1,271 research outputs found

    Image retrieval : a first step for a human centered approach

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    International audienceImage indexing using content analysis is known as a difficult task, involving the vision research domain. Using these tools in the context of a retrieval system is generally frustrating for users, due to a lack of interfaces development, and to the difficulty for users to understand the low-level features managed by the system. We propose in this paper a general point of view for introducing a link between such systems and potential users. This includes image features based on visual perception models, a relevance feedback model, and a graphical interface to express the information need through user-system interaction

    Doprinos analizi ljudske brzine obradbe podataka: razvojni i diferencijalni argumenti

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    Speed of human information processing (SIP) is a research construct which has been examined under different names and with different intensity for more than sixty years. Its importance is briefly described in four research fields: differential, experimental, aging and cognitive development. Since SIP presents an important component of contemporary intelligence models and life-span cognitive development research, an attempt for the construction of an integrated SIP picture was necessary. Review and systematic analysis of 42 research papers and additional related literature showed that there are problems with the validity of the SIP construct, but it also revealed other theoretical and empirical inconsistencies. A new proposal for SIP phenomena has been made, which abandons the SIP construct with related measures, and introduces the RCP property as one of the general attributes of every cognitive process.Die Geschwindigkeit der Datenauswertung durch den Menschen ist ein von Forschern geschaffenes Konstrukt, das in der Psychologie unter verschiedenen Bezeichnungen und mit schwankender IntensitĂ€t seit mehr als 60 Jahren untersucht wird. Die Bedeutung dieses PhĂ€nomens wird anhand von vier Forschungsbereichen knapp umrissen. Das sind: Differentielle und Experimentelle Psychologie, Altern und kognitive Entwicklung. Da die Geschwindigkeit der Datenauswertung durch den Menschen einen wichtigen Bestandteil zeitgenössischer Intelligenzmodelle sowie wissenschaftlicher Forschungen zur lebenslangen Fortentwicklung des Menschen darstellt, muss versucht werden, ein integratives Bild dieses Konstruktes zu entwerfen. Die Durchsicht und systematische Analyse von 42 wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten sowie weiterer fachliterarischer Texte zu diesem Thema ergab, dass das Konstrukt der Geschwindigkeit der Datenauswertung durch den Menschen in mancherlei Hinsicht problematisch ist und dass es gewisse theoretische und empirische Inkonsistenzen aufweist. Der Verfasser nimmt Abstand von diesem Konstrukt und seinen bezĂŒglichen Werten und schlĂ€gt einen neuen Versuch zur ErklĂ€rung der Geschwindigkeit der Datenauswertung durch den Menschen vor. Er fĂŒhrt den Begriff der Eigenschaft der Geschwindigkeit des kognitiven Prozesses ein – als eine von mehreren allgemeinen Eigenschaften eines jeden Erkenntnisvorgangs.Ljudska brzina obradbe podataka (BOP) istra`iva~ki je konstrukt koji je u psihologiji pod razli~itim imenima i s razli~itim intenzitetom istra`ivan vi{e od 60 godina. Njegova va`nost sa`eto je opisana u ~etiri istra`iva~ka podru~ja: diferencijalna i eksperi- mentalna psihologija, starenje te kognitivni razvoj. S obzirom na to da je to va`na sastavnica suvremenih modela inteligencije te istra`ivanja cjelo`ivotnoga kognitivnog razvoja, nu`no je poku{ati izgraditi integriranu sliku toga konstrukta. Pregled i sustavna analiza 42 znanstvena ~lanka i dodatne literature s toga podru~ja pokazali su da postoje problemi s konstruktnom valjano{}u BOP-a, ali i odre|ene teorijske i empirijske nekonzistentnosti. Iznesen je nov prijedlog za obja{njenje brzine obradbe podataka koji napu{ta BOP s pripadnim mjerama, a uvodi se svojstvo BKP (brzina kognitivnoga procesa) kao jedno od nekoliko op}ih svojstava svakoga kognitivnog procesa

    Doprinos analizi ljudske brzine obradbe podataka: razvojni i diferencijalni argumenti

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    Speed of human information processing (SIP) is a research construct which has been examined under different names and with different intensity for more than sixty years. Its importance is briefly described in four research fields: differential, experimental, aging and cognitive development. Since SIP presents an important component of contemporary intelligence models and life-span cognitive development research, an attempt for the construction of an integrated SIP picture was necessary. Review and systematic analysis of 42 research papers and additional related literature showed that there are problems with the validity of the SIP construct, but it also revealed other theoretical and empirical inconsistencies. A new proposal for SIP phenomena has been made, which abandons the SIP construct with related measures, and introduces the RCP property as one of the general attributes of every cognitive process.Die Geschwindigkeit der Datenauswertung durch den Menschen ist ein von Forschern geschaffenes Konstrukt, das in der Psychologie unter verschiedenen Bezeichnungen und mit schwankender IntensitĂ€t seit mehr als 60 Jahren untersucht wird. Die Bedeutung dieses PhĂ€nomens wird anhand von vier Forschungsbereichen knapp umrissen. Das sind: Differentielle und Experimentelle Psychologie, Altern und kognitive Entwicklung. Da die Geschwindigkeit der Datenauswertung durch den Menschen einen wichtigen Bestandteil zeitgenössischer Intelligenzmodelle sowie wissenschaftlicher Forschungen zur lebenslangen Fortentwicklung des Menschen darstellt, muss versucht werden, ein integratives Bild dieses Konstruktes zu entwerfen. Die Durchsicht und systematische Analyse von 42 wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten sowie weiterer fachliterarischer Texte zu diesem Thema ergab, dass das Konstrukt der Geschwindigkeit der Datenauswertung durch den Menschen in mancherlei Hinsicht problematisch ist und dass es gewisse theoretische und empirische Inkonsistenzen aufweist. Der Verfasser nimmt Abstand von diesem Konstrukt und seinen bezĂŒglichen Werten und schlĂ€gt einen neuen Versuch zur ErklĂ€rung der Geschwindigkeit der Datenauswertung durch den Menschen vor. Er fĂŒhrt den Begriff der Eigenschaft der Geschwindigkeit des kognitiven Prozesses ein – als eine von mehreren allgemeinen Eigenschaften eines jeden Erkenntnisvorgangs.Ljudska brzina obradbe podataka (BOP) istra`iva~ki je konstrukt koji je u psihologiji pod razli~itim imenima i s razli~itim intenzitetom istra`ivan vi{e od 60 godina. Njegova va`nost sa`eto je opisana u ~etiri istra`iva~ka podru~ja: diferencijalna i eksperi- mentalna psihologija, starenje te kognitivni razvoj. S obzirom na to da je to va`na sastavnica suvremenih modela inteligencije te istra`ivanja cjelo`ivotnoga kognitivnog razvoja, nu`no je poku{ati izgraditi integriranu sliku toga konstrukta. Pregled i sustavna analiza 42 znanstvena ~lanka i dodatne literature s toga podru~ja pokazali su da postoje problemi s konstruktnom valjano{}u BOP-a, ali i odre|ene teorijske i empirijske nekonzistentnosti. Iznesen je nov prijedlog za obja{njenje brzine obradbe podataka koji napu{ta BOP s pripadnim mjerama, a uvodi se svojstvo BKP (brzina kognitivnoga procesa) kao jedno od nekoliko op}ih svojstava svakoga kognitivnog procesa

    Annotated Bibliography: Anticipation

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    Iconic Indexing for Video Search

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    Submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Queen Mary, University of London

    Activity Report 2002

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    Consciosusness in Cognitive Architectures. A Principled Analysis of RCS, Soar and ACT-R

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    This report analyses the aplicability of the principles of consciousness developed in the ASys project to three of the most relevant cognitive architectures. This is done in relation to their aplicability to build integrated control systems and studying their support for general mechanisms of real-time consciousness.\ud To analyse these architectures the ASys Framework is employed. This is a conceptual framework based on an extension for cognitive autonomous systems of the General Systems Theory (GST).\ud A general qualitative evaluation criteria for cognitive architectures is established based upon: a) requirements for a cognitive architecture, b) the theoretical framework based on the GST and c) core design principles for integrated cognitive conscious control systems

    Pattern Recognition

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    Pattern recognition is a very wide research field. It involves factors as diverse as sensors, feature extraction, pattern classification, decision fusion, applications and others. The signals processed are commonly one, two or three dimensional, the processing is done in real- time or takes hours and days, some systems look for one narrow object class, others search huge databases for entries with at least a small amount of similarity. No single person can claim expertise across the whole field, which develops rapidly, updates its paradigms and comprehends several philosophical approaches. This book reflects this diversity by presenting a selection of recent developments within the area of pattern recognition and related fields. It covers theoretical advances in classification and feature extraction as well as application-oriented works. Authors of these 25 works present and advocate recent achievements of their research related to the field of pattern recognition

    Pattern Recognition

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    A wealth of advanced pattern recognition algorithms are emerging from the interdiscipline between technologies of effective visual features and the human-brain cognition process. Effective visual features are made possible through the rapid developments in appropriate sensor equipments, novel filter designs, and viable information processing architectures. While the understanding of human-brain cognition process broadens the way in which the computer can perform pattern recognition tasks. The present book is intended to collect representative researches around the globe focusing on low-level vision, filter design, features and image descriptors, data mining and analysis, and biologically inspired algorithms. The 27 chapters coved in this book disclose recent advances and new ideas in promoting the techniques, technology and applications of pattern recognition

    A non-holonomic, highly human-in-the-loop compatible, assistive mobile robotic platform guidance navigation and control strategy

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    The provision of assistive mobile robotics for empowering and providing independence to the infirm, disabled and elderly in society has been the subject of much research. The issue of providing navigation and control assistance to users, enabling them to drive their powered wheelchairs effectively, can be complex and wide-ranging; some users fatigue quickly and can find that they are unable to operate the controls safely, others may have brain injury re-sulting in periodic hand tremors, quadriplegics may use a straw-like switch in their mouth to provide a digital control signal. Advances in autonomous robotics have led to the development of smart wheelchair systems which have attempted to address these issues; however the autonomous approach has, ac-cording to research, not been successful; users reporting that they want to be active drivers and not passengers. Recent methodologies have been to use collaborative or shared control which aims to predict or anticipate the need for the system to take over control when some pre-decided threshold has been met, yet these approaches still take away control from the us-er. This removal of human supervision and control by an autonomous system makes the re-sponsibility for accidents seriously problematic. This thesis introduces a new human-in-the-loop control structure with real-time assistive lev-els. One of these levels offers improved dynamic modelling and three of these levels offer unique and novel real-time solutions for: collision avoidance, localisation and waypoint iden-tification, and assistive trajectory generation. This architecture and these assistive functions always allow the user to remain fully in control of any motion of the powered wheelchair, shown in a series of experiments
