1,539 research outputs found

    A binaural grouping model for predicting speech intelligibility in multitalker environments

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    Spatially separating speech maskers from target speech often leads to a large intelligibility improvement. Modeling this phenomenon has long been of interest to binaural-hearing researchers for uncovering brain mechanisms and for improving signal-processing algorithms in hearing-assistive devices. Much of the previous binaural modeling work focused on the unmasking enabled by binaural cues at the periphery, and little quantitative modeling has been directed toward the grouping or source-separation benefits of binaural processing. In this article, we propose a binaural model that focuses on grouping, specifically on the selection of time-frequency units that are dominated by signals from the direction of the target. The proposed model uses Equalization-Cancellation (EC) processing with a binary decision rule to estimate a time-frequency binary mask. EC processing is carried out to cancel the target signal and the energy change between the EC input and output is used as a feature that reflects target dominance in each time-frequency unit. The processing in the proposed model requires little computational resources and is straightforward to implement. In combination with the Coherence-based Speech Intelligibility Index, the model is applied to predict the speech intelligibility data measured by Marrone et al. The predicted speech reception threshold matches the pattern of the measured data well, even though the predicted intelligibility improvements relative to the colocated condition are larger than some of the measured data, which may reflect the lack of internal noise in this initial version of the model.R01 DC000100 - NIDCD NIH HH

    Sound Source Separation

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    This is the author's accepted pre-print of the article, first published as G. Evangelista, S. Marchand, M. D. Plumbley and E. Vincent. Sound source separation. In U. Zölzer (ed.), DAFX: Digital Audio Effects, 2nd edition, Chapter 14, pp. 551-588. John Wiley & Sons, March 2011. ISBN 9781119991298. DOI: 10.1002/9781119991298.ch14file: Proof:e\EvangelistaMarchandPlumbleyV11-sound.pdf:PDF owner: markp timestamp: 2011.04.26file: Proof:e\EvangelistaMarchandPlumbleyV11-sound.pdf:PDF owner: markp timestamp: 2011.04.2

    Efficient coding of spectrotemporal binaural sounds leads to emergence of the auditory space representation

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    To date a number of studies have shown that receptive field shapes of early sensory neurons can be reproduced by optimizing coding efficiency of natural stimulus ensembles. A still unresolved question is whether the efficient coding hypothesis explains formation of neurons which explicitly represent environmental features of different functional importance. This paper proposes that the spatial selectivity of higher auditory neurons emerges as a direct consequence of learning efficient codes for natural binaural sounds. Firstly, it is demonstrated that a linear efficient coding transform - Independent Component Analysis (ICA) trained on spectrograms of naturalistic simulated binaural sounds extracts spatial information present in the signal. A simple hierarchical ICA extension allowing for decoding of sound position is proposed. Furthermore, it is shown that units revealing spatial selectivity can be learned from a binaural recording of a natural auditory scene. In both cases a relatively small subpopulation of learned spectrogram features suffices to perform accurate sound localization. Representation of the auditory space is therefore learned in a purely unsupervised way by maximizing the coding efficiency and without any task-specific constraints. This results imply that efficient coding is a useful strategy for learning structures which allow for making behaviorally vital inferences about the environment.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figure

    Acoustic Space Learning for Sound Source Separation and Localization on Binaural Manifolds

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    In this paper we address the problems of modeling the acoustic space generated by a full-spectrum sound source and of using the learned model for the localization and separation of multiple sources that simultaneously emit sparse-spectrum sounds. We lay theoretical and methodological grounds in order to introduce the binaural manifold paradigm. We perform an in-depth study of the latent low-dimensional structure of the high-dimensional interaural spectral data, based on a corpus recorded with a human-like audiomotor robot head. A non-linear dimensionality reduction technique is used to show that these data lie on a two-dimensional (2D) smooth manifold parameterized by the motor states of the listener, or equivalently, the sound source directions. We propose a probabilistic piecewise affine mapping model (PPAM) specifically designed to deal with high-dimensional data exhibiting an intrinsic piecewise linear structure. We derive a closed-form expectation-maximization (EM) procedure for estimating the model parameters, followed by Bayes inversion for obtaining the full posterior density function of a sound source direction. We extend this solution to deal with missing data and redundancy in real world spectrograms, and hence for 2D localization of natural sound sources such as speech. We further generalize the model to the challenging case of multiple sound sources and we propose a variational EM framework. The associated algorithm, referred to as variational EM for source separation and localization (VESSL) yields a Bayesian estimation of the 2D locations and time-frequency masks of all the sources. Comparisons of the proposed approach with several existing methods reveal that the combination of acoustic-space learning with Bayesian inference enables our method to outperform state-of-the-art methods.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, 3 table

    Co-Localization of Audio Sources in Images Using Binaural Features and Locally-Linear Regression

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    This paper addresses the problem of localizing audio sources using binaural measurements. We propose a supervised formulation that simultaneously localizes multiple sources at different locations. The approach is intrinsically efficient because, contrary to prior work, it relies neither on source separation, nor on monaural segregation. The method starts with a training stage that establishes a locally-linear Gaussian regression model between the directional coordinates of all the sources and the auditory features extracted from binaural measurements. While fixed-length wide-spectrum sounds (white noise) are used for training to reliably estimate the model parameters, we show that the testing (localization) can be extended to variable-length sparse-spectrum sounds (such as speech), thus enabling a wide range of realistic applications. Indeed, we demonstrate that the method can be used for audio-visual fusion, namely to map speech signals onto images and hence to spatially align the audio and visual modalities, thus enabling to discriminate between speaking and non-speaking faces. We release a novel corpus of real-room recordings that allow quantitative evaluation of the co-localization method in the presence of one or two sound sources. Experiments demonstrate increased accuracy and speed relative to several state-of-the-art methods.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Acoustic source separation based on target equalization-cancellation

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    Normal-hearing listeners are good at focusing on the target talker while ignoring the interferers in a multi-talker environment. Therefore, efforts have been devoted to build psychoacoustic models to understand binaural processing in multi-talker environments and to develop bio-inspired source separation algorithms for hearing-assistive devices. This thesis presents a target-Equalization-Cancellation (target-EC) approach to the source separation problem. The idea of the target-EC approach is to use the energy change before and after cancelling the target to estimate a time-frequency (T-F) mask in which each entry estimates the strength of target signal in the original mixture. Once the mask is calculated, it is applied to the original mixture to preserve the target-dominant T-F units and to suppress the interferer-dominant T-F units. On the psychoacoustic modeling side, when the output of the target-EC approach is evaluated with the Coherence-based Speech Intelligibility Index (CSII), the predicted binaural advantage closely matches the pattern of the measured data. On the application side, the performance of the target-EC source separation algorithm was evaluated by psychoacoustic measurements using both a closed-set speech corpus and an open-set speech corpus, and it was shown that the target-EC cue is a better cue for source separation than the interaural difference cues

    Complex Neural Networks for Audio

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    Audio is represented in two mathematically equivalent ways: the real-valued time domain (i.e., waveform) and the complex-valued frequency domain (i.e., spectrum). There are advantages to the frequency-domain representation, e.g., the human auditory system is known to process sound in the frequency-domain. Furthermore, linear time-invariant systems are convolved with sources in the time-domain, whereas they may be factorized in the frequency-domain. Neural networks have become rather useful when applied to audio tasks such as machine listening and audio synthesis, which are related by their dependencies on high quality acoustic models. They ideally encapsulate fine-scale temporal structure, such as that encoded in the phase of frequency-domain audio, yet there are no authoritative deep learning methods for complex audio. This manuscript is dedicated to addressing the shortcoming. Chapter 2 motivates complex networks by their affinity with complex-domain audio, while Chapter 3 contributes methods for building and optimizing complex networks. We show that the naive implementation of Adam optimization is incorrect for complex random variables and show that selection of input and output representation has a significant impact on the performance of a complex network. Experimental results with novel complex neural architectures are provided in the second half of this manuscript. Chapter 4 introduces a complex model for binaural audio source localization. We show that, like humans, the complex model can generalize to different anatomical filters, which is important in the context of machine listening. The complex model\u27s performance is better than that of the real-valued models, as well as real- and complex-valued baselines. Chapter 5 proposes a two-stage method for speech enhancement. In the first stage, a complex-valued stochastic autoencoder projects complex vectors to a discrete space. In the second stage, long-term temporal dependencies are modeled in the discrete space. The autoencoder raises the performance ceiling for state of the art speech enhancement, but the dynamic enhancement model does not outperform other baselines. We discuss areas for improvement and note that the complex Adam optimizer improves training convergence over the naive implementation

    IIR modeling of interpositional transfer functions with a genetic algorithm aided by an adaptive filter for the purpose of altering free-field sound localization

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    The psychoacoustic process of sound localization is a system of complex analysis. Scientists have found evidence that both binaural and monaural cues are responsible for determining the angles of elevation and azimuth which represent a sound source. Engineers have successfully used these cues to build mathematical localization systems. Research has indicated that spectral cues play an important role in 3-d localization. Therefore, it seems conceivable to design a filtering system which can alter the localization of a sound source, either for correctional purposes or listener preference. Such filters, known as Interpositional Transfer Functions, can be formed from division in the z-domain of Head-related Transfer Functions. HRTF’s represent the free-field response of the human body to sound processed by the ears. In filtering applications, the use of IIR filters is often favored over that of FIR filters due to their preservation of resolution while minimizing the number of required coefficients. Several methods exist for creating IIR filters from their representative FIR counterparts. For complicated filters, genetic algorithms (GAs) have proven effective. The research summarized in this thesis combines the past efforts of researchers in the fields of sound localization, genetic algorithms, and adaptive filtering. It represents the initial stage in the development of a practical system for future hardware implementation which uses a genetic algorithm as a driving engine. Under ideal conditions, an IIR filter design system has been demonstrated to successfully model several IPTF pairs which alter sound localization when applied to non-minimum phase HRTF’s obtained from free-field measurement

    Functional roles of synaptic inhibition in auditory temporal processing

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