11 research outputs found

    Stochastic Optimization of Service Provision with Selfish Users

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    We develop a computationally efficient technique to solve a fairly general distributed service provision problem with selfish users and imperfect information. In particular, in a context in which the service capacity of the existing infrastructure can be partially adapted to the user load by activating just some of the service units, we aim at finding the configuration of active service units that achieves the best trade-off between maintenance (e.g.\ energetic) costs for the provider and user satisfaction. The core of our technique resides in the implementation of a belief-propagation (BP) algorithm to evaluate the cost configurations. Numerical results confirm the effectiveness of our approach.Comment: paper presented at NETSTAT Workshop, Budapest - June 201

    A Two-Player Resource-Sharing Game with Asymmetric Information

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    This paper considers a two-player game where each player chooses a resource from a finite collection of options. Each resource brings a random reward. Both players have statistical information regarding the rewards of each resource. Additionally, there exists an information asymmetry where each player has knowledge of the reward realizations of different subsets of the resources. If both players choose the same resource, the reward is divided equally between them, whereas if they choose different resources, each player gains the full reward of the resource. We first implement the iterative best response algorithm to find an ϵ\epsilon-approximate Nash equilibrium for this game. This method of finding a Nash equilibrium may not be desirable when players do not trust each other and place no assumptions on the incentives of the opponent. To handle this case, we solve the problem of maximizing the worst-case expected utility of the first player. The solution leads to counter-intuitive insights in certain special cases. To solve the general version of the problem, we develop an efficient algorithmic solution that combines online-convex optimization and the drift-plus penalty technique


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    Nash equilibrium problems (NEPs) have gained popularity in recent years in the engineering community due to their ready applicability to a wide variety of practical problems ranging from communication network design to power market analysis. There are strong links between the tools used to analyze NEPs and the classical techniques of nonlinear and combinatorial optimization. However, there remain significant challenges in both the theoretical and algorithmic analysis of NEPs. This dissertation studies certain special classes of NEPs, with the overall purpose of analyzing theoretical properties such as existence and uniqueness, while at the same time proposing decentralized algorithms that provably converge to solutions. The subclasses are motivated by relevant application examples

    Fair Resource Allocation in Macroscopic Evacuation Planning Using Mathematical Programming: Modeling and Optimization

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    Evacuation is essential in the case of natural and manmade disasters such as hurricanes, nuclear disasters, fire accidents, and terrorism epidemics. Random evacuation plans can increase risks and incur more losses. Hence, numerous simulation and mathematical programming models have been developed over the past few decades to help transportation planners make decisions to reduce costs and protect lives. However, the dynamic transportation process is inherently complex. Thus, modeling this process can be challenging and computationally demanding. The objective of this dissertation is to build a balanced model that reflects the realism of the dynamic transportation process and still be computationally tractable to be implemented in reality by the decision-makers. On the other hand, the users of the transportation network require reasonable travel time within the network to reach their destinations. This dissertation introduces a novel framework in the fields of fairness in network optimization and evacuation to provide better insight into the evacuation process and assist with decision making. The user of the transportation network is a critical element in this research. Thus, fairness and efficiency are the two primary objectives addressed in the work by considering the limited capacity of roads of the transportation network. Specifically, an approximation approach to the max-min fairness (MMF) problem is presented that provides lower computational time and high-quality output compared to the original algorithm. In addition, a new algorithm is developed to find the MMF resource allocation output in nonconvex structure problems. MMF is the fairness policy used in this research since it considers fairness and efficiency and gives priority to fairness. In addition, a new dynamic evacuation modeling approach is introduced that is capable of reporting more information about the evacuees compared to the conventional evacuation models such as their travel time, evacuation time, and departure time. Thus, the contribution of this dissertation is in the two areas of fairness and evacuation. The first part of the contribution of this dissertation is in the field of fairness. The objective in MMF is to allocate resources fairly among multiple demands given limited resources while utilizing the resources for higher efficiency. Fairness and efficiency are contradicting objectives, so they are translated into a bi-objective mathematical programming model and solved using the ϵ-constraint method, introduced by Vira and Haimes (1983). Although the solution is an approximation to the MMF, the model produces quality solutions, when ϵ is properly selected, in less computational time compared to the progressive-filling algorithm (PFA). In addition, a new algorithm is developed in this research called the θ progressive-filling algorithm that finds the MMF in resource allocation for general problems and works on problems with the nonconvex structure problems. The second part of the contribution is in evacuation modeling. The common dynamic evacuation models lack a piece of essential information for achieving fairness, which is the time each evacuee or group of evacuees spend in the network. Most evacuation models compute the total time for all evacuees to move from the endangered zone to the safe destination. Lack of information about the users of the transportation network is the motivation to develop a new optimization model that reports more information about the users of the network. The model finds the travel time, evacuation time, departure time, and the route selected for each group of evacuees. Given that the travel time function is a non-linear convex function of the traffic volume, the function is linearized through a piecewise linear approximation. The developed model is a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model with high complexity. Hence, the model is not capable of solving large scale problems. The complexity of the model was reduced by introducing a linear programming (LP) version of the full model. The complexity is significantly reduced while maintaining the exact output. In addition, the new θ-progressive-filling algorithm was implemented on the evacuation model to find a fair and efficient evacuation plan. The algorithm is also used to identify the optimal routes in the transportation network. Moreover, the robustness of the evacuation model was tested against demand uncertainty to observe the model behavior when the demand is uncertain. Finally, the robustness of the model is tested when the traffic flow is uncontrolled. In this case, the model's only decision is to distribute the evacuees on routes and has no control over the departure time

    Risk-averse multi-armed bandits and game theory

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    The multi-armed bandit (MAB) and game theory literature is mainly focused on the expected cumulative reward and the expected payoffs in a game, respectively. In contrast, the rewards and the payoffs are often random variables whose expected values only capture a vague idea of the overall distribution. The focus of this dissertation is to study the fundamental limits of the existing bandits and game theory problems in a risk-averse framework and propose new ideas that address the shortcomings. The author believes that human beings are mostly risk-averse, so studying multi-armed bandits and game theory from the point of view of risk aversion, rather than expected reward/payoff, better captures reality. In this manner, a specific class of multi-armed bandits, called explore-then-commit bandits, and stochastic games are studied in this dissertation, which are based on the notion of Risk-Averse Best Action Decision with Incomplete Information (R-ABADI, Abadi is the maiden name of the author's mother). The goal of the classical multi-armed bandits is to exploit the arm with the maximum score defined as the expected value of the arm reward. Instead, we propose a new definition of score that is derived from the joint distribution of all arm rewards and captures the reward of an arm relative to those of all other arms. We use a similar idea for games and propose a risk-averse R-ABADI equilibrium in game theory that is possibly different from the Nash equilibrium. The payoff distributions are taken into account to derive the risk-averse equilibrium, while the expected payoffs are used to find the Nash equilibrium. The fundamental properties of games, e.g. pure and mixed risk-averse R-ABADI equilibrium and strict dominance, are studied in the new framework and the results are expanded to finite-time games. Furthermore, the stochastic congestion games are studied from a risk-averse perspective and three classes of equilibria are proposed for such games. It is shown by examples that the risk-averse behavior of travelers in a stochastic congestion game can improve the price of anarchy in Pigou and Braess networks. Furthermore, the Braess paradox does not occur to the extent proposed originally when travelers are risk-averse. We also study an online affinity scheduling problem with no prior knowledge of the task arrival rates and processing rates of different task types on different servers. We propose the Blind GB-PANDAS algorithm that utilizes an exploration-exploitation scheme to load balance incoming tasks on servers in an online fashion. We prove that Blind GB-PANDAS is throughput optimal, i.e. it stabilizes the system as long as the task arrival rates are inside the capacity region. The Blind GB-PANDAS algorithm is compared to FCFS, Max-Weight, and c-mu-rule algorithms in terms of average task completion time through simulations, where the same exploration-exploitation approach as Blind GB-PANDAS is used for Max-Weight and c-μ\mu-rule. The extensive simulations show that the Blind GB-PANDAS algorithm conspicuously outperforms the three other algorithms at high loads

    Stochastic selfish routing

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