959 research outputs found

    Stochastic Behavior Analysis of the Gaussian Kernel Least-Mean-Square Algorithm

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    The kernel least-mean-square (KLMS) algorithm is a popular algorithm in nonlinear adaptive filtering due to its simplicity and robustness. In kernel adaptive filters, the statistics of the input to the linear filter depends on the parameters of the kernel employed. Moreover, practical implementations require a finite nonlinearity model order. A Gaussian KLMS has two design parameters, the step size and the Gaussian kernel bandwidth. Thus, its design requires analytical models for the algorithm behavior as a function of these two parameters. This paper studies the steady-state behavior and the transient behavior of the Gaussian KLMS algorithm for Gaussian inputs and a finite order nonlinearity model. In particular, we derive recursive expressions for the mean-weight-error vector and the mean-square-error. The model predictions show excellent agreement with Monte Carlo simulations in transient and steady state. This allows the explicit analytical determination of stability limits, and gives opportunity to choose the algorithm parameters a priori in order to achieve prescribed convergence speed and quality of the estimate. Design examples are presented which validate the theoretical analysis and illustrates its application

    System approach to robust acoustic echo cancellation through semi-blind source separation based on independent component analysis

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    We live in a dynamic world full of noises and interferences. The conventional acoustic echo cancellation (AEC) framework based on the least mean square (LMS) algorithm by itself lacks the ability to handle many secondary signals that interfere with the adaptive filtering process, e.g., local speech and background noise. In this dissertation, we build a foundation for what we refer to as the system approach to signal enhancement as we focus on the AEC problem. We first propose the residual echo enhancement (REE) technique that utilizes the error recovery nonlinearity (ERN) to "enhances" the filter estimation error prior to the filter adaptation. The single-channel AEC problem can be viewed as a special case of semi-blind source separation (SBSS) where one of the source signals is partially known, i.e., the far-end microphone signal that generates the near-end acoustic echo. SBSS optimized via independent component analysis (ICA) leads to the system combination of the LMS algorithm with the ERN that allows for continuous and stable adaptation even during double talk. Second, we extend the system perspective to the decorrelation problem for AEC, where we show that the REE procedure can be applied effectively in a multi-channel AEC (MCAEC) setting to indirectly assist the recovery of lost AEC performance due to inter-channel correlation, known generally as the "non-uniqueness" problem. We develop a novel, computationally efficient technique of frequency-domain resampling (FDR) that effectively alleviates the non-uniqueness problem directly while introducing minimal distortion to signal quality and statistics. We also apply the system approach to the multi-delay filter (MDF) that suffers from the inter-block correlation problem. Finally, we generalize the MCAEC problem in the SBSS framework and discuss many issues related to the implementation of an SBSS system. We propose a constrained batch-online implementation of SBSS that stabilizes the convergence behavior even in the worst case scenario of a single far-end talker along with the non-uniqueness condition on the far-end mixing system. The proposed techniques are developed from a pragmatic standpoint, motivated by real-world problems in acoustic and audio signal processing. Generalization of the orthogonality principle to the system level of an AEC problem allows us to relate AEC to source separation that seeks to maximize the independence, hence implicitly the orthogonality, not only between the error signal and the far-end signal, but rather, among all signals involved. The system approach, for which the REE paradigm is just one realization, enables the encompassing of many traditional signal enhancement techniques in analytically consistent yet practically effective manner for solving the enhancement problem in a very noisy and disruptive acoustic mixing environment.PhDCommittee Chair: Biing-Hwang Juang; Committee Member: Brani Vidakovic; Committee Member: David V. Anderson; Committee Member: Jeff S. Shamma; Committee Member: Xiaoli M

    An affine combination of two LMS adaptive filters - Transient mean-square analysis

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    This paper studies the statistical behavior of an affine combination of the outputs of two LMS adaptive filters that simultaneously adapt using the same white Gaussian inputs. The purpose of the combination is to obtain an LMS adaptive filter with fast convergence and small steady-state mean-square deviation (MSD). The linear combination studied is a generalization of the convex combination, in which the combination factor λ(n)\lambda(n) is restricted to the interval (0,1)(0,1). The viewpoint is taken that each of the two filters produces dependent estimates of the unknown channel. Thus, there exists a sequence of optimal affine combining coefficients which minimizes the MSE. First, the optimal unrealizable affine combiner is studied and provides the best possible performance for this class. Then two new schemes are proposed for practical applications. The mean-square performances are analyzed and validated by Monte Carlo simulations. With proper design, the two practical schemes yield an overall MSD that is usually less than the MSD's of either filter

    Equalization-Based Digital Background Calibration Technique for Pipelined ADCs

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    In this paper, we present a digital background calibration technique for pipelined analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). In this scheme, the capacitor mismatch, residue gain error, and amplifier nonlinearity are measured and then corrected in digital domain. It is based on the error estimation with nonprecision calibration signals in foreground mode, and an adaptive linear prediction structure is used to convert the foreground scheme to the background one. The proposed foreground technique utilizes the LMS algorithm to estimate the error coefficients without needing high-accuracy calibration signals. Several simulation results in the context of a 12-b 100-MS/s pipelined ADC are provided to verify the usefulness of the proposed calibration technique. Circuit-level simulation results show that the ADC achieves 28-dB signal-to-noise and distortion ratio and 41-dB spurious-free dynamic range improvement, respectively, compared with the noncalibrated ADC

    Adaptive non linear system identification and channel equalization usinf functional link artificial neural network

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    In system theory, characterization and identification are fundamental problems. When the plant behavior is completely unknown, it may be characterized using certain model and then, its identification may be carried out with some artificial neural networks(ANN) like multilayer perceptron(MLP) or functional link artificial neural network(FLANN) using some learning rules such as back propagation (BP) algorithm. They offer flexibility, adaptability and versatility, so that a variety of approaches may be used to meet a specific goal, depending upon the circumstances and the requirements of the design specifications. The primary aim of the present thesis is to provide a framework for the systematic design of adaptation laws for nonlinear system identification and channel equalization. While constructing an artificial neural network the designer is often faced with the problem of choosing a network of the right size for the task. The advantages of using a smaller neural network are cheaper cost of computation and better generalization ability. However, a network which is too small may never solve the problem, while a larger network may even have the advantage of a faster learning rate. Thus it makes sense to start with a large network and then reduce its size. For this reason a Genetic Algorithm (GA) based pruning strategy is reported. GA is based upon the process of natural selection and does not require error gradient statistics. As a consequence, a GA is able to find a global error minimum. Transmission bandwidth is one of the most precious resources in digital communication systems. Communication channels are usually modeled as band-limited linear finite impulse response (FIR) filters with low pass frequency response. When the amplitude and the envelope delay response are not constant within the bandwidth of the filter, the channel distorts the transmitted signal causing intersymbol interference (ISI). The addition of noise during propagation also degrades the quality of the received signal. All the signal processing methods used at the receiver's end to compensate the introduced channel distortion and recover the transmitted symbols are referred as channel equalization techniques.When the nonlinearity associated with the system or the channel is more the number of branches in FLANN increases even some cases give poor performance. To decrease the number of branches and increase the performance a two stage FLANN called cascaded FLANN (CFLANN) is proposed.This thesis presents a comprehensive study covering artificial neural network (ANN) implementation for nonlinear system identification and channel equalization. Three ANN structures, MLP, FLANN, CFLANN and their conventional gradient-descent training methods are extensively studied. Simulation results demonstrate that FLANN and CFLANN methods are directly applicable for a large class of nonlinear control systems and communication problems

    Sparse Nonlinear MIMO Filtering and Identification

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    In this chapter system identification algorithms for sparse nonlinear multi input multi output (MIMO) systems are developed. These algorithms are potentially useful in a variety of application areas including digital transmission systems incorporating power amplifier(s) along with multiple antennas, cognitive processing, adaptive control of nonlinear multivariable systems, and multivariable biological systems. Sparsity is a key constraint imposed on the model. The presence of sparsity is often dictated by physical considerations as in wireless fading channel-estimation. In other cases it appears as a pragmatic modelling approach that seeks to cope with the curse of dimensionality, particularly acute in nonlinear systems like Volterra type series. Three dentification approaches are discussed: conventional identification based on both input and output samples, semi–blind identification placing emphasis on minimal input resources and blind identification whereby only output samples are available plus a–priori information on input characteristics. Based on this taxonomy a variety of algorithms, existing and new, are studied and evaluated by simulation

    Wireless Channel Equalization in Digital Communication Systems

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    Our modern society has transformed to an information-demanding system, seeking voice, video, and data in quantities that could not be imagined even a decade ago. The mobility of communicators has added more challenges. One of the new challenges is to conceive highly reliable and fast communication system unaffected by the problems caused in the multipath fading wireless channels. Our quest is to remove one of the obstacles in the way of achieving ultimately fast and reliable wireless digital communication, namely Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI), the intensity of which makes the channel noise inconsequential. The theoretical background for wireless channels modeling and adaptive signal processing are covered in first two chapters of dissertation. The approach of this thesis is not based on one methodology but several algorithms and configurations that are proposed and examined to fight the ISI problem. There are two main categories of channel equalization techniques, supervised (training) and blind unsupervised (blind) modes. We have studied the application of a new and specially modified neural network requiring very short training period for the proper channel equalization in supervised mode. The promising performance in the graphs for this network is presented in chapter 4. For blind modes two distinctive methodologies are presented and studied. Chapter 3 covers the concept of multiple cooperative algorithms for the cases of two and three cooperative algorithms. The select absolutely larger equalized signal and majority vote methods have been used in 2-and 3-algoirithm systems respectively. Many of the demonstrated results are encouraging for further research. Chapter 5 involves the application of general concept of simulated annealing in blind mode equalization. A limited strategy of constant annealing noise is experimented for testing the simple algorithms used in multiple systems. Convergence to local stationary points of the cost function in parameter space is clearly demonstrated and that justifies the use of additional noise. The capability of the adding the random noise to release the algorithm from the local traps is established in several cases