
An Emphatic Approach to the Problem of Off-policy Temporal-Difference Learning


In this paper we introduce the idea of improving the performance of parametric temporal-difference (TD) learning algorithms by selectively emphasizing or de-emphasizing their updates on different time steps. In particular, we show that varying the emphasis of linear TD(\lambda)'s updates in a particular way causes its expected update to become stable under off-policy training. The only prior model-free TD methods to achieve this with per-step computation linear in the number of function approximation parameters are the gradient-TD family of methods including TDC, GTD(\lambda), and GQ(\lambda). Compared to these methods, our _emphatic TD(\lambda)_ is simpler and easier to use; it has only one learned parameter vector and one step-size parameter. Our treatment includes general state-dependent discounting and bootstrapping functions, and a way of specifying varying degrees of interest in accurately valuing different states.Comment: 29 pages This is a significant revision based on the first set of reviews. The most important change was to signal early that the main result is about stability, not convergenc

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