50 research outputs found

    StreamBed: capacity planning for stream processing

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    StreamBed is a capacity planning system for stream processing. It predicts, ahead of any production deployment, the resources that a query will require to process an incoming data rate sustainably, and the appropriate configuration of these resources. StreamBed builds a capacity planning model by piloting a series of runs of the target query in a small-scale, controlled testbed. We implement StreamBed for the popular Flink DSP engine. Our evaluation with large-scale queries of the Nexmark benchmark demonstrates that StreamBed can effectively and accurately predict capacity requirements for jobs spanning more than 1,000 cores using a testbed of only 48 cores.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures. This project has been funded by the Walloon region (Belgium) through the Win2Wal project GEPICIA

    SCABBARD: single-node fault-tolerant stream processing

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    Single-node multi-core stream processing engines (SPEs) can process hundreds of millions of tuples per second. Yet making them fault-tolerant with exactly-once semantics while retaining this performance is an open challenge: due to the limited I/O bandwidth of a single-node, it becomes infeasible to persist all stream data and operator state during execution. Instead, single-node SPEs rely on upstream distributed systems, such as Apache Kafka, to recover stream data after failure, necessitating complex cluster-based deployments. This lack of built-in fault-tolerance features has hindered the adoption of single-node SPEs.We describe Scabbard, the first single-node SPE that supports exactly-once fault-tolerance semantics despite limited local I/O bandwidth. Scabbard achieves this by integrating persistence operations with the query workload. Within the operator graph, Scabbard determines when to persist streams based on the selectivity of operators: by persisting streams after operators that discard data, it can substantially reduce the required I/O bandwidth. As part of the operator graph, Scabbard supports parallel persistence operations and uses markers to decide when to discard persisted data. The persisted data volume is further reduced using workload-specific compression: Scabbard monitors stream statistics and dynamically generates computationally efficient compression operators. Our experiments show that Scabbard can execute stream queries that process over 200 million tuples per second while recovering from failures with sub-second latencies

    Spontananfragen auf Datenströmen

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    Many modern applications require processing large amounts of data in a real-time fashion. As a result, distributed stream processing engines (SPEs) have gained significant attention as an important new class of big data processing systems. The central design principle of these SPEs is to handle queries that potentially run forever on data streams with a query-at-a-time model, i.e., each query is optimized and executed separately. However, in many real applications, not only long-running queries but also many short-running queries are processed on data streams. In these applications, multiple stream queries are created and deleted concurrently, in an ad-hoc manner. The best practice to handle ad-hoc stream queries is to fork input stream and add additional resources for each query. However, this approach leads to redundant computation and data copy. This thesis lays the foundation for efficient ad-hoc stream query processing. To bridge the gap between stream data processing and ad-hoc query processing, we follow a top-down approach. First, we propose a benchmarking framework to analyze state-of-the-art SPEs. We provide a definition of latency and throughput for stateful operators. Moreover, we carefully separate the system under test and the driver, to correctly represent the open-world model of typical stream processing deployments. This separation enables us to measure the system performance under realistic conditions. Our solution is the first benchmarking framework to define and test the sustainable performance of SPEs. Throughout our analysis, we realize that the state-of-the-art SPEs are unable to execute stream queries in an ad-hoc manner. Second, we propose the first ad-hoc stream query processing engine for distributed data processing environments. We develop our solution based on three main requirements: (1) Integration: Ad-hoc query processing should be a composable layer that can extend stream operators, such as join, aggregation, and window operators; (2) Consistency: Ad-hoc query creation and deletion must be performed consistently and ensure exactly-once semantics and correctness; (3) Performance: In contrast to modern SPEs, ad-hoc SPEs should not only maximize data throughput but also query throughout via incremental computation and resource sharing. Third, we propose an ad-hoc stream join processing framework that integrates dynamic query processing and query re-optimization techniques with ad-hoc stream query processing. Our solution comprises an optimization layer and a stream data processing layer. The optimization layer periodically re-optimizes the query execution plan, performing join reordering and vertical and horizontal scaling at runtime without stopping the execution. The data processing layer enables incremental and consistent query processing, supporting all the actions triggered by the optimizer. The result of the second and the third contributions forms a complete ad-hoc SPE. We utilize the first contribution not only for benchmarking modern SPEs but also for evaluating the ad-hoc SPE.Eine Vielzahl moderner Anwendungen setzten die Echtzeitverarbeitung großer Datenmengen voraus. Aus diesem Grund haben neuerdings verteilte Systeme zur Verarbeitung von Datenströmen (sog. Datenstrom-Verarbeitungssysteme, abgek. "DSV") eine wichtige Bedeutung als neue Kategorie von Massendaten-Verarbeitungssystemen erlangt. Das zentrale Entwurfsprinzip dieser DSVs ist es, Anfragen, die potenziell unendlich lange auf einem Datenstrom laufen, jeweils Eine nach der Anderen zu verarbeiten (Englisch: "query-at-a-time model"). Das bedeutet, dass jede Anfrage eigenständig vom System optimiert und ausgeführt wird. Allerdings stellen vielen reale Anwendungen nicht nur lang laufende Anfragen auf Datenströmen, sondern auch kurz laufende Spontananfragen. Solche Anwendungen können mehrere Anfragen spontan und zeitgleich erstellen und entfernen. Das bewährte Verfahren, um Spontananfragen zu bearbeiten, zweigt den eingehenden Datenstrom ab und belegt zusätzliche Ressourcen für jede neue Anfrage. Allerdings ist dieses Verfahren ineffizient, weil Spontananfragen damit redundante Berechnungen und Daten-Kopieroperationen verursachen. In dieser Arbeit legen wir das Fundament für die effiziente Verarbeitung von Spontananfragen auf Datenströmen. Wir schließen in den folgenden drei Schritten die Lücke zwischen verteilter Datenstromanfrage-Verarbeitung und Spontananfrage-Verarbeitung. Erstens stellen wir ein Benchmark-Framework zur Analyse von modernen DSVs vor. In diesem Framework stellen wir eine neue Definition für die Latenz und den Durchsatz von zustandsbehafteten Operatoren vor. Zudem unterscheiden wir genau zwischen dem zu testenden System und dem Treibersystem, um das offene-Welt Modell, welches den typischen Anwendungsszenarien in der Datenstromverabeitung entspricht, korrekt zu repräsentieren. Diese strikte Unterscheidung ermöglicht es, die Systemleistung unter realen Bedingungen zu messen. Unsere Lösung ist damit das erste Benchmark-Framework, welches die dauerhaft durchhaltbare Systemleistung von DSVs definiert und testet. Durch eine systematische Analyse aktueller DSVs stellen wir fest, dass aktuelle DSVs außerstande sind, Spontananfragen effizient zu verarbeiten. Zweitens stellen wir das erste verteilte DSV zur Spontananfrageverarbeitung vor. Wir entwickeln unser Lösungskonzept basierend auf drei Hauptanforderungen: (1) Integration: Spontananfrageverarbeitung soll ein modularer Baustein sein, mit dem Datenstrom-Operatoren wie z.B. Join, Aggregation, und Zeitfenster-Operatoren erweitert werden können; (2) Konsistenz: die Erstellung und Entfernung von Spontananfragen müssen konsistent ausgeführt werden, die Semantik für einmalige Nachrichtenzustellung erhalten, sowie die Korrektheit des Anfrage-Ergebnisses sicherstellen; (3) Leistung: Im Gegensatz zu modernen DSVs sollen DSVs zur Spontananfrageverarbeitung nicht nur den Datendurchsatz, sondern auch den Anfragedurchsatz maximieren. Dies ermöglichen wir durch inkrementelle Kompilation und der Ressourcenteilung zwischen Anfragen. Drittens stellen wir ein Programmiergerüst zur Verbeitung von Spontananfragen auf Datenströmen vor. Dieses integriert die dynamische Anfrageverarbeitung und die Nachoptimierung von Anfragen mit der Spontananfrageverarbeitung auf Datenströmen. Unser Lösungsansatz besteht aus einer Schicht zur Anfrageoptimierung und einer Schicht zur Anfrageverarbeitung. Die Optimierungsschicht optimiert periodisch den Anfrageverarbeitungsplan nach, wobei sie zur Laufzeit Joins neu anordnet und vertikal sowie horizontal skaliert, ohne die Verarbeitung anzuhalten. Die Verarbeitungsschicht ermöglicht eine inkrementelle und konsistente Anfrageverarbeitung und unterstützt alle zuvor beschriebenen Eingriffe der Optimierungsschicht in die Anfrageverarbeitung. Zusammengefasst ergeben unsere zweiten und dritten Lösungskonzepte eine vollständige DSV zur Spontananfrageverarbeitung. Wir verwenden hierzu unseren ersten Beitrag nicht nur zur Bewertung moderner DSVs, sondern auch zur Evaluation unseres DSVs zur Spontananfrageverarbeitung

    Scalable and fault-tolerant data stream processing on multi-core architectures

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    With increasing data volumes and velocity, many applications are shifting from the classical “process-after-store” paradigm to a stream processing model: data is produced and consumed as continuous streams. Stream processing captures latency-sensitive applications as diverse as credit card fraud detection and high-frequency trading. These applications are expressed as queries of algebraic operations (e.g., aggregation) over the most recent data using windows, i.e., finite evolving views over the input streams. To guarantee correct results, streaming applications require precise window semantics (e.g., temporal ordering) for operations that maintain state. While high processing throughput and low latency are performance desiderata for stateful streaming applications, achieving both poses challenges. Computing the state of overlapping windows causes redundant aggregation operations: incremental execution (i.e., reusing previous results) reduces latency but prevents parallelization; at the same time, parallelizing window execution for stateful operations with precise semantics demands ordering guarantees and state access coordination. Finally, streams and state must be recovered to produce consistent and repeatable results in the event of failures. Given the rise of shared-memory multi-core CPU architectures and high-speed networking, we argue that it is possible to address these challenges in a single node without compromising window semantics, performance, or fault-tolerance. In this thesis, we analyze, design, and implement stream processing engines (SPEs) that achieve high performance on multi-core architectures. To this end, we introduce new approaches for in-memory processing that address the previous challenges: (i) for overlapping windows, we provide a family of window aggregation techniques that enable computation sharing based on the algebraic properties of aggregation functions; (ii) for parallel window execution, we balance parallelism and incremental execution by developing abstractions for both and combining them to a novel design; and (iii) for reliable single-node execution, we enable strong fault-tolerance guarantees without sacrificing performance by reducing the required disk I/O bandwidth using a novel persistence model. We combine the above to implement an SPE that processes hundreds of millions of tuples per second with sub-second latencies. These results reveal the opportunity to reduce resource and maintenance footprint by replacing cluster-based SPEs with single-node deployments.Open Acces

    Evaluation of Data Enrichment Methods for Distributed Stream Processing Systems

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    Stream processing has become a critical component in the architecture of modern applications. With the exponential growth of data generation from sources such as the Internet of Things, business intelligence, and telecommunications, real-time processing of unbounded data streams has become a necessity. DSP systems provide a solution to this challenge, offering high horizontal scalability, fault-tolerant execution, and the ability to process data streams from multiple sources in a single DSP job. Often enough though, data streams need to be enriched with extra information for correct processing, which introduces additional dependencies and potential bottlenecks. In this paper, we present an in-depth evaluation of data enrichment methods for DSP systems and identify the different use cases for stream processing in modern systems. Using a representative DSP system and conducting the evaluation in a realistic cloud environment, we found that outsourcing enrichment data to the DSP system can improve performance for specific use cases. However, this increased resource consumption highlights the need for stream processing solutions specifically designed for the performance-intensive workloads of cloud-based applications.Comment: 10 pages, 13 figures, 2 table

    클라우드 환경에서 빠르고 효율적인 IoT 스트림 처리를 위한 엔드-투-엔드 최적화

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    학위논문(박사) -- 서울대학교대학원 : 공과대학 컴퓨터공학부, 2021.8. 엄태건.As a large amount of data streams are generated from Internet of Things (IoT) devices, two types of IoT stream queries are deployed in the cloud. One is a small IoT-stream query, which continuously processes a few IoT data streams of end-users’s IoT devices that have low input rates (e.g., one event per second). The other one is a big IoT-stream query, which is deployed by data scientists to continuously process a large number and huge amount of aggregated data streams that can suddenly fluctuate in a short period of time (bursty loads). However, existing work and stream systems fall short of handling such workloads efficiently because their query submission, compilation, execution, and resource acquisition layer are not optimized for the workloads. This dissertation proposes two end-to-end optimization techniques— not only optimizing stream query execution layer (runtime), but also optimizing query submission, compiler, or resource acquisition layer. First, to minimize the number of cloud machines and maintenance cost of servers in processing many small IoT queries, we build Pluto, a new stream processing system that optimizes both query submission and execution layer for efficiently handling many small IoT stream queries. By decoupling IoT query submission and its code registration and offering new APIs, Pluto mitigates the bottleneck in query submission and enables efficient resource sharing across small IoT stream queries in the execution. Second, to quickly handle sudden bursty loads and scale out big IoT stream queries, we build Sponge, which is a new stream system that optimizes query compilation, execution, and resource acquisition layer altogether. For fast acquisition of new resources, Sponge uses a new cloud computing service, called Lambda, because it offers fast-to-start lightweight containers. Sponge then converts the streaming dataflow of big stream queries to overcome Lambda’s resource constraint and to minimize scaling overheads at runtime. Our evaluations show that the end-to-end optimization techniques significantly improve system throughput and latency compared to existing stream systems in handling a large number of small IoT stream queries and in handling bursty loads of big IoT stream queries.다양한 IoT 디바이스로부터 많은 양의 데이터 스트림들이 생성되면서, 크게 두 가지 타입의 스트림 쿼리가 클라우드에서 수행된다. 첫째로는 작은-IoT 스트림 쿼리이며, 하나의 스트림 쿼리가 적은 양의 IoT 데이터 스트림을 처리하고 많은 수의 작은 스트림 쿼리들이 존재한다. 두번째로는 큰-IoT 스트림 쿼리이며, 하나 의 스트림 쿼리가 많은 양의, 급격히 증가하는 IoT 데이터 스트림들을 처리한다. 하지만, 기존 연구와 스트림 시스템에서는 쿼리 수행, 제출, 컴파일러, 및 리소스 확보 레이어가 이러한 워크로드에 최적화되어 있지 않아서 작은-IoT 및 큰-IoT 스트림 쿼리를 효율적으로 처리하지 못한다. 이 논문에서는 작은-IoT 및 큰-IoT 스트림 쿼리 워크로드를 최적화하기 위한 엔드-투-엔드 최적화 기법을 소개한다. 첫번째로, 많은 수의 작은-IoT 스트림 쿼 리를 처리하기 위해, 쿼리 제출과 수행 레이어를 최적화 하는 기법인 IoT 특성 기반 최적화를 수행한다. 쿼리 제출과 코드 등록을 분리하고, 이를 위한 새로운 API를 제공함으로써, 쿼리 제출에서의 오버헤드를 줄이고 쿼리 수행에서 IoT 특 성 기반으로 리소스를 공유함으로써 오버헤드를 줄인다. 두번째로, 큰-IoT 스트림 쿼리에서 급격히 증가하는 로드를 빠르게 처리하기 위해, 쿼리 컴파일러, 수행, 및 리소스 확보 레이어 최적화를 수행한다. 새로운 클라우드 컴퓨팅 리소스인 람다를 활용하여 빠르게 리소스를 확보하고, 람다의 제한된 리소스에서 스케일-아웃 오 버헤드를 줄이기 위해 스트림 데이터플로우를 바꿈으로써 큰-IoT 스트림 쿼리의 작업량을 빠르게 람다로 옮긴다. 최적화 기법의 효과를 보여주기 위해, 이 논문에서는 두가지 시스템-Pluto 와 Sponge-을 개발하였다. 실험을 통해서, 각 최적화 기법을 적용한 결과 기존 시스템 대비 처리량을 크게 향상시켰으며, 지연시간을 최소화하는 것을 확인하였다.Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 IoT Stream Workloads 1 1.1.1 Small IoT Stream Query 2 1.1.2 Big IoT Stream Query 4 1.2 Proposed Solution 5 1.2.1 IoT-Aware Three-Phase Query Execution 6 1.2.2 Streaming Dataflow Reshaping on Lambda 7 1.3 Contribution 8 1.4 Dissertation Structure 9 Chapter 2 Background 10 2.1 Stream Query Model 10 2.2 Workload Characteristics 12 2.2.1 Small IoT Stream Query 12 2.2.2 Big IoT Stream Query 13 Chapter 3 IoT-Aware Three-Phase Query Execution 15 3.1 Pluto Design Overview 16 3.2 Decoupling of Code and Query Submission 19 3.2.1 Code Registration 19 3.2.2 Query Submission API 20 3.3 IoT-Aware Execution Model 21 3.3.1 Q-Group Creation and Query Grouping 24 3.3.2 Q-Group Assignment 24 3.3.3 Q-Group Scheduling and Processing 25 3.3.4 Load Rebalancing: Q-Group Split and Merging 28 3.4 Implementation 29 3.5 Evaluation 30 3.5.1 Methodology 30 3.5.2 Performance Comparison 34 3.5.3 Performance Breakdown 36 3.5.4 Load Rebalancing: Q-Group Split and Merging 38 3.5.5 Tradeoff 40 3.6 Discussion 41 3.7 Related Work 43 3.8 Summary 44 Chapter 4 Streaming Dataflow Reshaping for Fast Scaling Mechanism on Lambda 46 4.1 Motivation 46 4.2 Challenges 47 4.3 Design Overview 50 4.4 Reshaping Rules 51 4.4.1 R1:Inserting Router Operators 52 4.4.2 R2:Inserting Transient Operators 54 4.4.3 R3:Inserting State Merger Operators 57 4.5 Scaling Protocol 59 4.5.1 Redirection Protocol 59 4.5.2 Merging Protocol 60 4.5.3 Migration Protocol 61 4.6 Implementation 61 4.7 Evaluation 63 4.7.1 Methodology 63 4.7.2 Performance Analysis 68 4.7.3 Performance Breakdown 70 4.7.4 Latency-Cost($) Trade-Off 76 4.8 Discussion 77 4.9 Related Work 78 4.10 Summary 80 Chapter 5 Conclusion 81박

    Snapshot isolation for transactional stream processing

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    Transactional database systems and data stream management systems have been thoroughly investigated over the past decades. While both systems follow completely different data processing models, the combined concept of transactional stream processing promises to be the future data processing model. So far, however, it has not been investigated how well-known concepts found in DBMS or DSMS regarding multi-user support can be transferred to this model or how they need to be redesigned. In this paper, we propose a transaction model combining streaming and stored data as well as continuous and ad-hoc queries. Based on this, we present appropriate protocols for concurrency control of such queries guaranteeing snapshot isolation as well as for consistency of transactions comprising several shared states. In our evaluation, we show that our protocols represent a resilient and scalable solution meeting all requirements for such a model

    Enabling Distributed Applications Optimization in Cloud Environment

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    The past few years have seen dramatic growth in the popularity of public clouds, such as Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Container-as-a-Service (CaaS). In both commercial and scientific fields, quick environment setup and application deployment become a mandatory requirement. As a result, more and more organizations choose cloud environments instead of setting up the environment by themselves from scratch. The cloud computing resources such as server engines, orchestration, and the underlying server resources are served to the users as a service from a cloud provider. Most of the applications that run in public clouds are the distributed applications, also called multi-tier applications, which require a set of servers, a service ensemble, that cooperate and communicate to jointly provide a certain service or accomplish a task. Moreover, a few research efforts are conducting in providing an overall solution for distributed applications optimization in the public cloud. In this dissertation, we present three systems that enable distributed applications optimization: (1) the first part introduces DocMan, a toolset for detecting containerized application’s dependencies in CaaS clouds, (2) the second part introduces a system to deal with hot/cold blocks in distributed applications, (3) the third part introduces a system named FP4S, a novel fragment-based parallel state recovery mechanism that can handle many simultaneous failures for a large number of concurrently running stream applications