323 research outputs found

    Ore depositional processes in the formation of the Navan zinc/lead deposit, Co. Meath, Ireland

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    Strathclyde theses - ask staff. Thesis no.: T678

    A taxonomic classification of visual design representations used by industrial designers and engineering designers

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    In the context of new product development (NPD), research has shown that not having a common understanding of visual design representations (VDRs) has affected collaboration between industrial designers and engineering designers. The aim of the research presented in this paper was two-fold. Firstly, to identify the representations employed by industrial designers and engineering designers during NPD from a literature survey. Secondly, to define and categorize these representations in the form of a taxonomy that is a systematic organization of VDRs that are presently dispersed in the literature. For the development of the taxonomy, four measures encompassing orthogonality, spanning, completeness and usability were employed. It resulted in four groups consisting of sketches, drawings, models and prototypes. Validation was undertaken by means of an interview survey and further, presenting the taxonomy at an international conference. The results showed that no issues were raised by the respondents concerning the structure of the taxonomy or its components

    Kadar Kalsium Dan Vitamin C Dodol Labu Kuning (Cucurbita Moschata) Dan Buah Sirsak (Annona Muricata, L.) Dengan Variasi Pemanis

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    Dodol adalah salah satu makanan tradisional yang dibuat dengan bahan dasar santan kelapa, tepung beras ketan, dan gula. Labu kuning (Cucurbita moschata) dan buah sirsak (Annona muricata, L) merupakan buah yang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan campuran dodol. Keduanya memiliki kandungan protein, lemak, karbohidrat, kalsium, fosfor, serat, vitamin A, B1, B2,C, dan niacin dalam jumlah berbeda. Variasi pemanis yaitu gula kelapa dan gula pasir menambah cita rasa produk dodol. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh labu kuning dan buah sirsak dengan variasi pemanis terhadap kadar kalsium, vitamin C, uji organoleptik, dan daya terima dodol. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) 2 faktor, faktor pertama yaitu labu kuning:buah sirsak, 75%:25% (L1), 65%:35% (L2), 55%:45% (L3), 100%:0% (L4), 0%:100% (L5), dan faktor kedua variasi pemanis 50 g gula kelapa (G1) dan gula pasir (G2) dengan 3 kali ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh labu kuning dan buah sirsak dengan variasi pemanis terhadap kadar kalsium dan vitamin C. Kadar kalsium tertinggi dodol labu kuning 100%+gula kelapa 50 g (L4G1) yaitu 23,33 mg dan vitamin C tertinggi buah sirsak 100%+ gula kelapa 50 g (L4G1) yaitu 14,750 mg. Dodol labu kuning 75%:buah sirsak 25%+gula pasir 50 g (L1G2) dengan warna kuning tua, rasa manis sedikit asam, aroma dominansi labu kuning, sedikit buah sirsak, tekstur cukup kenyal, disukai panelis dengan kadar kalsium 14,13 mg, dan kadar vitamin C 7,568 mg. Dodol labu kuning dan buah sirsak dengan variasi pemanis sesuai dengan Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI)

    Pixel-level data fusion techniques applied to the detection of gust fonts

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    Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1994.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 68-69).by Samuel M. Kwon.M.S

    Heterogenous integration of diamond with non-native substrates

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    Strathclyde theses - ask staff. Thesis no. : T15227This thesis addresses the challenges with utilising diamond for integrated optical devices; a platform where its impressive material properties can be exploited. The major objective was to develop a process by which diamond could be heterogeneously integrated with non-native device platforms, to overcome its limited geometry. A process was developed for fabrication, handling, and hybrid integration of ultra thin diamond membranes. Plasma-etch chemistries were developed, that enabled such processing, and provided sub-nm r.m.s. roughness.Two sets of monolithic diamond structures were fabricated and transfer printed with a thickness down to ~10 nm. For thickness characterisation, diamond platelets, finding a low local-variation across typical device geometries. Diamond resonator devices were also fabricated and when integrated with SOI waveguides they showed high Q-factors as large as 1.8 x 10⁵. Thermo-optic tuning of these devices by > 450 pm at low mW powers was demonstrated, which has great significance to all integrated optical fields where resonant frequency of a cavity is important. The techniques developed are independent of integration platforms and are of wide reaching relevance to the optics community.This thesis addresses the challenges with utilising diamond for integrated optical devices; a platform where its impressive material properties can be exploited. The major objective was to develop a process by which diamond could be heterogeneously integrated with non-native device platforms, to overcome its limited geometry. A process was developed for fabrication, handling, and hybrid integration of ultra thin diamond membranes. Plasma-etch chemistries were developed, that enabled such processing, and provided sub-nm r.m.s. roughness.Two sets of monolithic diamond structures were fabricated and transfer printed with a thickness down to ~10 nm. For thickness characterisation, diamond platelets, finding a low local-variation across typical device geometries. Diamond resonator devices were also fabricated and when integrated with SOI waveguides they showed high Q-factors as large as 1.8 x 10⁵. Thermo-optic tuning of these devices by > 450 pm at low mW powers was demonstrated, which has great significance to all integrated optical fields where resonant frequency of a cavity is important. The techniques developed are independent of integration platforms and are of wide reaching relevance to the optics community

    Developing a methodology for appraising building integrated low or zero carbon technologies

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    Strathclyde theses - ask staff. Thesis no. : T13113The advent of environmentally driven building regulations, rising energy costs, and heightened client awareness of energy related issues has increased the demand for assessing the potential of Low or Zero Carbon (LZC) energy supply systems. There are many software tools that have been developed to assist the designer in carrying out performance appraisals ranging from simple device models for feasibility assessments through to integrated simulation tools for detailed analyses of building integrated technologies. However, it is seldom the case that any one software tool can undertake a complete appraisal for building integrated LZC technologies. Usually a range of tools is required for different technology options at different design stages. Therefore there is a clear need for an effective assessment methodology for the use of software in LZC technology analysis. The objective of this project was to develop this methodology and apply the software (termed a "toolkit") to a 'real design' problem. The results from the analysis are discussed and clarity for presenting these results to non-technical stakeholders, within the design process, has been emphasised.The advent of environmentally driven building regulations, rising energy costs, and heightened client awareness of energy related issues has increased the demand for assessing the potential of Low or Zero Carbon (LZC) energy supply systems. There are many software tools that have been developed to assist the designer in carrying out performance appraisals ranging from simple device models for feasibility assessments through to integrated simulation tools for detailed analyses of building integrated technologies. However, it is seldom the case that any one software tool can undertake a complete appraisal for building integrated LZC technologies. Usually a range of tools is required for different technology options at different design stages. Therefore there is a clear need for an effective assessment methodology for the use of software in LZC technology analysis. The objective of this project was to develop this methodology and apply the software (termed a "toolkit") to a 'real design' problem. The results from the analysis are discussed and clarity for presenting these results to non-technical stakeholders, within the design process, has been emphasised

    Rol de brasinoesteroides y etapas de pulverizacion en plantas de Zea mays

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    Introduction: A Field experiment was conducted at the experimental farm, Dept. of Field Crop (Al-Jadriya), Coll. of Agric., Univ. of Baghdad to study the effects of brassinolide concentrations and spraying stages on yield and its components of maize (Baghdad 3 cultivar) during spring and autumn seasons in 2017. Materials and Methods: A randomized complete blocks design arranged in actorial experiment was used with three replicates. The first factor included three concentrations (0, 2 and 4 mg L-1) of brassinolide,and the second factor included spraying stages (4, 8, 12, 4 + 8, 4 + 12, and 8 + 12 leaves) using the same concentrations for each stage. Results and discussion: Results showed that the concentration 4 mg L-1 gave the highest grain yield (6.59 and 7.15 t ha-1) for its superiority in 500 grain weight (102.74 and 112.26 g) and number of ears per plant (1.43 and 1.44 ear) for both spring and autumn seasons, respectively. The spraying stage (4 + 8 leaves) recorded highest grain yield (6.33 and 6.77 t ha-1), and 500 grain weight (104.73 and 119.20 g) for both spring and autumn seasons, respectively. The effect of interaction for both factors was significant in most studied traits. Conclusion: Therefore, we recommend spraying Brassinolide in a concentration of 4 mg L-1 at the stage 4 + 8 leaves to increase grain yield of maiz

    Design of implicit routing protocols for large scale mobile wireless sensor networks

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    Strathclyde theses - ask staff. Thesis no. : T13189Most developments in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) routing protocols address static network scenarios. Schemes developed to manage mobility in other mobile networking implementations do not translate effectively to WSNs as the system design parameters are markedly different. Thus this research focuses on the issues of mobility and scalability in order to enable the full potential of WSNs to self-organise and co-operate and in so doing, meet the requirements of a rich mix of applications. In the goal of designing efficient, reliable routing protocols for large scale mobile WSN applications, this work lays the foundation by firstly presenting a strong case supported by extensive simulations, for the use of implicit connections. Then two novel implicit routing protocols - Virtual Grid Paging (VGP) and Virtual Zone Registration and Paging (VZRP) - that treat packet routing from node mobility and network scalability viewpoints are designed and analysed. Implicit routing exploits the connection availability and diversity in the underlying network to provide benefits such as fault tolerance, overhead control and improvement in QoS (Quality of Service) such as delay. Analysis and simulation results show that the proposed protocols guarantee significant improvement, delivering a more reliable, more efficient and better network performance compared with alternatives.Most developments in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) routing protocols address static network scenarios. Schemes developed to manage mobility in other mobile networking implementations do not translate effectively to WSNs as the system design parameters are markedly different. Thus this research focuses on the issues of mobility and scalability in order to enable the full potential of WSNs to self-organise and co-operate and in so doing, meet the requirements of a rich mix of applications. In the goal of designing efficient, reliable routing protocols for large scale mobile WSN applications, this work lays the foundation by firstly presenting a strong case supported by extensive simulations, for the use of implicit connections. Then two novel implicit routing protocols - Virtual Grid Paging (VGP) and Virtual Zone Registration and Paging (VZRP) - that treat packet routing from node mobility and network scalability viewpoints are designed and analysed. Implicit routing exploits the connection availability and diversity in the underlying network to provide benefits such as fault tolerance, overhead control and improvement in QoS (Quality of Service) such as delay. Analysis and simulation results show that the proposed protocols guarantee significant improvement, delivering a more reliable, more efficient and better network performance compared with alternatives

    Kotona loppuun saakka : kotisaattohoidon opas Ylöjärven kotitiimin hoitohenkilökunnalle

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    Saattohoito on siirtymässä yhä enenevissä määrin ihmisten koteihin. Kotisaattohoitoon päädytään potilaan ja hänen läheistensä toiveesta. Erikoissairaanhoitoa tarjoavien kotisairaaloiden lisäksi perushoidosta huolehtivalla kotihoidolla on suuri rooli potilaan kotona tapahtuvassa saattohoidossa. Pelkän kotisairaalan ja kotihoidon avulla kotisaattohoito on kuitenkin mahdotonta, vaan se vaatii panostusta myös potilaan läheisiltä. On myös tärkeää muistaa, että hoidon keskiössä on aina potilas. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin yhteistyössä Ylöjärven kaupungin kanssa. Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli tehdä kotisaattohoidon opas Ylöjärven kaupungin kotitiimin hoitohenkilökunnalle. Lisäksi hoitohenkilökunta sai käyttöönsä opinnäytetyön kirjallisen osuuden. Tavoitteena oli auttaa Ylöjärven kaupunkia kehittämään kotisaattohoitoaan, sekä madaltaa hoitohenkilökunnan kynnystä työskennellä saattohoidettavan potilaan kotona. Tärkeimpinä tehtävinä oli selvittää, millaista on hyvä kotisaattohoito, ja minkälainen hoito-opas on hyvä henkilökunnan käyttöön. Opinnäytetyö tehtiin toiminnallisella menetelmällä, ja se painottui tuotokseen. Opinnäytetyön tuotos, eli hoito-opas, tehtiin tämän työn kirjallisen osuuden pohjalta. Lääkehoito rajattiin pois sekä työstä että hoito-oppaasta, sillä lääkehoidosta päättää aina viimekädessä lääkäri. Hyvä kotisaattohoito on yksilöllistä, potilaan kotona tapahtuvaa kuolemaa edeltävää hoitoa. Hyvä opas on selkeä ja informatiivinen, ja sen teossa on otettu huomioon kohderyhmä. Hoito-opas on suunnattu erityisesti hoitajille, jotka suorittavat valtaosan potilaan luona tapahtuvasta hoidosta. Kehittämisehdotuksena esitetään, että hoitajille pidettäisiin koulutustilaisuus, esimerkiksi luento, jossa kerrottaisiin tarkemmin kotisaattohoidosta. Se eroaa tietyiltä osin hoitolaitoksessa tapahtuvasta saattohoidosta, tapahtuuhan hoito potilaan omassa kodissa. Erityisesti vastavalmistuneet ja kokemattomat hoitajat voisivat hyötyä tästä, ja saada sen avulla varmuutta potilaan kotona toimimiseen. Hoitajille voitaisiin myös tehdä kysely tai tutkimus, josta selviäisi mitä tietoa he tarvitsevat kotisaattohoidosta.Hospice care is being provided more and more at people’s homes. Home hospice care is opted by the patient and his/her family. Along with hospital at home that provides special health care, home care has a big role in hospice care provided at patient’s home as well. Home hospice care with hospital at home and home care is impossible, however, but it also requires patient’s family’s attendance. After all it is important to remember, that patient comes always first. This bachelor’s thesis was executed in collaboration with the city of Ylöjärvi. The purpose of this thesis was to create a guide for Home hospice care guide for the city of Ylöjärvi’s home team’s nursing staff. The goal was to help the city of Ylöjärvi to improve their home hospice care, and to make working in patient’s homes easier to for the nursing staff. Thesis was made by using functional method. The result of the thesis was a care guide developed from the theory. Medication was outruled from both thesis and the guide, since it is eventually doctor’s decision. The guide is aimed especially to provide information for nurses and practical nurses, who fulfills most of the care. To improve, In-service training and educational events should be organised for nurses to improve their knowledge on Homecare. There are significant differences in Hospice provided at home and at the hospital. Newly graduated and inexperienced nurses could benefit from this work

    A study about the instruction for master’s thesis and research works for “experience reflection” in graduate schools in Japan: interviews with the academic staff

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    In this paper, it was analyzed some characters of instruction for master’s thesis and research papers for professional mature students in Graduate Schools in Japan. From interviews to 11 academic staff in Graduate schools, where they were teaching and instructing professional mature students, the following investigation results were shown: 1) a flexible approach for program completion; 2) instruction to reflective and biographical research approach (reflection in and on action, relativization of thinking and discussion, a bridge between theories and biographical life story etc.). Women staff and women professional students also proposed issues related to life, and flat discussion must be important especially for the independence of the women