89 research outputs found

    Quantitative 3d reconstruction from scanning electron microscope images based on affine camera models

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    Scanning electron microscopes (SEMs) are versatile imaging devices for the micro-and nanoscale that find application in various disciplines such as the characterization of biological, mineral or mechanical specimen. Even though the specimen’s two-dimensional (2D) properties are provided by the acquired images, detailed morphological characterizations require knowledge about the three-dimensional (3D) surface structure. To overcome this limitation, a reconstruction routine is presented that allows the quantitative depth reconstruction from SEM image sequences. Based on the SEM’s imaging properties that can be well described by an affine camera, the proposed algorithms rely on the use of affine epipolar geometry, self-calibration via factorization and triangulation from dense correspondences. To yield the highest robustness and accuracy, different sub-models of the affine camera are applied to the SEM images and the obtained results are directly compared to confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM) measurements to identify the ideal parametrization and underlying algorithms. To solve the rectification problem for stereo-pair images of an affine camera so that dense matching algorithms can be applied, existing approaches are adapted and extended to further enhance the yielded results. The evaluations of this study allow to specify the applicability of the affine camera models to SEM images and what accuracies can be expected for reconstruction routines based on self-calibration and dense matching algorithms. © MDPI AG. All rights reserved

    The leaf angle distribution of natural plant populations: assessing the canopy with a novel software tool

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    Background Three-dimensional canopies form complex architectures with temporally and spatially changing leaf orientations. Variations in canopy structure are linked to canopy function and they occur within the scope of genetic variability as well as a reaction to environmental factors like light, water and nutrient supply, and stress. An important key measure to characterize these structural properties is the leaf angle distribution, which in turn requires knowledge on the 3-dimensional single leaf surface. Despite a large number of 3-d sensors and methods only a few systems are applicable for fast and routine measurements in plants and natural canopies. A suitable approach is stereo imaging, which combines depth and color information that allows for easy segmentation of green leaf material and the extraction of plant traits, such as leaf angle distribution. Results We developed a software package, which provides tools for the quantification of leaf surface properties within natural canopies via 3-d reconstruction from stereo images. Our approach includes a semi-automatic selection process of single leaves and different modes of surface characterization via polygon smoothing or surface model fitting. Based on the resulting surface meshes leaf angle statistics are computed on the whole-leaf level or from local derivations. We include a case study to demonstrate the functionality of our software. 48 images of small sugar beet populations (4 varieties) have been analyzed on the base of their leaf angle distribution in order to investigate seasonal, genotypic and fertilization effects on leaf angle distributions. We could show that leaf angle distributions change during the course of the season with all varieties having a comparable development. Additionally, different varieties had different leaf angle orientation that could be separated in principle component analysis. In contrast nitrogen treatment had no effect on leaf angles. Conclusions We show that a stereo imaging setup together with the appropriate image processing tools is capable of retrieving the geometric leaf surface properties of plants and canopies. Our software package provides whole-leaf statistics but also a local estimation of leaf angles, which may have great potential to better understand and quantify structural canopy traits for guided breeding and optimized crop management

    Constrained Optimization for Plane-Based Stereo

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    This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TIP.2018.2823543, IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to use this material for any other purposes must be obtained from the IEEE by sending an email to [email protected] Hansard was partially supported by EPSRC grant EP/M01469X/1

    The leaf angle distribution of natural plant populations: assessing the canopy with a novel software tool

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    Background Three-dimensional canopies form complex architectures with temporally and spatially changing leaf orientations. Variations in canopy structure are linked to canopy function and they occur within the scope of genetic variability as well as a reaction to environmental factors like light, water and nutrient supply, and stress. An important key measure to characterize these structural properties is the leaf angle distribution, which in turn requires knowledge on the 3-dimensional single leaf surface. Despite a large number of 3-d sensors and methods only a few systems are applicable for fast and routine measurements in plants and natural canopies. A suitable approach is stereo imaging, which combines depth and color information that allows for easy segmentation of green leaf material and the extraction of plant traits, such as leaf angle distribution. Results We developed a software package, which provides tools for the quantification of leaf surface properties within natural canopies via 3-d reconstruction from stereo images. Our approach includes a semi-automatic selection process of single leaves and different modes of surface characterization via polygon smoothing or surface model fitting. Based on the resulting surface meshes leaf angle statistics are computed on the whole-leaf level or from local derivations. We include a case study to demonstrate the functionality of our software. 48 images of small sugar beet populations (4 varieties) have been analyzed on the base of their leaf angle distribution in order to investigate seasonal, genotypic and fertilization effects on leaf angle distributions. We could show that leaf angle distributions change during the course of the season with all varieties having a comparable development. Additionally, different varieties had different leaf angle orientation that could be separated in principle component analysis. In contrast nitrogen treatment had no effect on leaf angles. Conclusions We show that a stereo imaging setup together with the appropriate image processing tools is capable of retrieving the geometric leaf surface properties of plants and canopies. Our software package provides whole-leaf statistics but also a local estimation of leaf angles, which may have great potential to better understand and quantify structural canopy traits for guided breeding and optimized crop management

    Locating Anchor Drilling Holes Based on Binocular Vision in Coal Mine Roadways

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    The implementation of roof bolt support within a coal mine roadway has the capacity to bolster the stability of the encompassing rock strata and thereby mitigate the potential for accidents. To enhance the automation of support operations, this paper introduces a binocular vision positioning method for drilling holes, which relies on the adaptive adjustment of parameters. Through the establishment of a predictive model, the correlation between the radius of the target circular hole in the image and the shooting distance is ascertained. Based on the structural model of the anchor drilling robot and the related sensing data, the shooting distance range is defined. Exploiting the geometric constraints inherent to adjacent anchor holes, the precise identification of anchor holes is detected by a Hough transformer with an adaptive parameter-adjusted method. On this basis, the matching of the anchor hole contour is realized by using linear slope and geometric constraints, and the spatial coordinates of the anchor hole center in the camera coordinate system are determined based on the binocular vision positioning principle. The outcomes of the experiments reveal that the method attains a po-sitioning accuracy of 95.2%, with an absolute error of around 1.52 mm. When compared with manual operation, this technique distinctly enhances drilling accuracy and augments support efficiency

    Few-shot Neural Radiance Fields Under Unconstrained Illumination

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    In this paper, we introduce a new challenge for synthesizing novel view images in practical environments with limited input multi-view images and varying lighting conditions. Neural radiance fields (NeRF), one of the pioneering works for this task, demand an extensive set of multi-view images taken under constrained illumination, which is often unattainable in real-world settings. While some previous works have managed to synthesize novel views given images with different illumination, their performance still relies on a substantial number of input multi-view images. To address this problem, we suggest ExtremeNeRF, which utilizes multi-view albedo consistency, supported by geometric alignment. Specifically, we extract intrinsic image components that should be illumination-invariant across different views, enabling direct appearance comparison between the input and novel view under unconstrained illumination. We offer thorough experimental results for task evaluation, employing the newly created NeRF Extreme benchmark-the first in-the-wild benchmark for novel view synthesis under multiple viewing directions and varying illuminations.Comment: Project Page: https://seokyeong94.github.io/ExtremeNeRF

    High-Level Synthesis: Productivity, Performance, and Software Constraints

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