647 research outputs found

    Kolmogorov Random Graphs and the Incompressibility Method

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    We investigate topological, combinatorial, statistical, and enumeration properties of finite graphs with high Kolmogorov complexity (almost all graphs) using the novel incompressibility method. Example results are: (i) the mean and variance of the number of (possibly overlapping) ordered labeled subgraphs of a labeled graph as a function of its randomness deficiency (how far it falls short of the maximum possible Kolmogorov complexity) and (ii) a new elementary proof for the number of unlabeled graphs.Comment: LaTeX 9 page

    Revlex-Initial 0/1-Polytopes

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    We introduce revlex-initial 0/1-polytopes as the convex hulls of reverse-lexicographically initial subsets of 0/1-vectors. These polytopes are special knapsack-polytopes. It turns out that they have remarkable extremal properties. In particular, we use these polytopes in order to prove that the minimum numbers f(d, n) of facets and the minimum average degree a(d, n) of the graph of a d-dimensional 0/1-polytope with n vertices satisfy f(d, n) <= 3d and a(d, n) <= d + 4. We furthermore show that, despite the sparsity of their graphs, revlex-initial 0/1-polytopes satisfy a conjecture due to Mihail and Vazirani, claiming that the graphs of 0/1-polytopes have edge-expansion at least one.Comment: Accepted for publication in J. Comb. Theory Ser. A; 24 pages; simplified proof of Theorem 1; corrected and improved version of Theorem 4 (the average degree is now bounded by d+4 instead of d+8); several minor corrections suggested by the referee

    Strong Forms of Stability from Flag Algebra Calculations

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    Given a hereditary family G\mathcal{G} of admissible graphs and a function λ(G)\lambda(G) that linearly depends on the statistics of order-κ\kappa subgraphs in a graph GG, we consider the extremal problem of determining λ(n,G)\lambda(n,\mathcal{G}), the maximum of λ(G)\lambda(G) over all admissible graphs GG of order nn. We call the problem perfectly BB-stable for a graph BB if there is a constant CC such that every admissible graph GG of order nCn\ge C can be made into a blow-up of BB by changing at most C(λ(n,G)λ(G))(n2)C(\lambda(n,\mathcal{G})-\lambda(G)){n\choose2} adjacencies. As special cases, this property describes all almost extremal graphs of order nn within o(n2)o(n^2) edges and shows that every extremal graph of order nn0n\ge n_0 is a blow-up of BB. We develop general methods for establishing stability-type results from flag algebra computations and apply them to concrete examples. In fact, one of our sufficient conditions for perfect stability is stated in a way that allows automatic verification by a computer. This gives a unifying way to obtain computer-assisted proofs of many new results.Comment: 44 pages; incorporates reviewers' suggestion

    Complexity of Coloring Graphs without Paths and Cycles

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    Let PtP_t and CC_\ell denote a path on tt vertices and a cycle on \ell vertices, respectively. In this paper we study the kk-coloring problem for (Pt,C)(P_t,C_\ell)-free graphs. Maffray and Morel, and Bruce, Hoang and Sawada, have proved that 3-colorability of P5P_5-free graphs has a finite forbidden induced subgraphs characterization, while Hoang, Moore, Recoskie, Sawada, and Vatshelle have shown that kk-colorability of P5P_5-free graphs for k4k \geq 4 does not. These authors have also shown, aided by a computer search, that 4-colorability of (P5,C5)(P_5,C_5)-free graphs does have a finite forbidden induced subgraph characterization. We prove that for any kk, the kk-colorability of (P6,C4)(P_6,C_4)-free graphs has a finite forbidden induced subgraph characterization. We provide the full lists of forbidden induced subgraphs for k=3k=3 and k=4k=4. As an application, we obtain certifying polynomial time algorithms for 3-coloring and 4-coloring (P6,C4)(P_6,C_4)-free graphs. (Polynomial time algorithms have been previously obtained by Golovach, Paulusma, and Song, but those algorithms are not certifying); To complement these results we show that in most other cases the kk-coloring problem for (Pt,C)(P_t,C_\ell)-free graphs is NP-complete. Specifically, for =5\ell=5 we show that kk-coloring is NP-complete for (Pt,C5)(P_t,C_5)-free graphs when k4k \ge 4 and t7t \ge 7; for 6\ell \ge 6 we show that kk-coloring is NP-complete for (Pt,C)(P_t,C_\ell)-free graphs when k5k \ge 5, t6t \ge 6; and additionally, for =7\ell=7, we show that kk-coloring is also NP-complete for (Pt,C7)(P_t,C_7)-free graphs if k=4k = 4 and t9t\ge 9. This is the first systematic study of the complexity of the kk-coloring problem for (Pt,C)(P_t,C_\ell)-free graphs. We almost completely classify the complexity for the cases when k4,4k \geq 4, \ell \geq 4, and identify the last three open cases

    The phase transition in inhomogeneous random graphs

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    We introduce a very general model of an inhomogenous random graph with independence between the edges, which scales so that the number of edges is linear in the number of vertices. This scaling corresponds to the p=c/n scaling for G(n,p) used to study the phase transition; also, it seems to be a property of many large real-world graphs. Our model includes as special cases many models previously studied. We show that under one very weak assumption (that the expected number of edges is `what it should be'), many properties of the model can be determined, in particular the critical point of the phase transition, and the size of the giant component above the transition. We do this by relating our random graphs to branching processes, which are much easier to analyze. We also consider other properties of the model, showing, for example, that when there is a giant component, it is `stable': for a typical random graph, no matter how we add or delete o(n) edges, the size of the giant component does not change by more than o(n).Comment: 135 pages; revised and expanded slightly. To appear in Random Structures and Algorithm

    Communication networks with endogenous link strength

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    This paper analyzes the formation of networks when players choose how much to invest in each relationship. We suppose that players have a fixed endowment that they can allocate across links, and in the baseline model, suppose that link strength is an additively separable and convex function of individual investments, and that agents use the path which maximizes the product of link strengths. We show that both the stable and efficient network architectures are stars. However, the investments of the hub may differ in stable and efficient networks. Under alternative assumptions on the investment technology and the reliability measure, other network architectures can emerge as efficient and stable

    Strictly monotonic multidimensional sequences and stable sets in pillage games

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    Let SRnS \subset \mathbb{R}^n have size S>2n1|S| > \ell^{2^n-1}. We show that there are distinct points {x1,...,x+1}S\{x^1,..., x^{\ell+1}\} \subset S such that for each i[n]i \in [n], the coordinate sequence (xij)j=1+1(x^j_i)_{j=1}^{\ell+1} is strictly increasing, strictly decreasing, or constant, and that this bound on S|S| is best possible. This is analogous to the \erdos-Szekeres theorem on monotonic sequences in \real. We apply these results to bound the size of a stable set in a pillage game. We also prove a theorem of independent combinatorial interest. Suppose {a1,b1,...,at,bt}\{a^1,b^1,...,a^t,b^t\} is a set of 2t2t points in n\real^n such that the set of pairs of points not sharing a coordinate is precisely {{a1,b1},...,{at,bt}}\{\{a^1,b^1\},...,\{a^t,b^t\}\}. We show that t2n1t \leq 2^{n-1}, and that this bound is best possible