374 research outputs found

    Cycle-based Cluster Variational Method for Direct and Inverse Inference

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    We elaborate on the idea that loop corrections to belief propagation could be dealt with in a systematic way on pairwise Markov random fields, by using the elements of a cycle basis to define region in a generalized belief propagation setting. The region graph is specified in such a way as to avoid dual loops as much as possible, by discarding redundant Lagrange multipliers, in order to facilitate the convergence, while avoiding instabilities associated to minimal factor graph construction. We end up with a two-level algorithm, where a belief propagation algorithm is run alternatively at the level of each cycle and at the inter-region level. The inverse problem of finding the couplings of a Markov random field from empirical covariances can be addressed region wise. It turns out that this can be done efficiently in particular in the Ising context, where fixed point equations can be derived along with a one-parameter log likelihood function to minimize. Numerical experiments confirm the effectiveness of these considerations both for the direct and inverse MRF inference.Comment: 47 pages, 16 figure

    Representation and poly-time approximation for pressure of Z2\mathbb{Z}^2 lattice models in the non-uniqueness region

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    We develop a new pressure representation theorem for nearest-neighbour Gibbs interactions and apply this to obtain the existence of efficient algorithms for approximating the pressure in the 22-dimensional ferromagnetic Potts, multi-type Widom-Rowlinson and hard-core models. For Potts, our results apply to every inverse temperature but the critical. For Widom-Rowlinson and hard-core, they apply to certain subsets of both the subcritical and supercritical regions. The main novelty of our work is in the latter.Comment: 37 pages, 2 figure

    SybilBelief: A Semi-supervised Learning Approach for Structure-based Sybil Detection

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    Sybil attacks are a fundamental threat to the security of distributed systems. Recently, there has been a growing interest in leveraging social networks to mitigate Sybil attacks. However, the existing approaches suffer from one or more drawbacks, including bootstrapping from either only known benign or known Sybil nodes, failing to tolerate noise in their prior knowledge about known benign or Sybil nodes, and being not scalable. In this work, we aim to overcome these drawbacks. Towards this goal, we introduce SybilBelief, a semi-supervised learning framework, to detect Sybil nodes. SybilBelief takes a social network of the nodes in the system, a small set of known benign nodes, and, optionally, a small set of known Sybils as input. Then SybilBelief propagates the label information from the known benign and/or Sybil nodes to the remaining nodes in the system. We evaluate SybilBelief using both synthetic and real world social network topologies. We show that SybilBelief is able to accurately identify Sybil nodes with low false positive rates and low false negative rates. SybilBelief is resilient to noise in our prior knowledge about known benign and Sybil nodes. Moreover, SybilBelief performs orders of magnitudes better than existing Sybil classification mechanisms and significantly better than existing Sybil ranking mechanisms.Comment: 12 page

    Artificial Intelligence in Materials Science: Applications of Machine Learning to Extraction of Physically Meaningful Information from Atomic Resolution Microscopy Imaging

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    Materials science is the cornerstone for technological development of the modern world that has been largely shaped by the advances in fabrication of semiconductor materials and devices. However, the Moore’s Law is expected to stop by 2025 due to reaching the limits of traditional transistor scaling. However, the classical approach has shown to be unable to keep up with the needs of materials manufacturing, requiring more than 20 years to move a material from discovery to market. To adapt materials fabrication to the needs of the 21st century, it is necessary to develop methods for much faster processing of experimental data and connecting the results to theory, with feedback flow in both directions. However, state-of-the-art analysis remains selective and manual, prone to human error and unable to handle large quantities of data generated by modern equipment. Recent advances in scanning transmission electron and scanning tunneling microscopies have allowed imaging and manipulation of materials on the atomic level, and these capabilities require development of automated, robust, reproducible methods.Artificial intelligence and machine learning have dealt with similar issues in applications to image and speech recognition, autonomous vehicles, and other projects that are beginning to change the world around us. However, materials science faces significant challenges preventing direct application of the such models without taking physical constraints and domain expertise into account.Atomic resolution imaging can generate data that can lead to better understanding of materials and their properties through using artificial intelligence methods. Machine learning, in particular combinations of deep learning and probabilistic modeling, can learn to recognize physical features in imaging, making this process automated and speeding up characterization. By incorporating the knowledge from theory and simulations with such frameworks, it is possible to create the foundation for the automated atomic scale manufacturing

    Filter-Based Probabilistic Markov Random Field Image Priors: Learning, Evaluation, and Image Analysis

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    Markov random fields (MRF) based on linear filter responses are one of the most popular forms for modeling image priors due to their rigorous probabilistic interpretations and versatility in various applications. In this dissertation, we propose an application-independent method to quantitatively evaluate MRF image priors using model samples. To this end, we developed an efficient auxiliary-variable Gibbs samplers for a general class of MRFs with flexible potentials. We found that the popular pairwise and high-order MRF priors capture image statistics quite roughly and exhibit poor generative properties. We further developed new learning strategies and obtained high-order MRFs that well capture the statistics of the inbuilt features, thus being real maximum-entropy models, and other important statistical properties of natural images, outlining the capabilities of MRFs. We suggest a multi-modal extension of MRF potentials which not only allows to train more expressive priors, but also helps to reveal more insights of MRF variants, based on which we are able to train compact, fully-convolutional restricted Boltzmann machines (RBM) that can model visual repetitive textures even better than more complex and deep models. The learned high-order MRFs allow us to develop new methods for various real-world image analysis problems. For denoising of natural images and deconvolution of microscopy images, the MRF priors are employed in a pure generative setting. We propose efficient sampling-based methods to infer Bayesian minimum mean squared error (MMSE) estimates, which substantially outperform maximum a-posteriori (MAP) estimates and can compete with state-of-the-art discriminative methods. For non-rigid registration of live cell nuclei in time-lapse microscopy images, we propose a global optical flow-based method. The statistics of noise in fluorescence microscopy images are studied to derive an adaptive weighting scheme for increasing model robustness. High-order MRFs are also employed to train image filters for extracting important features of cell nuclei and the deformation of nuclei are then estimated in the learned feature spaces. The developed method outperforms previous approaches in terms of both registration accuracy and computational efficiency

    A Brief Introduction to Machine Learning for Engineers

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    This monograph aims at providing an introduction to key concepts, algorithms, and theoretical results in machine learning. The treatment concentrates on probabilistic models for supervised and unsupervised learning problems. It introduces fundamental concepts and algorithms by building on first principles, while also exposing the reader to more advanced topics with extensive pointers to the literature, within a unified notation and mathematical framework. The material is organized according to clearly defined categories, such as discriminative and generative models, frequentist and Bayesian approaches, exact and approximate inference, as well as directed and undirected models. This monograph is meant as an entry point for researchers with a background in probability and linear algebra.Comment: This is an expanded and improved version of the original posting. Feedback is welcom

    Facial soft tissue segmentation

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    The importance of the face for socio-ecological interaction is the cause for a high demand on any surgical intervention on the facial musculo-skeletal system. Bones and soft-tissues are of major importance for any facial surgical treatment to guarantee an optimal, functional and aesthetical result. For this reason, surgeons want to pre-operatively plan, simulate and predict the outcome of the surgery allowing for shorter operation times and improved quality. Accurate simulation requires exact segmentation knowledge of the facial tissues. Thus semi-automatic segmentation techniques are required. This thesis proposes semi-automatic methods for segmentation of the facial soft-tissues, such as muscles, skin and fat, from CT and MRI datasets, using a Markov Random Fields (MRF) framework. Due to image noise, artifacts, weak edges and multiple objects of similar appearance in close proximity, it is difficult to segment the object of interest by using image information alone. Segmentations would leak at weak edges into neighboring structures that have a similar intensity profile. To overcome this problem, additional shape knowledge is incorporated in the energy function which can then be minimized using Graph-Cuts (GC). Incremental approaches by incorporating additional prior shape knowledge are presented. The proposed approaches are not object specific and can be applied to segment any class of objects be that anatomical or non-anatomical from medical or non-medical image datasets, whenever a statistical model is present. In the first approach a 3D mean shape template is used as shape prior, which is integrated into the MRF based energy function. Here, the shape knowledge is encoded into the data and the smoothness terms of the energy function that constrains the segmented parts to a reasonable shape. In the second approach, to improve handling of shape variations naturally found in the population, the fixed shape template is replaced by a more robust 3D statistical shape model based on Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis (PPCA). The advantages of using the Probabilistic PCA are that it allows reconstructing the optimal shape and computing the remaining variance of the statistical model from partial information. By using an iterative method, the statistical shape model is then refined using image based cues to get a better fitting of the statistical model to the patient's muscle anatomy. These image cues are based on the segmented muscle, edge information and intensity likelihood of the muscle. Here, a linear shape update mechanism is used to fit the statistical model to the image based cues. In the third approach, the shape refinement step is further improved by using a non-linear shape update mechanism where vertices of the 3D mesh of the statistical model incur the non-linear penalty depending on the remaining variability of the vertex. The non-linear shape update mechanism provides a more accurate shape update and helps in a finer shape fitting of the statistical model to the image based cues in areas where the shape variability is high. Finally, a unified approach is presented to segment the relevant facial muscles and the remaining facial soft-tissues (skin and fat). One soft-tissue layer is removed at a time such as the head and non-head regions followed by the skin. In the next step, bones are removed from the dataset, followed by the separation of the brain and non-brain regions as well as the removal of air cavities. Afterwards, facial fat is segmented using the standard Graph-Cuts approach. After separating the important anatomical structures, finally, a 3D fixed shape template mesh of the facial muscles is used to segment the relevant facial muscles. The proposed methods are tested on the challenging example of segmenting the masseter muscle. The datasets were noisy with almost all possessing mild to severe imaging artifacts such as high-density artifacts caused by e.g. dental fillings and dental implants. Qualitative and quantitative experimental results show that by incorporating prior shape knowledge leaking can be effectively constrained to obtain better segmentation results

    Image Restoration

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    This book represents a sample of recent contributions of researchers all around the world in the field of image restoration. The book consists of 15 chapters organized in three main sections (Theory, Applications, Interdisciplinarity). Topics cover some different aspects of the theory of image restoration, but this book is also an occasion to highlight some new topics of research related to the emergence of some original imaging devices. From this arise some real challenging problems related to image reconstruction/restoration that open the way to some new fundamental scientific questions closely related with the world we interact with
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