6 research outputs found

    Staged parser combinators for efficient data processing

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    Parsers are ubiquitous in computing, and many applications depend on their performance for decoding data efficiently. Parser combinators are an intuitive tool for writing parsers: tight integration with the host language enables grammar specifications to be interleaved with processing of parse results. Unfortunately, parser combinators are typically slow due to the high overhead of the host language abstraction mechanisms that enable composition. We present a technique for eliminating such overhead. We use staging, a form of runtime code generation, to dissociate input parsing from parser composition, and eliminate intermediate data structures and computations associated with parser composition at staging time. A key challenge is to maintain support for input dependent grammars, which have no clear stage distinction. Our approach applies to top-down recursive-descent parsers as well as bottom-up nondeterministic parsers with key applications in dynamic programming on sequences, where we auto-generate code for parallel hardware. We achieve performance comparable to specialized, hand-written parsers

    Accelerating parser combinators with macros

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    Parser combinators provide an elegant way of writing parsers: parser implementations closely follow the structure of the underlying grammar, while accommodating interleaved host language code for data processing. However, the host language features used for composition introduce substantial overhead, which leads to poor performance. In this paper, we present a technique to systematically eliminate this overhead. We use Scala macros to analyse the grammar specification at compile-time and remove composition, leaving behind an efficient top-down, recursive-descent parser. We compare our macro-based approach to a staging-based approach using the LMS framework, and provide an experience report in which we discuss the advantages and drawbacks of both methods. Our library outperforms Scala's standard parser combinators on a set of benchmarks by an order of magnitude, and is 2x faster than code generated by LMS

    Parsing for agile modeling

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    Agile modeling refers to a set of methods that allow for a quick initial development of an importer and its further refinement. These requirements are not met simultaneously by the current parsing technology. Problems with parsing became a bottleneck in our research of agile modeling. In this thesis we introduce a novel approach to specify and build parsers. Our approach allows for expressive, tolerant and composable parsers without sacrificing performance. The approach is based on a context-sensitive extension of parsing expression grammars that allows a grammar engineer to specify complex language restrictions. To insure high parsing performance we automatically analyze a grammar definition and choose different parsing strategies for different parts of the grammar. We show that context-sensitive parsing expression grammars allow for highly composable, tolerant and variable-grained parsers that can be easily refined. Different parsing strategies significantly insure high-performance of parsers without sacrificing expressiveness of the underlying grammars

    Staged parser combinators for efficient data processing

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