377 research outputs found

    A coding theory foundation for the analysis of general unconditionally secure proof-of-retrievability schemes for cloud storage

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    There has been considerable recent interest in “cloud storage” wherein a user asks a server to store a large file. One issue is whether the user can verify that the server is actually storing the file, and typically a challenge-response protocol is employed to convince the user that the file is indeed being stored correctly. The security of these schemes is phrased in terms of an extractor which will recover or retrieve the file given any “proving algorithm” that has a sufficiently high success probability. This paper treats proof-of-retrievability schemes in the model of unconditional security, where an adversary has unlimited computational power. In this case retrievability of the file can be modelled as error-correction in a certain code. We provide a general analytical framework for such schemes that yields exact (non-asymptotic) reductions that precisely quantify conditions for extraction to succeed as a function of the success probability of a proving algorithm, and we apply this analysis to several archetypal schemes. In addition, we provide a new methodology for the analysis of keyed POR schemes in an unconditionally secure setting, and use it to prove the security of a modified version of a scheme due to Shacham and Waters [Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. 5350, Springer (2008), 90–107] under a slightly restricted attack model, thus providing the first example of a keyed POR scheme with unconditional security. We also show how classical statistical techniques can be used to evaluate whether the responses of the prover are accurate enough to permit successful extraction. Finally, we prove a new lower bound on storage and communication complexity of POR schemes. This paper treats proof-of-retrievability schemes in the model of unconditional security, where an adversary has unlimited computational power. In this case retrievability of the file can be modelled as error-correction in a certain code. We provide a general analytical framework for such schemes that yields exact (non-asymptotic) reductions that precisely quantify conditions for extraction to succeed as a function of the success probability of a proving algorithm, and we apply this analysis to several archetypal schemes. In addition, we provide a new methodology for the analysis of keyed POR schemes in an unconditionally secure setting, and use it to prove the security of a modified version of a scheme due to Shacham and Waters under a slightly restricted attack model, thus providing the first example of a keyed POR scheme with unconditional security. We also show how classical statistical techniques can be used to evaluate whether the responses of the prover are accurate enough to permit successful extraction. Finally, we prove a new lower bound on storage and communication complexity of POR schemes

    Enhanced Statistical Modelling For Variable Bit Rate Video Traffic Generated From Scalable Video Codec

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    Mereka bentuk rangkaian yang berkesan dan berprestasi tinggi memerlukan pencirian dan pemodela punca trafik rangkaian yang tepat. Tesis ini menyediakan satu kajian tentang penghantaran, pemodelan dan analisis video variable bit rate (VBR) yang merupakan asas reka bentuk protokol dan penggunaan rangkaian yang cekap dalam penghantaran video. Dengan ini, satu model trafik video VBR yang dikodkan oleh scalable video codec (SVC) telah dicadangkan. EDAR (1) dapat menjana siri video dengan tepat di mana siri ini bersifat seakan-akan trafik video yang sebenar. Model ini telah disahkan dengan menggunakan pelbagai statistik untuk membandingkan jejak simulasi da asal. Pengesahan ini telah dilakukan melalui pengukuran grafik (Quantile-Quantile plot) dan statistik (Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Jumlah Ralat Berganda (SSE), dan Kecekapan Relatif (RE)) serta pengesahan secara bersilang. Designing an effective and high performance network requires an accurate characterization and modelling of the network traffic. This work involves the analysis and modelling of the Variable Bit Rate (VBR) of video traffic, usually described as the core of the protocol design and efficient network utilization for video transmissions. In this context, an Enhanced Discrete Autoregressive (EDAR (1)) model for the VBR video traffic model, which is encoded by a Scalable Video Codec (SVC), has been proposed. The EDAR (1) model was able to accurately generate video sequences, which are very close to the actual video traffic in terms of accuracy. The model is validated using statistical tests in order to compare simulated and original traces. The validation is done using graphical (Quantile-Quantile plot) and statistical measurements (Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Sum of Squared Error, and Relative Efficiency), as well as cross-validation

    A composable approach to design of newer techniques for large-scale denial-of-service attack attribution

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    Since its early days, the Internet has witnessed not only a phenomenal growth, but also a large number of security attacks, and in recent years, denial-of-service (DoS) attacks have emerged as one of the top threats. The stateless and destination-oriented Internet routing combined with the ability to harness a large number of compromised machines and the relative ease and low costs of launching such attacks has made this a hard problem to address. Additionally, the myriad requirements of scalability, incremental deployment, adequate user privacy protections, and appropriate economic incentives has further complicated the design of DDoS defense mechanisms. While the many research proposals to date have focussed differently on prevention, mitigation, or traceback of DDoS attacks, the lack of a comprehensive approach satisfying the different design criteria for successful attack attribution is indeed disturbing. Our first contribution here has been the design of a composable data model that has helped us represent the various dimensions of the attack attribution problem, particularly the performance attributes of accuracy, effectiveness, speed and overhead, as orthogonal and mutually independent design considerations. We have then designed custom optimizations along each of these dimensions, and have further integrated them into a single composite model, to provide strong performance guarantees. Thus, the proposed model has given us a single framework that can not only address the individual shortcomings of the various known attack attribution techniques, but also provide a more wholesome counter-measure against DDoS attacks. Our second contribution here has been a concrete implementation based on the proposed composable data model, having adopted a graph-theoretic approach to identify and subsequently stitch together individual edge fragments in the Internet graph to reveal the true routing path of any network data packet. The proposed approach has been analyzed through theoretical and experimental evaluation across multiple metrics, including scalability, incremental deployment, speed and efficiency of the distributed algorithm, and finally the total overhead associated with its deployment. We have thereby shown that it is realistically feasible to provide strong performance and scalability guarantees for Internet-wide attack attribution. Our third contribution here has further advanced the state of the art by directly identifying individual path fragments in the Internet graph, having adopted a distributed divide-and-conquer approach employing simple recurrence relations as individual building blocks. A detailed analysis of the proposed approach on real-life Internet topologies with respect to network storage and traffic overhead, has provided a more realistic characterization. Thus, not only does the proposed approach lend well for simplified operations at scale but can also provide robust network-wide performance and security guarantees for Internet-wide attack attribution. Our final contribution here has introduced the notion of anonymity in the overall attack attribution process to significantly broaden its scope. The highly invasive nature of wide-spread data gathering for network traceback continues to violate one of the key principles of Internet use today - the ability to stay anonymous and operate freely without retribution. In this regard, we have successfully reconciled these mutually divergent requirements to make it not only economically feasible and politically viable but also socially acceptable. This work opens up several directions for future research - analysis of existing attack attribution techniques to identify further scope for improvements, incorporation of newer attributes into the design framework of the composable data model abstraction, and finally design of newer attack attribution techniques that comprehensively integrate the various attack prevention, mitigation and traceback techniques in an efficient manner

    Integrity and Privacy of Large Data

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    There has been considerable recent interest in "cloud storage" wherein a user asks a server to store a large file. One issue is whether the user can verify that the server is actually storing the file, and typically a challenge-response protocol is employed to convince the user that the file is indeed being stored correctly. The security of these schemes is phrased in terms of an extractor which will recover the file given any ``proving algorithm'' that has a sufficiently high success probability. This forms the basis of proof-of-retrievability (PoR) and proof-of-data-possession (PDP) systems. The contributions of this thesis in secure cloud storage are as below. 1. We provide a general analytical framework for various known PoR schemes that yields exact reductions that precisely quantify conditions for extraction to succeed as a function of the success probability of a proving algorithm. We apply this analysis to several archetypal schemes. In addition, we provide a new methodology for the analysis of keyed PoR schemes in an unconditionally secure setting, and use it to prove the security of a modified version of a scheme due to Shacham and Waters (ASIACRYPT, 2009) under a slightly restricted attack model, thus providing the first example of a keyed PoR scheme with unconditional security. We also show how classical statistical techniques can be used to evaluate whether the responses of the prover on the storage are accurate enough to permit successful extraction. Finally, we prove a new lower bound on the storage and communication complexity of PoR schemes. 2. We propose a new type of scheme that we term a proof-of-data-observability scheme. Our definition tries to capture the stronger requirement that the server must have an actual copy of M in its memory space while it executes the challenge-response protocol. We give some examples of schemes that satisfy this new security definition. As well, we analyze the efficiency and security of the protocols we present, and we prove some necessary conditions for the existence of these kinds of protocols. 3. We study secure storage on multiple servers. Our contribution in multiple-server PoR systems is twofold. We formalize security definitions for two possible scenarios: (i) when a threshold of servers succeed with high enough probability (worst-case) and (ii) when the average of the success probability of all the servers is above a threshold (average-case). Using coding theory, we show instances of protocols that are secure both in the average-case and the worst-case scenarios

    stoRNA: Stateless Transparent Proofs of Storage-time

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    Proof of Storage-time (PoSt) is a cryptographic primitive that enables a server to demonstrate non-interactive continuous availability of outsourced data in a publicly verifiable way. This notion was first introduced by Filecoin to secure their Blockchain-based decentralized storage marketplace, using expensive SNARKs to compact proofs. Recent work employs the notion of trapdoor delay function to address the problem of compact PoSt without SNARKs. This approach however entails statefulness and non-transparency, while it requires an expensive pre-processing phase by the client. All of the above renders their solution impractical for decentralized storage marketplaces, leaving the stateless trapdoor-free PoSt with reduced setup costs as an open problem. In this work, we present stateless and transparent PoSt constructions using probabilistic sampling and a new Merkle variant commitment. In the process of enabling adjustable prover difficulty, we then propose a multi-prover construction to diminish the CPU work each prover is required to do. Both schemes feature a fast setup phase and logarithmic verification time and bandwidth with the end-to-end setup, prove, and verification costs lower than the existing solutions

    Glossarium BITri 2016 : Interdisciplinary Elucidation of Concepts, Metaphors, Theories and Problems Concerning Information

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    222 p.Terms included in this glossary recap some of the main concepts, theories, problems and metaphors concerning INFORMATION in all spheres of knowledge. This is the first edition of an ambitious enterprise covering at its completion all relevant notions relating to INFORMATION in any scientific context. As such, this glossariumBITri is part of the broader project BITrum, which is committed to the mutual understanding of all disciplines devoted to information across fields of knowledge and practic

    Copyright protection of scalar and multimedia sensor network data using digital watermarking

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    This thesis records the research on watermarking techniques to address the issue of copyright protection of the scalar data in WSNs and image data in WMSNs, in order to ensure that the proprietary information remains safe between the sensor nodes in both. The first objective is to develop LKR watermarking technique for the copyright protection of scalar data in WSNs. The second objective is to develop GPKR watermarking technique for copyright protection of image data in WMSN

    Dagstuhl News January - December 2006

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    "Dagstuhl News" is a publication edited especially for the members of the Foundation "Informatikzentrum Schloss Dagstuhl" to thank them for their support. The News give a summary of the scientific work being done in Dagstuhl. Each Dagstuhl Seminar is presented by a small abstract describing the contents and scientific highlights of the seminar as well as the perspectives or challenges of the research topic