42 research outputs found

    PCC Framework for Program-Generators

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    In this paper, we propose a proof-carrying code framework for program-generators. The enabling technique is abstract parsing, a static string analysis technique, which is used as a component for generating and validating certificates. Our framework provides an efficient solution for certifying program-generators whose safety properties are expressed in terms of the grammar representing the generated program. The fixed-point solution of the analysis is generated and attached with the program-generator on the code producer side. The consumer receives the code with a fixed-point solution and validates that the received fixed point is indeed a fixed point of the received code. This validation can be done in a single pass

    Abstract parsing for two-staged languages with concatenation

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    This article, based on Doh, Kim, and Schmidt’s “abstract parsing ” technique, presents an abstract interpretation for statically checking the syntax of generated code in two-staged programs. Abstract parsing is a static analysis technique for checking the syntax of generated strings. We adopt this technique for two-staged programming languages and formulate it in the abstract interpretation framework. We parameterize our analysis with the abstract domain so that one can choose the abstract domain as long as it satisfies the condition we provide. We also present an instance of the abstract domain, namely an abstract parse stack and its widening with k-cutting

    Automated removal of cross site scripting vulnerabilities in web applications

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    Cross site scripting (XSS) vulnerability is among the top web application vulnerabilities according to recent surveys. This vulnerability occurs when a web application uses inputs received from users in web pages without properly checking them. This allows an attacker to inject malicious scripts in web pages via such inputs such that the scripts perform malicious actions when a client visits the exploited web pages. Such an attack may cause serious security violations such as account hijacking and cookie theft. Current approaches to mitigate this problem mainly focus on effective detection of XSS vulnerabilities in the programs or prevention of real time XSS attacks. As more sophisticated attack vectors are being discovered, vulnerabilities if not removed could be exploited anytime. To address this issue, this paper presents an approach for removing XSS vulnerabilities in web applications. Based on static analysis and pattern matching techniques, our approach identifies potential XSS vulnerabilities in program source code and secures them with appropriate escaping mechanisms which prevent input values from causing any script execution. We developed a tool, saferXSS, to implement the proposed approach. Using the tool, we evaluated the applicability and effectiveness of the proposed approach based on the experiments on five Java-based web applications. Our evaluation has shown that the tool can be applied to real-world web applications and it automatically removed all the real XSS vulnerabilities in the test subjects

    Static, Lightweight Includes Resolution for PHP

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    Dynamic languages include a number of features that are challenging to model properly in static analysis tools. In PHP, one of these features is the include expression, where an arbitrary expression provides the path of the file to include at runtime. In this paper we present two complementary analyses for statically resolving PHP includes, one that works at the level of individual PHP files and one targeting PHP programs, possibly consisting of multiple scripts. To evaluate the effectiveness of these analyses we have applied the first to a corpus of 20 open-source systems, totaling more than 4.5 million lines of PHP, and the second to a number of programs from a subset of these systems. Our results show that, in many cases, includes can be either resolved to a specific file or a small subset of possible files, enabling better IDE features and more advanced program analysis tools for PHP

    HAMPI: A Solver for String Constraints

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    Many automatic testing, analysis, and verification techniques for programs can be effectively reduced to a constraint-generation phase followed by a constraint-solving phase. This separation of concerns often leads to more effective and maintainable tools. The increasing efficiency of off-the-shelf constraint solvers makes this approach even more compelling. However, there are few, if any, effective and sufficiently expressive off-the-shelf solvers for string constraints generated by analysis techniques for string-manipulating programs. We designed and implemented Hampi, a solver for string constraints over bounded string variables. Hampi constraints express membership in regular languages and bounded context-free languages. Hampi constraints may contain context-free-language definitions, regular-language definitions and operations, and the membership predicate. Given a set of constraints, Hampi outputs a string that satisfies all the constraints, or reports that the constraints are unsatisfiable. Hampi is expressive and efficient, and can be successfully applied to testing and analysis of real programs. Our experiments use Hampi in: static and dynamic analyses for finding SQL injection vulnerabilities in Web applications; automated bug finding in C programs using systematic testing; and compare Hampi with another string solver. Hampi's source code, documentation, and the experimental data are available at http://people.csail.mit.edu/akiezun/hampi

    Analysis of Security Vulnerabilities in Web Applications using Threat Modeling

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    Software security issues have been a major concern to the cyberspace community; therefore, a great deal of research on security testing has been performed, and various security testing techniques have been developed. A security process that is integrated into the application development cycle is required for creating a secure system. A part of this process is to create a threat profile for an application. The present project explains this process as a case study for analyzing a web application using Threat Modeling. This analysis can be used in the security testing approach that derives test cases from design level artifacts

    Finding Bugs In Dynamic Web Applications

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    Web script crashes and malformed dynamically-generated web pages are common errors, and they seriously impact usability of web applications. Currenttools for web-page validation cannot handle the dynamically-generatedpages that are ubiquitous on today's Internet.In this work, we apply a dynamic test generation technique, based oncombined concrete and symbolic execution, to the domain of dynamic webapplications. The technique generates tests automatically andminimizes the bug-inducing inputs to reduce duplication and to makethe bug reports small and easy to understand and fix.We implemented the technique in Apollo, an automated tool thatfound dozens of bugs in real PHP applications. Apollo generatestest inputs for the web application, monitors the application forcrashes, and validates that the output conforms to the HTMLspecification. This paper presents Apollo's algorithms andimplementation, and an experimental evaluation that revealed a totalof 214 bugs in 4 open-source PHP web applications

    A Practical String Analyzer by the Widening Approach

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    Abstract. The static determination of approximated values of string expressions has many potential applications. For instance, approximated string values may be used to check the validity and security of generated strings, as well as to collect the useful string properties. Previous string analysis efforts have been focused primarily on the maxmization of the precision of regular approximations of strings. These methods have not been completely satisfactory due to the difficulties in dealing with heap variables and context sensitivity. In this paper, we present an abstract-interpretation-based solution that employs a heuristic widening method. The presented solution is implemented and compared to JSA. In most cases, our solution gives results as precise as those produced by previ-ous methods, and it makes the additional contribution of easily dealing with heap variables and context sensitivity in a very natural way. We anticipate the employment of our method in practical applications.