18 research outputs found

    Artificial neural network technique for improving prediction of credit card default: A stacked sparse autoencoder approach

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    Presently, the use of a credit card has become an integral part of contemporary banking and financial system. Predicting potential credit card defaulters or debtors is a crucial business opportunity for financial institutions. For now, some machine learning methods have been applied to achieve this task. However, with the dynamic and imbalanced nature of credit card default data, it is challenging for classical machine learning algorithms to proffer robust models with optimal performance. Research has shown that the performance of machine learning algorithms can be significantly improved when provided with optimal features. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised feature learning method to improve the performance of various classifiers using a stacked sparse autoencoder (SSAE). The SSAE was optimized to achieve improved performance. The proposed SSAE learned excellent feature representations that were used to train the classifiers. The performance of the proposed approach is compared with an instance where the classifiers were trained using the raw data. Also, a comparison is made with previous scholarly works, and the proposed approach showed superior performance over other methods

    Diagnosis electromechanical system by means CNN and SAE: an interpretable-learning study

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    © 2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Cyber-physical systems are the response to the adaptability, scalability and accurate demands of the new era of manufacturing called Industry 4.0. They will become the core technology of control and monitoring in smart manufacturing processes. In this regard, the complexity of industrial systems implies a challenge for the implementation of monitoring and diagnosis schemes. Moreover, the challenges that is presented in technological aspects regarding connectivity, data management and computing are being resolved through different IT-OT (information technology and operational technology) convergence proposals. These solutions are making it possible to have large computing capacities and low response latency. However, regarding the logical part of information processing and analysis, this still requires additional studies to identify the options with a better complexity-performance trade-off. The emergence of techniques based on artificial intelligence, especially those based on deep-learning, has provided monitoring schemes with the capacity for characterization and recognition in front of complex electromechanical systems. However, most deep learning-based schemes suffer from critical lack of interpretability lying to low generalization capabilities and overfitted responses. This paper proposes a study of two of the main deep learning-based techniques applied to fault diagnosis in electromechanical systems. An analysis of the interpretability of the learning processes is carried out, and the approaches are evaluated under common performance metrics.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Deep Learning-Based Machinery Fault Diagnostics

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    This book offers a compilation for experts, scholars, and researchers to present the most recent advancements, from theoretical methods to the applications of sophisticated fault diagnosis techniques. The deep learning methods for analyzing and testing complex mechanical systems are of particular interest. Special attention is given to the representation and analysis of system information, operating condition monitoring, the establishment of technical standards, and scientific support of machinery fault diagnosis

    Deep-compact-clustering based anomaly detection applied to electromechanical industrial systems

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    The rapid growth in the industrial sector has required the development of more productive and reliable machinery, and therefore, leads to complex systems. In this regard, the automatic detection of unknown events in machinery represents a greater challenge, since uncharacterized catastrophic faults can occur. However, the existing methods for anomaly detection present limitations when dealing with highly complex industrial systems. For that purpose, a novel fault diagnosis methodology is developed to face the anomaly detection. An unsupervised anomaly detection framework named deep-autoencoder-compact-clustering one-class support-vector machine (DAECC-OC-SVM) is presented, which aims to incorporate the advantages of automatically learnt representation by deep neural network to improved anomaly detection performance. The method combines the training of a deep-autoencoder with clustering compact model and a one-class support-vector-machine function-based outlier detection method. The addressed methodology is applied on a public rolling bearing faults experimental test bench and on multi-fault experimental test bench. The results show that the proposed methodology it is able to accurately to detect unknown defects, outperforming other state-of-the-art methods.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Machine learning and deep learning based methods toward Industry 4.0 predictive maintenance in induction motors: Α state of the art survey

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    Purpose: Developments in Industry 4.0 technologies and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have enabled data-driven manufacturing. Predictive maintenance (PdM) has therefore become the prominent approach for fault detection and diagnosis (FD/D) of induction motors (IMs). The maintenance and early FD/D of IMs are critical processes, considering that they constitute the main power source in the industrial production environment. Machine learning (ML) methods have enhanced the performance and reliability of PdM. Various deep learning (DL) based FD/D methods have emerged in recent years, providing automatic feature engineering and learning and thereby alleviating drawbacks of traditional ML based methods. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of ML and DL based FD/D methods of IMs that have emerged since 2015. An overview of the main DL architectures used for this purpose is also presented. A discussion of the recent trends is given as well as future directions for research. Design/methodology/approach: A comprehensive survey has been carried out through all available publication databases using related keywords. Classification of the reviewed works has been done according to the main ML and DL techniques and algorithms Findings: DL based PdM methods have been mainly introduced and implemented for IM fault diagnosis in recent years. Novel DL FD/D methods are based on single DL techniques as well as hybrid techniques. DL methods have also been used for signal preprocessing and moreover, have been combined with traditional ML algorithms to enhance the FD/D performance in feature engineering. Publicly available datasets have been mostly used to test the performance of the developed methods, however industrial datasets should become available as well. Multi-agent system (MAS) based PdM employing ML classifiers has been explored. Several methods have investigated multiple IM faults, however, the presence of multiple faults occurring simultaneously has rarely been investigated. Originality/value: The paper presents a comprehensive review of the recent advances in PdM of IMs based on ML and DL methods that have emerged since 2015Peer Reviewe

    Sensor Signal and Information Processing II

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    In the current age of information explosion, newly invented technological sensors and software are now tightly integrated with our everyday lives. Many sensor processing algorithms have incorporated some forms of computational intelligence as part of their core framework in problem solving. These algorithms have the capacity to generalize and discover knowledge for themselves and learn new information whenever unseen data are captured. The primary aim of sensor processing is to develop techniques to interpret, understand, and act on information contained in the data. The interest of this book is in developing intelligent signal processing in order to pave the way for smart sensors. This involves mathematical advancement of nonlinear signal processing theory and its applications that extend far beyond traditional techniques. It bridges the boundary between theory and application, developing novel theoretically inspired methodologies targeting both longstanding and emergent signal processing applications. The topic ranges from phishing detection to integration of terrestrial laser scanning, and from fault diagnosis to bio-inspiring filtering. The book will appeal to established practitioners, along with researchers and students in the emerging field of smart sensors processing

    Application of Deep Learning in Chemical Processes: Explainability, Monitoring and Observability

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    The last decade has seen remarkable advances in speech, image, and language recognition tools that have been made available to the public through computer and mobile devices’ applications. Most of these significant improvements were achieved by Artificial Intelligence (AI)/ deep learning (DL) algorithms (Hinton et al., 2006) that generally refers to a set of novel neural network architectures and algorithms such as long-short term memory (LSTM) units, convolutional networks (CNN), autoencoders (AE), t-distributed stochastic embedding (TSNE), etc. Although neural networks are not new, due to a combination of relatively novel improvements in methods for training the networks and the availability of increasingly powerful computers, one can now model much more complex nonlinear dynamic behaviour by using complex structures of neurons, i.e. more layers of neurons, than ever before (Goodfellow et al., 2016). However, it is recognized that the training of neural nets of such complex structures requires a vast amount of data. In this sense manufacturing processes are good candidates for deep learning applications since they utilize computers and information systems for monitoring and control thus generating a massive amount of data. This is especially true in pharmaceutical companies such as Sanofi Pasteur, the industrial collaborator for the current study, where large data sets are routinely stored for monitoring and regulatory purposes. Although novel DL algorithms have been applied with great success in image analysis, speech recognition, and language translation, their applications to chemical processes and pharmaceutical processes, in particular, are scarce. The current work deals with the investigation of deep learning in process systems engineering for three main areas of application: (i) Developing a deep learning classification model for profit-based operating regions. (ii) Developing both supervised and unsupervised process monitoring algorithms. (iii) Observability Analysis It is recognized that most empirical or black-box models, including DL models, have good generalization capabilities but are difficult to interpret. For example, using these methods it is difficult to understand how a particular decision is made, which input variable/feature is greatly influencing the decision made by the DL models etc. This understanding is expected to shed light on why biased results can be obtained or why a wrong class is predicted with a higher probability in classification problems. Hence, a key goal of the current work is on deriving process insights from DL models. To this end, the work proposes both supervised and unsupervised learning approaches to identify regions of process inputs that result in corresponding regions, i.e. ranges of values, of process profit. Furthermore, it will be shown that the ability to better interpret the model by identifying inputs that are most informative can be used to reduce over-fitting. To this end, a neural network (NN) pruning algorithm is developed that provides important physical insights on the system regarding the inputs that have positive and negative effect on profit function and to detect significant changes in process phenomenon. It is shown that pruning of input variables significantly reduces the number of parameters to be estimated and improves the classification test accuracy for both case studies: the Tennessee Eastman Process (TEP) and an industrial vaccine manufacturing process. The ability to store a large amount of data has permitted the use of deep learning (DL) and optimization algorithms for the process industries. In order to meet high levels of product quality, efficiency, and reliability, a process monitoring system is needed. The two aspects of Statistical Process Control (SPC) are fault detection and diagnosis (FDD). Many multivariate statistical methods like PCA and PLS and their dynamic variants have been extensively used for FD. However, the inherent non-linearities in the process pose challenges while using these linear models. Numerous deep learning FDD approaches have also been developed in the literature. However, the contribution plots for identifying the root cause of the fault have not been derived from Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). To this end, the supervised fault detection problem in the current work is formulated as a binary classification problem while the supervised fault diagnosis problem is formulated as a multi-class classification problem to identify the type of fault. Then, the application of the concept of explainability of DNNs is explored with its particular application in FDD problem. The developed methodology is demonstrated on TEP with non-incipient faults. Incipient faults are faulty conditions where signal to noise ratio is small and have not been widely studied in the literature. To address the same, a hierarchical dynamic deep learning algorithm is developed specifically to address the issue of fault detection and diagnosis of incipient faults. One of the major drawbacks of both the methods described above is the availability of labeled data i.e. normal operation and faulty operation data. From an industrial point of view, most data in an industrial setting, especially for biochemical processes, is obtained during normal operation and faulty data may not be available or may be insufficient. Hence, we also develop an unsupervised DL approach for process monitoring. It involves a novel objective function and a NN architecture that is tailored to detect the faults effectively. The idea is to learn the distribution of normal operation data to differentiate among the fault conditions. In order to demonstrate the advantages of the proposed methodology for fault detection, systematic comparisons are conducted with Multiway Principal Component Analysis (MPCA) and Multiway Partial Least Squares (MPLS) on an industrial scale Penicillin Simulator. Past investigations reported that the variability in productivity in the Sanofi's Pertussis Vaccine Manufacturing process may be highly correlated to biological phenomena, i.e. oxidative stresses, that are not routinely monitored by the company. While the company monitors and stores a large amount of fermentation data it may not be sufficiently informative about the underlying phenomena affecting the level of productivity. Furthermore, since the addition of new sensors in pharmaceutical processes requires extensive and expensive validation and certification procedures, it is very important to assess the potential ability of a sensor to observe relevant phenomena before its actual adoption in the manufacturing environment. This motivates the study of the observability of the phenomena from available data. An algorithm is proposed to check the observability for the classification task from the observed data (measurements). The proposed methodology makes use of a Supervised AE to reduce the dimensionality of the inputs. Thereafter, a criterion on the distance between the samples is used to calculate the percentage of overlap between the defined classes. The proposed algorithm is tested on the benchmark Tennessee Eastman process and then applied to the industrial vaccine manufacturing process