1,098 research outputs found

    Strain Energy Harvesting Powered Wireless Sensor System Using Adaptive and Energy-Aware Interface for Enhanced Performance

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from IEEE via the DOI in this record.This paper presents a wireless sensor system (WSS) powered by a strain energy harvester (SEH) through the introduction of an adaptive and energy-aware interface for enhanced performance under variable vibration conditions. The interface is realized by an adaptive power management module (PMM) for maximum power transfer under different loading conditions and an energy-aware interface (EAI) which manages the energy flow from the storage capacitor to the WSS for dealing with the mismatch between energy demanded and energy harvested. The focus is to realize high harvested power and high efficiency of the system under variable vibration conditions, and an aircraft wing structure is taken as a study scenario. The SEH powered WSS was tested under different peak-to-peak strain loadings from 300 to 600 µε and vibrational frequencies from 2 to 10 Hz to verify the system performance on energy generation and distribution, system efficiency, and capability of powering a custom-developed WSS. Comparative studies of using different circuit configurations with and without the interface were also performed to verify the advantages of the introduced interface. Experimental results showed that under the applied loading of 600 µε at 10 Hz, the SEH generates 0.5 mW of power without the interface while having around 670 % increase to 3.38 mW with the interface, which highlights the value of the interface. The implemented system has an overall efficiency of 70 to 80 %, a long active time of more than 1 s, and duty cycle of up to 11.85 % for vibration measurement under all the tested conditions.This work was supported in part by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, U.K., through the project En-ComE-Energy Harvesting Powered Wireless Monitoring Systems Based on Integrated Smart Composite Structures and Energy-Aware Architecture under Grant EP/K020331/1. All data are provided in full in the results section of this paper

    Energy Harvesting Powered Wireless Sensor Nodes With Energy Efficient Network Joining Strategies

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from IEEE via the DOI in this recordThis paper presents strategies for batteryless energy harvesting powered wireless sensor nodes based on IEEE 802.15.4e standard to join the network successfully with minimal attempts, which minimizes energy wastage. This includes using a well-sized capacitor and different duty cycles for the network joining. Experimental results showed a wireless sensor node that uses a 100 mF energy storage capacitor can usually join the network in one attempt but multiple attempts may be needed if it uses smaller capacitances especially when the harvested power is low. With a duty-cycled network joining, the time required to form a network is shorter, which reduces the overall energy usage of the nodes in joining the network. An energy harvesting powered wireless sensor network (WSN) was successfully formed in one attempt by using the proposed methods.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC

    Threshold voltage control to improve energy utilization efficiency of a power management circuit for energy harvesting applications

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from MDPI via the DOI in this record.Eurosensors 2018 Conference, 19-12 September 2018, Graz, AustriaThis work presents a design approach that improves power management circuit (PMC) for energy harvesting applications so that more of the harvested energy can be utilized by the wireless sensor nodes (WSNs) to perform useful tasks. The proposed method is widely applicable to different circuits by setting an appropriate threshold voltage at the energy flow control interface of the circuit. Experimental results show that with a threshold voltage difference of around 20 mV, the energy output from the PMC can differ by more than 5%. This difference is significant over a long period of time as more tasks can be performed by the WSN with the extra energy.This work has been partly supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, U.K., through the project En-ComE under Grant EP/K020331/1 and Innovate UK through the project Multi-source power management to enable autonomous micro energy harvesting systems

    Energy-aware Approaches for Energy Harvesting Powered Wireless Sensor Systems

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    Energy harvesting (EH) powered wireless sensor systems (WSSs) are gaining increasing popularity since they enable the system to be self-powering, long-lasting, almost maintenance-free, and environmentally friendly. However, the mismatch between energy generated by harvesters and energy demanded by WSS to perform the required tasks is always a bottleneck as the ambient environmental energy is limited, and the WSS is power hunger. Therefore, the thesis has proposed, designed, implemented, and tested the energy-aware approaches for wireless sensor motes (WSMs) and wireless sensor networks (WSNs), including hardware energy-aware interface (EAI), software EAI, sensing EAI and network energy-aware approaches to address this mismatch. The main contributions of this thesis to the research community are designing the energy-aware approaches for EH Powered WSMs and WSNs which enables a >30 times reduction in sleep power consumption of WSNs for successful EH powering WSNs without a start-up issue in the condition of mismatch between the energy generated by harvesters and energy demanded by WSSs in both mote and network systems. For EH powered WSM systems, the energy-aware approaches have (1) enabled the harvested energy to be accumulated in energy storage devices to deal with the mismatch for the operation of the WSMs without the start-up issue, (2) enabled a commercial available WSMs with a reduced sleep current from 28.3 μA to 0.95 μA for the developed WSM, (3) thus enabled the WSM operations for a long active time of about 1.15 s in every 7.79 s to sample and transmit a large number of data (e.g., 388 bytes), rather than a few ten milliseconds and a few bytes. For EH powered WSN systems, on top of energy-aware approached for EH powered WSM, the network energy-aware approaches have presented additional capabilities for network joining process for energy-saving and enabled EH powered WSNs. Once the EH powered WSM with the network energy-aware approach is powered up and began the network joining process, energy, as an example of 48.23 mJ for a tested case, has been saved in the case of the attempt to join the network unsuccessfully. Once the EH-WSM has joined the network successfully, the smart programme applications that incorporate the software EAI, sensing EAI and hardware EAI allow the EH powered WSM to achieve (4) asynchronous operation or (5) synchronised operation based on the energy available after the WSM has joined the network.Through designs, implementations, and analyses, it has been shown that the developed energy-aware approaches have provided an enabled capability for EH successfully powering WSS technologies in the condition of energy mismatch, and it has the potential to be used for wide industrial applications

    Energy savvy network joining strategies for energy harvesting powered TSCH nodes

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from IEEE via the DOI in this recordThis paper presents methods that enable batteryless energy harvesting powered Time Synchronized Channel Hopping (TSCH) wireless sensor nodes to join a network with less energy wastage. Network joining of TSCH nodes is a very power hungry yet inevitable process to form a working wireless sensor network (WSN). Since the energy level from energy harvesting is scarce, energy passive methods are essential. A duty-cycled network joining process in combination with an appropriate capacitor size is proposed here as they are among the factors that can be easily controlled without extra energy. When a node joins the network in a duty-cycled manner, other nodes may join the network during the gap time, which reduces energy wastage of the nodes in waiting. With an appropriate capacitor size, the capacitor can be charged up within a reasonable time and power up the node for a sufficiently long time, which increases the probability to complete the network joining process of the node. With the combination of a join duty cycle of 50% with a 100 mF capacitor, a WSN was successfully formed by two energy harvesting powered wireless sensor nodes in one network joining attempt.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC

    Power Management Circuit for Wireless Sensor Nodes Powered by Energy Harvesting: On the Synergy of Harvester and Load

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from IEEE via the DOI in this record.Data availability: All data are provided in full in the results section of this paper.This paper presents an adaptive power management circuit which maximizes the energy transfer from the energy harvester to wireless sensor nodes in real world applications. Low power consumption techniques were adopted in the power management circuit to maximize the delivery of the harvested energy to the load instead of being consumed by the circuit. The presented circuit incorporates an analogue control circuit (ACC) for maximum power transfer from the energy harvester to the storage capacitor and an energy-aware interface (EAI) for controlling the energy flow from the storage capacitor to the load. To evaluate the performance of the presented circuit, piezoelectric energy harvesting was used as a studied case. The piezoelectric energy harvester (PEH) was mechanically excited at different strain loadings and frequencies. The experimental results show the circuit can self-start and powered directly by the PEH since the EAI and ACC have low power consumption in the range of micorwatts. The circuit is adaptive to energy harvesters of varying output and various electrical loads, with a peak efficiency of 76.18% in transferring the harvested energy from the PEH to the storage capacitor. More than 96% of the energy released from the storage capacitor is effectively transferred to the electrical load.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC

    Architecture of Micro Energy Harvesting Using Hybrid Input of RF, Thermal and Vibration for Semi-Active RFID Tag

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    This research work presents a novel architecture of Hybrid Input Energy Harvester (HIEH) system for semi-active Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags. The proposed architecture consists of three input sources of energy which are radio frequency signal, thermal and vibration. The main purpose is to solve the semi-active RFID tags limited lifespan issues due to the need for batteries to power their circuitries. The focus will be on the rectifiers and DC-DC converter circuits with an ultra-low power design to ensure low power consumption in the system. The design architecture will be modelled and simulated using PSpice software, Verilog coding using Mentor Graphics and real-time verification using field-programmable gate array board before being implemented in a 0.13 µm CMOS technology. Our expectations of the results from this architecture are it can deliver 3.3 V of output voltage, 6.5 mW of output power and 90% of efficiency when all input sources are simultaneously harvested. The contribution of this work is it able to extend the lifetime of semi-active tag by supplying electrical energy continuously to the device. Thus, this will indirectly  reduce the energy limitation problem, eliminate the dependency on batteries and make it possible to achieve a batteryless device.This research work presents a novel architecture of Hybrid Input Energy Harvester (HIEH) system for semi-active Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags. The proposed architecture consists of three input sources of energy which are radio frequency signal, thermal and vibration. The main purpose is to solve the semi-active RFID tags limited lifespan issues due to the need for batteries to power their circuitries. The focus will be on the rectifiers and DC-DC converter circuits with an ultra-low power design to ensure low power consumption in the system. The design architecture will be modelled and simulated using PSpice software, Verilog coding using Mentor Graphics and real-time verification using field-programmable gate array board before being implemented in a 0.13 µm CMOS technology. Our expectations of the results from this architecture are it can deliver 3.3 V of output voltage, 6.5 mW of output power and 90% of efficiency when all input sources are simultaneously harvested. The contribution of this work is it able to extend the lifetime of semi-active tag by supplying electrical energy continuously to the device. Thus, this will indirectly  reduce the energy limitation problem, eliminate the dependency on batteries and make it possible to achieve a batteryless device

    Autonomous electrical current monitoring system for aircraft

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    Aircraft monitoring systems offer enhanced safety, reliability, reduced maintenance cost and improved overall flight efficiency. Advancements in wireless sensor networks (WSN) are enabling unprecedented data acquisition functionalities, but their applicability is restricted by power limitations, as batteries require replacement or recharging and wired power adds weight and detracts from the benefits of wireless technology. In this paper, an energy autonomous WSN is presented for monitoring the structural current in aircraft structures. A hybrid inductive/hall sensing concept is introduced demonstrating 0.5 A resolution, < 2% accuracy and frequency independence, for a 5 A – 100 A RMS, DC-800 Hz current and frequency range, with 35 mW active power consumption. An inductive energy harvesting power supply with magnetic flux funnelling, reactance compensation and supercapacitor storage is demonstrated to provide 0.16 mW of continuous power from the 65 μT RMS field of a 20 A RMS, 360 Hz structural current. A low-power sensor node platform with a custom multi-mode duty cycling network protocol is developed, offering cold starting network association and data acquisition/transmission functionality at 50 μW and 70 μW average power respectively. WSN level operation for 1 minute for every 8 minutes of energy harvesting is demonstrated. The proposed system offers a unique energy autonomous WSN platform for aircraft monitoring

    Towards persistent structural health monitoring through sustainable wireless sensor networks

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    This paper documents the design, implementation and characterisation of a wireless sensor node (GENESI Node v1.0), applicable to long-term structural health monitoring. Presented is a three layer abstraction of the hardware platform; consisting of a Sensor Layer, a Main Layer and a Power Layer. Extended operational lifetime is one of the primary design goals, necessitating the inclusion of supplemental energy sources, energy awareness, and the implementation of optimal components (microcontroller(s), RF transceiver, etc.) to achieve lowest-possible power consumption, whilst ensuring that the functional requirements of the intended application area are satisfied. A novel Smart Power Unit has been developed; including intelligence, ambient available energy harvesting (EH), storage, electrochemical fuel cell integration, and recharging capability, which acts as the Power Layer for the node. The functional node has been prototyped, demonstrated and characterised in a variety of operational modes. It is demonstrable via simulation that, under normal operating conditions within a structural health monitoring application, the node may operate perpetually

    Energy-aware approaches for energy harvesting powered wireless sensor nodes

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from IEEE via the DOI in this record.Intensive research on energy harvesting powered wireless sensor nodes (WSNs) has been driven by the needs of reducing the power consumption by the WSNs and the increasing the power generated by energy harvesters. The mismatch between the energy generated by the harvesters and the energy demanded by the WSNs is always a bottleneck as the ambient environmental energy is limited and time-varying. This paper introduces a combined energy-aware interface (EAI) with an energy-aware program to deal with the mismatch through managing the energy flow from the energy storage capacitor to the WSNs. These two energy-aware approaches were implemented in a custom developed vibration energy harvesting powered WSN. The experimental results show that, with the 3.2 mW power generated by a piezoelectric energy harvester (PEH) under an emulated aircraft wing strain loading of 600 με at 10 Hz, the combined energy-aware approaches enable the WSN to have a significantly reduced sleep current from 28.3 µA of a commercial WSN to 0.95 µA and enable the WSN operations for a long active time of about 1.15 s in every 7.79 s to sample and transmit a large number of data (388 bytes), rather than a few ten milliseconds and a few bytes, as demanded by vibration measurement. When the approach was not used, the same amount of energy harvested was not able to power the WSN to start, not mentioning to enabling the WSN operation, which highlighted the importance and the value of the energy-aware approaches in enabling energy harvesting powered WSN operation successfully
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