9 research outputs found

    An Emphatic Approach to the Problem of Off-policy Temporal-Difference Learning

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    In this paper we introduce the idea of improving the performance of parametric temporal-difference (TD) learning algorithms by selectively emphasizing or de-emphasizing their updates on different time steps. In particular, we show that varying the emphasis of linear TD(\lambda)'s updates in a particular way causes its expected update to become stable under off-policy training. The only prior model-free TD methods to achieve this with per-step computation linear in the number of function approximation parameters are the gradient-TD family of methods including TDC, GTD(\lambda), and GQ(\lambda). Compared to these methods, our _emphatic TD(\lambda)_ is simpler and easier to use; it has only one learned parameter vector and one step-size parameter. Our treatment includes general state-dependent discounting and bootstrapping functions, and a way of specifying varying degrees of interest in accurately valuing different states.Comment: 29 pages This is a significant revision based on the first set of reviews. The most important change was to signal early that the main result is about stability, not convergenc

    Full Gradient DQN Reinforcement Learning: A Provably Convergent Scheme

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    International audienceWe analyze the DQN reinforcement learning algorithm as a stochastic approximation scheme using the o.d.e. (for 'ordinary differential equation') approach and point out certain theoretical issues. We then propose a modified scheme called Full Gradient DQN (FG-DQN, for short) that has a sound theoretical basis and compare it with the original scheme on sample problems. We observe a better performance for FG-DQN

    Learning Multi-step Robotic Manipulation Tasks through Visual Planning

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    Multi-step manipulation tasks in unstructured environments are extremely challenging for a robot to learn. Such tasks interlace high-level reasoning that consists of the expected states that can be attained to achieve an overall task and low-level reasoning that decides what actions will yield these states. A model-free deep reinforcement learning method is proposed to learn multi-step manipulation tasks. This work introduces a novel Generative Residual Convolutional Neural Network (GR-ConvNet) model that can generate robust antipodal grasps from n-channel image input at real-time speeds (20ms). The proposed model architecture achieved a state-of-the-art accuracy on three standard grasping datasets. The adaptability of the proposed approach is demonstrated by directly transferring the trained model to a 7 DoF robotic manipulator with a grasp success rate of 95.4% and 93.0% on novel household and adversarial objects, respectively. A novel Robotic Manipulation Network (RoManNet) is introduced, which is a vision-based model architecture, to learn the action-value functions and predict manipulation action candidates. A Task Progress based Gaussian (TPG) reward function is defined to compute the reward based on actions that lead to successful motion primitives and progress towards the overall task goal. To balance the ratio of exploration/exploitation, this research introduces a Loss Adjusted Exploration (LAE) policy that determines actions from the action candidates according to the Boltzmann distribution of loss estimates. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is demonstrated by training RoManNet to learn several challenging multi-step robotic manipulation tasks in both simulation and real-world. Experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms the existing methods and achieves state-of-the-art performance in terms of success rate and action efficiency. The ablation studies show that TPG and LAE are especially beneficial for tasks like multiple block stacking

    Evolutionary reinforcement learning for vision-based general video game playing.

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    Over the past decade, video games have become increasingly utilised for research in artificial intelligence. Perhaps the most extensive use of video games has been as benchmark problems in the field of reinforcement learning. Part of the reason for this is because video games are designed to challenge humans, and as a result, developing methods capable of mastering them is considered a stepping stone to achieving human-level per- formance in real-world tasks. Of particular interest are vision-based general video game playing (GVGP) methods. These are methods that learn from pixel inputs and can be applied, without modification, across sets of games. One of the challenges in evolutionary computing is scaling up neuroevolution methods, which have proven effective at solving simpler reinforcement learning problems in the past, to tasks with high- dimensional input spaces, such as video games. This thesis proposes a novel method for vision-based GVGP that combines the representational learning power of deep neural networks and the policy learning benefits of neuroevolution. This is achieved by separating state representation and policy learning and applying neuroevolution only to the latter. The method, AutoEncoder-augmented NeuroEvolution of Augmented Topologies (AE-NEAT), uses a deep autoencoder to learn compact state representations that are used as input for policy networks evolved using NEAT. Experiments on a selection of Atari games showed that this approach can successfully evolve high-performing agents and scale neuroevolution methods that evolve both weights and topology to do- mains with high-dimensional inputs. Overall, the experiments and results demonstrate a proof-of-concept of this separated state representation and policy learning approach and show that hybrid deep learning and neuroevolution-based GVGP methods are a promising avenue for future research