87 research outputs found

    Putting Iterative Proportional Fitting on the researcher’s desk

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    ‘Iterative Proportional Fitting’ (IPF) is a mathematical procedure originally developed to combine the information from two or more datasets. IPF is a well-established technique with the theoretical and practical considerations behind the method thoroughly explored and reported. In this paper the theory of IPF is investigated with a mathematical definition of the procedure and a review of the relevant literature given. So that IPF can be readily accessible to researchers the procedure has been automated in Visual Basic and a description of the program and a ‘User Guide’ are provided. IPF is employed in various disciplines but has been particularly useful in census-related analysis to provide updated population statistics and to estimate individual-level attribute characteristics. To illustrate the practical application of IPF various case studies are described. In the future, demand for individual-level data is thought likely to increase and it is believed that the IPF procedure and Visual Basic program have the potential to facilitate research in geography and other disciplines

    How economists entered the 'numbers game': Measuring discrimination in the us courtrooms, 1971-1989

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    The paper explores why and how economists entered the courtrooms as expert witnesses in employment discrimination cases in the US. The main sources are published legal decisions. I analyze the courts' and economists' discourses on the use of a specific method: multiple regression analysis in relation to litigation history, academic debates, and the institutional settings of expertise within the courts. I first show how the early reception of the method in the late 1970s did not involve systematic rejection from the courts but rather a large amount of skepticism. I then illustrate how economic theory underlying the method was progressively introduced in the judicial tool kit and how the debates in the courtrooms relate to the debates in academia in the 1980s. By 1989, practical and ethical questions regarding the institutional settings of experts' testimony took center stage, reflecting the increasing professionalization of forensic economics

    Redefining the Agency of Jewish Communities Through Ghetto Humor

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    While the Holocaust is remembered by historians and victims as a time of suffering and genocide, Jewish ghetto survivors recall numerous occasions in which humor was used to combat the oppression of Nazi authorities. Although many historians emphasized the physical hardships and tragic conditions faced by Jewish victims of the Holocaust, the existence of jokes throughout Eastern European ghettos articulated the legitimacy of humor within the greater context and discussion of coping, resistance, and unification for the preservation of Jewish life and identity in the post-war period. Rather than depicting Jews as solely victims, humor returns agency to the Jews who lived in ghettos by highlighting the complexity of their reality without overgeneralizing their experiences

    Correcting Sociodemographic Selection Biases for Population Prediction from Social Media

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    Social media is increasingly used for large-scale population predictions, such as estimating community health statistics. However, social media users are not typically a representative sample of the intended population -- a "selection bias". Within the social sciences, such a bias is typically addressed with restratification techniques, where observations are reweighted according to how under- or over-sampled their socio-demographic groups are. Yet, restratifaction is rarely evaluated for improving prediction. Across four tasks of predicting U.S. county population health statistics from Twitter, we find standard restratification techniques provide no improvement and often degrade prediction accuracies. The core reasons for this seems to be both shrunken estimates (reduced variance of model predicted values) and sparse estimates of each population's socio-demographics. We thus develop and evaluate three methods to address these problems: estimator redistribution to account for shrinking, and adaptive binning and informed smoothing to handle sparse socio-demographic estimates. We show that each of these methods significantly outperforms the standard restratification approaches. Combining approaches, we find substantial improvements over non-restratified models, yielding a 53.0% increase in predictive accuracy (R^2) in the case of surveyed life satisfaction, and a 17.8% average increase across all tasks

    Hotel De Vagabundos: reviewing African American theatre journey.

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    This analysis examines how Hotel de Vagabundos, a play written by a black playwright from Colombia, fits into the core of definitions of Black Theatre in the United States. I will examine six documents I consider relevant to shape the idea of Black Theatre in the US from 1900 through 2005. The author\u27s experience in New York during the 1940s inspires Hotel de Vagabundos. The author navigates the globalized ethos idea unleashing clashes about identity to criticize aspects of American culture about immigrants, poor people, and internalized racism within African American and Black diasporic communities. The play “like a country´s metaphor” shows tensions between cultures in hotel rooms continuously. My objective is to draw connections between Hotel de Vagabundos and notable African American plays to redefine Black Theatre to include playwrights like Manuel Zapata Olivella

    October 09, 2016 (Weekly) TV This Week

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