10,156 research outputs found

    Fault Testing for Reversible Circuits

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    Applications of reversible circuits can be found in the fields of low-power computation, cryptography, communications, digital signal processing, and the emerging field of quantum computation. Furthermore, prototype circuits for low-power applications are already being fabricated in CMOS. Regardless of the eventual technology adopted, testing is sure to be an important component in any robust implementation. We consider the test set generation problem. Reversibility affects the testing problem in fundamental ways, making it significantly simpler than for the irreversible case. For example, we show that any test set that detects all single stuck-at faults in a reversible circuit also detects all multiple stuck-at faults. We present efficient test set constructions for the standard stuck-at fault model as well as the usually intractable cell-fault model. We also give a practical test set generation algorithm, based on an integer linear programming formulation, that yields test sets approximately half the size of those produced by conventional ATPG.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figures. to appear in IEEE Trans. on CA

    Integrated Analysis and Synthesis of the Dynamic Behaviour of a Carbonate Field

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    Particle Swarm Optimization Framework for Low Power Testing of VLSI Circuits

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    Power dissipation in sequential circuits is due to increased toggling count of Circuit under Test, which depends upon test vectors applied. If successive test vectors sequences have more toggling nature then it is sure that toggling rate of flip flops is higher. Higher toggling for flip flops results more power dissipation. To overcome this problem, one method is to use GA to have test vectors of high fault coverage in short interval, followed by Hamming distance management on test patterns. This approach is time consuming and needs more efforts. Another method which is purposed in this paper is a PSO based Frame Work to optimize power dissipation. Here target is to set the entire test vector in a frame for time period 'T', so that the frame consists of all those vectors strings which not only provide high fault coverage but also arrange vectors in frame to produce minimum toggling

    New Techniques to Reduce the Execution Time of Functional Test Programs

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    The compaction of test programs for processor-based systems is of utmost practical importance: Software-Based Self-Test (SBST) is nowadays increasingly adopted, especially for in-field test of safety-critical applications, and both the size and the execution time of the test are critical parameters. However, while compacting the size of binary test sequences has been thoroughly studied over the years, the reduction of the execution time of test programs is still a rather unexplored area of research. This paper describes a family of algorithms able to automatically enhance an existing test program, reducing the time required to run it and, as a side effect, its size. The proposed solutions are based on instruction removal and restoration, which is shown to be computationally more efficient than instruction removal alone. Experimental results demonstrate the compaction capabilities, and allow analyzing computational costs and effectiveness of the different algorithms

    Linux kernel compaction through cold code swapping

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    There is a growing trend to use general-purpose operating systems like Linux in embedded systems. Previous research focused on using compaction and specialization techniques to adapt a general-purpose OS to the memory-constrained environment, presented by most, embedded systems. However, there is still room for improvement: it has been shown that even after application of the aforementioned techniques more than 50% of the kernel code remains unexecuted under normal system operation. We introduce a new technique that reduces the Linux kernel code memory footprint, through on-demand code loading of infrequently executed code, for systems that support virtual memory. In this paper, we describe our general approach, and we study code placement algorithms to minimize the performance impact of the code loading. A code, size reduction of 68% is achieved, with a 2.2% execution speedup of the system-mode execution time, for a case study based on the MediaBench II benchmark suite
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