario, basado en un modelo diseñado para este propósito. El estudio empírico hecho en seis universidades mexicanas por medio de PLS, muestra que el Factor Organizacional es el que tiene un mayor impacto por sus altos valores de correlación (R=0.624; R=0.435 y R=0.428) y significancia en las tres hipótesis planteadas con una varianza explicada del 78.8% en la Satisfacción del Usuario, quienes piensan que la calidad de los sistemas les ayudan a aumentar la productividad en su toma de decisiones

    Software Quality and Standards on a Global Scale: Trends in the Literature from Scientific and Sectoral Perspective

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    The digital transformation requires software in many components of business and daily life. As the product variety and competition increase in this field, the quality and standards which are leading the sector are also on the agenda. In this context , the aim of this study is to present the current state of software quality and standards in terms of both sectoral and scientific publications. In the scope of the study, the related studies in this field are summarized, and then the findings are presented which are obtained through the scientometric analyses of the published research articles in the journals indexed by Web of Science Core Database. The Findings emphasize the trends in keywords over the years as well as the most active universities, authors, countries, institutional information, and the journals that are preferred by authors. Furthermore, the number and the quality of articles with respect to the country dimension are also discussed to determine the current situation in Turkey

    Software quality assurance in Scrum the need for concrete guidance on SQA strategies in meeting user expectations

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    Includes abstract.Includes abstract.The purpose of this study is to identify and present the concerns of project stakeholders in relation to Software Quality Assurance (SQA) in a Scrum environment. Guided by the tenets of Classic Grounded Theory Methodology, this exploratory and inductive case study presents a broad range of SQA concepts related to the main concern of “Meeting User Expectations”. In trying to resolve the main concern, the Scrum project stakeholders alluded to lack of “Concrete Guidance” on SQA strategies, tools, and techniques in Scrum. The lack of concrete guidance in Scrum requires a development team to devise “Innovations” which may include “Adopting Practices” from other methodologies and carefully designing the “Process Structure” to accommodate the “Adopted Practices”, ensure “Continuous Improvement” of the process, and provide an environment for “Collaborative Ownership”. In addition to the “Need for Concrete Guidance”, the study reveals two other important concepts necessary for “Meeting User Expectations”: the “Need for Solid User Representation” and the “Need for Dedicated Testing”. While some Agile proponents claim that the Agile SQA practices are adequate on their own, the study reveals a number of challenges that impact on a team’s ability to meet user expectations when there is no dedicated tester in a Scrum environment