9,697 research outputs found

    Active skeleton for bacteria modeling

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    The investigation of spatio-temporal dynamics of bacterial cells and their molecular components requires automated image analysis tools to track cell shape properties and molecular component locations inside the cells. In the study of bacteria aging, the molecular components of interest are protein aggregates accumulated near bacteria boundaries. This particular location makes very ambiguous the correspondence between aggregates and cells, since computing accurately bacteria boundaries in phase-contrast time-lapse imaging is a challenging task. This paper proposes an active skeleton formulation for bacteria modeling which provides several advantages: an easy computation of shape properties (perimeter, length, thickness, orientation), an improved boundary accuracy in noisy images, and a natural bacteria-centered coordinate system that permits the intrinsic location of molecular components inside the cell. Starting from an initial skeleton estimate, the medial axis of the bacterium is obtained by minimizing an energy function which incorporates bacteria shape constraints. Experimental results on biological images and comparative evaluation of the performances validate the proposed approach for modeling cigar-shaped bacteria like Escherichia coli. The Image-J plugin of the proposed method can be found online at http://fluobactracker.inrialpes.fr.Comment: Published in Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging and Visualizationto appear i

    Statistical Medial Model dor Cardiac Segmentation and Morphometry

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    In biomedical image analysis, shape information can be utilized for many purposes. For example, irregular shape features can help identify diseases; shape features can help match different instances of anatomical structures for statistical comparison; and prior knowledge of the mean and possible variation of an anatomical structure\u27s shape can help segment a new example of this structure in noisy, low-contrast images. A good shape representation helps to improve the performance of the above techniques. The overall goal of the proposed research is to develop and evaluate methods for representing shapes of anatomical structures. The medial model is a shape representation method that models a 3D object by explicitly defining its skeleton (medial axis) and deriving the object\u27s boundary via inverse-skeletonization . This model represents shape compactly, and naturally expresses descriptive global shape features like thickening , bending , and elongation . However, its application in biomedical image analysis has been limited, and it has not yet been applied to the heart, which has a complex shape. In this thesis, I focus on developing efficient methods to construct the medial model, and apply it to solve biomedical image analysis problems. I propose a new 3D medial model which can be efficiently applied to complex shapes. The proposed medial model closely approximates the medial geometry along medial edge curves and medial branching curves by soft-penalty optimization and local correction. I further develop a scheme to perform model-based segmentation using a statistical medial model which incorporates prior shape and appearance information. The proposed medial models are applied to a series of image analysis tasks. The 2D medial model is applied to the corpus callosum which results in an improved alignment of the patterns of commissural connectivity compared to a volumetric registration method. The 3D medial model is used to describe the myocardium of the left and right ventricles, which provides detailed thickness maps characterizing different disease states. The model-based myocardium segmentation scheme is tested in a heterogeneous adult MRI dataset. Our segmentation experiments demonstrate that the statistical medial model can accurately segment the ventricular myocardium and provide useful parameters to characterize heart function

    Elastic shape matching of parameterized surfaces using square root normal fields.

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    In this paper we define a new methodology for shape analysis of parameterized surfaces, where the main issues are: (1) choice of metric for shape comparisons and (2) invariance to reparameterization. We begin by defining a general elastic metric on the space of parameterized surfaces. The main advantages of this metric are twofold. First, it provides a natural interpretation of elastic shape deformations that are being quantified. Second, this metric is invariant under the action of the reparameterization group. We also introduce a novel representation of surfaces termed square root normal fields or SRNFs. This representation is convenient for shape analysis because, under this representation, a reduced version of the general elastic metric becomes the simple \ensuremathL2\ensuremathL2 metric. Thus, this transformation greatly simplifies the implementation of our framework. We validate our approach using multiple shape analysis examples for quadrilateral and spherical surfaces. We also compare the current results with those of Kurtek et al. [1]. We show that the proposed method results in more natural shape matchings, and furthermore, has some theoretical advantages over previous methods

    Automated visual tracking for studying the ontogeny of zebrafish swimming

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    The zebrafish Danio rerio is a widely used model organism in studies of genetics, developmental biology, and recently, biomechanics. In order to quantify changes in swimming during all stages of development, we have developed a visual tracking system that estimates the posture of fish. Our current approach assumes planar motion of the fish, given image sequences taken from a top view. An accurate geometric fish model is automatically designed and fit to the images at each time frame. Our approach works across a range of fish shapes and sizes and is therefore well suited for studying the ontogeny of fish swimming, while also being robust to common environmental occlusions. Our current analysis focuses on measuring the influence of vertebra development on the swimming capabilities of zebrafish. We examine wild-type zebrafish and mutants with stiff vertebrae (stocksteif) and quantify their body kinematics as a function of their development from larvae to adult (mutants made available by the Hubrecht laboratory, The Netherlands). By tracking the fish, we are able to measure the curvature and net acceleration along the body that result from the fish's body wave. Here, we demonstrate the capabilities of the tracking system for the escape response of wild-type zebrafish and stocksteif mutant zebrafish. The response was filmed with a digital high-speed camera at 1500 frames s–1. Our approach enables biomechanists and ethologists to process much larger datasets than possible at present. Our automated tracking scheme can therefore accelerate insight in the swimming behavior of many species of (developing) fish

    Development of an Atlas-Based Segmentation of Cranial Nerves Using Shape-Aware Discrete Deformable Models for Neurosurgical Planning and Simulation

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    Twelve pairs of cranial nerves arise from the brain or brainstem and control our sensory functions such as vision, hearing, smell and taste as well as several motor functions to the head and neck including facial expressions and eye movement. Often, these cranial nerves are difficult to detect in MRI data, and thus represent problems in neurosurgery planning and simulation, due to their thin anatomical structure, in the face of low imaging resolution as well as image artifacts. As a result, they may be at risk in neurosurgical procedures around the skull base, which might have dire consequences such as the loss of eyesight or hearing and facial paralysis. Consequently, it is of great importance to clearly delineate cranial nerves in medical images for avoidance in the planning of neurosurgical procedures and for targeting in the treatment of cranial nerve disorders. In this research, we propose to develop a digital atlas methodology that will be used to segment the cranial nerves from patient image data. The atlas will be created from high-resolution MRI data based on a discrete deformable contour model called 1-Simplex mesh. Each of the cranial nerves will be modeled using its centerline and radius information where the centerline is estimated in a semi-automatic approach by finding a shortest path between two user-defined end points. The cranial nerve atlas is then made more robust by integrating a Statistical Shape Model so that the atlas can identify and segment nerves from images characterized by artifacts or low resolution. To the best of our knowledge, no such digital atlas methodology exists for segmenting nerves cranial nerves from MRI data. Therefore, our proposed system has important benefits to the neurosurgical community

    Population-based fitting of medial shape models with correspondence optimization

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    pre-printA crucial problem in statistical shape analysis is establishing the correspondence of shape features across a population. While many solutions are easy to express using boundary representations, this has been a considerable challenge for medial representations. This paper uses a new 3-D medial model that allows continuous interpolation of the medial manifold and provides a map back and forth between it and the boundary. A measure defined on the medial surface then allows one to write integrals over the boundary and the object interior in medial coordinates, enabling the expression of important object properties in an object-relative coordinate system.We use these integrals to optimize correspondence during model construction, reducing variability due to the model parameterization that could potentially mask true shape change effects. Discrimination and hypothesis testing of populations of shapes are expected to benefit, potentially resulting in improved significance of shape differences between populations even with a smaller sample size

    Multi-Surface Simplex Spine Segmentation for Spine Surgery Simulation and Planning

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    This research proposes to develop a knowledge-based multi-surface simplex deformable model for segmentation of healthy as well as pathological lumbar spine data. It aims to provide a more accurate and robust segmentation scheme for identification of intervertebral disc pathologies to assist with spine surgery planning. A robust technique that combines multi-surface and shape statistics-aware variants of the deformable simplex model is presented. Statistical shape variation within the dataset has been captured by application of principal component analysis and incorporated during the segmentation process to refine results. In the case where shape statistics hinder detection of the pathological region, user-assistance is allowed to disable the prior shape influence during deformation. Results have been validated against user-assisted expert segmentation

    Efficient Generation of Shape-Based Reference Frames for the Corpus Callosum for DTI-based Connectivity Analysis

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    Yushkevich et.al. [17, 18] established a PDE-based deformable modeling approach called continuous medial representation (cm-rep), in which the geometric relationship between the medial axis of a 3D object and its boundary is captured. Continuous medial description of an object not only provides useful shape features for object characterization and comparison; it also imposes a shape-based reference frame on the interior of that object. Such a reference frame provides a useful means of representing different instances of an anatomical structure using a common canonical parametrization domain. This paper presents an efficient method to construct continuous medial shape models for 2D objects. A closed form solution for the ordinary differential equation (ODE) is derived via Pythagorean hodograph (PH) curves. That closed form solution reduces the computation complexity from solving an ODE system to pure algebraic manipulation. Using this method, we generate shape-based reference frames, and demonstrate how they can be applied to the analysis of anatomical connectivity of corpora callosa, obtained by fiber tracking in diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging (DTI) in a chromosome 22q11.2 deletion syndrome study
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