1,838 research outputs found

    Locating bugs without looking back

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    Bug localisation is a core program comprehension task in software maintenance: given the observation of a bug, e.g. via a bug report, where is it located in the source code? Information retrieval (IR) approaches see the bug report as the query, and the source code files as the documents to be retrieved, ranked by relevance. Such approaches have the advantage of not requiring expensive static or dynamic analysis of the code. However, current state-of-the-art IR approaches rely on project history, in particular previously fixed bugs or previous versions of the source code. We present a novel approach that directly scores each current file against the given report, thus not requiring past code and reports. The scoring method is based on heuristics identified through manual inspection of a small sample of bug reports. We compare our approach to eight others, using their own five metrics on their own six open source projects. Out of 30 performance indicators, we improve 27 and equal 2. Over the projects analysed, on average we find one or more affected files in the top 10 ranked files for 76% of the bug reports. These results show the applicability of our approach to software projects without history

    An Empirical Study on Android-related Vulnerabilities

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    Mobile devices are used more and more in everyday life. They are our cameras, wallets, and keys. Basically, they embed most of our private information in our pocket. For this and other reasons, mobile devices, and in particular the software that runs on them, are considered first-class citizens in the software-vulnerabilities landscape. Several studies investigated the software-vulnerabilities phenomenon in the context of mobile apps and, more in general, mobile devices. Most of these studies focused on vulnerabilities that could affect mobile apps, while just few investigated vulnerabilities affecting the underlying platform on which mobile apps run: the Operating System (OS). Also, these studies have been run on a very limited set of vulnerabilities. In this paper we present the largest study at date investigating Android-related vulnerabilities, with a specific focus on the ones affecting the Android OS. In particular, we (i) define a detailed taxonomy of the types of Android-related vulnerability; (ii) investigate the layers and subsystems from the Android OS affected by vulnerabilities; and (iii) study the survivability of vulnerabilities (i.e., the number of days between the vulnerability introduction and its fixing). Our findings could help OS and apps developers in focusing their verification & validation activities, and researchers in building vulnerability detection tools tailored for the mobile world

    How Shallow is a Bug? Why Open Source Communities Shorten the Repair Time of Software Defects

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    A central tenet of the open source software development methodology is that the community of users and developers is instrumental in improving the quality of software. Using a 10-year longitudinal dataset from the Firefox community, I investigate how the size of a community in terms of bug reporters and software developers, the social networks of developers and the quality of user contributions influence the time needed to repair software defects. The results show that a large open source community in terms of bug reporters reduces the time needed to resolve a defect while the addition of new software developers to an open source community takes away resources to fix bugs and increase the time needed to resolve a defect. In addition, software developers occupying dense network positions need less time to solve a bug. Finally, user contributions are beneficial when bugs are lively discussed but there is no support for the prediction that the experience of the bug reporter or the quality of the bug report reduces the time needed to solve a software defect

    How do software practitioners perceive human-centric defects?

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    Context: Human-centric software design and development focuses on how users want to carry out their tasks rather than making users accommodate their software. Software users can have different genders, ages, cultures, languages, disabilities, socioeconomic statuses, and educational backgrounds, among many other differences. Due to the inherently varied nature of these differences and their impact on software usage, preferences and issues of users can vary, resulting in user-specific defects that we term as `human-centric defects' (HCDs). Objective: This research aims to understand the perception and current management practices of such human-centric defects by software practitioners, identify key challenges in reporting, understanding and fixing them, and provide recommendations to improve HCDs management in software engineering. Method: We conducted a survey and interviews with software engineering practitioners to gauge their knowledge and experience on HCDs and the defect tracking process. Results: We analysed fifty (50) survey- and ten (10) interview- responses from SE practitioners and identified that there are multiple gaps in the current management of HCDs in software engineering practice. There is a lack of awareness regarding human-centric aspects, causing them to be lost or under-appreciated during software development. Our results revealed that handling HCDs could be improved by following a better feedback process with end-users, a more descriptive taxonomy, and suitable automation. Conclusion: HCDs present a major challenge to software practitioners, given their diverse end-user base. In the software engineering domain, research on HCDs has been limited and requires effort from the research and practice communities to create better awareness and support regarding human-centric aspects

    Learning Code Transformations via Neural Machine Translation

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    Source code evolves – inevitably – to remain useful, secure, correct, readable, and efficient. Developers perform software evolution and maintenance activities by transforming existing source code via corrective, adaptive, perfective, and preventive changes. These code changes are usually managed and stored by a variety of tools and infrastructures such as version control, issue trackers, and code review systems. Software Evolution and Maintenance researchers have been mining these code archives in order to distill useful insights on the nature of such developers’ activities. One of the long-lasting goal of Software Engineering research is to better support and automate different types of code changes performed by developers. In this thesis we depart from classic manually crafted rule- or heuristic-based approaches, and propose a novel technique to learn code transformations by leveraging the vast amount of publicly available code changes performed by developers. We rely on Deep Learning, and in particular on Neural Machine Translation (NMT), to train models able to learn code change patterns and apply them to novel, unseen, source code. First, we tackle the problem of generating source code mutants for Mutation Testing. In contrast with classic approaches, which rely on handcrafted mutation operators, we propose to automatically learn how to mutate source code by observing real faults. We mine millions of bug fixing commits from GitHub, process and abstract their source code. This data is used to train and evaluate an NMT model to translate fixed code into buggy code (i.e., the mutated code). In the second project, we rely on the same dataset of bug-fixes to learn code transformations for the purpose of Automated Program Repair (APR). This represents one of the most challenging research problem in Software Engineering, whose goal is to automatically fix bugs without developers’ intervention. We train a model to translate buggy code into fixed code (i.e., learning patches) and, in conjunction with Beam Search, generate many different potential patches for a given buggy method. In our empirical investigation we found that such a model is able to fix thousands of unique buggy methods in the wild.Finally, in our third project we push our novel technique to the limits and enlarge the scope to consider not only bug-fixing activities, but any type of meaningful code changes performed by developers. We focus on accepted and merged code changes that undergone a Pull Request (PR) process. We quantitatively and qualitatively investigate the code transformations learned by the model to build a taxonomy. The taxonomy shows that NMT can replicate a wide variety of meaningful code changes, especially refactorings and bug-fixing activities. In this dissertation we illustrate and evaluate the proposed techniques, which represent a significant departure from earlier approaches in the literature. The promising results corroborate the potential applicability of learning techniques, such as NMT, to a variety of Software Engineering tasks

    Effort Estimation Factors for Corrective Software Maintenance Projects: A Qualitative Analysis of Estimation Criteria

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    In this paper, we identify factors that impact software maintenance effort by exploring expert software maintenance estimators’ knowledge about corrective maintenance projects. We use a qualitative approach to identify the issues important to these experts to derive their effort estimates. We find seventeen factors (rated and rank ordered by importance) that affect corrective maintenance effort and include constructs related to developers, code, defects, and environment. Several of these factors that have a comparably strong influence on corrective maintenance estimation are unique to corrective maintenance and are not generally observed in established software estimation models. The results enhance organizations’ ability to effectively manage maintenance environments by focusing attention on the identified areas. For future research, these results represent an important step toward developing a comprehensive and accurate corrective maintenance effort estimation model

    Design Architecture, Developer Networks and Performance of Open Source Software Projects

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    In this study we seek to understand the factors differentiating successful from unsuccessful software projects. This article develops and tests a model measuring the impact on software project performance of (1) software products ’ design architectures and (2) developers ’ positions within collaborative networks. Two indicators of project success are used: product quality and project velocity. Two dimensions of design architecture – degree of decomposition and coupling – and one characteristic of developer network structures – degree centrality – are investigated for their impact on project performance. Using data gathered from SourceForge.net and its monthly dumps, we empirically test hypotheses on the top 100 projects according to project rankings. These rankings are generated from the traffic, communication, and development statistics collected for each project hosted on SourceForge.net. Besides the top 100 projects, we also randomly choose another 100 projects to form the data sample. The main findings are that (1) the degree of decomposition has an inverted U-shaped relationship with project performance, (2) when tested on the sample of top 100 projects, average degree centrality of a project team has a positive and significant effect on project performance and (3) the effects of network metrics o
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