2,416 research outputs found

    Accurate simulations of the interplay between process and statistical variability for nanoscale FinFET-based SRAM cell stability

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    In this paper we illustrate how by using advanced atomistic TCAD tools the interplay between long-range process variation and short-range statistical variability in FinFETs can be accurately modelled and simulated for the purposes of Design-Technology Co-Optimization (DTCO). The proposed statistical simulation and compact modelling methodology is demonstrated via a comprehensive evaluation of the impact of FinFET variability on SRAM cell stability

    UTB SOI SRAM cell stability under the influence of intrinsic parameter fluctuation

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    Intrinsic parameter fluctuations steadily increases with CMOS technology scaling. Around the 90nm technology node, such fluctuations will eliminate much of the available noise margin in SRAM based on conventional MOSFETs. Ultra thin body (UTB) SOI MOSFETs are expected to replace conventional MOSFETs for integrated memory applications due to superior electrostatic integrity and better resistant to some of the sources of intrinsic parameter fluctuations. To fully realise the performance benefits of UTB SOI based SRAM cells a statistical circuit simulation methodology which can fully capture intrinsic parameter fluctuation information into the compact model is developed. The impact on 6T SRAM static noise margin characteristics of discrete random dopants in the source/drain regions and body-thickness variations has been investigated for well scaled devices with physical channel length in the range of 10nm to 5nm. A comparison with the behaviour of a 6T SRAM based on a conventional 35nm MOSFET is also presented

    The impact of random doping effects on CMOS SRAM cell

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    The SRAM has a very constrained cell area and is consequently sensitive to the intrinsic parameter fluctuations ubiquitous in decananometer scale MOSFETs. Using a statistical circuit simulation methodology, which can fully collate intrinsic parameter fluctuation information into compact model sets, the impact of random device doping on 6-T SRAM static noise margins, and read and write characteristics are investigated in detail for well-scaled 35 nm physical gate length devices. We conclude that intrinsic parameter fluctuations will become a major limitation to further conventional MOSFET SRAM scaling

    Significance Driven Hybrid 8T-6T SRAM for Energy-Efficient Synaptic Storage in Artificial Neural Networks

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    Multilayered artificial neural networks (ANN) have found widespread utility in classification and recognition applications. The scale and complexity of such networks together with the inadequacies of general purpose computing platforms have led to a significant interest in the development of efficient hardware implementations. In this work, we focus on designing energy efficient on-chip storage for the synaptic weights. In order to minimize the power consumption of typical digital CMOS implementations of such large-scale networks, the digital neurons could be operated reliably at scaled voltages by reducing the clock frequency. On the contrary, the on-chip synaptic storage designed using a conventional 6T SRAM is susceptible to bitcell failures at reduced voltages. However, the intrinsic error resiliency of NNs to small synaptic weight perturbations enables us to scale the operating voltage of the 6TSRAM. Our analysis on a widely used digit recognition dataset indicates that the voltage can be scaled by 200mV from the nominal operating voltage (950mV) for practically no loss (less than 0.5%) in accuracy (22nm predictive technology). Scaling beyond that causes substantial performance degradation owing to increased probability of failures in the MSBs of the synaptic weights. We, therefore propose a significance driven hybrid 8T-6T SRAM, wherein the sensitive MSBs are stored in 8T bitcells that are robust at scaled voltages due to decoupled read and write paths. In an effort to further minimize the area penalty, we present a synaptic-sensitivity driven hybrid memory architecture consisting of multiple 8T-6T SRAM banks. Our circuit to system-level simulation framework shows that the proposed synaptic-sensitivity driven architecture provides a 30.91% reduction in the memory access power with a 10.41% area overhead, for less than 1% loss in the classification accuracy.Comment: Accepted in Design, Automation and Test in Europe 2016 conference (DATE-2016

    Multi-port Memory Design for Advanced Computer Architectures

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    In this thesis, we describe and evaluate novel memory designs for multi-port on-chip and off-chip use in advanced computer architectures. We focus on combining multi-porting and evaluating the performance over a range of design parameters. Multi-porting is essential for caches and shared-data systems, especially multi-core System-on-chips (SOC). It can significantly increase the memory access throughput. We evaluate FinFET voltage-mode multi-port SRAM cells using different metrics including leakage current, static noise margin and read/write performance. Simulation results show that single-ended multi-port FinFET SRAMs with isolated read ports offer improved read stability and flexibility over classical double-ended structures at the expense of write performance. By increasing the size of the access transistors, we show that the single-ended multi-port structures can achieve equivalent write performance to the classical double-ended multi-port structure for 9% area overhead. Moreover, compared with CMOS SRAM, FinFET SRAM has better stability and standby power. We also describe new methods for the design of FinFET current-mode multi-port SRAM cells. Current-mode SRAMs avoid the full-swing of the bitline, reducing dynamic power and access time. However, that comes at the cost of voltage drop, which compromises stability. The design proposed in this thesis utilizes the feature of Independent Gate (IG) mode FinFET, which can leverage threshold voltage by controlling the back gate voltage, to merge two transistors into one through high-Vt and low-Vt transistors. This design not only reduces the voltage drop, but it also reduces the area in multi-port current-mode SRAM design. For off-chip memory, we propose a novel two-port 1-read, 1-write (1R1W) phasechange memory (PCM) cell, which significantly reduces the probability of blocking at the bank levels. Different from the traditional PCM cell, the access transistors are at the top and connected to the bitline. We use Verilog-A to model the behavior of Ge2Sb2Te5 (GST: the storage component). We evaluate the performance of the two-port cell by transistor sizing and voltage pumping. Simulation results show that pMOS transistor is more practical than nMOS transistor as the access device when both area and power are considered. The estimated area overhead is 1.7ïżœ, compared to single-port PCM cell. In brief, the contribution we make in this thesis is that we propose and evaluate three different kinds of multi-port memories that are favorable for advanced computer architectures

    A Reliable Low-area Low-power PUF-based Key Generator

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    This paper reports the implementation of a lowarea low-power 128-bit PUF-based key generation module which exploits a novel Two-Stage IDentification (TSID) cell showing a higher noise immunity then a standard SRAM cell. In addition, the pre-selection technique introduced in [1] is applied. This results in a stable PUF response in spite of process and environmental variations thus requiring a low cost error correction algorithm in order to generate a reliable key. The adopted PUF cell array includes 1056 cells and shows a power consumption per bit of 4:2 W at 100MHz with an area per bit of 2:4 m2. In order to evaluate reliability and unpredictability of the generated key, extensive tests have been performed both on the raw PUF data and on the final key. The raw PUF data after pre-selection show a worst case intra-chip Hamming distance below 0:7%. After a total of more than 5 109 key reconstructions, no single fail has been detected
