1,705 research outputs found

    Late-bound code generation

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    Each time a function or method is invoked during the execution of a program, a stream of instructions is issued to some underlying hardware platform. But exactly what underlying hardware, and which instructions, is usually left implicit. However in certain situations it becomes important to control these decisions. For example, particular problems can only be solved in real-time when scheduled on specialised accelerators, such as graphics coprocessors or computing clusters. We introduce a novel operator for hygienically reifying the behaviour of a runtime function instance as a syntactic fragment, in a language which may in general differ from the source function definition. Translation and optimisation are performed by recursively invoked, dynamically dispatched code generators. Side-effecting operations are permitted, and their ordering is preserved. We compare our operator with other techniques for pragmatic control, observing that: the use of our operator supports lifting arbitrary mutable objects, and neither requires rewriting sections of the source program in a multi-level language, nor interferes with the interface to individual software components. Due to its lack of interference at the abstraction level at which software is composed, we believe that our approach poses a significantly lower barrier to practical adoption than current methods. The practical efficacy of our operator is demonstrated by using it to offload the user interface rendering of a smartphone application to an FPGA coprocessor, including both statically and procedurally defined user interface components. The generated pipeline is an application-specific, statically scheduled processor-per-primitive rendering pipeline, suitable for place-and-route style optimisation. To demonstrate the compatibility of our operator with existing languages, we show how it may be defined within the Python programming language. We introduce a transformation for weakening mutable to immutable named bindings, termed let-weakening, to solve the problem of propagating information pertaining to named variables between modular code generating units.Open Acces

    Conditional lexicographic orders in constraint satisfaction problems

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    The lexicographically-ordered CSP ("lexicographic CSP" or "LO-CSP" for short) combines a simple representation of preferences with the feasibility constraints of ordinary CSPs. Preferences are defined by a total ordering across all assignments, such that a change in assignment to a given variable is more important than any change in assignment to any less important variable. In this paper, we show how this representation can be extended to handle conditional preferences in two ways. In the first, for each conditional preference relation, the parents have higher priority than the children in the original lexicographic ordering. In the second, the relation between parents and children need not correspond to the importance ordering of variables. In this case, by obviating the "overwhelming advantage" effect with respect to the original variables and values, the representational capacity is significantly enhanced. For problems of the first type, any of the algorithms originally devised for ordinary LO-CSPs can also be used when some of the domain orderings are dependent on assignments to "parent" variables. For problems of the second type, algorithms based on lexical orders can be used if the representation is augmented by variables and constraints that link preference orders to assignments. In addition, the branch-and-bound algorithm originally devised for ordinary LO-CSPs can be extended to handle CSPs with conditional domain orderings

    Polymorphic Context for Contextual Modality

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    Through the Curry-Howard isomorphism between logics and calculi, necessity modality in logic is interpreted as types representing program code. Particularly, \lamcirc, which was proposed in influential work by Davies, and its successors have been widely used as a logical foundation for syntactic meta-programming. However, it is less known how to extend calculi based on modal type theory to handle more practical operations including manipulation of variable binding structures. This paper constructs such a modal type theory in two steps. First, we reconstruct contextual modal type theory by Nanevski, et al.\ as a Fitch-style system, which introduces hypothetical judgment with hierarchical context. The resulting type theory, \multilayer contextual modal type theory \fcmtt, is generalized to accommodate not only S4 but also K, T, and K4 modalities, and proven to enjoy many desired properties. Second, we extend \fcmtt with polymorphic context, which is an internalization of contextual weakening, to obtain a novel modal type theory \envpoly. Despite the fact that it came from observation in logic, polymorphic context allows both binding manipulation and hygienic code generation. We claim this by showing a sound translation from \lamcirc to \envpoly

    AutoGraph: Imperative-style Coding with Graph-based Performance

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    There is a perceived trade-off between machine learning code that is easy to write, and machine learning code that is scalable or fast to execute. In machine learning, imperative style libraries like Autograd and PyTorch are easy to write, but suffer from high interpretive overhead and are not easily deployable in production or mobile settings. Graph-based libraries like TensorFlow and Theano benefit from whole-program optimization and can be deployed broadly, but make expressing complex models more cumbersome. We describe how the use of staged programming in Python, via source code transformation, offers a midpoint between these two library design patterns, capturing the benefits of both. A key insight is to delay all type-dependent decisions until runtime, via dynamic dispatch. We instantiate these principles in AutoGraph, a software system that improves the programming experience of the TensorFlow library, and demonstrate usability improvements with no loss in performance compared to native TensorFlow graphs. We also show that our system is backend agnostic, and demonstrate targeting an alternate IR with characteristics not found in TensorFlow graphs

    Lexicographically-ordered constraint satisfaction problems

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    We describe a simple CSP formalism for handling multi-attribute preference problems with hard constraints, one that combines hard constraints and preferences so the two are easily distinguished conceptually and for purposes of problem solving. Preferences are represented as a lexicographic order over complete assignments based on variable importance and rankings of values in each domain. Feasibility constraints are treated in the usual manner. Since the preference representation is ordinal in character, these problems can be solved with algorithms that do not require evaluations to be represented explicitly. This includes ordinary CSP algorithms, although these cannot stop searching until all solutions have been checked, with the important exception of heuristics that follow the preference order (lexical variable and value ordering). We describe relations between lexicographic CSPs and more general soft constraint formalisms and show how a full lexicographic ordering can be expressed in the latter. We discuss relations with (T)CP-nets, highlighting the advantages of the present formulation, and we discuss the use of lexicographic ordering in multiobjective optimisation. We also consider strengths and limitations of this form of representation with respect to expressiveness and usability. We then show how the simple structure of lexicographic CSPs can support specialised algorithms: a branch and bound algorithm with an implicit cost function, and an iterative algorithm that obtains optimal values for successive variables in the importance ordering, both of which can be combined with appropriate variable ordering heuristics to improve performance. We show experimentally that with these procedures a variety of problems can be solved efficiently, including some for which the basic lexically ordered search is infeasible in practice