63 research outputs found

    Tendencias históricas del proceso de formación estadística en las carreras de perfil humanístico

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    Fundamento: La Estadística como disciplina que contribuye al desempeño del profesional del perfil humanístico. Objetivo: Identificar rasgos del comportamiento del proceso de formación estadística en las carreras de perfil humanístico que limitan el desarrollo de una dinámica estadístico profesional, en relación con la integración de los contenidos estadísticos y los de la profesión en la solución de problemas afines al perfil de las carreras humanísticas. Desarrollo: Se realizó un análisis histórico lógico del proceso de formación estadística en las carreras de perfil humanístico. Análisis que transita por tres etapas acorde con los siguientes indicadores: el vínculo del proceso de formación estadística con el contexto y la profesión, la relación entre lo académico, lo laboral y lo investigativo y la perspectiva de análisis de los problemas abordados. Las etapas son: Orientación al procesamiento de la información social, sustentado en el paradigma positivista y solución de problemas modelados, Indicios del establecimiento de una perspectiva cualitativo-cuantitativa y solución de ejercicios integradores de materias, por último el Acercamiento entre los paradigmas cualitativo y cuantitativo con sesgos en la modelación de problemas profesionales a partir de la indagación estadística. Se delimitó el año 1977 como génesis temporal, porque a partir de esta fecha se produjeron transformaciones en la educación superior cubana que incidieron en una naciente orientación hacia el vínculo de los contenidos de las asignaturas básicas con la profesión. Conclusiones: En el proceso de formación estadística en las carreras de perfil humanístico prevaleció un tránsito gradual desde una dinámica tradicional academicista del proceso de formación estadística, hacia el establecimiento de lo académico, investigativo y laboral, pero con limitaciones en la solución de problemas modelados por el estudiante, mediante la indagación interpretativa profesionalizada. DeCS: ESTADÍSTICA COMO ASUNTO/tendencias; ESTADÍSTICA COMO ASUNTO/historia; ESTADÍSTICA COMO ASUNTO/educación. Palabras clave: Perfil humanístico, formación estadística, perspectiva cualitativo-cuantitativa, problemas profesionales, indagación estadística, tendencias históricas, Estadística como asunto-educación. ABSTRACT Background: Statistics as discipline that contributes to the performance of professionals with humanistic profile. Objective: To identify features in terms of behavior of the statistical formation process in university studies of humanistic profile that limit the development of statistical professional dynamics, related to the integration of statistical contents and to the ones of the profession, in solving the problems connected to the profile of humanistic university studies. Development: A historical and logical analysis of the statistical formation process in university studies of humanistic profile was carried out, it was divided into three steps, according to the following indicators: the relation of the statistical formation process with context and profession, the relationship between the labored and academic components, the labored and research components and the perspective of analysis of problems treated. The steps are: guidance towards the processing of social information, sustained in positivists paradigms and problem solving modeled and features on the establishment of a qualitative and quantitative perspective and the solution of integrated exercises of some subjects. Finally, the approaching between qualitative and quantitative paradigms with sedges in modeling professional problems up to statistical inquires. The year 1997 was delimitated as the temporal genesis due to the fact that from that date on, there started to produce changes in Cuban higher education that intervened in a growing orientation towards the relation between basic subject contents and profession. Conclusion: In the process of statistical formation in the university studies of humanistic profile it is focused a gradual transit form a traditional academic dynamics of statistical formation towards the establishment of academic, research and labored components with limitations in the solution of problems modeled by the students by means of an interpreted professionalized search. MeSH: STATISTICS AS TOPIC/trends; STATISTICS AS TOPIC/history; STATISTICS AS TOPIC/education. Keywords: Humanistic profile, statistical training, qualitative-quantitative perspective, professional problems, statistical inquiry

    a systematic review

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    Mid-point for open-ended income category and the effect of equivalence scales on the income-health relationship

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    El objetivo fue estimar el punto medio de categoría abierta de renta y el efecto de escalas de equivalencia en las asociaciones entre renta-salud. Los datos fueron obtenidos de la Pesquisa Nacional de Salud Bucal 2010 (SBBrasil). La renta fue convertida de la variable categórica a la continua (per capita y equiparada) para cada punto medio. La mediana de la categoría abierta de renta fue R14.523,50,ylamedia,R14.523,50, y la media, R24.507,10. El porcentaje de la población por debajo de la línea de pobreza fue de 53% con renta per capita, y 15% con renta equiparada. La magnitud de las asociaciones fue similar en la escala continua, pero, al ser categorizada, la renta equiparada redujo su fuerza.To estimate the mid-point of an open-ended income category and to assess the impact of two equivalence scales on income-health associations. Data were obtained from the 2010 Brazilian Oral Health Survey ( Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde Bucal – SBBrasil 2010). Income was converted from categorical to two continuous variables ( per capita and equivalized) for each mid-point. The median mid-point was R14,523.50andthemean,R 14,523.50 and the mean, R 24,507.10. When per capita income was applied, 53% of the population were below the poverty line, compared with 15% with equivalized income. The magnitude of income-health associations was similar for continuous income, but categorized equivalized income tended to decrease the strength of association.Objetivou-se estimar o ponto médio de categoria aberta de renda e o efeito de escalas de equivalência nas associações renda-saúde. Dados foram obtidos da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde Bucal 2010 (SBBrasil). A renda foi convertida da variável categórica para contínua ( per capita e equivalizada) para cada ponto médio. A mediana da categoria aberta de renda foi R14.523,50eameˊdia,R 14.523,50 e a média, R 24.507,10. O percentual da população abaixo da linha de pobreza foi de 53% com renda per capita e 15% com renda equivalizada. A magnitude das associações foi similar na escala contínua, mas, quando categorizada, a renda equivalizada reduziu sua força

    Medical Subject Headings – MESH® Thesaurus

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    Tezaurus Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) nadzirani je rječnik koji izrađuje Nacionalna medicinska knjižnica Sjedinjenih Američkih Država. Koristi se za predmetnu obradu, indeksiranje i pretraživanje publikacija iz područja biomedicine i zdravstva. Tezaurus sačinjavaju nizovi deskriptora organiziranih u abecednu i hijerarhijsku strukturu. Izdanje MesH-a za 2011. godinu sadržava 26.142 deskriptora, više od 177.000 nedeskriptora te više od 199.000 dopunskih pojmova. Zbog iznimne kvalitete, specifične strukture i detaljnog pristupa, tezaurus Medical Subject Headings prihvaćen je širom svijeta i preveden na brojne jezike. Tome pridonosi i činjenica da je od 1997. godine besplatno dostupan u elektroničkom obliku. Stvoren na osnovi praktičnog rada stručnjaka iz područja biomedicine i informacijskih stručnjaka, to je dinamičan popis koji se iz izdanja u izdanje razvija u skladu s razvojem biomedicinskih znanosti. Hrvatske medicinske knjižnice također ga koriste u svom radu, a sudjeluju i u njegovu prevođenju. U ovom članku, povodom pedesete godišnjice prvog izdanja i četrdesete godišnjice korištenja u Hrvatskoj, donosimo pregled povijesti, strukture i primjene MeSH-a.Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) is the United States of America National Library of Medicine controlled vocabulary thesaurus. It is used for subject cataloging, indexing and searching biomedical literature. It consists of sets of descriptors arranged in both alphabetic and hierarchical structures. There are 26.142 descriptors, over 177.000 entry terms, and more than 199.000 Supplementary Concept Records in MeSH 2011. Due to its exquisite quality, elaborate structure and detailed approach, it is used worldwide and translated into many languages. The fact that it has been available for free in the electronic machine-readable form since 1997 has also contributed to its popularity. It was created by both health and information sciences experts who continually revise and update the MeSH vocabulary, so it evolves together with the growth and development of biomedicine. Croatian medical libraries use MeSH in their everyday practice and contribute to its translations. In this article, commemorating fifty years of MeSH and forty years of its use in Croatia, we present the outline of MeSH history, structure, and practice

    A method of statistical analysis in the field of sports science when assumptions of parametric tests are not violated

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    Introduction: Application of statistical software typically does not require extensive statistical knowledge, allowing to easily perform even complex analyses. Consequently, test selection criteria and important assumptions may be easily overlooked or given insufficient consideration. In such cases, the results may likely lead to wrong conclusions.Aim: To discuss issues related to assumption violations in the case of Student's t-test and one-way ANOVA, two parametric tests frequently used in the field of sports science, and to recommend solutions.Description of the state of knowledge: Student's t-test and ANOVA are parametric tests, and therefore some of the assumptions that need to be satisfied include normal distribution of the data and homogeneity of variances in groups. If the assumptions are violated, the original design of the test is impaired, and the test may then be compromised giving spurious results. A simple method to normalize the data and to stabilize the variance is to use transformations. If such approach fails, a good alternative to consider is a nonparametric test, such as Mann-Whitney, the Kruskal-Wallis or Wilcoxon signed-rank tests.Summary: Thorough verification of the parametric tests assumptions allows for correct selection of statistical tools, which is the basis of well-grounded statistical analysis. With a few simple rules, testing patterns in the data characteristic for the study of sports science comes down to a straightforward procedure

    Approaches to inverse-probability-of-treatment–weighted estimation with concurrent treatments

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    Objectives: In a setting with two concurrent treatments, inverse-probability-of-treatment weights can be used to estimate the joint treatment effects or the marginal effect of one treatment while taking the other to be a confounder. We explore these two approaches in a study of intravenous iron use in hemodialysis patients treated concurrently with epoetin alfa (EPO). Study Design and Setting: We linked US Renal Data System data with electronic health records (2004–2008) from a large dialysis provider. Using a retrospective cohort design with 776,203 records from 117,050 regular hemodialysis patients, we examined a composite outcome: mortality, myocardial infarction, or stroke. Results: With EPO as a joint treatment, inverse-probability-of-treatment weights were unstable, confidence intervals for treatment effects were wide, covariate balance was unsatisfactory, and the treatment and outcome models were sensitive to omission of the baseline EPO covariate. By handling EPO exposure as a confounder instead of a joint treatment, we derived stable weights and balanced treatment groups on measured covariates. Conclusions: In settings with concurrent treatments, if only one treatment is of interest, then including the other in the treatment model as a confounder may result in more stable treatment effect estimates. Otherwise, extreme weights may necessitate additional analysis steps

    Change in Nephrometry Scoring in Small Renal Masses (<4cm) on Active Surveillance: Preliminary Observations from Tayside Active Surveillance Cohort (TASC) Study

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    Rationale and Objectives: - Prediction of growth, in particular knowing the possibility of aggressive cancer in small renal masses on active surveillance, remains poorly understood. The study was designed to determine whether serial nephrometry score measurements could predict possibility of aggressive malignancy (grade of cancer) in patients with small renal masses opting for active surveillance initially. Materials and Methods: - One hundred sixteen patients between January 2000 and December 2016 undergoing partial nephrectomy were recruited. Out of these, 97 were analyzed using different nephrometry scoring systems. Measurement of nephrometry scores (Radius of tumors, Exo/Endophytic; Nearness of tumors to the collecting system or sinus; Anterior/posterior; Location in relation to polar lines, Preoperative Aspects and Dimensions Used for Anatomical, Centrality Index) was performed by two researchers. Among the patients opting for partial nephrectomy, 40 were on active surveillance for at least 12 months (mean 32; 12-60 months) before partial nephrectomy. Computed tomography scan images of these patients were retrieved and analyzed including comparison to histopathology. Results: - Nephrometry scores measured on serial computed tomography scan images showed a significant correlation between change in score and grade of cancer on multivariate analysis (P value .001). Addition of multivariate analysis to nomogram based on change in size alone did not improve predictive value of area under the curve significantly. Conclusions: - Change in nephrometry scoring measurements correlates with grade of cancer in small renal masses but falls short of significantly predicting presence of malignancy or grade of cancer on nomogram in patients opting for active surveillance for small renal masses. At present, this approach may be inadequate for decision-making