10 research outputs found

    Remote damage inspection with AR custom headset

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    Nowadays key factors in high technology industries are digitalization, networking, data management, informatization and automation. The mutual interactions between these factors led toward the quickly evolving industrial revolution called “Industry 4.0” (or IR4) defined as the integration of new technologies within the design, manufacturing, and maintenance processes. This dynamic scenario is made possible by the so-called Internet of Things (IoT). In this context the inspection sector is rapidly upgrading in order to cope with the new technology paradigm of industry. The application of new technologies in NDE can improve the effectiveness, in terms of time and costs, of many inspection processes and include much more data and details exploiting multiple devices and sensing systems (NDE 4.0). In this work a remote damage inspection device is introduced, based on a stereo-laser depth map system connected to a custom headset. A laser speckle pattern is projected on the inspected component and acquired through a stereo cameras system. Damage is detected as a change in the depth map. The detected damage is then superimposed on the structure and streamed to the headset. The proposed idea would be extremely beneficial during the inspection process of large structures to assess whether a damage is present. This, in turn, would mak

    Schenkerian Analysis for the Beginner

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    In the classroom, the teacher of Schenkerian analysis faces the challenge of reconciling the holistic evaluation of works with the sequential presentation of content from simple to complex. Drawing from previous learning taxonomies (Bloom 1956, Anderson and Krathwohl 2001, and Rifkin and Stoecker 2011), I propose an adapted one for Schenkerian analysis. I note differences between this taxonomy and analytical procedures shown in current Schenkerian textbooks (Cadwallader and Gagné 2011, Pankhurst 2008), pursue implications of the new learning taxonomy, and suggest a wide range of classroom activities that have proven effective in my own introductory course. Goals of the new taxonomy include the rapid building of students’ graphing competency, and motivating students to use Schenkerian analysis on their own outside of the classroom

    Surface reconstruction of ancient water storage systems an approach for sparse 3D sonar scans and fused stereo images

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    This work presents a process pipeline that addresses the problem of reconstructing surfaces of underwater structures from stereo images and sonar scans collected with a micro-ROV on the islands of Malta and Gozo. Using a limited sensor load, sonar and small GoPro Hero2 cameras, the micro-ROV is able to explore water systems and gather data. As a preprocess to the reconstruction pipeline, a 3D evidence grid is created by mosaicing horizontal and vertical sonar scans. A volumetric representation is then constructed using a level set method. Fine-scale details from the scene are captured in stereo cameras, and are transformed into point clouds and projected into the volume. A raycasting technique is used to trim the volume in accordance with the projected point clouds, thus reintroducing fine details to the rough sonar-generated model. The resulting volume is surfaced, yielding a final mesh which can be viewed and interacted with for archaeological and educational purposes. Initial results from both steps of the reconstruction pipeline are presented and discussed.peer-reviewe

    Viewfinder: final activity report

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    The VIEW-FINDER project (2006-2009) is an 'Advanced Robotics' project that seeks to apply a semi-autonomous robotic system to inspect ground safety in the event of a fire. Its primary aim is to gather data (visual and chemical) in order to assist rescue personnel. A base station combines the gathered information with information retrieved from off-site sources. The project addresses key issues related to map building and reconstruction, interfacing local command information with external sources, human-robot interfaces and semi-autonomous robot navigation. The VIEW-FINDER system is a semi-autonomous; the individual robot-sensors operate autonomously within the limits of the task assigned to them, that is, they will autonomously navigate through and inspect an area. Human operators monitor their operations and send high level task requests as well as low level commands through the interface to any nodes in the entire system. The human interface has to ensure the human supervisor and human interveners are provided a reduced but good and relevant overview of the ground and the robots and human rescue workers therein

    Mapa denso de disparidade para imagem estereoscópica no domínio de Clifford

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    Fuzzy Free Path Detection based on Dense Disparity Maps obtained from Stereo Cameras

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    In this paper we propose a fuzzy method to detect free paths in real-time using digital stereo images. It is based on looking for linear variations of depth in disparity maps, which are obtained by processing a pair of rectified images from two stereo cameras. By applying least-squares fitting over groups of disparity maps columns to a linear model, free paths are detected by giving a certainty using a fuzzy rule. Experimental results on real outdoor images are also presented.Nuria Ortigosa acknowledges the support of Universidad Polit'ecnica de Valencia under grant FPI-UPV 2008. Samuel Morillas acknowledges the support of Spanish Ministry of Education and Science under grant MTM 2009-12872-C02-01.Ortigosa Araque, N.; Morillas Gómez, S.; Peris Fajarnes, G.; Dunai Dunai, L. (2012). Fuzzy Free Path Detection based on Dense Disparity Maps obtained from Stereo Cameras. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems. 20(2):245-259. doi:10.1142/S0218488512500122S245259202Grosso, E., & Tistarelli, M. (1995). Active/dynamic stereo vision. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 17(9), 868-879. doi:10.1109/34.406652Wedel, A., Badino, H., Rabe, C., Loose, H., Franke, U., & Cremers, D. (2009). B-Spline Modeling of Road Surfaces With an Application to Free-Space Estimation. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 10(4), 572-583. doi:10.1109/tits.2009.2027223Bloch, I. (2005). Fuzzy spatial relationships for image processing and interpretation: a review. Image and Vision Computing, 23(2), 89-110. doi:10.1016/j.imavis.2004.06.013Keller, J. M., & Wang, X. (2000). A Fuzzy Rule-Based Approach to Scene Description Involving Spatial Relationships. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 80(1), 21-41. doi:10.1006/cviu.2000.0872Moreno-Garcia, J., Rodriguez-Benitez, L., Fernández-Caballero, A., & López, M. T. (2010). Video sequence motion tracking by fuzzification techniques. Applied Soft Computing, 10(1), 318-331. doi:10.1016/j.asoc.2009.08.002Morillas, S., Gregori, V., & Hervas, A. (2009). Fuzzy Peer Groups for Reducing Mixed Gaussian-Impulse Noise From Color Images. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 18(7), 1452-1466. doi:10.1109/tip.2009.2019305Poloni, M., Ulivi, G., & Vendittelli, M. (1995). Fuzzy logic and autonomous vehicles: Experiments in ultrasonic vision. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 69(1), 15-27. doi:10.1016/0165-0114(94)00237-2Alonso, J. M., Magdalena, L., Guillaume, S., Sotelo, M. A., Bergasa, L. M., Ocaña, M., & Flores, R. (2007). Knowledge-based Intelligent Diagnosis of Ground Robot Collision with Non Detectable Obstacles. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 48(4), 539-566. doi:10.1007/s10846-006-9125-6McFetridge, L., & Ibrahim, M. Y. (2009). A new methodology of mobile robot navigation: The agoraphilic algorithm. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 25(3), 545-551. doi:10.1016/j.rcim.2008.01.008Sun, H., & Yang, J. (2001). Obstacle detection for mobile vehicle using neural network and fuzzy logic. Neural Network and Distributed Processing. doi:10.1117/12.441696Ortigosa, N., Morillas, S., & Peris-Fajarnés, G. (2010). Obstacle-Free Pathway Detection by Means of Depth Maps. Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 63(1), 115-129. doi:10.1007/s10846-010-9498-4Picton, P. D., & Capp, M. D. (2008). Relaying scene information to the blind via sound using cartoon depth maps. Image and Vision Computing, 26(4), 570-577. doi:10.1016/j.imavis.2007.07.005Zhang, Z. (2000). A flexible new technique for camera calibration. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 22(11), 1330-1334. doi:10.1109/34.888718Scharstein, D., & Szeliski, R. (2002). International Journal of Computer Vision, 47(1/3), 7-42. doi:10.1023/a:1014573219977Felzenszwalb, P. F., & Huttenlocher, D. P. (2006). Efficient Belief Propagation for Early Vision. International Journal of Computer Vision, 70(1), 41-54. doi:10.1007/s11263-006-7899-4Qingxiong Yang, Liang Wang, Ruigang Yang, Stewenius, H., & Nister, D. (2009). Stereo Matching with Color-Weighted Correlation, Hierarchical Belief Propagation, and Occlusion Handling. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 31(3), 492-504. doi:10.1109/tpami.2008.99Zitnick, C. L., & Kang, S. B. (2007). Stereo for Image-Based Rendering using Image Over-Segmentation. International Journal of Computer Vision, 75(1), 49-65. doi:10.1007/s11263-006-0018-8Hartley, R., & Zisserman, A. (2004). Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision. doi:10.1017/cbo9780511811685Lee, C. C. (1990). Fuzzy logic in control systems: fuzzy logic controller. I. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 20(2), 404-418. doi:10.1109/21.52551C. Fodor, J. (1993). A new look at fuzzy connectives. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 57(2), 141-148. doi:10.1016/0165-0114(93)90153-9Nalpantidis, L., & Gasteratos, A. (2010). Stereo vision for robotic applications in the presence of non-ideal lighting conditions. Image and Vision Computing, 28(6), 940-951. doi:10.1016/j.imavis.2009.11.011BOHANNON, R. W. (1997). Comfortable and maximum walking speed of adults aged 20—79 years: reference values and determinants. Age and Ageing, 26(1), 15-19. doi:10.1093/ageing/26.1.1

    Literature Survey On Stereo Vision Disparity Map Algorithms

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    This paper presents a literature survey on existing disparity map algorithms. It focuses on four main stages of processing as proposed by Scharstein and Szeliski in a taxonomy and evaluation of dense two-frame stereo correspondence algorithms performed in 2002. To assist future researchers in developing their own stereo matching algorithms, a summary of the existing algorithms developed for every stage of processing is also provided. The survey also notes the implementation of previous software-based and hardware-based algorithms. Generally, the main processing module for a software-based implementation uses only a central processing unit. By contrast, a hardware-based implementation requires one or more additional processors for its processing module, such as graphical processing unit or a field programmable gate array. This literature survey also presents a method of qualitative measurement that is widely used by researchers in the area of stereo vision disparity mappings

    Percepción basada en visión estereoscópica, planificación de trayectorias y estrategias de navegación para exploración robótica autónoma

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Informática, Departamento de Ingeniería del Software e Inteligencia artificial, leída el 13-05-2015En esta tesis se trata el desarrollo de una estrategia de navegación autónoma basada en visión artificial para exploración robótica autónoma de superficies planetarias. Se han desarrollado una serie de subsistemas, módulos y software específicos para la investigación desarrollada en este trabajo, ya que la mayoría de las herramientas existentes para este dominio son propiedad de agencias espaciales nacionales, no accesibles a la comunidad científica. Se ha diseñado una arquitectura software modular multi-capa con varios niveles jerárquicos para albergar el conjunto de algoritmos que implementan la estrategia de navegación autónoma y garantizar la portabilidad del software, su reutilización e independencia del hardware. Se incluye también el diseño de un entorno de trabajo destinado a dar soporte al desarrollo de las estrategias de navegación. Éste se basa parcialmente en herramientas de código abierto al alcance de cualquier investigador o institución, con las necesarias adaptaciones y extensiones, e incluye capacidades de simulación 3D, modelos de vehículos robóticos, sensores, y entornos operacionales, emulando superficies planetarias como Marte, para el análisis y validación a nivel funcional de las estrategias de navegación desarrolladas. Este entorno también ofrece capacidades de depuración y monitorización.La presente tesis se compone de dos partes principales. En la primera se aborda el diseño y desarrollo de las capacidades de autonomía de alto nivel de un rover, centrándose en la navegación autónoma, con el soporte de las capacidades de simulación y monitorización del entorno de trabajo previo. Se han llevado a cabo un conjunto de experimentos de campo, con un robot y hardware real, detallándose resultados, tiempo de procesamiento de algoritmos, así como el comportamiento y rendimiento del sistema en general. Como resultado, se ha identificado al sistema de percepción como un componente crucial dentro de la estrategia de navegación y, por tanto, el foco principal de potenciales optimizaciones y mejoras del sistema. Como consecuencia, en la segunda parte de este trabajo, se afronta el problema de la correspondencia en imágenes estéreo y reconstrucción 3D de entornos naturales no estructurados. Se han analizado una serie de algoritmos de correspondencia, procesos de imagen y filtros. Generalmente se asume que las intensidades de puntos correspondientes en imágenes del mismo par estéreo es la misma. Sin embargo, se ha comprobado que esta suposición es a menudo falsa, a pesar de que ambas se adquieren con un sistema de visión compuesto de dos cámaras idénticas. En consecuencia, se propone un sistema experto para la corrección automática de intensidades en pares de imágenes estéreo y reconstrucción 3D del entorno basado en procesos de imagen no aplicados hasta ahora en el campo de la visión estéreo. Éstos son el filtrado homomórfico y la correspondencia de histogramas, que han sido diseñados para corregir intensidades coordinadamente, ajustando una imagen en función de la otra. Los resultados se han podido optimizar adicionalmente gracias al diseño de un proceso de agrupación basado en el principio de continuidad espacial para eliminar falsos positivos y correspondencias erróneas. Se han estudiado los efectos de la aplicación de dichos filtros, en etapas previas y posteriores al proceso de correspondencia, con eficiencia verificada favorablemente. Su aplicación ha permitido la obtención de un mayor número de correspondencias válidas en comparación con los resultados obtenidos sin la aplicación de los mismos, consiguiendo mejoras significativas en los mapas de disparidad y, por lo tanto, en los procesos globales de percepción y reconstrucción 3D.Depto. de Ingeniería de Software e Inteligencia Artificial (ISIA)Fac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu