5 research outputs found


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    The resource reappropriation approach, as examined in this study, has shown positive effects on student engagement and learning outcomes. By reusing existing resources and tailoring them to meet individual student preferences and interests, educators can create more engaging and relevant learning experiences. The traditional "one size fits all" approach often struggles to adapt to the diverse needs and interests of students, resulting in limited achievement and a lack of engagement. The resource reappropriation approach addresses this issue by providing a personalized learning experience for each student. The study employed a mixed-methods research design, combining a literature review with surveys and questionnaires administered to both educators and students. The literature review helped gather existing knowledge and theoretical frameworks related to personalized learning and content reappropriation, providing a foundation for the study. Surveys and questionnaires were then used to collect educators and students’ perspectives and experiences with the resource reappropriation approach. The findings of the study indicated that the resource reappropriation approach had a positive impact on student engagement and learning outcomes. By tailoring learning materials to students’ preferences and interests, educators were able to create more meaningful and relevant content, resulting in increased student engagement. Additionally, the personalized nature of the approach contributed to improved learning outcomes, as students were more motivated to actively participate in their education. The resource reappropriation approach offers a promising method for improving student engagement and learning outcomes. By acknowledging and catering to students' individual needs and interests, educators can create a more personalized and effective learning environment.A abordagem de reapropriação de recursos, como examinada neste estudo, demonstrou efeitos positivos no envolvimento dos estudantes e nos resultados de aprendizagem. Ao reutilizar recursos existentes e adaptá-los para atender às preferências e interesses individuais dos estudantes, os educadores podem criar experiências de aprendizagem mais envolventes e relevantes. A abordagem tradicional de "tamanho único para todos" muitas vezes luta para se adaptar às diversas necessidades e interesses dos estudantes, resultando em realizações limitadas e falta de envolvimento. A abordagem de reapropriação de recursos aborda esse problema, fornecendo uma experiência de aprendizagem personalizada para cada estudante. O estudo empregou um design de pesquisa de métodos mistos, combinando uma revisão de literatura com pesquisas e questionários administrados tanto a educadores quanto a estudantes. A revisão de literatura ajudou a reunir conhecimentos e estruturas teóricas existentes relacionadas à aprendizagem personalizada e reapropriação de conteúdo, fornecendo uma base para o estudo. As pesquisas e questionários foram então usados para coletar perspectivas e experiências de educadores e estudantes com a abordagem de reapropriação de recursos. Os resultados do estudo indicaram que a abordagem de reapropriação de recursos teve um impacto positivo no envolvimento dos estudantes e nos resultados de aprendizagem. Ao adaptar materiais de aprendizagem às preferências e interesses dos estudantes, os educadores foram capazes de criar conteúdo mais significativo e relevante, resultando em maior envolvimento dos estudantes. Além disso, a natureza personalizada da abordagem contribuiu para a melhoria dos resultados de aprendizagem, uma vez que os estudantes estavam mais motivados a participar ativamente de sua educação. A abordagem de reapropriação de recursos oferece um método promissor para melhorar o envolvimento dos estudantes e os resultados de aprendizagem. Ao reconhecer e atender às necessidades e interesses individuais dos estudantes, os educadores podem criar um ambiente de aprendizagem mais personalizado e eficaz

    Beyond xMOOCs in healthcare education : study of the feasibility in integrating virtual patient systems and MOOC platforms

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    Background. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are an emerging trend in online learning. However, their technology is not yet completely adjusted to the needs of healthcare education. Integration of Virtual Patients within MOOCs to increase interactivity and foster clinical reasoning skills training, has been discussed in the past, but not verified by a practical implementation.Objective. To investigate the technical feasibility of integrating MOOCs with Virtual Patients for the purpose of enabling further research into the potential pedagogical benefits of this approach.Methods. We selected OpenEdx and Open Labyrinth as representative constituents of a MOOC platform and Virtual Patient system integration. Based upon our prior experience we selected the most fundamental technical requirement to address. Grounded in the available literature we identified an e-learning standard to guide the integration. We attempted to demonstrate the feasibility of the integration by designing a “proof-of-concept” prototype. The resulting pilot implementation was subject of verification by two test cases.Results. A Single Sign-On mechanism connecting Open Labyrinth with OpenEdx and based on the IMS LTI standard was successfully implemented and verified.Conclusion. We investigated the technical perspective of integrating Virtual Patients with MOOCs. By addressing this crucial technical requirement we set a base for future research on the educational benefits of using virtual patients in MOOCs. This provides new opportunities for integrating specialized software in healthcare education at massive scale

    Software de diseño de instrucción. Evaluación de su utilidad para diseñar exposiciones educativas en museos.

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    Some museum exhibitions are designed for educational purposes. These exhibitions are part of non-formal education although, if analysed from the point of view of instruction, they have many aspects in common with the educational activities of formal education. There is software developed to design activities that are proper to formal education. However, no software has been found for the design of educational exhibitions in museums.The aim of this research is to answer two questions: 1. Can any existing software be used to design educational exhibitions in museums?2. Can any existing software be used as a basis for developing specific software for designing educational exhibitions in museums?In order to answer these questions, firstly, the concepts that should be included in software for exhibition design have been selected and defined. Many of these concepts are shared with those used for the design of formal education activities; others are specific and have been defined in this research.Secondly, from among seventeen instructional design software, seven have been selected that have been able to be installed and evaluated. Next, it has been verified, one by one, if they contemplate the concepts that an exhibition design software should include.The results of the evaluation are presented in a table and some observations. Their analysis has allowed to answer the questions asked.Of the seven evaluated, one, Compendium LD, can be used for the design of educational exhibitions in museums, although with limitations. None of those analysed consider important concepts such as the location of educational objects in space or the description of visitor itineraries. Compendium LD can also be a good starting point for developing specific software.Algunas exposiciones museísticas se diseñan con objetivos educativos; estas exposiciones, se enmarcan dentro de la educación no formal aunque, si se analizan desde el punto de vista de la instrucción, tienen muchos aspectos en común con las actividades educativas de la educación formal. Existe software desarrollado para diseñar actividades propias de la educación formal; en cambio, no se ha encontrado software para el diseño de exposiciones educativas en museos. El objetivo de esta investigación es responder dos preguntas: 1. ¿Puede algún software existente ser utilizado para diseñar exposiciones educativas en museos? 2. ¿Puede algún software existente servir de base para desarrollar un software específico para diseñar exposiciones educativas en museos? Para responder estas preguntas, en primer lugar, se han seleccionado y definido los conceptos que debería incluir un software para el diseño de exposiciones;  muchos de estos conceptos son compartidos con los utilizados para el diseño de las actividades propias de la educación formal; otros, son específicos y han sido definidos en esta investigación. En segundo lugar, de entre diecisiete software de diseño de instrucción, se han seleccionado cinco que han podido ser instalados y evaluados. A continuación se ha verificado, uno a uno, si contemplan los conceptos que un software de diseño de exposiciones debería incluir. Los resultados de la evaluación se presentan en forma de tabla y algunas observaciones; su análisis ha permitido responder las preguntas formuladas. De los cinco evaluados, uno, Compendium LD, puede ser utilizado para el diseño de exposiciones educativas en museos aunque, con limitaciones. Ninguno de los analizados contempla conceptos importantes como la ubicación de los objetos educativos en el espacio o la descripción de los recorridos del visitante. Compendium LD puede ser, además, un buen punto de partida para desarrollar un software específico

    Standardization in computer-based education

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