13 research outputs found

    Formalización de la etapa conceptual en el diseño de artefactos

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    El diseño conceptual puede definirse como la etapa central durante el proceso de diseño de productos; en esta etapa se determinan los principios que gobernaran al objeto de diseño. Las decisiones tomadas durante esta etapa tendrán un impacto sumamente importante en la calidad del producto final, costos y aceptación en el mercado (Ofer, Yoram, & Daniel, 2009). Una de las problemáticas principales de la etapa conceptual del proceso de diseño reside en que el diseñador dispone de técnicas fundamentalmente analógicas en donde es escasa o nula la asistencia formal o computacional para facilitar la generación, organización y procesamiento de información durante el proceso creativo. El proceso creativo, fundamental en la etapa conceptual, es un área incierta, ya que no hay ninguna garantía de que el “evento” creativo vaya a ocurrir. Los estudios más recientes en el campo de las ciencias cognitivas, particularmente dentro de la neurociencia, dieron como resultado una expansión del conocimiento sobre la temática y la aparición de nuevas teorías que proponen mecanismos en el pensamiento creativo. Este estudio propone generar herramientas para utilizar en instancias de diseño participativo de artefactos tomando como casos de estudio problemáticas pertenecientes al INTA, vinculando artefactos técnicos y la interacción entre individuos.Eje 4: Diseño industrial, identidad, sustentabilidad y dimensión socia

    A prescriptive approach to qualify and quantify customer value for value-based requirements engineering

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    Recently, customer-based product development is becoming a popular paradigm. Customer expectations and needs can be identified and transformed into requirements for product design with the help of various methods and tools. However, in many cases, these models fail to focus on the perceived value that is crucial when customers make the decision of purchasing a product. In this paper, a prescriptive approach to support value-based requirements engineering (RE) is proposed, describing the foundations, procedures and initial applications in the context of RE for commercial aircraft. An integrated set of techniques, such as means-ends analysis, part-whole analysis and multi-attribute utility theory is introduced in order to understand customer values in depth and width. Technically, this enables identifying the implicit value, structuring logically collected statements of customer expectations and performing value modelling and simulation. Additionally, it helps to put in place a system to measure customer satisfaction that is derived from the proposed approach. The approach offers significant potential to develop effective value creation strategies for the development of new product

    Formalización de la etapa conceptual en el diseño de artefactos : Herramientas para la gestión comunitaria de diseño

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    El diseño conceptual puede definirse como la etapa central durante el proceso de diseño de productos; en esta etapa se determinan los principios que gobernaran al objeto de diseño. Las decisiones tomadas durante esta etapa tendrán un impacto sumamente importante en la calidad del producto final, costos y aceptación en el mercado (Ofer, Yoram, & Daniel, 2009). Una de las problemáticas principales de la etapa conceptual del proceso de diseño reside en que el diseñador dispone de técnicas fundamentalmente analógicas en donde es escasa o nula la asistencia formal o computacional para facilitar la generación, organización y procesamiento de información durante el proceso creativo. El proceso creativo, fundamental en la etapa conceptual, es un área incierta, ya que no hay ninguna garantía de que el “evento” creativo vaya a ocurrir. Los estudios más recientes en el campo de las ciencias cognitivas, particularmente dentro de la neurociencia, dieron como resultado una expansión del conocimiento sobre la temática y la aparición de nuevas teorías que proponen mecanismos en el pensamiento creativo. Este estudio propone generar herramientas para utilizar en instancias de diseño participativo de artefactos tomando como casos de estudio problemáticas pertenecientes al INTA, vinculando artefactos técnicos y la interacción entre individuos.Eje 4: Diseño industrial, identidad, sustentabilidad y dimensión socialFacultad de Bellas Arte

    Formalización de la etapa conceptual en el diseño de artefactos : Herramientas para la gestión comunitaria de diseño

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    El diseño conceptual puede definirse como la etapa central durante el proceso de diseño de productos; en esta etapa se determinan los principios que gobernaran al objeto de diseño. Las decisiones tomadas durante esta etapa tendrán un impacto sumamente importante en la calidad del producto final, costos y aceptación en el mercado (Ofer, Yoram, & Daniel, 2009). Una de las problemáticas principales de la etapa conceptual del proceso de diseño reside en que el diseñador dispone de técnicas fundamentalmente analógicas en donde es escasa o nula la asistencia formal o computacional para facilitar la generación, organización y procesamiento de información durante el proceso creativo. El proceso creativo, fundamental en la etapa conceptual, es un área incierta, ya que no hay ninguna garantía de que el “evento” creativo vaya a ocurrir. Los estudios más recientes en el campo de las ciencias cognitivas, particularmente dentro de la neurociencia, dieron como resultado una expansión del conocimiento sobre la temática y la aparición de nuevas teorías que proponen mecanismos en el pensamiento creativo. Este estudio propone generar herramientas para utilizar en instancias de diseño participativo de artefactos tomando como casos de estudio problemáticas pertenecientes al INTA, vinculando artefactos técnicos y la interacción entre individuos.Eje 4: Diseño industrial, identidad, sustentabilidad y dimensión socialFacultad de Bellas Arte

    Decision-based design under uncertainty with intervals

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    Design requires a series of decisions, and one of the major challenges engineering designers face is making decisions under uncertainty. The engineering designer must choose the best design among various alternatives. This work evaluates the use of utility functions to make decisions under uncertainty with both random and interval variables. Uncertainty cannot be eliminated completely, but it can be reduced. Most current methods treat only aleatory uncertainty. Here, however, both aleatory and epistemic uncertainties are addressed in the context of engineering design. Methods such as moment matching method and worst case analysis are used to incorporate uncertainty into design problems --Abstract, page iii

    Multi criteria decision analysis on real estate portfolio management

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    Abstract. The thesis applies the theories of Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) with a constructive research to the environment of real estate portfolio management. The aim of the research is to create a preference model for sorting real estates. There are multiple conflicting and incommensurable criteria involved in MCDA that cause a challenging decision situation for the decision maker. The advantage of using MCDA is decision maker’s ability to learn and understand both his own and others’ values and judgments. These benefits are received by actions such as taking the decision maker’s preferences into account and concerning the decision problem explicitly by structuring and synthesizing the information. Previously, Multi Attribute theories have been successfully applied to the portfolio selection of road pavement and bridge repairing projects, for example. The research was implemented in three sections from which the first one was a theoretical review that sought to present the basics of MCDA by defining the Multi Attribute Value Theory (MAVT) process. After theoretical review followed the data collection and analysis that aimed to identify the guiding criteria for the decision making and the attributes by which the achievement of the criteria being measured. The thesis was outlined to consider only the effect of the property specific endogenous factors. The last section of the study, construction, applies the information got from the previous sections by creating a preference model for the decision making of property portfolio management. The process and value tree described in the study were constructed from the perspective of real estate owners who own properties only as an investment. As a result of the thesis, five criteria were formed by which the sorting of real estates is evaluated. The criteria were: a macro location that seeks to describe the macro environmental development, a micro location that takes a stand on how reachable the real estate is, a contract price that presented the income side of the cash flow, a repairing need that was included because it has a high effect on the outcomes, and the ability to develop which means the capability of a building to produce financial benefits with the development operations. The suggested attributes for the criteria were for macro location the new construction production of the property type in relation to the development of areal GDP, for micro location the transportation time and type from the areal center, for the contract price the average of the contract prices in relation to the area of each rental agreement, for repairing needs the repairing costs got from the long term repairing plan and for ability to develop was seen that best option to measure the achievement of it would be expert opinion. The study did not take a stand on the weights of the criteria nor the value functions of the attributes because it would require focusing on the single real estate investor whereas this thesis was desired to keep on the general level. As a whole, it was concluded that creating a universal model for sorting real estates is not possible because of the unique nature of the weights and value functions. Therefore it would be more appropriate to execute the model constructing process with the case investor. The process described in this study should, however, give readiness to create a preference model for the investors that were in the focus of this work. The preference model formed as a result of the process will propose an interest of sorting based on the endogenous property specific features. However, the model should be used only as an assistance in decision making so that the decision maker would use it to support his decisions.Tiivistelmä. Diplomityö pyrkii konstruktiivisen tutkimuksen avulla soveltamaan monikriteerisiä päätösanalyysiteorioita (Multi Criteria Decision Analysis — MCDA) kiinteistöportfoliohallinnan päätöksentekoon. Teorioita sovelletaan työssä kehittämällä kiinteistöportfoliohallinnan päätöksentekoa avustava malli. MCDA on oppi metodeista ja lähestymistavoista, joissa eri vaihtoehtojen paremmuutta arvioidaan suhteessa päätöksentekijän asettamiin tavoitteisiin. Teorioiden käsittelemien päätösongelmien luonteeseen kuuluvat useat ristiriitaiset ja yhteismitattomat kriteerit, jotka tekevät päätöksenteosta erittäin haasteellista. MCDA:n tuoma arvo päätöksentekoon syntyy sen jäsennellystä ja selkeästä tavasta käsitellä päätösongelmaa, minkä johdosta päätöksentekijä tulee tietoisemmaksi itse päätösongelmasta sekä omista ja muiden sidosryhmien arvoista ja tavoitteista. Monikriteerisiä päätösanalyysiteorioita on sovellettu aiemmin esimerkiksi infrapuolella siltojen kunnossapitoprojektien valintaan. Kehitetyn matemaattisen mallin avulla pystyttiin analyyttisesti arvioimaan kunkin vaihtoehdon hyvyyttä ja poimimaan siltakannasta eniten päätöksentekijän tavoitteita vastaavat kohteet. Tutkimus toteutettiin kolmessa osiossa, joista ensimmäisessä selvitettiin MCDA:n perusteet määrittämällä kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla päätöksentekijän preferenssejä mallintava MAVT-prosessi. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen jälkeen seurasi työn empiirinen osio, mikä pyrki haastatteluiden avulla selvittämään kiinteistöportfoliohallinnan päätöksentekoa ohjaavat kriteerit ja niiden toteutumista mittaavat attribuutit. Työ keskittyi käsittelemään vain kiinteistökohtaisten sisäsyntyisten tekijöiden vaikutusta kiinteistöportfoliohallintaan. Lopuksi empiriasta saatujen tuloksien pohjalta kuvattiin MAVT prosessi kyseessä olevassa kontekstissa ja kehitettiin esimerkkimalli kiinteistöportfoliohallinnan päätöksenteon tueksi. Esitetty malli on suunnattu yksityisille kiinteistönomistajille, jotka omistavat liike- ja toimistokiinteistöjä vain sijoitusmielessä. Tutkimuksen tuloksena saatiin viisi kiinteistöportfoliohallinnan päätöksentekoa ohjaavaa kriteeriä: makrosijainti, mikrosijainti, sopimushinta, kiinteistön korjaustarpeet ja kiinteistön kehittymiskyky. Sijainti kriteerit pyrkivät huomioimaan sekä makroympäristön kehittymisen että kiinteistön saavutettavuuden. Sopimushinta ja kiinteistön korjaustarpeet puolestaan kuvaavat kiinteistön kassavirran negatiivisen ja positiivisen puolen tärkeimpiä tekijöitä. Kiinteistön kehittymiskyvyllä tarkoitetaan kuinka paljon kehitystoimenpiteillä nähdään saatavan taloudellista hyötyä. Edelle mainittujen kriteereiden attribuuteiksi ehdotettiin makrosijainnille alueellisen BKT:n suhdetta uusiin rakennushankkeisiin, mikrosijainnille keskimääräistä matka-aikaa ja kulkuvälinevaihtoehtoja aluekeskukseen, sopimushinnalle kohteen sopimushintojen neliöillä painotettua keskiarvoa, korjaustarpeille pitkän tähtäimen suunnitelmasta saatavaa korjaustarvearviota ja kiinteistön kehittymiskyvylle asiantuntijan toteuttamaa arviota kiinteistön kehityskelpoisuudesta. Tutkimus ei ottanut kantaa kriteereiden painotukseen tai attribuuttien mittaustulosten pisteyttämiseen, koska työ haluttiin pitää yleisellä tasolla ja edellä mainitut toimenpiteet olisivat vaatineet työn rajaamista koskemaan vain yhtä kiinteistösijoittajaa. Kokonaisuudessaan nähtiin, että yleisen mallin kehittäminen kiinteistöportfoliohallintaan on mahdotonta, johtuen mallissa käytettävien painotusten ja arvofunktioiden yksilöllisestä luonteesta. Tästä johtuen preferenssimallin laadinta olisikin parempi toteuttaa käyttäen vain yhtä kiinteistönomistajaa. Tässä työssä kuvattu prosessi antaa kuitenkin työn kohteena olleille kiinteistönomistajille valmiudet luoda kvantitatiivinen malli oman päätöksenteon tueksi. Prosessin tuloksena saatava malli ehdottaa perustuen kiinteistön sisäsyntyisiin tekijöihin, miten kiinteistöt tulisi lajitella eri salkkuihin. Malli on kuitenkin tarkoitettu vain päätöksentekijän avuksi, ei päätöksentekijäksi

    Stimulating Creative Design Alternatives Using Customer Values

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    Razvoj tehničkih sustava temeljem modela ponašanja arhitekture sustava

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    Istraživanjem se proučila mogućnost predviđanja odstupanja u ponašanju složenih tehničkih sustava u odnosu na ponašanje sustava s predviđenim radnim parametrima. Neočekivano (neizvjesno) ponašanje sustava u promjenljivoj radnoj okolini modelirana je: modelom arhitekture tehničkog sustava i modelom ponašanja tehničkog sustava. Model arhitekture sustava temelji se na matrici komponenata DSM (engl. Design Structure Matrix), matričnom zapisu komponenata sustava. Ponašanje sustava modelirano je prediktivnom metodom upravljanja. Obostrano preslikavanje podataka između modela omogućava modeliranje ponašanja sustava u neizvjesnim situacijama. Pomoću, u okviru istraživanja, razvijenog algoritma i postojećih računalnih alata, verificirani su rezultati istraživanja, na realnim primjerima složenih tehničkih sustava

    Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis: Classification Problems and Solutions

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    Multiple criteria decision analysis (MCDA) techniques are developed to address challenging classification problems arising in engineering management and elsewhere. MCDA consists of a set of principles and tools to assist a decision maker (DM) to solve a decision problem with a finite set of alternatives compared according to two or more criteria, which are usually conflicting. The three types of classification problems to which original research contributions are made are Screening: Reduce a large set of alternatives to a smaller set that most likely contains the best choice. Sorting: Arrange the alternatives into a few groups in preference order, so that the DM can manage them more effectively. Nominal classification: Assign alternatives to nominal groups structured by the DM, so that the number of groups, and the characteristics of each group, seem appropriate to the DM. Research on screening is divided into two parts: the design of a sequential screening procedure that is then applied to water resource planning in the Region of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada; and the development of a case-based distance method for screening that is then demonstrated using a numerical example. Sorting problems are studied extensively under three headings. Case-based distance sorting is carried out with Model I, which is optimized for use with cardinal criteria only, and Model II, which is designed for both cardinal and ordinal criteria; both sorting approaches are applied to a case study in Canadian municipal water usage analysis. Sorting in inventory management is studied using a case-based distance method designed for multiple criteria ABC analysis, and then applied to a case study involving hospital inventory management. Finally sorting is applied to bilateral negotiation using a case-based distance model to assist negotiators that is then demonstrated on a negotiation regarding the supply of bicycle components. A new kind of decision analysis problem, called multiple criteria nominal classification (MCNC), is addressed. Traditional classification methods in MCDA focus on sorting alternatives into groups ordered by preference. MCNC is the classification of alternatives into nominal groups, structured by the DM, who specifies multiple characteristics for each group. The features, definitions and structures of MCNC are presented, emphasizing criterion and alternative flexibility. An analysis procedure is proposed to solve MCNC problems systematically and applied to a water resources planning problem

    Stimulating Creative Design Alternatives Using Customer Values

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