5 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Business Processes for Business Process Standardization

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    Companies often implement multiple process variants in their organizations at the same time. Often these variants differ widely in terms of efficiency, quality and cycle time. In times of highly volatile global economic markets, companies cannot afford unnecessary redundant business processes. Business Process Standardization has therefore become a major topic in the field of Business Process Management, both in research and practice. Management decisions concerning standardization are difficult and complex, due to limited project budgets, organizational and technological changes as well as the increasing challenges of globalization. Choosing suitable processes for standardization is the essential precondition for streamlining business processes in the first place and therefore for reaping the full benefits of Business Process Standardization. However, there is hardly any tool available that supports the evaluation of business processes for standardization. To close this research gap, we develop an instrument for the evaluation of business processes in the context of Business Process Standardization with the aim to help practitioners in their day-to-day operations. Our research aims at providing the necessary preconditions for companies to profit from the advantages of business process standardization and to support decision-making

    Moderating role of entrepreneurial orientation on the relationship between information security risk assessment and firm performance in Kenya

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    Information security risk assessments enable SMEs to identify their key information assets and risks in order to develop effective and economically-viable control strategies. In Kenya, SMEs employ about 85 percent of the workforce. The need to link ISRA with firm performance has become vital for firms striving to achieve superior performance. However, limited attention has been paid to the link and more so to the moderating role of EO on ISRA-firm performance relationship model. To better understand this relationship, this paper employed a mixed methods research guided by a cross-sectional research design. Quantitative and qualitative techniques were employed to analyze the collected data using SPSS, Ms-Excel, AMOS, SmartPLS, STATA, R-GUI and ATLAS.ti analytical softwares. Analyses were conducted using a two-phase process consisting of CFA and SEM. The theoretical models and hypotheses were tested based on empirical data gathered from 94 SMEs in the 2013 Top 100 Survey. The study found that ISRA was a significant predictor of firm performance. The results also revealed that entrepreneurial orientation significantly moderated the relationship between ISRA and firm performance in Kenya. This study will enhance the skill set in Kenyan SMEs and produce a more sustainable solution

    Dise帽o de un modelo de negocio para ofrecer servicios de seguridad de la informaci贸n a Pymes del sector salud en Bogot谩

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    La seguridad de la informaci贸n busca su protecci贸n de posibles da帽os por revelaci贸n y uso no autorizado; dado que ha cobrado fuerza con el incremento en el uso de informaci贸n digital, las tecnolog铆as de la informaci贸n (TICs), la interconexi贸n para la comunicaci贸n, negociaci贸n y prestaci贸n de servicios; tambi茅n en los eventos disruptivos, como es el caso de la actual pandemia. En el sector de servicios de salud lo anterior toma relevancia por el uso de informaci贸n m茅dica, considerada confidencial y sensible, y cuya revelaci贸n no autorizada puede afectar a las personas y su integridad f铆sica y psicol贸gica. Si bien existe regulaci贸n que busca proteger el derecho b谩sico de las personas a la intimidad y atender a su protecci贸n por estigmas sociales asociados a factores de enfermedad, en el sector salud a煤n no se brinda la relevancia requerida para proteger estos datos, que a la vista de criminales resultan llamativos por su valor en el mercado ilegal. Adem谩s, las condiciones econ贸micas y de desconocimiento agravan esta situaci贸n en las peque帽as y medianas empresas (Pymes), dado que presentan retos en el momento de implementar controles para proteger la informaci贸n de usuarios y pacientes. Este trabajo pretender identificar los elementos que pueden influir en la implementaci贸n de la seguridad de la informaci贸n en las Pymes del sector salud en la ciudad de Bogot谩 y propone un modelo de negocio basado en el Canvas de Osterwalder & Pigneur (2011). Para ello se realiza una revisi贸n de literatura entre los a帽os 2000 y 2020 en relaci贸n con el tema.Information security seeks to protect this from possible hurts for unauthorized disclosure and use. It has gained strength with the increase in to use of digital information, information technologies (TICs), the interconnection for communication, negotiation, and provision of services, as well as disruptive events such as the current pandemic. In the healthcare sector, the above takes relevance for the use of medical information that is considered confidential and sensitive, and whose unauthorized disclosure may affect people and their physical and psychological integrity. Although there are regulations that seek to protect the people鈥檚 basic right to privacy and attend to their protection due to social stigmas associated with disease factors; in the healthcare sector, the relevance required to protect these data isn鈥檛 yet provided, which in the eyes of criminals are striking for their value in the black market. Furthermore, the economic conditions and ack of knowledge aggravate this situation in SMEs since they present challenges when implementing controls to protect users and patient information. This work aims to identify the elements that can be included in the implementation of information security in SMEs in the healthcare sector in Bogot谩 city and propose a business model based on the Osterwalder & Pigneur Canvas (2011). For this, a literature review is carried out between the years 2000 and 2020 in relation to the subject

    The development and implementation of e-health services for the Libyan NHS: case studies of hospitals and clinics in both urban and rural areas

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    This thesis provides an assessment of the readiness levels within both urban and rural hospitals and clinics in Libya for the implementation of E-health systems. This then enabled the construction of a framework for E-health implementation in the Libyan National Health Service (LNHS). The E-health readiness study assessed how medications were prescribed, how patients were referred, how information communication technology (ICT) was utilised in recording patient records, how healthcare staff were trained to use ICT, and how the ways in which consultations were carried out by healthcare staff. The research was done in five rural clinics and five urban medical centres and focused on the E-health readiness levels of the technology, social attitudes, engagement levels and any other needs that were apparent. Collection of the data was carried out using a mixed methods approach with qualitative interviews and quantitative questionnaires. The study indicated that any IT equipment present was not being utilised for clinical purposes and there was no evidence of any E-health technologies being employed. This implies that the maturity level of the healthcare institutions studied was at level zero in the E-health maturity model used in this thesis. In order for the LNHS to raise its maturity levels for the implementation of E-health systems, it needs to persuade LNHS staff and patients to adopt E-health systems. This can be carried out at a local level throughout the LNHS, though this will need to be coordinated at a national level through training, education and programmes to encourage compliance and providing incentives. In order to move E-health technology usage in the participating Libyan healthcare institutions from Level 0 to Level 2 in the E-health Maturity Model levels, an E-health framework was created that is based on the findings of this research study. The primary aim of the LNHS E-Health Framework is the integration of E-health services for improving the delivery of healthcare within the LNHS. To construct the framework and ensure that it was creditable and applicable, work on it was informed directly by the findings from document analysis, literature review, and expert feedback, in conjunction with the primary research findings presented in Chapter Five. When the LNHS E-Health Framework was compiled there were several things taken into consideration, such as: the abilities of healthcare staff, the needs of healthcare institutions and the existing ICT infrastructure that had been recorded in the E-readiness assessment which was carried out in the healthcare institutions (Chapter 5). The framework also provides proposals for E-health systems based on the infrastructure network that will be developed. The processes addressed are electronic health records, E-consultations, E-prescriptions, E-referrals and E-training. The researcher has received very positive, even enthusiastic, feedback from the LNHS and other officals, and that expect the framework to be further developed and implemented by the LNHS in the near future