566 research outputs found

    Statistical assessment of performance of algorithms for detrending RR series

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    Detrending RR series is a common processing step prior to HRV analysis. Customarily, RR series, which are inherently unevenly sampled, are interpolated and uniformly resampled, thus introducing errors in subsequent HRV analysis. We have recently proposed a novel approach to detrending unevenly sampled series, which is based on the notion of weighted quadratic variation reduction. In this paper, we extensively assess its performance on RR series through a statistical analysis. Numerical results confirm the effectiveness of the approach, which outperforms state-of-the-art methods. Furthermore, it is statistically uniformly better than competing algorithms. A sensitivity analysis shows that it is robust to variations of its controlling parameter. The algorithm is simple and favorable in terms of computational complexity, thus being suitable for long-term HRV analysis. To the best of the authors' knowledge, it is the fastest algorithm for detrending RR series

    Nonlinear trend removal should be carefully performed in heart rate variability analysis

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    \bullet Background : In Heart rate variability analysis, the rate-rate time series suffer often from aperiodic non-stationarity, presence of ectopic beats etc. It would be hard to extract helpful information from the original signals. 10 \bullet Problem : Trend removal methods are commonly practiced to reduce the influence of the low frequency and aperiodic non-stationary in RR data. This can unfortunately affect the signal and make the analysis on detrended data less appropriate. \bullet Objective : Investigate the detrending effect (linear \& nonlinear) in temporal / nonliear analysis of heart rate variability of long-term RR data (in normal sinus rhythm, atrial fibrillation, 15 congestive heart failure and ventricular premature arrhythmia conditions). \bullet Methods : Temporal method : standard measure SDNN; Nonlinear methods : multi-scale Fractal Dimension (FD), Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA) \& Sample Entropy (Sam-pEn) analysis. \bullet Results : The linear detrending affects little the global characteristics of the RR data, either 20 in temporal analysis or in nonlinear complexity analysis. After linear detrending, the SDNNs are just slightly shifted and all distributions are well preserved. The cross-scale complexity remained almost the same as the ones for original RR data or correlated. Nonlinear detrending changed not only the SDNNs distribution, but also the order among different types of RR data. After this processing, the SDNN became indistinguishable be-25 tween SDNN for normal sinus rhythm and ventricular premature beats. Different RR data has different complexity signature. Nonlinear detrending made the all RR data to be similar , in terms of complexity. It is thus impossible to distinguish them. The FD showed that nonlinearly detrended RR data has a dimension close to 2, the exponent from DFA is close to zero and SampEn is larger than 1.5 -- these complexity values are very close to those for 30 random signal. \bullet Conclusions : Pre-processing by linear detrending can be performed on RR data, which has little influence on the corresponding analysis. Nonlinear detrending could be harmful and it is not advisable to use this type of pre-processing. Exceptions do exist, but only combined with other appropriate techniques to avoid complete change of the signal's intrinsic dynamics. 35 Keywords \bullet heart rate variability \bullet linear / nonlinear detrending \bullet complexity analysis \bullet mul-tiscale analysis \bullet detrended fluctuation analysis \bullet fractal dimension \bullet sample entropy

    Design, Evaluation, and Application of Heart Rate Variability Analysis Software (HRVAS)

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    The analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) has become an increasingly popular and important tool for studying many disease pathologies in the past twenty years. HRV analyses are methods used to non-invasively quantify variability within heart rate. Purposes of this study were to design, evaluate, and apply an easy to use and open-source HRV analysis software package (HRVAS). HRVAS implements four major categories of HRV techniques: statistical and time-domain analysis, frequency-domain analysis, nonlinear analysis, and time-frequency analysis. Software evaluations were accomplished by performing HRV analysis on simulated and public congestive heart failure (CHF) data. Application of HRVAS included studying the effects of hyperaldosteronism on HRV in rats. Simulation and CHF results demonstrated that HRVAS was a dependable HRV analysis tool. Results from the rat hyperaldosteronism model showed that 5 of 26 HRV measures were statistically significant (p\u3c0.05). HRVAS provides a useful tool for HRV analysis to researchers

    Structural damage continuous monitoring by using a data driven approach based on principal component analysis and cross-correlation analysis

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    Continuous monitoring for damage detection in structural assessment comprises implementation of low cost equipment and efficient algorithms. This work describes the stages involved in the design of a methodology with high feasibility to be used in continuous damage assessment. Specifically, an algorithm based on a data-driven approach by using principal component analysis and pre-processing acquired signals by means of cross -correlation functions, is discussed. A carbon steel pipe section and a laboratory tower were used as test structures in order to demonstrate the feasibility of the methodology to detect abrupt changes in the structural response when damages occur. Two types of damage cases are studied: crack and leak for each structure, respectively. Experimental results show that the methodology is promising in the continuous monitoring of real structures.Postprint (published version

    Validity of telemetric-derived measures of heart rate variability: a systematic review

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    Heart rate variability (HRV) is a widely accepted indirect measure of autonomic function with widespread application across many settings. Although traditionally measured from the 'gold standard' criterion electrocardiography (ECG), the development of wireless telemetric heart rate monitors (HRMs) extends the scope of the HRV measurement. However, the validity of telemetric-derived data against the criterion ECG data is unclear. Thus, the purpose of this study was twofold: (a) to systematically review the validity of telemetric HRM devices to detect inter-beat intervals and aberrant beats; and (b) to determine the accuracy of HRV parameters computed from HRM-derived inter-beat interval time series data against criterion ECG-derived data in healthy adults aged 19 to 62 yrs. A systematic review of research evidence was conducted. Four electronic databases were accessed to obtain relevant articles (PubMed, EMBASE, MEDLINE and SPORTDiscus. Articles published in English between 1996 and 2016 were eligible for inclusion. Outcome measures included temporal and power spectral indices (Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology and the North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology (1996). The review confirmed that modern HRMs (Polar® V800™ and Polar® RS800CX™) accurately detected inter-beat interval time-series data. The HRV parameters computed from the HRM-derived time series data were interchangeable with the ECG-derived data. The accuracy of the automatic in-built manufacturer error detection and the HRV algorithms were not established. Notwithstanding acknowledged limitations (a single reviewer, language bias, and the restricted selection of HRV parameters), we conclude that the modern Polar® HRMs offer a valid useful alternative to the ECG for the acquisition of inter-beat interval time series data, and the HRV parameters computed from Polar® HRM-derived inter-beat interval time series data accurately reflect ECG-derived HRV metrics, when inter-beat interval data are processed and analyzed using identical protocols, validated algorithms and software, particularly under controlled and stable conditions

    Relationship between metabolic and anthropometric maternal parameters and the fetal autonomic nervous system

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    Pre-pregnancy obesity, defined as a body mass index (BMI) greater than or equal to 30 kg/m2, can have adverse effects on the health of newborns and can also lead to metabolic, cardiovascular and neurological diseases in the offspring as they grow older. In the area of fetal origins and disease in adult life, a large number of studies have reported a critical role for maternal weight and metabolism before or during gestation in shaping the health of their offspring. Maternal obesity is recognised as a major modifiable contributor to obesity and metabolic syndrome in offspring, but the underlying factors remain unclear. The fetal autonomic nervous system (ANS) is subject to programming during developmental periods and is considered one of the processes by which early programming of disease can take place. The main goal of the present work was to use the fetal heart rate (HR) and heart rate variability (HRV) as proxies for the fetal ANS to study the effects of metabolic and anthropometric maternal (MAM) parameters before and during gestation on the fetuses of healthy, normoglycemic mothers. A total of 184 women in their second/third trimesters of uncomplicated pregnancies were included in this study. Pre-pregnancy BMI and maternal weight gain during pregnancy were recorded. In a subsample (n = 104), maternal insulin sensitivity was measured during an oral glucose tolerance test. Fetal HR and HRV were determined by magnetic recording in all subjects. The influence of pre-pregnancy BMI, maternal weight gain and maternal insulin sensitivity on fetal HR and HRV was evaluated. Associations between MAM parameters and maternal HR and HRV were also assessed. ANCOVA, partial correlation and mediation analysis were applied, all of which were adjusted for gestational age, gender and parity. A regression on fetal HR using a machine learning approach was tested to explore which maternal factor is the driving factor programming the fetal ANS. Four models were tested: Linear regression, Regression Tree, Support Vector Machine and Random Forest. The fetal HR was higher in fetuses of mothers with high pre-pregnancy BMI (overweight/obese) than in mothers with normal weight. The fetal HRV was lower in mothers with high weight gain than in mothers with normal weight gain. The fetal HR was negatively correlated with maternal weight gain and maternal insulin sensitivity. Pre-pregnancy BMI was positively correlated with fetal high frequency and negatively correlated with low frequency and the low to high frequency ratio. Maternal weight gain was associated indirectly with birth weight through fetal HR, while maternal insulin sensitivity was associated with fetal HR through fetal HRV. Separately, fetal HRV was associated with birth weight through the fetal HR. The Random Forest ensemble tree-based model outperformed linear regression as the fetal HR regression model. Fetal HR can be predicted using the following nine relevant variables (sorted from the most important to the least important): pre-pregnancy BMI, gender, maternal fasting insulin, maternal insulin sensitivity, gravidity, maternal age, maternal fasting glucose, gestational age and maternal weight gain. Pre-pregnancy BMI appeared to be the major factor predicting fetal HR. In conclusion, the fetal ANS is sensitive to maternal metabolic and anthropometric influences, and particularly maternal weight before pregnancy. These findings support the concept of the “Developmental Origin of Health and Disease” and increase our knowledge about the importance of the intrauterine environment in the programming of the ANS and the possible programming of disease in later life

    Multispectral Video Fusion for Non-contact Monitoring of Respiratory Rate and Apnea

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    Continuous monitoring of respiratory activity is desirable in many clinical applications to detect respiratory events. Non-contact monitoring of respiration can be achieved with near- and far-infrared spectrum cameras. However, current technologies are not sufficiently robust to be used in clinical applications. For example, they fail to estimate an accurate respiratory rate (RR) during apnea. We present a novel algorithm based on multispectral data fusion that aims at estimating RR also during apnea. The algorithm independently addresses the RR estimation and apnea detection tasks. Respiratory information is extracted from multiple sources and fed into an RR estimator and an apnea detector whose results are fused into a final respiratory activity estimation. We evaluated the system retrospectively using data from 30 healthy adults who performed diverse controlled breathing tasks while lying supine in a dark room and reproduced central and obstructive apneic events. Combining multiple respiratory information from multispectral cameras improved the root mean square error (RMSE) accuracy of the RR estimation from up to 4.64 monospectral data down to 1.60 breaths/min. The median F1 scores for classifying obstructive (0.75 to 0.86) and central apnea (0.75 to 0.93) also improved. Furthermore, the independent consideration of apnea detection led to a more robust system (RMSE of 4.44 vs. 7.96 breaths/min). Our findings may represent a step towards the use of cameras for vital sign monitoring in medical applications

    Anomaly Detection in VoIP Traffic with Trends

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    In this paper we present methodological advances in anomaly detection, which, among other purposes, can be used to discover abnormal traffic patterns under the presence of deterministic trends in data, given that specific assumptions about the traffic type and nature are met. A performance study of the proposed methods, both if these assumptions are fulfilled and violated, shows good results in great generality. Our study features VoIP call counts, but the methodology can be applied to any data following, at least roughly, a non-homogeneous Poisson process (think of highly aggregated traffic flows)