192 research outputs found


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    ??‘Study the science of art and the art of science’ - Leonardo da VinciPolymath: a person of wide-ranging knowledge or learning Oxford DictionaryArtists: Susan Aldworth, Andrew Carnie, Annie Cattrell, Katharine Dowson, Rachel Gadsden, David Marron, Dan Peyton, Helen Pynor and Nina Sellars.GV Art’s latest exhibition brings together ‘polymath’ works that create synergies and connect disparate ideas and different schools of thoughts. From David Marron’s Nervous Tissue installation, to Susan Aldworth’s Reassembling the Self lithographs, to Rachel Gadsden, whose Unlimited Global Alchemy will be presented as part of the 2012 Cultural Olympiad.Reassembling the Self , a new suite of 14 lithographs by Susan Aldworth made at the Curwen Studio under the guidance of the legendary master printer Stanley Jones, is the culmination of her artist residency at the Institute of Neuroscience at Newcastle University, working on a collaborative project with patients and scientists to piece together some of the narratives that inform the diagnosis and experiences of schizophrenia. Aldworth will show two of these new works for the first time at Polymath.As co-curator Dr Jonathan Hutt observes, ‘A polymath doesn’t look at what is there but uses existing knowledge to create something new and dynamic’. ‘The polymath is almost a discipline in itself’, explainsDavid Marron. ‘It aids a sensibility in attaining a reasoned level of thought.’The most famous polymath is, of course, Leonardo da Vinci, who personified the concept of ‘Renaissance Humanism’ — which held that, to realise their full potential, a human had to acquire the widest spectrum of knowledge — and was the ultimate ‘Renaissance Man’. But other polymaths have shaped the evolution of the world throughout history, including Aristotle (384-322BC), Galileo Galilei (1564-1624) and Steve Jobs (1955-2011)

    Levinsonian seasons in the life of Steve Jobs: A psychobiographical case study

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    Steve Jobs (1955-2011) was not only a businessman renowned for his legacy of technological innovation and entrepreneurship. His life history indicates eras or seasons as prankster, hippie, family man, and cancer fighter. This psychobiographical case study entailed a psychosocial-historical analysis of Jobs’s development interpreted through Levinson’s theory of the human life cycle, and was undertaken against the background of Merleau-Ponty’s ontological philosophy that elucidates a human science phenomenology where the individual cannot be separated from his/her social world. The primary objective of this study was to uncover the eras and transitions within Jobs’s life cycle. The secondary objective was to illustrate and test the relevance of Levinsonian theory as applied to Jobs’s life. Jobs’s life cycle was uncovered through an analysis of published and publically available materials, which included both primary and secondary data sources. Alexander’s psychobiographical model was employed to extract salient evidence for analysis. A conceptual psychosocial-historical matrix guided the analysis. Key findings indicate that the central components of Jobs’s life and social world (e.g., his occupation, family, friendships and terminal illness) had a significant influence on his psychosocial development. In conclusion, Jobs’s development generally conformed to Levinsonian theory as well as to Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenological ontology and illustrated the relevance of these conceptual models for understanding the individual’s connectedness to his/her social world

    Discurs de Steve Jobs a la Stanford University

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    06. Servant Leadership & Path-Goal Theory

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    The term “servant leader” was first documented by Robert K. Greenleaf in 1970, who credits the formulation of the term to the 1956 novel The Journey to the East (Northouse 226) . Right at the tail end of WWII, the 1950s made way for the Civil Rights Movement. For context, this time period brought about the invention of TV and widespread use of cars in America, the Korean War, and the Cold War. Throughout the Civil Rights Movement, Martin Luther King’s success as one major face of the movement became accredited to his devotion to servant leadership that became a highlight of the era. Path Goal Theory first emerged in leadership texts in the early 1970s (Northouse 115). Leading up to this point, the Civil Rights movement still had a heavy presence in society, and technological advancements landed the first man on the moon (“1960s”)

    Novel Insights into Diagnosis and Treatment of Adrenocortical Tumors

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    Adrenocortical tumors can cause two distinct clinical problems, with in some cases a combination of both: 1) hormonal overproduction, and 2) malignant tumor growth. The first clinical problem includes Cushing’s syndrome, due to chronic exposure to high levels of cortisol. Despite the fact that surgery is the first treatment approach, medical treatment is indicated in several settings, but is associated with limited efficacy and toxicity. In the first part of this dissertation, we aim to investigate the in vitro effects of two novel steroidogenesis inhibitors currently investigated in clinical trials, i.e. levoketoconazole and osilodrostat, on adrenocortical steroidogenesis and pituitary adenoma cells. We conclude that both steroidogenesis inhibitors are potential novel compounds for the treatment of Cushing’s syndrome. The second part of this dissertation focuses on adrenocortical carcinoma, of which diagnosis and monitoring is currently challenging. Therefore, we propose a novel diagnosti

    Network of Architecture Roads

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    In the literature that follows the history and theory of architecture,architecture is mainly studied from the aspect of disposition, constructionand materialization “in itself”, sporadically establishing the “originality”(first appearance) of certain dimensions of architectural solutions andtheir connection with solutions from previous historical epochs. The titleof this work (Network of Architectural Paths) suggests the simultaneousuniqueness (authenticity) of people and their culture throughout the planetEarth and comprehensiveness (universality) of human ideas and all formsof human creativity. The aim of this work is to show the authenticity ofideas (expressed by architecture) in accordance with the concrete naturaland social environment and, at the same time, their mutual connection(networking) on the global world level (Earth). Examples of vernaculararchitecture in various parts of the world and examples of author’s(contemporary) architecture in other parts of the world that are articulatedin the language of the modern era while preserving the concepts of theirvernecular “models” are thus compared. The methodological approachin this paper is based on the author’s theory of architecture, which hedescribed and published in his book: Hadrovic, A. (2007). DefiningArchitectural Space on the Model of the Oriental Style CityHouse inBosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo and Macedonia,Booksurge, LLC, North Charleston, SC, USA

    Innovación, cultura organizacional para el éxito

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    Este trabajo aporta un entendimiento de los conceptos de cambio e innovación, ya que partiendo de la comprensión de estos, se facilitará el entendimiento de los demás temas planteados, así pues, que en su contenido, también hablaremos de los líderes más destacados que han y que vienen contribuyendo al mejoramiento del desempeño empresarial, además nos referiremos a las estrategias de innovación que han utilizado las empresas más exitosas del mundo para incrementar su rentabilidad y permanecer a la vanguardia de los negocios. De esta manera, explicaremos cómo la innovación es la estrategia gerencial más acertada para alcanzar y garantizar la permanente rentabilidad del negoci

    High Tech Entrepreneurial Careers: A Model of Stages, Phases, and Ages

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    The meteoric rise, dramatic fall, and spectacular comeback associated with Steve Jobs’ career path is an evocative example of the risks and rewards associated with following a high-tech entrepreneurial career. While research on entrepreneurs has primarily focused on their characteristics, there is limited research on the career paths of entrepreneurs in either the careers or the entrepreneurship literature. The purpose of this paper is to propose a new model of entrepreneurial careers that better reflects the realities of pursuing a career in the high-tech computer industry. The proposed model considers the role that stages, phases, and ages play in the careers of hightech entrepreneurs